Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #20

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I read elsewhere that this "pinging signal" lasted only 90 sec, which seems odd (and not in a good-news kind of way).
No, CNN is just doing it to teach TV audience general things about flying 777.

Also, how are they going to get the Satellite pings from a flight simulator?

They need a real plane to go about 2 hours out to capture at least 2 satellite pings so they can compare those pings to the pings from 370.

I'm sorry, this cannot be reproduced in a digital or flight simulator.


I'm sure it can be/has been done on a flight simulator.
Some of those simulators are high tech and can be simulated to act like a real plane.
All that has to be entered into the FS data is the pings (which they know), possible fuel intake, altitudes flown, and speed of plane (which I think are also known). I'm sure there's other data too, but this is the main data that would need to be entered.

If simulators couldn't do this, then what would have been the point of seizing Shah's and trying to recover deleted logs? They were checking to see what possible locations the plane could have flown to.

Yep thats true.

Hopefully this will actually be something :please:

On the other hand, you could just follow the usual way things have been unfolding in this mystery and go to sleep and when you wake up, nothing will have changed and it will still be breaking news with the original story
Shanghai-based Xinmin Evening News cited its reporter on board the patrol ship as reporting that the ship’s crew had “basically confirmed” that the signal was from the missing Boeing 777-200.

According to the Royal Australian Navy’s mission commander on the Ocean Shield, James Lybrand, it would be expected that if a boat passed over the black box, the sound would quickly fade as the ship moved away.

It would then be required to turn back over the search area and “localize” the frequency emissions, which could take hours.

Commander Lybrand said yesterday there was “negligible” chance any pings at 37.5kHz was from biological sources, such as whales, and would almost certainly be from one of the two black boxes.

“We can’t verify this information at this point in time,” said a spokesman for Joint Australian Coordination Centre
A separate report carried on the website of Chinese newspaper Liberation Daily said the signal was first picked up by equipment on the Haixun 01 patrol ship on Friday afternoon, and that three team members on the ship confirmed hearing the signal. The report said the patrol ship picked up the pulse signal again at about 4.30pm on Saturday and were working to confirm whether it could be related to the missing Boeing jet.

The Haixun 01 was not one of the ships widely reported to have been tasked with the underwater black box search mission: the Australian Defence vessel Ocean Shield towing a US "pinger locator" and the UK HMS Echo.

"I have not had a chance to get to the bottom of this but can I tell you this is not the first time we've had something that has turned out to be very disappointing," he told ABC24.

"There's a huge chance of false positives here."

‘‘The reason we have the black box at that frequency is so the wave lengths travel pretty fast and it can be picked up. If they've definitely picked up that signal it’s most likely coming from the plane.’’

Read more:

on the other objects: The plane photographed the objects over a period of 20 minutes after spotting them at 11:05 local time.
Is it not?

Shanghai-based Xinmin Evening News cited its reporter on board the patrol ship as reporting that the ship’s crew had “basically confirmed” that the signal was from the missing Boeing 777-200.

According to the Royal Australian Navy’s mission commander on the Ocean Shield, James Lybrand, it would be expected that if a boat passed over the black box, the sound would quickly fade as the ship moved away.

It would then be required to turn back over the search area and “localize” the frequency emissions, which could take hours.

Commander Lybrand said yesterday there was “negligible” chance any pings at 37.5kHz was from biological sources, such as whales, and would almost certainly be from one of the two black boxes.

“We can’t verify this information at this point in time,” said a spokesman for Joint Australian Coordination Centre
The CNN panel of experts is skeptical - skeptical of the source, the timing, the protocol, the teamwork. I hope it is just them seeing the end of their "aviation expert" pay checks.

ya, they are skeptical of the Chinese finding citing the previous satellite images,and seismic activity on ocean floor report in a Gulf of Thailand, and objects spotted all turned out to not be from MH370
Do they all broadcast on the same frequency?

The black box doesn't just ping it has to be impacted or something has to happen to make it go off. The search planes won't be pinging unless something awful happens or it malfunctions and I assume they wouldn't continue searching while it was going off.

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I hope the ping wasn't from one of the search planes.
Do all planes have black boxes ?

Yes My vote would be the equioment outthere aircraft wise have black boxes. But they are designed to activate upon impact with water!
April 6, 2014 - 12:24AM

The Haixun 01 was not one of the ships widely reported to have been tasked with the underwater black box search mission: the Australian Defence vessel Ocean Shield towing a US "pinger locator" and the UK HMS Echo.

The ship's crew notified Australian authorities of the discovery about midday WST on Saturday, according to unconfirmed reports

A separate report carried on the website of Chinese newspaper Liberation Daily said the signal was first picked up by equipment on the Haixun 01 patrol ship on Friday afternoon, and that three team members on the ship confirmed hearing the signal. The report said the patrol ship picked up the pulse signal again at about 4.30pm on Saturday and were working to confirm whether it could be related to the missing Boeing jet.
I think the black boxes activate when their sensor touches water.
While the Defence Minister called for cool heads to prevail, Western Australian oceanographer Charitha Pattiaratchi said the frequency of the signal could ‘‘only come from a human thing’’,

‘‘If you look at the noise in the ocean and the particular frequencies in there, rain makes a different frequency, whales call at a different frequency. All of the different natural frequencies we know,’’ Professor Pattiaratchi, from the University of Western Australia, said.

‘‘The reason we have the black box at that frequency is so the wave lengths travel pretty fast and it can be picked up. If they've definitely picked up that signal it’s most likely coming from the plane.’’
You gotta love that some of the talking heads are criticizing China and the Chinese media for not going through official channels when you JUST KNOW that if a CNN reporter was on that ship, it would have been announced on TV about 30 seconds after the reporter heard a rumor in the ship's cafeteria.
(CNN) -- A Chinese patrol ship looking for signs of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean discovered Saturday a pulse signal with a frequency of 37.5 kHz, state news agency Xinhua reported.

"That is the standard beacon frequency" for both so-called black boxes -- the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, said Anish Patel, president of pinger manufacturer Dukane Seacom.

"They're identical."

BBM ~ Does anyone know the frequency of a black box? This is good - I hope. :please:
Apparently, that frequency (37.5) is the same frequency that should be emitting from the plane's black box
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