Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #21

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Retired Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, head of the Australian agency coordinating the operation said, analysis of earlier satellite data had again led investigators to refine the search area towards the southern part of the corridor.

"The area of the highest probability is, what we think, the southern part where Haixun 01 is operating. That is why we are really interested in the two acoustic encounters that Haixun 01 has had."
I posted a link last night about the ship .

Here is is again.

I do not doubt for a minute that China has equipment needed to detect the black box .If there were to stumble upon it.

China reported images from satellite images, so IMO I believe they are following up on those images ,which is why they are not in the same area as the others. I think they are conducting themselves in a way that keeps in line with their political climate and how their population would expect them too.

You know as much as I would like to think that they are on to something.... all of the sudden I remind myself that people don't know what they don't know. They jmo are clueless. If it is true that the machine they are using in the picture is what they have,:floorlaugh:it's a great picture. If that machine is capable of detecting a ping at 3 miles down then the company, benthos's stock should go off the chart tomorrow. If it was thought for one second that what they heard was the bb beacon I would think that a TPL would/could have been airlifted to a boat that was already in the area. I do wonder why the chinese don't have a TPL.

[ame=""]Towed pinger locator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

The hydrophone must be positioned below the thermocline layer which reflects sounds, either back to the surface or back to the ocean floor. Since the pinger is relatively quiet, however, the hydrophone must be within about one nautical mile (6,076 feet) of the pinger to detect it
A senior Malaysian government source told CNN that Flight 370 flew around Indonesian airspace after it dropped off Malaysian military radar.

After reviewing radar track data from neighboring countries, officials have concluded that the passenger jet curved north of Indonesia before turning south toward the southern Indian Ocean. Its path took it around Indonesian airspace.
Not sure how only black boxes use this frequency and have the sequence apparently heard...but it could be a "number of things"...
Indeed. This news about pings being picked up is flimsy at best. And it is revealing that the direction of the search is being swayed by this itty-bit of information. It is not much to hang a hat on, but is the best evidence at the moment. They must be weighing this very seriously. The next two or three days could be pivotal, and an opportunity not to be missed.

Well i think they had some good reason to sway the search as it was not their first reaction. If anything it made clear tension between the Chinese and Australians, with very little hope given at first. Then in a day or two that had changed and all assets were steaming to the chinese vessel. So i dont think they took it as gospel at first and changed much, rather they made comments about china not going to australia first. Which was a problem bc it took that extra day or two to decide it was credible.
I am very doubtful as well that they have found the black box. We can't even find a floating cushion (and there at least about 300 of them, but they found the black box?

Highly unlikely.

It's been almost a month.
They probably got water logged and sunk.
I hope this ocean is not some weird pinging field...just seems odd that pinging was heard almost as soon as locaters were put to use...

hmm but china may have been using them for days, they didnt seem to communicate with australia re its equipment on the vessel
O/T to anyone following Teleka Patrick..body floating in Lake Charles believed to be Teleka.

ETA: mom confirms it is Teleka.
If a plane crashes into the water, an underwater locator beacon sends out an ultrasonic pulse that cannot be heard by human ears but can be detected by sonar and acoustic-locating equipment.
There is a submergence sensor on the side of the beacon, and when this sensor touches water the beacon activates.
The beacon then sends out pulses at 37.5 kilohertz (kHz) and can transmit sound as deep as 14,000 feet (4267m).

I've been gone for a few days but what's the general consensus as far as this being an intentional act?

Consensus (among the experts, analysts in the media and on the blogosphere, and officials in the governments) as far as I can see is that it is an intentional act.

The question is was it one of the pilots, one of the other crew members, or a passenger.
Consensus (among the experts, analysts in the media and on the blogosphere, and officials in the governments) as far as I can see is that it is an intentional act.

The question is was it one of the pilots, one of the other crew members, or a passenger.

Keep in mind, those not there, can only speculate, and do so for a bit of $.

We will not know until the plane parts are found. :) Everything is wide open for comment. Only 2 flew that plane. Much like the GM cars that drove into trees, but did not. ;)
Keep in mind, those not there, can only speculate, and do so for a bit of $.

We will not know until the plane parts are found. :) Everything is wide open for comment. Only 2 flew that plane. Much like the GM cars that drove into trees, but did not. ;)

After reviewing radar data provided by neighbouring countries, investigators have now found that the jetliner curved north of Indonesia before turning south toward the southern Indian Ocean, reports quoted a Malaysian official as saying.

The official also suggested the possibility of a more sinister reason behind MH370's disappearance a month ago.

The plane's flight path clearly showed that someone on the plane was piloting the aircraft in this manner to avoid detection from Indonesian radars, reports said, citing the official.

It remains unknown who the investigators think might have piloted the aircraft

Read more at:

A senior Malaysian government source told CNN that Flight 370 flew around Indonesian airspace after it dropped off Malaysian military radar.

After reviewing radar track data from neighboring countries, officials have concluded that the passenger jet curved north of Indonesia before turning south toward the southern Indian Ocean. Its path took it around Indonesian airspace.

I am not sure whether I believe this new leaked information or not.

I posted my reason in a previous post.

But basically, for the plane to have gone around Indonesia, one of the satellie pings would have had less distance from the satellite than the other pings. So I think Inmarsat engineers would have known if it went around Indonesia. Based on satellite-ping distances.

Jeff Wise on his blog gives a quote from an Inmarsat spokesperson who he says told him that all the ping distances grew longer from the 2:11 ping, and never shorter.

However, I don't know whether this information he got is reliable or not.

This is the map he used to show how the plane could not have gone in the shaded area:
Indeed. This news about pings being picked up is flimsy at best. And it is revealing that the direction of the search is being swayed by this itty-bit of information. It is not much to hang a hat on, but is the best evidence at the moment. They must be weighing this very seriously. The next two or three days could be pivotal, and an opportunity not to be missed.

And Lord only knows what is at the bottom of the S. Indian ocean. I was appalled with the garbage islands and waters. :maddening:
I've been gone for a few days but what's the general consensus as far as this being an intentional act?

Intentional is high in my theories. But, not the pilots. There are more higher powers out there can make a 777 disappear, IMO.
Good evening, everyone! So how much faith are we putting in this new "ping?" Nothing gets me running to the tv anymore, I'm afraid. Not even "BREAKING NEWS." They're going to have to do something more to get my attention, like clowns juggling cats and something on fire.

ETA I love your new avi, ElleElle~
With the news that it flew around Indo airspace (to avoid detection) it is nearly confirmation that it was deliberate. Have they confirmed that only the copilot was speaking to ATC? I remember reading that they were going to do voice studies.

The new calculations based on the plane flying around Indo airspace put the crash zone approximately where the Chinese were searching when they detected pings. After they found pings they released the news to the media and that is how the rest of the searchers found out. They knew a more accurate search area and did not share that information. they truly are working alone, taking the freely shared information from the other searchers and not returning the favour. So much for a united effort.
Good evening, everyone! So how much faith are we putting in this new "ping?" Nothing gets me running to the tv anymore, I'm afraid. Not even "BREAKING NEWS." They're going to have to do something more to get my attention, like clowns juggling cats and something on fire.

ETA I love your new avi, ElleElle~

Personally I think there's a 50-50 chance. Pings were heard in another location about 300km away as well.

The people doing media releases are cautious because of all of the false leads already.

The Australian navy vessel Ocean Shield is seen dragging the towed ping locator

That rope doesn't look very strong. How long til they have to send out a "pinger locator locator"?
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