Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #24

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Did ocean device capture Flight MH370's end?

By David Molko, Mike M. Ahlers and Rene Marsh, CNN

updated 11:36 AM EDT, Fri May 30, 2014

Washington (CNN) -- Was the sound of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 striking the water captured by ocean devices used to listen for signs of nuclear blasts?

It's a long shot, but an Australian university is studying records from underwater listening devices in an effort to help find the missing plane.

"One signal has been detected on several receivers that could be related to the crash," said Alec Duncan of Curtin University's Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST).

Researchers are studying a very low frequency sound to see if it was "the impact of the aircraft on the water or the implosion of parts of the aircraft as it sank," Duncan said...

IMO the black parts seem to be water and I think the white parts to the left/front may be small sheds or small buildings that relate to the water there. I just dont see anything that looks like a plane there but could be wrong.
The searches should have started with the last real place it was known to have been which was at the IGREX waypoint. I don't think the plane ever flew south to begin with and it is only speculation it went into the Indian Ocean. The data has proven unreliable already.

Start in the most logical area and work out from there. Don't rely on the data, but on eyewitness accounts and where it was last known to be seen without any doubt or interference from other signals.

I agree!
I say start from the beginning and work from there.
The plane is going to be near there or the Maldives, IMO.
Hello all. I usually post on the Oscar Pistorius thread (hence the name) but I wanted to post this google earth image and to ask your input:

Go to Google earth: at the following co-ordinates:
38°26'34.8"N 69°09'42.2"E
(Near Geshi in Tajikistan). Looks like a runway and what seems to be a plane peeping out from a crop of mountains on the side of the runway?
*38°26'39.06"N* 69° 9'44.40"E

Position fits within the "arc" of possible route... although not sure how recent the google earth image is.


Runway and plane near Geshi in Tajikistan:

Close up of front of plane, nose and right wing:


I can't make out anything in that 3rd link.
At least nothing that looks like aircraft :dunno:
Im having trouble seeing what part of the 3rd link you think the plane and nose and right wing is at? Can you be more specific in describing what part of that 3rd closest image you think the plane nose and wing is in?

Like can you describe its color and what points it is near? Like is it on the left front part of the black parts? Is it the white parts you think?

Just having trouble making out anything.

Sorry... here, maybe this is better:

Here is the overlay:

do you see it?
Sorry... here, maybe this is better:

Here is the overlay:

do you see it?

Thanks for the overlay but IMO I think the black area is just water because if you look at the larger picture there is other black areas and they follow treeline like a small river creek and same black color.

I just dont think that is a part of the plane. I think the white areas are small sheds or buildings near the water shore of a pond.

I may be wrong though.

I am curious how anyone thought this was a plane to begin with. Like what gave them this area to look at. The dirt part does look like it could be a landing strip so maybe that is what brought them to the area.
I think the theory is the dark parts are shadows of mountain overhang, not part of plane. Interesting.
Go to Google earth: at the following co-ordinates:
38°26'34.8"N 69°09'42.2"E
(Near Geshi in Tajikistan). Looks like a runway and what seems to be a plane peeping out from a crop of mountains on the side of the runway?
*38°26'39.06"N* 69° 9'44.40"E

Position fits within the "arc" of possible route... although not sure how recent the google earth image is.

When I go to google maps it is in decimals ... can you please tell me how to switch it to degrees like you wrote about ? Thanks
When I go to google maps it is in decimals ... can you please tell me how to switch it to degrees like you wrote about ? Thanks

You have to use Google Earth (downloaded for free), Google Maps won't work.

When you have Google Earth downloaded onto your computer, open it and then paste in the co-ordinates.
I think the theory is the dark parts are shadows of mountain overhang, not part of plane. Interesting.

I feel that the mountain range extends, on a high ridge, with caves underneath.
The 'runway' is nearby and the 'plane' seems to be sticking out from underneath the mountains ridge. I could be seeing things. I just searched along the arc towards North, and zoomed in on anything that looked like a make-shift landing strip... and noticed the 'plane' shape.
Thanks for the overlay but IMO I think the black area is just water because if you look at the larger picture there is other black areas and they follow treeline like a small river creek and same black color.

I just dont think that is a part of the plane. I think the white areas are small sheds or buildings near the water shore of a pond.

I may be wrong though.

I am curious how anyone thought this was a plane to begin with. Like what gave them this area to look at. The dirt part does look like it could be a landing strip so maybe that is what brought them to the area.

When MH370 first went missing, I was disturbed by it, so I spent hours on Google Earth looking in the arc, I just searched along the arc towards North, and zoomed in on anything that looked like a make-shift landing strip... and noticed the 'plane' shape. Maybe it's nothing, but to me it just looked so much like the nose of a plane.... and so out of character with the rest of the terrain, especially because it's really in the middle of nowhere.... except for a small town to the right, further on (if you zoom out in Google Earth) called "Geshi"
Only one ship is still searching for MH370 in Southern Indian Ocean, and it’s Chinese

May 31, 2014

DEEP in the Southern Indian Ocean, a Chinese survey ship and two support vessels are all that remain of the sea search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

The first phase of the search for MH370, which disappeared from air traffic control radar after taking off from Kuala Lumpur on a scheduled passenger service to Beijing, ended this week

Another contracted survey ship is due to arrive next month and a group of experts from around the world is crunching the numbers and figures to “review and refine” the complex radar and satellite data in a bid to narrow down exactly where MH370 plunged into the ocean

But Australian Transport Safety Bureau Chief Commissioner Martin Dolan insisted this week that the “complicated” and “challenging” search will go on.

So too did Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, speaking during a visit Friday to Beijing, who said Malaysia’s position remained that the search, in the southern Indian Ocean, was in the right place.
May 31, 2014

“We expect the search to begin in several months and take up to 12 months to complete,” Mr Dolan said.

“The search will be a major undertaking. The complexities and challenges involved are immense, but not impossible. The best minds from around the world have been reviewing, refining and localising the most likely area where the aircraft entered the water, which is why we remain confident of finding the aircraft.”
When MH370 first went missing, I was disturbed by it, so I spent hours on Google Earth looking in the arc, I just searched along the arc towards North, and zoomed in on anything that looked like a make-shift landing strip... and noticed the 'plane' shape. Maybe it's nothing, but to me it just looked so much like the nose of a plane.... and so out of character with the rest of the terrain, especially because it's really in the middle of nowhere.... except for a small town to the right, further on (if you zoom out in Google Earth) called "Geshi"

ok...we do appreciate the due dilligence you did, as that is how this plane is going to be found with someone taking the painstaking work to really look good for it like you did.

I may take some closer looks at it with Google Earth using the coordinates you gave as I do have the application and when I can get time I will look at it using the coordinates.

Maybe Google Earth view will show it to me much clearer.

Sorry... here, maybe this is better and hopefully demonstrates a better angle:

do you see it?

I can't see it. Why would the nose and the cockpit windows be over the top of the wings? If that was a 777, they would be way forward of that. I guess if you try hard enough to see something there you can, but I don't see anything there that looks even close to being an airliner.
When I go to google maps it is in decimals ... can you please tell me how to switch it to degrees like you wrote about ? Thanks

Try this link and see if it works for you. Otherwise just copy and past the coordinates into the Google Maps search bar and it should take you there.,69.162599&spn=0.00134,0.002261&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=44.204685,74.091797&t=h&z=19
I can see the "plane". It certainly does look like a left wing and a nose of an airplane.

I can't see it. Why would the nose and the cockpit windows be over the top of the wings? If that was a 777, they would be way forward of that. I guess if you try hard enough to see something there you can, but I don't see anything there that looks even close to being an airliner.

I think it looks like an airplane but my first impression is that it is an older smaller plane.
It's hard to be tell, but I am not sure that the angles & length perspectives match the plue 777 pictured above.
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