Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #24

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Search area for MH370 can now be 'discounted'

After thorough search, missing plane nowhere to be found

Author: By Ed Payne, Rene Marsh and Mike M. Ahlers CNN

Published On: May 29 2014 01:07:50 AM EDT Updated 1 h

(CNN) -
The 850-square-kilometer swath of the Indian Ocean where officials have focused their hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 probably isn't the right place, the joint search agency said Thursday.

The area off the coast of western Australia is not the "final resting place of MH370," the Australia-based Joint Agency Coordination Centre said.

Officials zeroed in on that zone after acoustic pings originally thought to be from the black boxes of the missing plane were detected in early April.

"The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has advised that the search in the vicinity of the acoustic detections can now be considered complete and in its professional judgment, the area can now be discounted as the final resting place of MH370," a statement from the JACC said...
No. We know where it is not.


That doesnt help us much though because we can probably safely say it is not in California, not in Alaska, not in the North Pole, etc.

I agree with others that they need to totally start over from the very beginning and use some new fresh eyes to begin to assess the situation.

It is a little upsetting to hear they may just readjust their search zone and spend a ton more money in the same general vicinity.

If it were up to me, I would not spend any more time in that zone until a brand new assessment from the very beginning asseses the data and investigates this from the very beginning.
Only if a new assessment brings them to the same location would I invest more funds in that southern area. It may be there but if so, then a brand new assessment should conclude it there as well. The new assessment may also find that it may be in an entirely new place.

And a key to this new assessment would be to use a real plane of similar type and similar equipment and do some trial runs to look at the radar data. Test out some of the theories on where it may have flown.

From just what little we know from the media and reports, the things that seem to have the most solid leads were the early reports up much closer to where it first disappeared.

Things like the low level plane being spotted by many witnesses. The fire ball oil rig sighting. The oil slick sighting. The possible reports of the pilot and copilot making phone calls before and during the flight from their cell phones, the 2 passengers with same legs, the seeming unwillingness of Malaysia to release any real information.

All of these things should be re-assessed and the new group should demand answers from Malaysia of all the facts they need from them. If there is any pushback from Malaysia on things they request then that should be a sign to them that more may be known and maybe is being withheld.

From the very early days, I just got a very bad impression that Malaysia knows much more about what happened and they seemed to want people to just go away. As soon as it was announced that Immarstat wanted to look south, Malaysia just seemed way too happy to get the focus down there and away from them. They then proceeded to hint and finally evict all the peoples families from their hotels and made them go home too. Their open eagerness to push things away from them is just unsettling to me. Whether it hints at them knowing much more about what happened to the plane remains to be seen.

They also seemed to want to drag other countries into this way too much. Openly stating that the US, Austrailia, etc. should pay for things instead of thanking the other countries for their help. WTH
Ive watched one of their press conference interviews with the press and families and it was at that time I finally understood what the families were talking about. Watch those replays if you can find them. It is unsettling IMO.
Oh yea, and then they go as far as blaming the whole world. WTH.

Only when the new group of new people come to an agreement on where to search should there be any more searches IMO.
Glad I am not the only one to consider this possibility, however slim..

"What if an airplane were to encounter an emergency in similar conditions in the northern hemisphere in remote Arctic or sub-Arctic waters? While the chances are slim, there are a surprising number of airplanes flying over the Arctic. Cross-polar flights took off in 2000 as a shortcut between North America, Asia, and Europe. Flights between North America and the Middle East via the Arctic are booming as well, especially as Emirates tries to turn Dubai into a major hub. They offer reductions of up to 1,000 miles, saving fuel and a potential 85 minutes off travel time from North America to Asia. Return flights across the Pacific often fly at more southern latitudes to catch the prevailing winds. Whereas the Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage offer to more quickly link Asian, North American, and European markets by sea, cross-polar flights do the same in the sky"

That doesnt help us much though because we can probably safely say it is not in California, not in Alaska, not in the North Pole, etc.

I agree with others that they need to totally start over from the very beginning and use some new fresh eyes to begin to assess the situation.

It is a little upsetting to hear they may just readjust their search zone and spend a ton more money in the same general vicinity.

If it were up to me, I would not spend any more time in that zone until a brand new assessment from the very beginning asseses the data and investigates this from the very beginning.
Only if a new assessment brings them to the same location would I invest more funds in that southern area. It may be there but if so, then a brand new assessment should conclude it there as well. The new assessment may also find that it may be in an entirely new place.

And a key to this new assessment would be to use a real plane of similar type and similar equipment and do some trial runs to look at the radar data. Test out some of the theories on where it may have flown.

From just what little we know from the media and reports, the things that seem to have the most solid leads were the early reports up much closer to where it first disappeared.

Things like the low level plane being spotted by many witnesses. The fire ball oil rig sighting. The oil slick sighting. The possible reports of the pilot and copilot making phone calls before and during the flight from their cell phones, the 2 passengers with same legs, the seeming unwillingness of Malaysia to release any real information.

All of these things should be re-assessed and the new group should demand answers from Malaysia of all the facts they need from them. If there is any pushback from Malaysia on things they request then that should be a sign to them that more may be known and maybe is being withheld.

From the very early days, I just got a very bad impression that Malaysia knows much more about what happened and they seemed to want people to just go away. As soon as it was announced that Immarstat wanted to look south, Malaysia just seemed way too happy to get the focus down there and away from them. They then proceeded to hint and finally evict all the peoples families from their hotels and made them go home too. Their open eagerness to push things away from them is just unsettling to me. Whether it hints at them knowing much more about what happened to the plane remains to be seen.

They also seemed to want to drag other countries into this way too much. Openly stating that the US, Austrailia, etc. should pay for things instead of thanking the other countries for their help. WTH
Oh yea, and then they go as far as blaming the whole world. WTH.

Only when the new group of new people come to an agreement on where to search should there be any more searches IMO.

Yes, I agree that those need to be looked at again.
It just seems too coincidental that so many people witnessed what looked like MH370 and it would fit the timeline of the plane's last known whereabouts. I still feel that those sightings were legitimate.
Yes, I agree that those need to be looked at again.
It just seems too coincidental that so many people witnessed what looked like MH370 and it would fit the timeline of the plane's last known whereabouts. I still feel that those sightings were legitimate.

If I wanted to hide a plane and land at a secured airport without too many witnesses, take a look at these Maldive airport pictures. Very secluded and very easy to hide a landing with few witnesses. Or even if it wrecked in distress in nearby shallow waters, it may explain why no debri if it rested on bottom in shallow water and perhaps nobody has spotted it near one of the islands but off shore enough to be secluded that nobody has found it yet. So many possibles.
If I wanted to hide a plane and land at a secured airport without too many witnesses, take a look at these Maldive airport pictures. Very secluded and very easy to hide a landing with few witnesses. Or even if it wrecked in distress in nearby shallow waters, it may explain why no debri if it rested on bottom in shallow water and perhaps nobody has spotted it near one of the islands but off shore enough to be secluded that nobody has found it yet. So many possibles.

I don't believe the plane is being hidden in/around Maldives. I believe it crashed near there, though. A lot of the islands there are uninhabited, so plane debris won't be spotted anyways. I still have a feeling that that piece of debris that was found on a beach belonged to the plane.
I don't believe the plane is being hidden in/around Maldives. I believe it crashed near there, though. A lot of the islands there are uninhabited, so plane debris won't be spotted anyways. I still have a feeling that that piece of debris that was found on a beach belonged to the plane.

I agree.
It could have easily crashed near one of those islands and maybe nobody has spotted it yet. The water is very shallow around all the islands and they have LOTS of uninhabited islands. If the pilot was trying for a landing, he may have done a nice belly landing and maybe it just came to rest in shallow waters and sunk just below the surface. If he did a nice "Sully landing", then there would not have been much debri at all.

I was surprised at how many airports Maldives has and maybe the pilot was trying to go for one of them and just didnt make it. It sure would explain the eye witnesses seeing a plane flying extremely low. The pilot may have been searching for one of the airports around there.

After all the research I did today on the islands, this Maldives spot has now risen up on my personal list of possibilities of where the plane is. Im not sure if it is my top option but it sure is close to the top now. It seems this is a definitely possibility. Mainly due to the very shallow waters and the fact there were alleged eye witnesses. Also the timing of when the eye witnesses seeing the plane fits in just about right if the pilot was waiting for daylight before he attempted to land. He may have been doing circles near there until daylight, and then went for the landing.

It would also fit in with Immarstat saying the pings lasted 6-8 hours or so. They may just have the wrong location.
Good points.

Some thoughts:

Their whole premise is on those hourly pings belonging to MH370. I hope they looked at all airplanes in the area both North, South, East, + West to be certain that MH370 was the only plane that could possibly be doing those handshakes. And I still cannot understand why they just dont send up their own test plane to fly the exact proposed route and watch the radar data. If same equipment then they should be able to replicate the data almost perfectly.

The part you indicated about the reboot. What I dont understand is if the plane ran out of fuel and electronics then failed then how can anything more happen like a reboot. Wouldnt there be no electricity to even do a reboot.

I agree 100% about replicating it's path.

I believe Immarsat can reboot manually? May need to sleuth how that works.

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The continuing anguish of MH370 families
FMT Staff | May 30, 2014
The families of those on board the missing MH370 feel that search efforts to-date was a total mess.

KUALA LUMPUR: The recent announcement made by the Australian-led Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) suggesting that the missing MH370 may not have indeed ended in the south of the Indian Ocean has further ruffled the emotions of families of those on board the ill-fated plane.

The Perth wife of a passenger on the Malaysia Airlines says she has difficulty processing news that searchers have given up on an area of the Indian Ocean where acoustic “pings” were detected.

Underwater drone Bluefin-21 has completed its scouring of the zone off the West Australian coast where the man-made sounds were picked up, and come up with nothing.
A massive broadening of the search area is now expected, based on a fresh analysis of data that led British satellite firm Inmarsat to conclude the plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.
My apologies if this has been posted.

Washington (CNN) -- Was the sound of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 striking the water captured by ocean devices used to listen for signs of nuclear blasts?

It's a long shot, but an Australian university is studying records from underwater listening devices in an effort to help find the missing plane.

"One signal has been detected on several receivers that could be related to the crash," said Alec Duncan of Curtin University's Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST).
Researchers are studying a very low frequency sound to see if it was "the impact of the aircraft on the water or the implosion of parts of the aircraft as it sank," Duncan said.
Officials: Flight 370 not in search area Expert: The frequencies were never right Bajc: 'This is intentional misdirection'

"But (the source of the noise) is just as likely to be a natural event," he said.
My opinions only, no facts here:

The recent Inmarsat raw data release to the public has been reviewed at some credible sites (, Popular Mechanics, etc.). The overall impression that I get is that the raw data could possibly support the assumptions of the southern arc route, BUT without the supporting research data (only the Malaysian government can authorize this data release), proof is lacking. In other words, the raw data by itself cannot be subjected to a peer review. Only the methodologies applied by Inmarsat to this raw data can be peer-reviewed and these methodologies have not been released. As an example, suppose I posted a list of numbers on-line (1, 4, 6, 7, 15, 0, 345) and claimed that I can locate MH 370 with these numbers. Unless and until I reveal exactly what I did with these numbers to locate MH 370, all you have is the numbers. You cannot prove or disprove my claim.

My main worry about the Inmarsat interpretation is that the doppler effects on the radio waves are so miniscule, that even mechanical delay times in hardware and subtle atmospheric effects could drown out the doppler effects. Simply put, the natural error range could be greater than the measured changes in frequency. My simplest analogy is this. When a train approaches and then passes you at the "whistling post" at 55 miles per hour, you can hear the sound (frequency) of its whistle change from "weeeeeeee" to "WOOOOOOOH". Once the train has passed you and is moving away from your location, the sound waves get stretched out (to longer wavelengths) and the tone becomes deeper in pitch from your location. With radio waves, the effect is comparable. However, radio waves travel at 186,300 miles a second (about 670,680,000 miles per hour) and MH 370 was traveling about 500 miles per hour. Lets apply this information back to you standing at the whistling post. The train is now traveling at 0.00004 miles per hour and you have to find a way to measure the change in pitch as it passes by and beyond you. Your ears could never determine this change, so you use an ultra high-tech listening device. The change effect you are trying to measure is so slight that it could fall within the error range of atmospheric conditions and circuit boards in your equipment.
The searches should have started with the last real place it was known to have been which was at the IGREX waypoint. I don't think the plane ever flew south to begin with and it is only speculation it went into the Indian Ocean. The data has proven unreliable already.

Start in the most logical area and work out from there. Don't rely on the data, but on eyewitness accounts and where it was last known to be seen without any doubt or interference from other signals.
Malaysia Airlines Jet Searchers 'Cautiously Optimistic'

SYDNEY - Over the past few days of the endlessly perplexing hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, much debate and confusion has swirled around what was once dubbed the most promising lead in the search: a series of underwater signals, or "pings," picked up by sound-detecting equipment scouring the remote Indian Ocean in early April.

At the time, officials said they were consistent with a plane's black boxes. But an underwater sub that spent weeks scouring the seabed in the area near where the signals were detected found nothing, and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, which is helping head up the search, this week ruled the area out as the plane's final resting place.

The search is now on hold for two months while new, specialized equipment can be brought in to scan a 430-mile-by-50-mile arc of ocean that was largely identified by an analysis of hourly transmissions, or "handshakes," between the plane and a satellite. The seventh and final handshake involved a logon request consistent with a plane powering up its satellite communication equipment after a power interruption — leading investigators to believe the plane had nearly exhausted its fuel supply...
Mother of MH370 passenger with stolen passport breaks silence

May 31, 2014 12:30AM

HE was suspected to be terrorist and accused of killing all on board Malaysia Airlines flight 370, but Pouria Nourmohammadi was just an “ordinary kid” fleeing Iran in fear of religious persecution.

It was 12 weeks ago that his mother, Niloufar Vaezi Tehrani, was waiting for her son to land in Frankfurt.

Since then she has suffered in silence, isolation and under intense scrutiny after it was revealed Pouria and another Iranian passenger — 29-year-old Delavar Seyed Mohammad Reza — had used stolen passports to board the ill-fated flight.
Hello all. I usually post on the Oscar Pistorius thread (hence the name) but I wanted to post this google earth image and to ask your input:

Go to Google earth: at the following co-ordinates:
38°26'34.8"N 69°09'42.2"E
(Near Geshi in Tajikistan). Looks like a runway and what seems to be a plane peeping out from a crop of mountains on the side of the runway?
*38°26'39.06"N* 69° 9'44.40"E

Position fits within the "arc" of possible route... although not sure how recent the google earth image is.


Runway and plane near Geshi in Tajikistan:

Close up of front of plane, nose and right wing:

Did ocean device capture Flight MH370's end?

By David Molko, Mike M. Ahlers and Rene Marsh, CNN

updated 11:36 AM EDT, Fri May 30, 2014

Washington (CNN) -- Was the sound of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 striking the water captured by ocean devices used to listen for signs of nuclear blasts?

It's a long shot, but an Australian university is studying records from underwater listening devices in an effort to help find the missing plane.

"One signal has been detected on several receivers that could be related to the crash," said Alec Duncan of Curtin University's Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST).

Researchers are studying a very low frequency sound to see if it was "the impact of the aircraft on the water or the implosion of parts of the aircraft as it sank," Duncan said...
Hello all. I usually post on the Oscar Pistorius thread (hence the name) but I wanted to post this google earth image and to ask your input:

Go to Google earth: at the following co-ordinates:
38°26'34.8"N 69°09'42.2"E
(Near Geshi in Tajikistan). Looks like a runway and what seems to be a plane peeping out from a crop of mountains on the side of the runway?
*38°26'39.06"N* 69° 9'44.40"E

Position fits within the "arc" of possible route... although not sure how recent the google earth image is.


Runway and plane near Geshi in Tajikistan:

Close up of front of plane, nose and right wing:


Im having trouble seeing what part of the 3rd link you think the plane and nose and right wing is at? Can you be more specific in describing what part of that 3rd closest image you think the plane nose and wing is in?

Like can you describe its color and what points it is near? Like is it on the left front part of the black parts? Is it the white parts you think?

Just having trouble making out anything.
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