Manorville Bodies: A Second Killer? Latest Remains found 02/17/2012

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@ en passant are guests allowed to post? or do they just read what we have all posted?

nice yin and yang cats. beautiful.
thank you
No I do not believe you can post, members only. But you are able to read. Just go on without using member name, You are able to view members. I am new I came on here a few times but was not comfortable with how it worked (I am still very wet behind the ears, I do not know how to start thread etc). Hope I helped & I love your kitty too
Wasn't the asian man the only intact body that showed trauma before death? That could mean the the sk was caught by surprise that his intended victim was really a man and he was replused and it was a rage killing? I don't recall ever reading that the asian man was wearing a dress - only that he was dressed in women's clothing.

Also - wasn't there a discussion mentioned by LE that JB suspected that Shannan might be a man and got very upset and questioned MP about it? That could show that something like that had happened to him in the past.

Any answers would be welcome, especially about the dress. Thanks!
Wasn't the asian man the only intact body that showed trauma before death? That could mean the the sk was caught by surprise that his intended victim was really a man and he was replused and it was a rage killing? I don't recall ever reading that the asian man was wearing a dress - only that he was dressed in women's clothing.

Also - wasn't there a discussion mentioned by LE that JB suspected that Shannan might be a man and got very upset and questioned MP about it? That could show that something like that had happened to him in the past.

Any answers would be welcome, especially about the dress. Thanks!

There were two other male bodies in Manorville between 2000 and 2005, but I would have to look the details up.
I don't think that necessarily means anything. I've been reading Websleuths for at least 5 years. I only registered a year ago to post something in this forum because I'm local. I read a lot of other forums on here but never post. I also read here logged out a lot and only log in when I want to post something.

I don't know if it does or doesn't I just mentioned it as I just noticed the feature....Sorry for my thinking out loud. When you think about new news, the activity is rather busy & some people may chose notto be seen or monitored by others, like times you may be on etc. I thought it is here for a reason. I actually enjoyed the feedback. Nice feature
There were two other male bodies in Manorville between 2000 and 2005, but I would have to look the details up.

Here you go...

Taylor’s was the third body to turn up along this patch of woods since Nov. 19, 2000. The first body belonged to a white woman in her 30s with brown hair. She had been dead for several weeks before her nude, headless body was found, cut into pieces and stuffed in plastic bags. Her hands and right foot were never located, and police say the woman must have had some kind of identifying mark, like a tattoo, on her ankle that the killer had wanted to get rid of.

Four days later, hunters found the body of a white or Hispanic man in his 20s with black hair in the woods off the eastbound side of the LIE near Exit 68—also the same patch of woods. He was wearing light blue-and-white striped GAP boxer shorts and had crushed neck bones—meaning he was strangled.

On Nov. 10, 2003, mushroom pickers found the body of another white man, again in the same patch of woods. Police say his body had been there four months. He is estimated to have been anywhere between 35 and 50 years old at the time of his dea
Since I really don't consider Bundy as having spiralled until Florida, I would use him as a prime example. Some very early victims were decapitated, taken home, remains scattered. In Utah and Colorado, when I think he was still pretty much *together* mentally, he was not doing this to victims.

Again, I am not sold on the idea of this being 1 killer, but I think its possible that you can have a killer who changes whether they want to dismember a victim or not and what type of prostitutes they use. Also remember that alot of those dismembered street victims were early victims when the killer would've used streetwalkers because prostituting online wasn't as common.

Finally, I would caution that while I do believe SKs will probably always have some features in common and it is important to look to past cases, IMHO one cannot study individual people in the same way as other things. Each killer is a little different, as each person on this Earth, is different and there is always room for a new type of killer never presented before or for rare cases.

Hi Dc, I agree with your last paragraph and would just add one thought.

Depending on what category of SK one is, their escalation and honing is quite predictable. So as each SK is a bit different they can also be categorized and then expected to proceed in a particular pattern.

I don't know how many times I've heard that brought up on Criminal Minds. {lol} MOO
Lets sort that our a little:

- Manorville has some sadistic aspects, LISK doesn't has.

- true, SKs have changed MO in the past, it is not uncommon. But in all cases I know, it was escalation and honing. Never de-escalating. The only situation, I know, when the kill number goes up and the work becomes sloppier, less elaborate is, when psychopaths enter the spiraling phase. So, if anyone of the many arguing, SKs changed MOs like in this case, would prvide at least one example of an SK who went down in violence, instead of up, it would may help to make this a bit clearer. I know not one, but then, I haven't met all of them.

- Manoville is around for many years. The first body, or rather parts of it, appeared in 2000 with an already fully developed signature. Since other body parts of the same victim popped up in 2011 in LI, we know, he has kept them (because I doubt, those parts were there all the time, they would have been decomposed beyond recognition). So well, we know, he had already in 2000 means of conservation, which makes him highly organized and driven only by his own urges.

- LISK on the other hand has no really clear signature. Basically, he is just Strangler 101 and the only noticeable thing is, no evidence for blunt force trauma, no other torture marks as far as we know and the burlap wrap. All together, in my opinion, that puts him in the medium degree of organization.

- Both nevertheless have some things in common:

- Their significant victims are the females. With them, they put some effort in the killing and disposal.

- Male victims appear to be just discarded. In the years Manorville was active there, also two males popped up, both not dismembered. And we have still the unidentified Asian in a dress, who died from blunt force trauma. Since Manorville hunted for street corner prostitutes, he was the one, who had to pick in not to well lit areas. Which makes the mistake to pick up a crossdressing male prostitute understandable. LISK wouldn't come into that trouble, because his victims were Craigslist escorts. Ads with pictures, well lit, it would take some extremely good work for a transvestite to look there really entirely female. And since LISK in my opinion showed some hints on being a stalker type, he would have had more time to observe. So my guess is, the Asian goes on Manorville's account and that guy was really angry when he found out.

So bottom line: We look at two

- Manorville, probably now in his early fifties rather than in his late forties. Still somewhat fit, but way too intelligent to carry a body around for 300 ft into the brushes if he can avoid it or use technical help.

- LISK, who is really fit, I said so early last year already. He is in the end 20s, early 30s now (the 25-35 bracket)

And there is some dynamic between those two going on, but I doubt, it's cooperation or friendship in any form. When LISK got all the media attention, the parts, Manorville spread over LI suddenly popped up. They haven't been there all the time. If a part of Jane dow would have been out there on the beach for 11 years, there would have been not much that could have been found. In fact, I heard too many details, from remaining intact DNA to color of the toenails and scars, to believe for a moment, decomposition of those body parts was too advanced at all.
So, what happened? Did Manorville spread some parts of his private collection at the beach to get his share of the fame? In fact, that wouldn't be the first time, such a behavior happens. With unsubs, that are somewhat compatible, it can take the form of some friendly communication (see Alcala and the Hillside Stranglers), but most likely and especially, if the extreme form of a staging dismemberer is involved, such competitions end usually with the abrupt end of the "career" of the competitor (See London Torso II and Jack the Ripper for an example).
So one more bottom line: There were two of them, at least till early 2011 ...
The question is, are there still two? This would mean, Manorville is back from hibernation and LISK has found another place for the bodies. Or is there now only one left? Then my bet would be, the old guy made the race because he is cleverer and a thousand times more brutal and savage than this newbie could even imagine. We will see when the next female bodies pop up.

One important fact that I should point out about Craigslist is that it wasn't available in the New York City area until August of 2000.

[ame=""]Craigslist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

"Expansion to more cities"

"The first 14 city sites were:[7] (entire list)"

"March 1995: San Francisco Bay Area
June 2000: Boston
August 2000: Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Diego, Seattle, Washington, D.C.
October 2000: Sacramento
April 2001: Atlanta, Austin, Denver, Vancouver"
For any women-killer, "male in the way" can mean a lot of things. A crossdresser accidentally picked, a curious pimp, an annoying neighbor who saw something, ... and so on. I think, especially Manorville would react on such disturbances pretty final. LISK, well, he seems to be more of a coward and would think twice before attacking someone actually able to fight back.

Hi Peter, You have pointed out that if there are 2 killers the Manorville guy had perfected his MO, or way of killing and disposing, back in early 2000. And then you said 'body parts' from one of his kills at that time ended up where the GB4 remains were found, the torso remaining in Manorville. right?

How do you account for that? How would he know another SK had started using the Gilgo grounds to leave bodies. It is just so COINKYDINK IMO to think of one body split between the 2 sites, miles apart and years between the killings. Hope that makes sense :waitasec: And you also think these SK's held the bodies for some time?


Have SK's been known to communicate with each other about their 'work'?
he's just been going around doing this for years...why does it have to be the same every time? Bundy wasn't a pedo,but he killed a child...and enjoyed it. It is concievable to me that he could have been doing drugs with another male, picked up a hitcher or even a neighbor and decided to kill the person,

maybe after revealing something or just for sadistic pleasure.

it could also be possible that there were female counterparts to these male victims as with the child victim.

I can't rule out a single killer.
Good point minazoe re: the possibility of female counterparts to the male victims!
he's just been going around doing this for years...why does it have to be the same every time? Bundy wasn't a pedo,but he killed a child...and enjoyed it. It is concievable to me that he could have been doing drugs with another male, picked up a hitcher or even a neighbor and decided to kill the person,

maybe after revealing something or just for sadistic pleasure.

it could also be possible that there were female counterparts to these male victims as with the child victim.

I can't rule out a single killer.

You got me ponderin' about the possibility of female counterparts to the males victims. What I was wondering is if the male victims could possibly be pimps to the female counterparts? The STALK, Inc. profile theorizes that the LI perp has a way of finding out if escorts have pimps. Could the LI perp be screening for escorts without pimps or with less hands on pimps because of possible previous run-ins with them? Could the LI perp have gotten tired of having to deal with pimps and having to kill them?
You got me ponderin' about the possibility of female counterparts to the males victims. What I was wondering is if the male victims could possibly be pimps to the female counterparts? The STALK, Inc. profile theorizes that the LI perp has a way of finding out if escorts have pimps. Could the LI perp be screening for escorts without pimps or with less hands on pimps because of possible previous run-ins with them? Could the LI perp have gotten tired of having to deal with pimps and having to kill them?

I think that this guy is smart enough so that he wouldn't deal with any pimps in the first place. Pimps are witnesses. While I'm not too confident a pimp would go to the police, they would be a major hassle.

Secondly, this guy is essentially a coward. He preys on victims of opportunity who are in a very vulnerable position. I think this guy would be afraid to be confronted by a man.
he's just been going around doing this for years...why does it have to be the same every time? Bundy wasn't a pedo,but he killed a child...and enjoyed it. It is concievable to me that he could have been doing drugs with another male, picked up a hitcher or even a neighbor and decided to kill the person,

maybe after revealing something or just for sadistic pleasure.

it could also be possible that there were female counterparts to these male victims as with the child victim.

I can't rule out a single killer.

Cannot the killer(s) also be bisexual/bicurious?
@ Clem Snide post #133- All excellent points!

@ dc20015 - I'm not sure, but, I think I read somewhere that psychopaths frequently engage in bisexual behavior. I will try to find information about this.
Cannot the killer(s) also be bisexual/bicurious?

Hi again Dc lol,

They say the LISK is a sexual sadist. Can that kind of person be bi? I don't see why not, but don't know. At least it is a good question IMO for someone who knows about these things.

In one post I read the male found was the only one who was roughed up by the killer. Interesting, whoever wrote that. And they reasoned that the killer was angry to unknowingly choose a TV. It is a point that would make me think he wasn't bi - or if he were, would want a macho man, not a guy wearing a dress !!!

There is another thought that might mean nothing, JB mentioning Shannan had asked him if he had ever dealt with Tv's - or S Similar. It casts a little shadow over a party where sex was an activity in some way and this subject was broached at the event. Maybe leading to a motive that ended with her death.

We don't even know if it was Shannan that brought that up. If JB had negative feelings about this subject he might have out and out asked her if she was. Who knows? He doesn't really look trustworthy to me on that level. IMO
I think that this guy is smart enough so that he wouldn't deal with any pimps in the first place. Pimps are witnesses. While I'm not too confident a pimp would go to the police, they would be a major hassle.

Secondly, this guy is essentially a coward. He preys on victims of opportunity who are in a very vulnerable position. I think this guy would be afraid to be confronted by a man.

Yo Clem, As to your second point, the LISK is STILL a killer, right? I think it was Peter that first said he might be cowardly and not vicious like the Manorville SK.

I think it could be the LISK had no feeling for men - they didn't light that spark which made him want to kill. And he might have beat up and killed the man wearing a dress because he felt hoodwinked by him. P'ed him off. Now the Manorville killer, he might have been drawn to kill both men and women - why I have no idea. IMO

Taylor’s was the third body to turn up along this patch of woods since Nov. 19, 2000. The first body belonged to a white woman in her 30s with brown hair. She had been dead for several weeks before her nude, headless body was found, cut into pieces and stuffed in plastic bags. Her hands and right foot were never located, and police say the woman must have had some kind of identifying mark, like a tattoo, on her ankle that the killer had wanted to get rid of.

Four days later, hunters found the body of a white or Hispanic man in his 20s with black hair in the woods off the eastbound side of the LIE near Exit 68—also the same patch of woods. He was wearing light blue-and-white striped GAP boxer shorts and had crushed neck bones—meaning he was strangled.

On Nov. 10, 2003, mushroom pickers found the body of another white man, again in the same patch of woods. Police say his body had been there four months. He is estimated to have been anywhere between 35 and 50 years old at the time of his dea

Isen't it very rare for a male to strangle another male?
My impression is that a male killer, killing another male, would, choose an MO like; shoot to death or beat to death or some other violent blunt force trauma.

Anyone know?

Human Remains on Long Island Continue Serial Killer Mystery
Feb 19, 2012


Reuters reports the age and sex of the current skeletal remains have yet to be determined. There is no indication that this new discovery has anything to do with previous murders in the area. The body was found wrapped in a worn bedsheet and without shoes. Samuel found what appeared to be the top of a human skull at around 6:30 p.m. ET. He went back to get his older brother, cousin and a friend. When they returned with flashlights, they discovered the body had been partially buried. The bed sheet was wrapped in a plastic bag and duct tape.
Police believe the body had been there for "several years," according to ABC News. A forensic anthropologist has been called in to help with the case.

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