Marc Klaas Wants To Know What You Think. Please Participate

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
-I think KC killed Caylee in a fit of anger after fighting with Cindy. I don't think she wanted to do it but her anger just overwhelmed her.
-I think she then went off into her own fantasy world pretending to be someone she wasn't as she did every day since Caylee was born. She was used to living a lie.
-I believe she panicked and didn't know what to do with the body and when GA almost caught her that day, she disposed of Caylee where the body was found.
-I think after she distanced herself from Caylee in her magical kingdom, it all became like a game to her in her superficial world that she has always lived in. Her smirks and smiles indicates to me that she thought she would get away with it.
-CA is so worried about appearances and has covered for KC her entire life. She has told lies as well to try and show that they are the perfect family. She is doing that now in most cases. This is how KC was raised and she did the same thing. Just lie a little, no one will question you and you can live happily ever after.
-CA and GA are guilt ridden about what happened to Caylee. No matter how disfunctional their family may have been, there's no doubt in my mind that they loved that baby and were decent grandparents. Not parent's of the year by any means but they did love Caylee.
-I don't think CA will ever be able to admit KC did this intentionally. I think once KC is found guilty of a lesser charge such as a accident, CA may then accept it because her daughter will not be the cold blooded killer she is coming across as. As for GA and Lee, I believe that they already know. I think there are a ton of "what if's" going through their minds constantly.

As much as I might disapprove of many things that they do, I know I couldn't handle walking through life saying, "What if..." and wondering what I could have done differently to stop this from happening.

My one wish is that if anything, Caylee's death would change the laws as far as interrogations involving children. If they aren't old enough to protect themselves against predators, then interrogations should be handled much differently. I think it should be mandatory that all adults related to the child immediately be required to take a lie detector test. If the person refuses, I would lock them up until they submitted. If they refuse, then I am sure they have some information that may be useful in finding the baby. I think if KC were forced to take a lie detector test, she would not have been able to play her charade and the thought of the A's refusing still has me baffled. It may not be much but maybe it can help in the future when children go missing.
These are my opinions of the family and the death of Caylee:

1)Caylee's death was probably due to an overdose of chloroform or whatever sleep aid Casey administered to her. I think that she did leave home in a rage on the night of the 15th of June and Caylee died before the trip to the Blockbuster Video Store that Casey and Tony went on the night of the 16th.

2)In the earliest release of documents, in Amy Huzeinga's statement, she quoted Cindy as saying that Casey was a sociopath. So, if Cindy did say this, then the family had correctly diagnosed her themselves long before we came to know them. I believe that the family has enabled her and allowed her to get by with lies and stealing, etc. for her whole life.

3)George knew early on that Caylee was very likely dead. That is evident in his FBI interview. He just couldn't bring himself to talk about it because the horror of it was going to cause him to lose his mind.

4)Lee grew up being protective of his sister and covering for her, but I think that even he knew fairly soon in the investigation that something had gone terribly wrong and that Casey had by commission or ommission done something to cause Caylee's death.

5)Cindy has put up a shield so that the world doesn't see her family as dysfunctional. She knows though. I believe that she had to know Casey wasn't working. They all 3 must have known that, but especially Cindy, from whom she stole the most. Cindy loves her family unconditionally and maybe that will get her through this. I think that there was a lot of tension in the household, mostly caused by Casey not being a responsible mother to Caylee and Cindy pointing that out to all that would listen.

6)I think that all of the Anthonys have been less than forthcoming and truthful during the investigation.

7) It was leaning that way anyhow, but when Casey was bonded out and the protesters hounded them night and day in their home, they became more of a united front and it was them against the world and it just got worse and worse as the case wore on.

8) I honestly believe that if Cindy had it all to do over again, the world would never have known about this. They would have just told everybody that they had decided to let Caylee be adopted out because Casey was too young for this much responsibility, or some such thing. Not that any of their family/co-workers/friends would have believed them about the reason, but they would have tried to convince them. I think Cindy blames herself for having the argument with Casey on the 15th of June.

9) I think that Casey, herself, has no good idea about who the father of Caylee was. I think that she has been promiscious since puberty. I never did buy their story that she changed when she got to be 20 years old. She has manipulated the family for her entire life and she has had no boundaries.

10) The saddest thing of all for me is that Caylee didn't seem to have any little friends. In all of the photos circulating I have not seen one with Caylee and any playmates. I also wonder if Cindy and George have any friends besides co-workers. None have come forward to defend them in the news media.
thank you for the opportunity to speak directly to Mark Klass (whom I have always felt personifies Class).

I believe that Lee and KC have engaged in a taboo relationship. The massive "cover up" from the beginning has everything to do with this. Rightfully, we've been asked to not discuss this in the main forum here...may I simply refer to it as the *i* word?
It is an unpopular viewpoint, and of course, remains (currently) unproven...but it explains the bizarre behavior the family exhibited from the beginning.

I hope that you and others will understand that the i theory is quite possible and probable and, though it is difficult to accept has happened to many families throughout history. It seldom has results like this (murder)... but one has only to look at classical literature. Understand that the Greek Tragedies (in particular the ones associated with the problem of i) are based on (difficult-to-accept) reality and truth.
Imo Casey is responsible for what happened to Caylee. For this she needs to be locked up forever until her death, then she can face a higher judge!

The entire family is dysfunctional, but to them it is all normal so they do not see things like the rest of us.

Cindy will never publicly admit to problems with the family, however behind closed doors I think things are quite different and they all are hearing plenty!
If they believed Caylee was still alive I think there would have been a big physical confrontaion between Casey and Cindy when she was out on bond. Cindy did love Caylee and would have fought for her, but that didn't happen because Cindy knew it was to late.
Casey is totally dependent on Cindy and has done nothing to ever break that dependence, she could have done so much towards having a future away from them, yet she did nothing, she was happy to have things as they were until some Prince Charming came along to hand her a new and wonderful life.
Caylee became more of a problem to her, talking better, seeing and maybe asking questions? Casey had a full time job just keeping up with her lies and fake life and things were beginning to fall apart. She was not wanting or willing to do anything to get a real job or make a real future for her and her daughter.

The problems started way before Caylee was born. Casey was happy and willing to name Jesse as the father and only a paternity test ended that. What a liar she was even back then!
George and Cindy had a rough patch and I think Cindy used her children against George, they showed no respect towards him and that type of behavior was encouraged by their mother.

There is a very odd and imo unhealthy bond between Casey and Lee and I hope for her sake, his girlfriend fades away.

People who truely and honestly wanted to help were chased away, what was left were people with their own agendas.
Way to many people have made money off of this tragedy and more will be made before it's all over.

Something very ugly happened the night of Fathers Day and it spurred Casey to act on something she'd been thinking about for a while, she was going to hit her mother in a way where she would be sorry!!!!!!!! Casey did exactly what she wanted to do, she hurt her mother and she got rid of her problem, only thing is, she did not ever think she'd have to answer to it. Casey is shocked that she's sitting in jail but does enjoy the attention she's getting from JB so she still has some quality to her life and is probably looking forward to a visit from her lawyer on valentines day.

Millions of people have fallen in love with the precious life that she threw away like a bag of trash and she is so angry about that.

-I think KC killed Caylee in a fit of anger after fighting with Cindy. I don't think she wanted to do it but her anger just overwhelmed her.
-I think she then went off into her own fantasy world pretending to be someone she wasn't as she did every day since Caylee was born. She was used to living a lie.
-I believe she panicked and didn't know what to do with the body and when GA almost caught her that day, she disposed of Caylee where the body was found.
-I think after she distanced herself from Caylee in her magical kingdom, it all became like a game to her in her superficial world that she has always lived in. Her smirks and smiles indicates to me that she thought she would get away with it.
-CA is so worried about appearances and has covered for KC her entire life. She has told lies as well to try and show that they are the perfect family. She is doing that now in most cases. This is how KC was raised and she did the same thing. Just lie a little, no one will question you and you can live happily ever after.
-CA and GA are guilt ridden about what happened to Caylee. No matter how disfunctional their family may have been, there's no doubt in my mind that they loved that baby and were decent grandparents. Not parent's of the year by any means but they did love Caylee.
-I don't think CA will ever be able to admit KC did this intentionally. I think once KC is found guilty of a lesser charge such as a accident, CA may then accept it because her daughter will not be the cold blooded killer she is coming across as. As for GA and Lee, I believe that they already know. I think there are a ton of "what if's" going through their minds constantly.

As much as I might disapprove of many things that they do, I know I couldn't handle walking through life saying, "What if..." and wondering what I could have done differently to stop this from happening.

My one wish is that if anything, Caylee's death would change the laws as far as interrogations involving children. If they aren't old enough to protect themselves against predators, then interrogations should be handled much differently. I think it should be mandatory that all adults related to the child immediately be required to take a lie detector test. If the person refuses, I would lock them up until they submitted. If they refuse, then I am sure they have some information that may be useful in finding the baby. I think if KC were forced to take a lie detector test, she would not have been able to play her charade and the thought of the A's refusing still has me baffled. It may not be much but maybe it can help in the future when children go missing.

(Bolded by me) Excellent suggestion. Even thought I believe in America's justice system and our presumption of innocence and right not to incriminate one's seemed that by telling Casey to shut up (tho her right) was even a more injustice to Caylee. She was an innocent baby! This time, our system backfired.
The night CA came home from visiting her father, I believe CA and KC had a fight. I think KC grabbed Caylee and fled the A house that night (as opposed to 1 pm the following day.)
I think KC killed Caylee that night in a fit of rage.
I think CA conveniently didn't bring up the fight with KC in attempt to hide her guilt.
I think GA lied about seeing them the day after in attempt to help cover up for CA's fight with KC.
I think the media has begun to sensationalize these missing children cases to the point that reality is distorted. The media frenzy in the case hurt and helped the family of the victim and it persecuted the family of the suspected one. Too bad it was the same family. I think in this is the first case that an unusual amount of documentation on the web more than any case in history. This question is also asked on the Haleigh Cummins thread. Because the case is in Florida, I think we will see an unusually large amount of documentation on all cases coming out of Florida.
What would have happened to you Mark if there would have been MySpace pages of yours and all of your family members... what would have happened if there was the technology to show videos over and over on the web? Would it have helped or hurt your case with the newer technology and wider coverage?
If I recall correctly.. the internet did not play the part it does now in these types of cases. It would be interesting to see if the "sleuthing" done en masse has helped or hurt LE in their search to solve crimes. Do they count on us to sleuth these things out and look to find more answers? Look for more avenues? Does the internet in some way encourage finger-pointing and crazies to call the tip line?
I think the internet any many ways played a very big part in the Anthony case and probably more so than any case in history. We did not have live feeds during the Ramsey case.
I believe that KC is guilty.
I believe that we will never find out the truth about what baby Caylee went through.
I believe that the family will do everything in their power to protect their daughter.
I believe that her friends will NOT lie and tell the truth when it comes to the trial.
1) I think that Casey was involved in illegal activities and was neglecting/abusing Caylee to do them.
2) I think that Lee is weird and communicates in a strange manner. He knows what Casey was doing.
3) I think that George knows Casey killed Caylee and may have known at the time of the gas can incident.
4) I think the entire family is lying to LE and the public about what they know.
5) I think Cindy is controlling and manipulative.

Gosh, I am sure there is more, but I belive Casey killed Caylee and the entire family is dysfuctional.
  1. Caylee's death was accidental, but due to the negligence of Casey.
  2. Casey is afraid of losing her mother's approval, what little there is, particularly when it comes to raising a child. This is the main reason she has denied the truth.
  3. Casey is disturbed, but not insane. She will require years of professional help, but even that may be insufficient. She should never be allowed to breed again.
  4. Cindy loves her daughter, and deeply loves her granddaughter. She is defending her love for Casey in large part out of guilt. Guilt for not doing a better job raising Casey, and guilt for not doing a better job protecting Caylee from Casey. Cindy does not seem to be defending Casey's innocence at this point.
  5. George loves his daughter too, and also loved his granddaughter even more. Until recently George followed his wife's lead and suppressed his grief and defended his daughter in deference to his wife. Now that Cindy has privately accepted Casey's guilt, George is able to grieve. George is also coming to terms with the fact that while Casey is guilty, she has serious consequences to pay.
  6. Lee loved Caylee deeply as well as his sister, but I think he has the most conflicted feelings of the three regarding Casey. She made some serious allegations to friends that are now out there in public. He knows Casey is hiding facts regarding Caylee's death. He helped LE very early on, but may have backed out in deference to his mother. Now, with mom coming around, he can fulfill the promise he made to Caylee when she was found.
  7. The protesters, media, LP have turned this case into an embarrassing circus.
Stopping right here before I get myself into trouble.
1. Caylee was the Anthony's center, their world and the love of their lives, she was their sunshine

2. Casey planed to kill Caylee because she felt trapped by being a parent

3. Casey had a big fight with CA that put her over the top and she killed Caylee

4. LE-police-FBI has done a wonderful job

5. The Anthony's knew from the start that something happened to Caylee after they picked up the car

6. Casey lied to the LE-police-FBI because she is hiding more then just the murder of Caylee

7. There is some secret between Lee and Casey

8. CA went into denial to protect Casey and because it was to painful to believe the truth

9. GA wanted to protect his wife emotionally, so he went along with CA ideas

10. The Anthony's are being used by others for profit off of Caylee

11. The Defense team going public, on TV and giving interviews about the case is wrong (even though I like hearing all the gossip) I feel its wrong

12. The Defense (JB) has been inappropriate with Casey, Hugging her, spending long hours and daily visits, trying to sneak in a bracelet, pushing the jail to take in a lap top, sale pictures of Caylee to fund the defense, the way JB acts in the court room with Casey the looks, the touching, it really offends me

13. Casey brought pain and hardship to family, friends and strangers

14. The country has fallen in love with Caylee

15. There was a lot of wonderful volunteers and organizations-like TES that tried to find Caylee, it opened my mind and heart to these organizations

16. Caylee brought me to W/S and I have found friends with big hearts here and have learned a lot about my self and others
As always, my Thoughts are probably the same as yours, My Friend and Hero! Once again.....Mommy Did It.
Hi Everyone,

Marc Klaas is very interested in your thoughts on Caylee's case. What do you think?

I would appreciate if everyone would participate. Just tell us your opinion of the case. Marc appreciates how much you all know about the case and respects what you have to say.

I'll start.

-Lee Anthony creeped me out with the C.M.A. stuff.
-Casey is guilty
-Cindy, Casey and Lee will never admit it.
-George is the only one who really will admit the truth someday.

I don't know if it was premeditated or if it was an accident.

This is an extremely dysfunctional family and I agree with LP, we will be shocked at just how dysfunctional when more comes out at trial.

ditto to all!
I think Casey did it and planned it "out of spite."
I think Casey is a narcissistic sociopath.
I think Cindy, George and Lee knew from the minute they smelled the decomp.
I think the detectives knew within minutes of questioning Casey.
I think the LE brass let Cindy lead them along for way too long.
I think Nancy Grace has been heroic in keeping it in the news.
I think Florida is great with their Sunshine Law.
I think WS is good place to discuss this evil case.
I think Jesse G and his family are wonderful.
I think LP is an old-fashioned all around good guy.
I think Tim M is a selfless, hardworking man.
I think all of Casey's "friends" and men are smart for keeping quiet so far until the trial.
I think Jose is way over his head and his "team" is just in it for the exposure.
I think Caylee Marie is safe in the hands of God.
I think the TRUTH will win out in the end and all those who love Casey and defend her should guide her towards the truth.

I think this person almost nailed everything....With one really big exception..CA taught KC how to be a narcissist she is more responsible than anyone except God can know..God knows...yet she has truly paid the price...Caylee was taken away by her own spiteful daughter..I truly hope she gets help and I pray constantly for George.Somebody please save George.

O/T- Polly Klaas was a beautiful beautiful girl..and her Dad is a hero, a hero to her and a hero to us about a good man with good character
I thought in the beginning that Caylee had died accidentally and Casey couldn't face her mom but as time went on and more details came out I think she killed Caylee in a fit of rage. Kind of a "I will kill her before I let you have her, mom" thing. I think Lee was desperate at first to find Caylee and prove his sister innocent but now I think he is torn. He wants justice for Caylee but he just can't admit Casey did this. I think George knew from the first whiff of the smell in the car this was going to end badly and that is why he is having such a hard time. I think Cindy immediately went into cover up mode when she realized Casey had done something horrible. After all she has been covering for Casey for years. I think the only honest words we have ever heard from Cindy were in the 911 calls.
Mr Klaas, Greetings.

  1. I think that Casey was involved in some type of free-lance *advertiser censored* outfit.
  2. I think that Lee is tied in with this *advertiser censored* angle.
  3. I think that Caylee's death happened somewhere and somehow that they could not reveal the circumstances or the whole gig was up.
  4. Casey is a Piece of Work from Hell.
  5. Casey cares about nothing but Casey and how it relates to her.
  6. Cindy is part of the reason Casey is like she is.
  7. George is the odd man out in that house and I feel sorry for him.
  8. George knew from the time he picked up the car that something terrible had happened to Caylee and that Casey knew what it was.
  9. George did the best he could to maintain the family by going along with Cindy on everything.
  10. The BlackJack phone was used to contact Casey for her 'customers'.
  11. Casey is a Piece of Work from Hell. Did I mention that?
  12. Casey thought she would only have to answer to her parents about Caylee's whereabouts; it never occurred to her to think past the next 30 minutes.
  13. Cindy never exposed Casey and all her lies to keep up the appearance of her perfect family.
  14. Casey threw that baby away like a sack of garbage on the side of the road, and never looked back.
  15. Casey knowingly told her father "She's close, Dad, real close" because this is all a GAME to Casey.
  16. Casey thinks she is smarter than most others she ran around with, and if it turned out she wasn't, then she was out of there.
  17. Casey is a Piece of Work from Hell. You may have heard this before.
  18. I want Casey to get life in prison and then live to be about 80. With no phone, no TV and no computer.
  19. Casey thinks it's all about her - always has and always will.
  20. What did Casey THINK was going to happen when Amy got back from PR and found out she had stolen all her money?

JMO and all that.

My opinions only:

1. Casey killed Caylee, she did it all by herself, nobody helped her.

2. Casey will be tried and convicted for murder in the first degree and will be sentenced to LWOP. Casey won't plea bargain before the trial.

3. Casey will never tell the truth to her parents or family.

4. Because of cases like this, other missing children cases will get a lot more scrutiny - both positive and negative.
Casey murdered Caylee out of spite, jealously and to be free.

George, Cindy and Lee have nothing to do with the murder and will not allow themselves to admit Casey's guilt. Maybe have made omissions to LE if it made Casey look guilty.
1. I believe Casey killed her child.

2. I think she killed her in a rage after a fight with her mother.

3. I believe she contemplated killing her child many other times to get back at her mother but never acted on it til June 15/16.

4. I believe she had a deep fantasy of being rid of her child and had gone as far as searching out how to do it and get away with it (a la internet searches on other missing children, household weapons, chloroform etc.

5. I believe she wanted to get back at her mother and also wanted to be free of her child and live the life she wanted. KC is so angry at her mother she didn't want to give Caylee to her because that would make Cindy happy.

6. It was no accident.

7. I agree that this family was extremely dysfunctional. I believe GA is the only normal member of the family and is the outcast of the family. When I say normal I mean he has a conscience and a good heart. I believe the 'sickness of this family, the controlling-ness of his wife, her denial that there was a big problem with KC and the family made George depressed and made it difficult for him to maintain a job. I believe this was held against him. I believe he loves this family and the brokeness of it is hurting him to the core.

8. I believe Lee is pretty weird and that CMA stuff creeped me out too. I believe he would do anything to get KC out of jail and off charges. I believe he likes/loves KC more than anyone in the family and cares more about her than what she did to Caylee. I believe his love of KC seems a bit un-natural and what he said at the memorial was un-natural.

9. I believe Cindy suffers from the same personality disorders as her daughter and they are both quite mentally ill (but not insane).

10. I believe CA and LA have hidden things from LE and have obstructed justice. But I believe GA has told the truth as he knows it to LE, at least behind CA's back, perhaps not in front of her. I believe the dysfunction of CA and KC has driven GA to dispair.

These are my opinions only. I pray that KC is convicted of all charges and never gets out of prison again. I pray the A's are not allowed or are not able to use the death of Caylee to prosper. I pray CA goes back to work and moves on with her life.
This murder did not just happen one night, nor out of the clear blue-
Whatever went on in this family has beem building for a very long time-
Something happened a long time ago and GA lost the respect of his family and CA's
The children sided with CA during the breakup of CA and GA
KC was spoiled even more so during the breakup
KC was afraid (petrified) of her mother- she couldn't go to her mother with her pregnancy for seven months?
GA came back and KC and Lee resented this- showing GA no respect at all-
Caylee came along and CA turned all her attentions to her
GA and KC blame each other for lack of money in the home
Lee leaves home
KC feels displace and replaced- resentful-
KC friends all have freedom. educations, jobs, money- KC is jealous
KC looks for way to achieve these things the easy way-
The easy way had a price and KC got caught
GA and CA fights build
CA fed up with everyone and everything
Things come to a grand explosion on 7/15
KC goes into a rage and takes it out on innocent child who has caused her all her problems-
Egos in this family are so big- no one wants to take blame for anything
Lies and cover-ups begin - anything rather than admit to how this family really lived
Being humiliated is unacceptable
They are being eaten alive by guilt and shame- need distractions
KC has one train of thought and only one- make everyone pay
KC and CA will never stop having battle of wills- neither one will give in
Enough kind words were apparently not spoken enough in the home to one another and now it's too late- it's only empty words
Two lives destroyed and almost a third
Someone needs to quit this ego trip before someone else gets hurt
The only answer is for someone to fess up
Will it happen- only if KC throws family under the bus= family will turn on her
The moral of this story- Child was only a pawn-
Where was the outrage- the anger- over this child's murder
It was never about Caylee- so so sad

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