Marine throws puppy off cliff.

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Not everything is as simple as black and white.
I couldn't disagree more. Cruelty to any living thing is an abomination. That's about as black and white as it gets and there is no excuse for it.
Can I ask why?

Sure. It's a combination of things but mostly because I was so disturbed and angry about what I read (I couldn't watch the video). I'm an animal lover and often prefer them to most people.

The other reason is that while some things are inherited, or there is some abnormality in the brain at birth, most behavior is a direct result of how someone was raised. Obviously he had no respect for animals or lesser creatures. The only way a child learns to respect life, even if it's an animal's life, is from their parents.

It's just my opinion and when I wrote it I was angry.
Lavonne I would NEVER disrespect our military. I have been with the military now for 17 years..I don't have to explain myself or what I know but I am just stating a FACT. Yes PTSD claims are made alot by people looking to claim a check. Those are the ones I have no respect for because they are the ones who don't belong in our military to begin with.

What amazes me is people that are willing to strap him up and nail him to a cross without knowing anything about him, his family, his background, his service record, his actions and movement in Iraq. How do you know it is ? Do you know this Marine personally? Many of our soldiers suffer from PTSD and you make it sound like they are in it just for a check....that, IMO, is completely disrespectful to all of our soldiers.

Not everything is as simple as black and white. And, when the USMC is finished with their investigation, I am certain, we will see many shades of gray.
It looks like a hoax.

While I am not an animal lover or an animal person, I hate when anything helpless is abused and this is sick regardless if they actually killed the animal or not. You do not abuse or pretend to abuse anyone or anything!

I also think the video should be removed from any websites. It is beyond cruel and no one would want to see a person thrown to their death...(well, a child molester,maybe)
Maybe, maybe not. If it was in rigor mortis the corpse would have been stiff.

Hey all. I've watched the video several times and I still don't know what to think. The puppy did appear to be stiff, as if it was dead and rigor mortis had set in. But I've been told that a puppy will hang motionless when picked up by the scruff of its neck.
I've been told that a puppy will hang motionless when picked up by the scruff of its neck.

Yes, all puppies will go motionless and quiet out of pure instinct because they trust it is their mother picking them up to move them away from danger.

The cruel and remorseless betrayal of that innocent trust is one of the most disturbing aspects of this Marine's behavior.
Yes, all puppies will go motionless and quiet out of pure instinct because they trust it is their mother picking them up to move them away from danger.

The cruel and remorseless betrayal of that innocent trust is one of the most disturbing aspects of this Marine's behavior.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
To those who think the dog was already dead (not that it makes it any better in my mind anyway) - why would his legs have been tied?
:clap: :clap: :clap:
To those who think the dog was already dead (not that it makes it any better in my mind anyway) - why would his legs have been tied?

Hmmm. The legs were tied? I just watched the video again and I didn't see that. Of course, the resolution isn't the greatest. I don't know if the dog was already dead or not, but he does look stiff and lifeless.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
To those who think the dog was already dead (not that it makes it any better in my mind anyway) - why would his legs have been tied?

The wire seen in the first pic is a cable on dipshit #2's gear. The dark line on the dog's feet is the dirty fur at the bottom of the paws. Not cord.


As you can see from this pic, there is nothing around the dog's feet.

The dirt on the dogs feet is also clearly visible on all four legs.

The paws were not tied.
When I saw this story all over the Internet the other day, at first I thought this was a cruel hoax. But then, as I researched more on this story, it became painfully obvious (to me, anyway) that it's not a hoax. Oh God...

I couldn't watch this video. I became sick to my stomach just looking at the picture. The reason the puppy is limp is because it's being picked up by the scruff of its neck. This is how puppies' mothers pick them up -- it actually relaxes the pups and they go limp.

I just hope this young soldier gets the psychological help he so obviously needs. My intuition tells me that this young guy's family MAY be the source of his problems and whatever these problems may be, they became exacerbated while he was deployed. I hate to say this, but I realize that this incident with this poor puppy is but the tip of the iceberg over there. Rapes, murder, and various other torture have been inflicted on innocent men, women and children in Iraq by SOME of the enlisted, not just the Americans.

There are videos I found on a well known website, just filled with soliders torturing/harming dogs, puppies, kittens for fun. In one (and I couldn't watch that one, either), as the tanks rolled through a particular area, an injured dog was found. These stupid idiot soldiers started throwing rocks at the poor dog as it whimpered and tried to get out of harm's way. Just awful...:mad:
:mad: :mad:

I will NEVER, EVER understand man's inhumanity to man and other living creatures. I don't care how badly depraved somebody is, I just do not get harming another living creature, unless it would be to defend oneself or one's loved ones.

This young puppy throwing soldier's name is now open for the world to see all over the Internet. Maybe the only good thing that will come out of this horrific incident is more attention being paid to the horrendous atrocities still being committed in Iraq. This young man certainly does a disservice to all the others who are truly to be commended for their courage and integrity while serving in Iraq.
This has been going on for days with no ID or anything. Me thinks the USMC will sweep it under the rug. Don't want anyone to think this war has caused mental problems in the soldiers now do we?

The wire seen in the first pic is a cable on dipshit #2's gear. The dark line on the dog's feet is the dirty fur at the bottom of the paws. Not cord.


As you can see from this pic, there is nothing around the dog's feet.

The dirt on the dogs feet is also clearly visible on all four legs.

The paws were not tied.
Thanks for the clarification, Xcom! I could only watch the video once and it was definitely the soldier's cord then that I saw, it appeared as if the puppy's legs were tied. It's obvious from the picture you posted that I was wrong.

I can't watch the video again to see if the puppy looked lifeless or not, watching it once was one too many, so I'll take everyone's word on that. I sincerely hope this was a hoax (still a sick one) and that we find out for sure.
This guy should be removed from the Marines.
dishonorably discharged.
even if it was a hoax, which no one is sure of yet, the best way to get this bonehead to get the point would be to put him in the center of the base at camp pendleton and let every marine there give him one free hit like tacking on a new stripe, just for tarnishing the reputation of the marines with a hoax. Im sure they would be as caring and sensitive to his pain threshold as he was to the puppy.

if it's determined it isnt a fake, i think the former punishment would do more good than a prison sentance, as he would think he was a tough guy when he got out, instead of a .Id rather see him paralyzed and unable to breathe properly than lifting weights and watching cable tv at camp fed.

This guy should be removed from the Marines.
dishonorably discharged.
Hoax or no hoax...this guy should be discharged.
It is a known fact that those who harm animals for 'kicks' have personality disorders and worse is all just sick.

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