MD - Freddie Gray dies in police custody #2

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No kidding? Lift the curfew and arrest as needed? Uh, who is going to tell LE what they are allowed to arrest for? They must be wondering by now.

Time for an upgrade? Jmo.
Of course it is not a color thing. It is an inner city thing. Problem is, in the US, our inner cities are predominately minority based. So it is hard not to mix it up.

That's what I am saying. Stop mixing it up. If you know it's not a color thing then what is with all this talk of statistics? Who cares? Get to the source of the damn problem and start to fix it. Stop spending trillions going to war and spend some money building peace. It's not rocket science folks.
I'm not saying anything regarding the stats - waiting for your promised link addition that the majority were armed. Seems to me that after a number of posts on the subject, you maybe cannot provide such a link. Jmo.

I can understand why you would not want to say anything about the stats I have linked. It shows that 99.99.9/10% of ALL the 98 million arrests they examined went off without a hitch. But you have nothing to say about that. I am not surprised. :no:
The Baltimore Sun gets an exclusive look inside the Freddie Gray investigation.

a fourth-floor conference room at Baltimore police headquarters, two training officers in blue T-shirts and blue pants lowered themselves onto the carpeted floor to demonstrate the leg hold officers used to restrain Freddie Gray the day he was arrested — and sustained a fatal spine injury.

As one officer played Gray's role, lying face down on the floor, the other bent his crossed legs back toward his head. Watching closely were members of the police task force investigating Gray's death, and Dr. David L. Higgins, a Maryland orthopedic surgeon who has worked with the U.S. Olympic team.
The part I was speaking of was running. If he truly had nothing on him but a legal knife then what could the cops have arrested him for? Instead he ran and then fought them...what the cops did after that is on them, but he had an opportunity that he did not take.
I can understand why you would not want to say anything about the stats I have linked. It shows that 99.95% of ALL the 98 million arrests they examined went off without a hitch. But you have nothing to say about that. I am not surprised. :no:

Wow, I didn't know any of that Katy. I am saving your link for future reference. Thank you for posting it.

Did you read about the AA woman who shot at the two AA police officers in Atlanta? That story hasn't gotten much coverage though at all.

She was in the back of their vehicle and she had a gun and shot through the back glass toward the officers. She died and the officers weren't hit. Scary though.

I am even wondering if LE is worried now about even doing body searches thinking they will be blamed for something somehow.

I'm not sure how this is going to play out, but there seems to have been an active arrest warrant on Freddie Gray.
There's a copy of the warrant at the link.

Law enforcement officers all over the country are quite disheartened by the SA's arrest of the 6 officers. It's really sad. I believe most people, no matter where they live, are law-abiding citizens and want police protection in their communities. The Baltimore government is working contrary to the needs and wants of the citizens. :moo:

I saw the interior of this Baltimore police paddy wagon on TV. It looked like the top inclines as most vans do and it would be impossible to sit up straight on those benches even if belted in. I have brittle bones and would be very uncomfortable sitting back there on a normal ride in those sideways facing seats. Would it cause a life-threatening injury? I really don't know. :moo:

So, I agree with whoever said to get rid of the vans. I also wonder if they have the same type of setup in the rest of the country. :moo:

case # 1802290044 has been abated due to death, that copy/image has been edited. jmo
That's what I am saying. Stop mixing it up. If you know it's not a color thing then what is with all this talk of statistics? Who cares? Get to the source of the damn problem and and start to fix it. Stop spending trillions going to war and spend some money building peace. It's not rocket science folks.

who is making it a color thing? have you listened to any of the 'partiers' at the Baltimore celebration today? it is ALL about color according to many of the speakers. Even though 3 of the 6 arrested cops are POC.
I concur, I think the sad truth here is that he slammed on the brakes to shut him up, got out peeked in saw him lying on the floor where he wanted him to be. I think there was a lot of coverup, which is why the others are charged. I think the takedown broke his spine and rough ride broke his neck, just imo

i agree!
The part I was speaking of was running. If he truly had nothing on him but a legal knife then what could the cops have arrested him for? Instead he ran and then fought them...what the cops did after that is on them, but he had an opportunity that he did not take.

I have heard several police officers comment on the DA saying there wasn't probable cause. They don't have to have probable cause. All they have to do is have a reasonable suspicion to make an arrest. So I think that part will be thrown out by the jury if they thought he was making a drug transaction.

He was already known as a drug dealer in that area. From what the other BM officer said on Hannity they saw FG make a drug exchange.

It will also be interesting if the rumor is true that he had heroin and pot in his system. Don't some of these criminals try to ingest the drugs they have on them before the police can arrest them?

Not saying that is what happened to Freddie but the amount found will be interesting.

Do you have a link that states which race commits more violent crimes including the race of the victims? tia

Who has said anyone has a genetic makeup that makes them a gangbanger?

What do you mean we need to wake up quick, fast, and in a hurry? What's going to happen? Or else what?

Do you think there is going to be more murders or violent crimes? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by your last sentence.

After everything that has gone on in the last 8 months with regards to police brutality do you really not see that there is a problem? That something has to change? What happens next time or the time after that?
who is making it a color thing? have you listened to any of the 'partiers' at the Baltimore celebration today? it is ALL about color according to many of the speakers. Even though 3 of the 6 arrested cops are POC.

The comments on here about who does all the shootings is what I am talking about.
If you really care about how folks in the inner cities live their lives , stop complaining about it and go befriend someone. Go be a mentor. Be a role model. Offer something. But complaining about and degraded people because of it is just being a part of this ongoing cycle.

(Not directed at you katy, I know you have done your part.)
No kidding? Lift the curfew and arrest as needed? Uh, who is going to tell LE what they are allowed to arrest for? They must be wondering by now.

o/t ?? Report that an officer was shot in the head in Queens, NY. He must have done something wrong!


OMG! Teedie do you know any of the particulars?

He wasn't ambushed was he? His he still alive?

I am so afraid of officers being ambushed more than anything.

Wow, I didn't know any of that Katy. I am saving your link for future reference. Thank you for posting it.

Did you read about the AA woman who shot at the two AA police officers in Atlanta? That story hasn't gotten much coverage though at all.

She was in the back of their vehicle and she had a gun and shot through the back glass toward the officers. She died and the officers weren't hit. Scary though.

I am even wondering if LE is worried now about even doing body searches thinking they will be blamed for something somehow.


No, I have not heard about that Atlanta incident. Very frightening. Shocking that she ended up in the backseat with a loaded weapon. Someone dropped the ball there. :eek:

I know that many male cops call in a female to do some of the body searches when possible. They are nervous about false accusations. And it can look bad on a cell camera even if they are just going with protocol.

Maybe they didn't search as closely as possible because of those kinds of fears. I know a few officers locally that are having morale problems because of this backlash. They are worried about the public resistance that they are now seeing by local youth. Taunting, cussing, flipping them off. In the past that would not be overlooked. Now they are ignoring it because they do not want to get in a struggle and a bad situation for all involved. But I am afraid it is going to get ugly if it continues in that way. JMO
If you really care about how folks in the inner cities live their lives , stop complaining about it and go befriend someone. Go be a mentor. Be a role model. Offer something. But complaining about and degraded people because of it is just being a part of this ongoing cycle.

(Not directed at you katy, I know you have done your part.)

Don't they have mentors and role models already living there?
If it is true that at every arrest he acts out

I wonder if that is true - ? ...(snipped by me)

My apologies but the claim that Mr. Gray would act out comes from the anonymous person and is uncorroborated at this point.

“Freddie was one of those ones where a lot of times, he would put on that show in the streets, but you would bring him into the station and he was a great witness,” the officer said.

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