MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #3

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I think it is safe to say that DB, and possibly KB, have lied to cover their own mistakes, and to protect themselves/others. Not sure if they have knowledge of anything nefarious that occurred, or if they are just very, very young.

Db lied to JS about what was going on at the apartment (drugs, alcohol, parties, people there). Then she told the truth when confronted after PB went missing, then she's not telling the truth when she is with family, and not telling the truth when on the Peas interviews.

She told JS that MJ wasn't staying there and didn't have a key. Then on Peas she said there was no reason for MJ NOT to be at the apartment because his name was on the lease and he had a key.

Respectfully snipped.

I have to respectfully disagree. DB could have lied much prior to the visit being arranged thinking to herself, what is up with the incessant questions? Maybe even feeling a little odd that JS was not discussing some of these concerns/issues with PB's dad. As an adult I would feel incredibly awkward if my fathers wife or ex who was not my mother was grilling me.... Maybe wondering why I was being grilled after previous visit(s).

I'm not saying the questions JS asked where (inappropriate) , I am simply commenting on how I might feel in DB's shoes planning a subsequent visit months ahead of this tragic event. Remember, this was not PB's first visit to Baltimore. Clearly JS felt PB was in good hands allowing her to visit in Dec of 09 and if she had any reservations about DB's lifestyle or her daughters safety visiting her fathers family she would never have considered/allowed a second(?) visit. MJ was there in 09 as where the same circle of friends......

There seems to be a lot of "he said she said" going on here with what was actually said between JS and DB. I am not sure which is based on factual information or raw emotion. I need to wait for information to substantiate DB lied *after* PB's disappearance.(if it exists) Thus far I have no information to substantially say she has....... and it may be that some of the information that came out later was due to 1)Not thinking PB would be missing this long 2)More questions coming with time when answers did not come immediately and responding to those questions.

A lot of posts on the Pray for PB FB page

RB will be on Nancy Grace tomorrow night. KB said it would be an hour show, not the small segment they have been doing.

KB was posting a lot tonight.

The hour show will be after Nancy's regular show. This case will be the one featured on Nancy Grace America's Missing.


Baltimore Police are baffled by the lack of clues leading them to the safe return of Phylicia Barnes. The 17-year-old honor student’s birthday came and went while she has been missing.

Last seen by a roommate moving out of her sister’s apartment, Barnes had mentioned wanting to get something to eat. She has not been seen or heard from again. Her purse and coat, gone, but her debit card remained in the home. Phylicia didn’t know the area she was visiting well enough to wander away on her own, but there are no signs of foul play. Police focus on 12 people who were of the last to see the young beauty, but so far no one has been named a suspect or person of interest.

I just want to thank you for your diligence on this case--the article you posted a few pages back was thorough and informative.

Also, I'll extend that thanks to everyone else for keeping up with the case too :)

I really hope justice comes quickly and smoothly for Phylicia and her family.

I just want to thank you for your diligence on this case--the article you posted a few pages back was thorough and informative.

Also, I'll extend that thanks to everyone else for keeping up with the case too :)

I really hope justice comes quickly and smoothly for Phylicia and her family.

watchful_eye, couldn't thank you enough for this. Cubby- you have been WONDERFUL.

I just want to thank you for your diligence on this case--the article you posted a few pages back was thorough and informative.

Also, I'll extend that thanks to everyone else for keeping up with the case too :)

I really hope justice comes quickly and smoothly for Phylicia and her family.

Thank you. Phylicia and her family deserve no less.
The lengthy informative article I posted a few pages back has been updated.

MONROE, NC (WBTV) – A reward in the amount of $25,000 is being offered for information about a Monroe teen who went missing during the Christmas holidays.
Union Academy honor student Phylicia Barnes disappeared while visiting relatives in Baltimore, Maryland.
The announcement about the reward was made Friday morning at her school.


According to a statement released Friday morning, the $25,000 reward will be given to the person or divided among individuals whom authorities identify as a legitimate source of information about Barnes. The Phil Hargett Memorial and Union Academy Foundation will disperse the funds after proper notice from authorities and Barnes' safe return. This offer is in effect for ninety days.

I'm a little uneasy about the words 'safe return'. If Phylicia is not safe what good will this 25,000 reward be? What if someone has information with regards to Phylicia's whereabouts but won't make the call because they know she is not safe? Oh I wish this reward was being offered differently, and that it included information on Phylicia's whereabouts rather than only being offered if she is returned safely.

The 25,000 appears to be seperate from the 10,000 reward offered by various donors including the funds provided by the P.I who donated his services pro bono to the family.

I'm not as excited as I initially was when realizing the 25,000 was only being offered for info leading to Phylicia's safe return. I'll pray I'm wrong and she is still alive and this brings her home safely.

Respectfully snipped.

I have to respectfully disagree. DB could have lied much prior to the visit being arranged thinking to herself, what is up with the incessant questions? Maybe even feeling a little odd that JS was not discussing some of these concerns/issues with PB's dad. As an adult I would feel incredibly awkward if my fathers wife or ex who was not my mother was grilling me.... Maybe wondering why I was being grilled after previous visit(s).

I'm not saying the questions JS asked where (inappropriate) , I am simply commenting on how I might feel in DB's shoes planning a subsequent visit months ahead of this tragic event. Remember, this was not PB's first visit to Baltimore. Clearly JS felt PB was in good hands allowing her to visit in Dec of 09 and if she had any reservations about DB's lifestyle or her daughters safety visiting her fathers family she would never have considered/allowed a second(?) visit. MJ was there in 09 as where the same circle of friends......

There seems to be a lot of "he said she said" going on here with what was actually said between JS and DB. I am not sure which is based on factual information or raw emotion. I need to wait for information to substantiate DB lied *after* PB's disappearance.(if it exists) Thus far I have no information to substantially say she has....... and it may be that some of the information that came out later was due to 1)Not thinking PB would be missing this long 2)More questions coming with time when answers did not come immediately and responding to those questions.


I agree that any of the back and forth between JS and DB is questionable, given the emotional state of both parties (understandably so) since PB disappeared. Lot of rawness and pain. It will all come out in the end, and it really only matters insofar as it relates to whether PB is found or not. That said, it did strike me when DB said there was no drug use or alcohol in her apartment while PB was there. That's all. To me that was a biggie.
Also from the above article from

Guglielmi said detectives were working to piece together the last 24-48 hours before Barnes' disappearance. "Usually with a case like this the statements are supported by some type of physical evidence, but we just don't have that," he said.

BBM. Looking at this again...... by statements this could mean LE has not been able to find physicial evidence supporting any number of persons alibi. Meaning no receipts or survellience to support anyones statement of where they were that day....... hmmmmm
I agree that any of the back and forth between JS and DB is questionable, given the emotional state of both parties (understandably so) since PB disappeared. Lot of rawness and pain. It will all come out in the end, and it really only matters insofar as it relates to whether PB is found or not. That said, it did strike me when DB said there was no drug use or alcohol in her apartment while PB was there. That's all. To me that was a biggie.

I agree...... I guess I am just thinking along the lines of (not saying anyone here is doing this, I am thinking along the lines of media doing this) the he said she said takes away from how the public can assist locating PB. For myself, it is just distracting to the story and facts that may help. I know if I were in JS's shoes I would be out of my mind livid, and going through every emotion known to man - but I don't know how much of that I would air via the media unless I knew it would help find my child.

Latest media update from NC. Doesn't say much....but at least she's in the paper daily.

I'm glad NC is keeping her in the news. Here locally (mid-Atlantic) and in Baltimore, there's hardly been anything since that search of the well a week ago. Just info about the reward fund.

I really hope this case doesn't land in "Cold Cases". :(

Where is Phylicia? SOMEONE knows.
The lengthy informative article I posted a few pages back has been updated.

MONROE, NC (WBTV) &#8211; A reward in the amount of $25,000 is being offered for information about a Monroe teen who went missing during the Christmas holidays.
Union Academy honor student Phylicia Barnes disappeared while visiting relatives in Baltimore, Maryland.
The announcement about the reward was made Friday morning at her school.


According to a statement released Friday morning, the $25,000 reward will be given to the person or divided among individuals whom authorities identify as a legitimate source of information about Barnes. The Phil Hargett Memorial and Union Academy Foundation will disperse the funds after proper notice from authorities and Barnes' safe return. This offer is in effect for ninety days.

I'm a little uneasy about the words 'safe return'. If Phylicia is not safe what good will this 25,000 reward be? What if someone has information with regards to Phylicia's whereabouts but won't make the call because they know she is not safe? Oh I wish this reward was being offered differently, and that it included information on Phylicia's whereabouts rather than only being offered if she is returned safely.

The 25,000 appears to be seperate from the 10,000 reward offered by various donors including the funds provided by the P.I who donated his services pro bono to the family.

I'm not as excited as I initially was when realizing the 25,000 was only being offered for info leading to Phylicia's safe return. I'll pray I'm wrong and she is still alive and this brings her home safely.


I know- I agree...but at least hitting up the local reporters helped in NC and SC :)
Also from the above article from

Guglielmi said detectives were working to piece together the last 24-48 hours before Barnes' disappearance. "Usually with a case like this the statements are supported by some type of physical evidence, but we just don't have that," he said.

BBM. Looking at this again...... by statements this could mean LE has not been able to find physicial evidence supporting any number of persons alibi. Meaning no receipts or survellience to support anyones statement of where they were that day....... hmmmmm

Absolutely. LE has been saying this for almost two weeks now. No physical evidence to support the he-said, she-said.
Painful, isn't it?
Video attached to the updated article posted by Cubby above

JS speaks, and you can see PB’s little sister and little brother, step-father, and perhaps older sister standing beside JS, on the left side of the screen. There are a couple people, looks like an adult woman and another boy standing to the left, not fully visible. Perhaps another brother and JS’s sister?

JS wrote a poem for PB (have your tissues handy, especially if you can listen to JS's voice)

My Beautiful, Sweet Phylicia Simone
Whenever I think of you
The radiance of your essence
Reminds me that I am never alone.
As memories of thoughts of you come pouring out,
I smile to myself
Remembering the times when you’d want
Ice-cream in your sugar cone.
My love for you extends to afar
So that you can feel mommy
No matter where you are.
I can only envision your presence to be bright
Although the valley that you are in
Seems with an abundance of darkness,
Just hold on baby,
At the end for you there will be a light
To guide you back to your comfort zone
Right where you belong.
I will be waiting when you return home
My beautiful sweet Phylicia Simone

We all love you, from your families, including Union Academy

Members of Union Academy share Information about the $25,000 fund, which is repeated in the text of the article. This money was raised in Nov at an annual auction.

The fund committee decided that the greatest need of the Union Academy students is the safe return of PB.

JS thanks many people for their support and help

I tried to directly transcribe the reporters questions/answers with JS:
Reporter- have you had a chance to speak with the last people who saw her?
JS- No. the half-sisters are not communicating with her at this time.
Reporter- what was the search process in Baltimore when they were there, JS repeats what had been said before about the family following dead ends everywhere.

Reporter-what do you think about hearing that the ex. bf has gotten a lawyer?
JS- I think what one of the LE’s told me “only guilty people need to lawyer.”

Reporter- can you give us an Update on investigation? What have the police told you?
JS-- BPD keep updating us every day, that they are still looking, but they are still at a dead end.

Reporter- we hear BPD questioning many people in and out of the apartment. What led you to feel that PB had been exposed to alcohol and drugs?
JS Because her sister finally confided in me when I questioned her. I revealed to her my anger and disappointment from the deceit and betrayl from her. When I presented the conversation with her sister, I told her that since I have been here I have heard that there were 20 guys in and out of this apartment since PB had been here, and I heard that you allowed her to drink and smoke. She said “Well I only let her drink one time, and it was Vodka to let her open up to me, so she could talk to me.” So my thought was you had to get her drunk to get her to open up to you? And she said, “She only took two puffs of Marijuanna.” So she opened up and she confided in me when I confronted her. That’s where I got the information, from her half sister.
Reporter- Since then she hasn’t spoken to you?
JS- Right. I took the information to the homicide detective, and since then communication between the Barnes and I has been cut off.
Reporter- what would you say to her (DB) if she was listening to you right now?
JS- That I know you have more information than what you are telling, I am asking you to loosen your tongue so you can start talking.

Reporter-What do you think they are hiding at this point in Bmore?
JS- Some Illegal activities.
Reporter- The family? You believe the Barnes are hiding illegal activity?
JS- Well, The half-siblings. I don’t know about what her father knows.

Reporter- Have you had a chance to talk to that ex BF?
JS- No I have not.
Reporter- And your thoughts about he and his family not even offering to help with the search?
JS-When I got there I was told that he was told to stay away. I wanted to meet him.
Reporter- Do you still?
JS- Of course. I want to look in his eyes. I want to see his body language.
Reporter- Do you think he knows more than he is telling the police?
JS Absolutely. Absolutely. He proclaimed to be the last person to see her. As her half sister said, PB didn’t know anybody except them and the circle they were in. She didn’t know anybody outside of her siblings and their friends.

Comments about gratitude and the community help and support.
I'm glad NC is keeping her in the news. Here locally (mid-Atlantic) and in Baltimore, there's hardly been anything since that search of the well a week ago. Just info about the reward fund.

I really hope this case doesn't land in "Cold Cases". :(

Where is Phylicia? SOMEONE knows.

There was a very short article out of Chicago (Chicago Now IIRC) a day or two ago so she is still in the news nationally, even if via local news venues across the nation. I'm seeing little bits here and there and not adding links here unless they have any new info.
Absolutely. LE has been saying this for almost two weeks now. No physical evidence to support the he-said, she-said.
Painful, isn't it?

Not only is it painful it leaves LE with so much more to sort through given the number of possible suspects, 12. That is a large number of possible POI's and we don't know who is or who is not cooperating, well we only know of one positively not cooperating. :banghead:.

Phylicia needs to be found and the persons who know what happened need to speak up! If this takes months and months and additional man hours due to number of possible POI's I hope LE is able to slap minimally obstruction of justice charges on anyone not directly responsible but withheld information. :furious:

Can anyone tell me if the area PB went missing from is in the midst of the terrible winter storms on the east coast? The possibility of all that snow in the area worries me.......
Respectfully pulled from GJ's post #194

Reporter- Have you had a chance to talk to that ex BF?
JS- No I have not.
Reporter- And your thoughts about he and his family not even offering to help with the search?
JS-When I got there I was told that he was told to stay away. I wanted to meet him.
Reporter- Do you still?
JS- Of course. <snipped>

GJ will you pull your notes from the sanitized Find PB FB group and look up what MJ said when asked if he had spoken to JS? I can't recall exactly what his excuse was that he couldn't and I don't want to be mistaken on what he said.

There was a very short article out of Chicago (Chicago Now IIRC) a day or two ago so she is still in the news nationally, even if via local news venues across the nation. I'm seeing little bits here and there and not adding links here unless they have any new info.

I'll do the same with the southeast, Cubby. (Add only if there is new info.)
Thanks. Just good to know that local reporters in NC and SC and GA are still covering her.
Respectfully pulled from GJ's post #194

Reporter- Have you had a chance to talk to that ex BF?
JS- No I have not.
Reporter- And your thoughts about he and his family not even offering to help with the search?
JS-When I got there I was told that he was told to stay away. I wanted to meet him.
Reporter- Do you still?
JS- Of course. <snipped>

GJ will you pull your notes from the sanitized Find PB FB group and look up what MJ said when asked if he had spoken to JS? I can't recall exactly what his excuse was that he couldn't and I don't want to be mistaken on what he said.


I am, of course, paraphrasing here:
Someone told MJ that he owed Ms. Sallis an explanation, as well as the police.
MJ answered that he would have explained. He would have looked JS in the eyes and talked to her, but someone told him not to come over to the house (He used the phrase that he used when he was referring to DB). MJ said he would have talked to JS the same way he had talked to the father, the uncle, and the rest of the family. And he would have said the same things he told them.

(interesting, he talked directly to the uncle, too. Hmmm.)
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