GUILTY MD - Sarah Foxwell, 11, Salisbury, 23 Dec 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Seems to me the majority of crimes against children have been committed by child predators who are manipulative, cunning, grooms quickly, have antennae for vulnerable children, pocess a personality that women are attracted to, and zeros in on the most vulnerable of both, child and woman, that he can find.

I never once said there is only one person at fault for a child murder, and if you read my comment you would see I understand there are people who blame both and think both should be punished.

My personal opinion is that the child predator loves the people who want to blame caretakers - even if they blame them just a little bit, that lets them off the hook for taking ALL the responsibility for the murderous crime THEY commit. And since I don't ever care to do that, I refuse to join in the consensus of blaming mom/caretaker, unless, of course, there is a mom like Casey A. or little Robert Manwill's mom, others. They should and need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent. I'm not asking you to change your opinion - and I can see by the majority of comments that you have plenty of support in your opinion so please be my guest, just don't expect me to take on your views. TIA :cow: :Justice:

A mother's singular job is to care for and PROTECT her children. If that means being a lone so as to prevent having questionable people around her children SO BE IT. Indeed, the predator is the one at fult for hurting the child, but his accomplice in many of these cases is an uncaring, selfish self indulgent mother who has not put the saety of her children ahead of her own needs.
There is a difference in handing him the key and showing him or telling him where it was hidden...

either way gives a RSO entry into YOUR house where children live and sleep.

Either way, his access to this house was given, was implied... if she told him, showed him, or gave him the key.

She invited him into her home (repeatedly, knowing he was an RSO), gave him knowledge as to where the key was
Ok, I understand how some of you moms are upset about blaming the aunt...

But here are my "take aways";

1) Mr. Leggs should not have even have known Sarah. Yet the caregiver introduced a stranger that turned out to be a RSO. Her fate was sealed. Do not do this.

2) Do not hide a key. Everyone in the world knows about flower pots, door mats, magnets, fake dog , fake rocks, above light, or watching someone access the key. Do not do this.

3) Train children better. A child should never leave with anyone other than their parents without a scream.

4) Keep children out of harms way as best we can and hope for the best.

I am about to become a single mother in 3 weeks. MY first and only child will be born and let me tell you regardless of how much I know I will be wanting adult companionship you better beleive I will will not be parading men through my home, let alone near my daughter. If I do meet someone they will have a harder time passing my background tests than to get a job at the FBI!

IMO not a good defense - you have no idea what she KNEW! A registered sex offender can be anything from being 18yo and going to bed with a 17yo to a murderous, slug, pedophile.

Knowing he is a RSO can mean much of nothing and can be explained away, minomized, and denied to the fullest extent by the manipulative, controlling, and sickly pedophile. moo

Why so interested in defending the aunt or mother? Thr person who should have been defended is Sarah, who is dead, directly from the hands of and RSO and indirectly from the Cargiver who let him know her.
Kudos to you for being so certain all your friends, associates, neighbors, etc are decent people. You have accomplished what most people, even those in LE, are unable to secure for themselves.

Why do you say the age of the victim is NOT relevant?

Her brother went to school with him? How long ago was that? Maybe the aunt believes people can change over time.

To answer your questions: Yes I have grown children and grandchildren. And no, if I knew there was a sex offender around, I wouldn't want my children near him, no matter what age the sex offender might be. However, I am educated, have worked in forensic mental health facilities, been involved with pedophile adolescent and adult research, have two computers to look all my questions up, am a member here at Websleuths, and have 2 family members who are in the field of forensics and law. Now I would say that gives me a one up on this aunt who may not have the foggiest idea how to do a nationwide criminal back ground check or know the dynamics of a pedophile. moo

The one very important fact I have learned about pedophiles: They all minimize, deny, and shift the blame for their crimes to those around them, especially the victim. If I thought the aunt was in collusion with this murderous slug, such as selling her child for sex and/or *advertiser censored*, I would be screaming for her arrest. So far, I just don't see it. I choose to hold this slug fully responsible for his murderous crime. Im sure underneath all the rhetoric, we all have the same goal - justice for Sarah. moo

Regardless of whether or not someone's name and pic shows up on a Sex Offender Registry, I need to know inside and out who the people are who will be in my daughter's life. I have long thought it is int the guys on the list you need to worry about but the ones who are in the community in jobs or positions that are child facing and who have never been caught. However, eliminating the KNOWN offenders is the first place to start, secondly is giveing a rat's butt who has face time with my child that is not obeservable by me. There are a lot of people who were in my life as a single woman. Many of them will not be welcome into my home or life around my daughter one she is here.. And that is the choice EVERY parent chould make. Why is this such a difficult concept?
And remember, the Maryland offenses were primarily 4th degrees. The aunt would have needed to access the Delaware/specific county court system database to view the higher-degree offenses.

Or walk into a cop shop and say this gentleman is allegedly a known RSO-- should I let him around my kids?
Given the weather over the past few days, I would be annoyed if it was my land.

I live about an hour north of Salisbury. From about midnight on the 25th to midnight on the 26th, we had something like 3 inches of rain. This was on top of 8 inches of snow. The sogginess and the mud was incredible. I can well imagine that between the tracks from the crime scene investigators and the looky-loos, this property must be a total muddy morass. Add a pile of soggy flowers, soaking wet stuffed animals and a bunch of limp balloons.....YECH!!!

There are people, (including me) who find these "memorials" to be a grotesque waste. As someone else said, how about doing something productive? Or even lighting a candle at home, in a church or online? A pile of litter isn't necessary.

I a gree on this- the memorial is a waste. One can remember a child without going to the place. I have felt the same in regards to wating time and energy on vigils when a child is missing. Tell me what a group of people standing around singing does to locate a child and bring her home safely. NADA.
The bold is very logical thinking!!!

I won;t place this solely on the back of men. When I was single, I had NO DESIRE to ever date a guy with children. My own personal preference. I didn;t want to have to deal with the one item that normally comes along with that-- the ex (mother of said kids). Does that make me a bad person, I think not.
Well, these people are not bad. They ended up in a place they were not prepared for. So, yes, respect them. They were drawn into a horrible case. They deserve nothing less. They should be left alone, imvho.

Sarah is not hurt by the ballons/flowers /cards being destroyed. She is not hurt if there is no memorial. It is not disrespectful.
I got a little frustrated with the show so there is commentary.

Also, in the video you will hear that the aunt was not home the evening Sarah went missing, the grandfather was watching the children.

I haven't followed this thread for a couple of days, so I am not sure if the info about the aunt not being home was in the media.

Leggs was found to be living in an 8X4 shed on his mom and dad's property - his sister and her 3 children were also living on the property, and now the children are being checked for abuse. What in the world have the police been doing with his parole? Does anyone really believe he was living in a shed?
Foxwell case prosecutors await DNA test results
By Sharahn D. Boykin • Staff Writer • January 8, 2010

SALISBURY -- Prosecutors and law enforcement officials continue to wait for reports and test results from state agencies before moving ahead with plans to charge a dual-state registered sex offender with the murder of Sarah Haley Foxwell.

An estimated 200 items were submitted to the Maryland State Police Crime Lab for DNA tests, according to Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis Ruark.
Foxwell's body was found by a team of investigators on Christmas Day in a rural Delmar area. Earlier that day, 3,000 volunteers reported to Arthur W. Perdue Stadium to help find the 11-year-old girl who was reported missing by family members two day earlier
O'Malley pushes public safety into spotlight at conference
Girl's abduction, death prompts call for action
Democratic Party By Julie Bykowicz |

January 8, 2010

CAMBRIDGE — - Gov. Martin O'Malley told a conference of state lawmakers and county employees Thursday that public safety must remain a priority, even as Maryland faces a nearly $2 billion revenue shortfall this year.

He noted the recent abduction and killing of an 11-year-old girl in Salisbury and said officials must work harder to improve communications between agencies.

"What could we have done differently?" the Democratic governor asked at the annual winter meeting of the Maryland Association of Counties.

Sarah Foxwell's death has prompted top lawmakers to vow a review of sex-offender laws during the 90-day legislative session that begins Wednesday.,0,4173796.story
Records reveal troubles in Sarah Foxwell's family
By Sharahn D. Boykin • Staff Writer • January 10, 2010


Family statement

Court records do not state exactly when Foxwell and her siblings moved in with their aunt, but a Wicomico Circuit Court judge on Oct. 7, 2008, ordered Jennifer Foxwell to pay Fothergill $150 a month to support the six children.
Since the time of Foxwell's disappearance, her family has declined numerous interview requests. However, Jennifer Foxwell and Fothergill released a brief jointly written statement to The Daily Times last week.

"For a variety of reasons, Amy stepped in to care for the children until Jennifer got on her feet," the statement reads. "By agreement, both Jennifer and Amy felt this was in the best interest of the children.

Foxwell's family did not offer specific reasons why Sarah and her siblings were living with their aunt. Court records, however, document a trail of events leading up to the removal of children living with Jennifer Foxwell at the time following a visit from a Department of Social Services employee.
Sex offender indicted in Foxwell kidnapping
Daily Times Staff Report • January 11, 2010

SALISBURY — A grand jury indicted a 30-year-old dual-state registered sex offender charged in the kidnapping of an 11-year-old girl that was found Christmas day.

Thomas James Leggs, a registered sex offender in Maryland and Delaware, was indicted on burglary and kidnapping charges on Monday, according to court records.
Leggs was charged with abducting 11-year-old Sarah Haley Foxwell on Dec. 23 after her family reported her missing that morning
SALISBURY, Md.- Wicomico County prosecutors announced Tuesday that Thomas Leggs Jr. has been indicted on murder charges in connection with the death of 11-year-old Sarah Haley Foxwell of Salisbury, whose body was found in a wooded area of the county on Christmas Day.
Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis Ruark said in a press conference that a grand jury met Monday and formally handed down an indictment of first-degree murder against Leggs, 30, of Salisbury.
Ruark said the state intends to seek the death penalty against Leggs, who is also a registered sex offender in Maryland and Delaware. Ruark said that because this is a death penalty case, Maryland law requires an automatic change of venue and the case will not be tried in Wicomico County. Ruark hopes the case will be tried on the Upper Shore.
BREAKING NEWS: Leggs Served With Indictment For Foxwell's Murder - Latest News
by - Innae Park

SALISBURY, Md. - More than a month after Sarah Foxwell's body was found in a Delmar field, one man has finally been officially accused of her murder.

On Monday, we sat down with Wicomico County State's Attorney Davis Ruark, who says Leggs has been served with an indictment, charging him with the 11-year-old's murder, as well as sexual offense charges.

Ruark said, "The evidence was shown a definite link between the defendant and the death of Sarah."

However, that may not be all for the registered sex offender. "This'll be a unique case in that it's a murder case but it also carried the potential for the death penalty. There are very few death penalty cases that are brought in Maryland anymore," said Ruark. He believes there is significant evidence in the case that will qualify the consideration of the death penalty.
I am very happy to hear this news....I hope all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed.

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