ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 4

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About the "late at night arrival" and the 3:30 AM noise. I am assuming these are separate events. Who was in the car arriving "late at night" and leaving shortly thereafter. It might have been PD, returning briefly, perhaps on an unrelated errand. We have been assuming the sister was present along with her baby. Now it's open to speculation as to whether one or both was there. Then there is the loud noise, variously reported as inside or near the DiPietro home, loud enough to awake neighbors, but not loud enough to wake those inside the home. I would be shocked if neither of these reported noises was not related to the disappearance. I am still obsessing on the equipment brought in from Massachusettes and the window measurement. Early on, I am pretty sure LE said there were no signs of forced entry. One of the uses of this specialized device is creating a representation of what can be seen from a certain point and has been used to verify or refute eyewitness statements. I wonder if there is a witness who claims to have seen something either looking in or looking out that window. All MOO.
Haven't commented on this case, but I think I've lurked more than what's normal! lol

Anyway, I don't think the mother and father had ANY agreement about him taking care of Ayla while she was in rehab. If they had already agreed, why didn't she personally give the baby to JD before she left? Wouldn't that be more practical and easy for the child (i.e. JD could be given her clothes, her favorite things, etc). Why did he have to go to a police station and basically be escorted by them to get the child?

Secondly, she only filed for custody because HE was going to file? This turns off any speculation for me that JD did something to Ayla because he feared child support or losing physical custody. Aside from that, what court would give a child to a mother who is newly released from rehab and has no permanent address? Unless JD had a long history of drug use or criminal activity himself, he is one father poised to make a really strong stand against custody being automatically given to a mother.

It's more likely IN MY OPINION that she was forced into rehab and had her children removed from her until she completed CPS' family services plan or whatever it would be called in Maine. That would explain the delay in her seeing the child, the so-called visitations, and the fact that the police reported that DHS "authorized" the father to take custody of the child. DHS or CPS as it is called in TX does not just place children with whomever is available---bio father or not. There are home studies, bond assessments, and such.

Like many others, I don't know what to believe in this case. The mother has been very inconsistent and the father has his moments. Something about the way the mother is very insistent on bashing the father is off-putting to me. I can understand why he avoided talking to her, no one would welcome the drama that she seems likely to bring. If she is acting like this is the public eye, how does she act when none of us are watching?

Lastly, about the grandma lying about being in the house. I think it's strange, but what if she was really in the home and the police have asked her to say she wasn't? They have been really guarding the identities of the people present in that home, and perhaps she made a whoopsie that had to be "fixed." Also, maybe the identities of those people are being protected because there is a reason to believe they will be endangered if identified. These things sound weird, but I'm wildly speculating at this point---because no solid info is provided.

Oh, never say these people don't seem smart enough to carry this out without being caught---Casey Anthony, Misty Cummings, someone in Baby Joshua's case, etc, etc...

Both JD and TR say they had an agreement. It's not clear when HHS became involved in this agreement, but it was already in place when JD arrived at the police station. I don't know why TR didn't turn over the baby. Maybe JD didn't pick her up at the agreed upon time.

Anything is possible, but I've never heard of LE advising anyone to lie to the public in a missing child case when they are actively seeking tips from that same public. I think there is protection going on, but it's the residents of that home protecting themselves. All MOO.
I have always been very curious about JD's girlfriend for a few reasons. She was supposedly in the home that night, her car was impounded and searched forensically, and she might have had issues with him having a child pop up. BUT NOW, thinking that he just might have another child but with this gf, that makes me pretty downright suspicious. Especially with the news about gf sister being a drug dealer/[allegedly]

That whole thing puts a whole new spin on the girlfriend being in the home that night. And Grandma and possibly sister NOT being there.
I can understand TR's wavering assessments of JD. If I were her, I would be a raging momma bear. JD claimed Ayla was at his mother's house and disappeared during the twelve plus hours she was supposedly sleeping. Supposedly when everyone else was peacefully sleeping, after all, it was just a normal night.
Ayla is missing, and so is the truth. I believe that part of TR's contact with the media is conflicting because she is confused over what to believe, and she is hesitant to call JD a liar, because she doesn't want to get him angry. TR may still be grasping at a faint hope that JD hid Ayla somewhere, and maybe he will just relent and give her back. I believe she may be harboring a very rational fear that something bad happened to Ayla and JD is covering up the truth.
Quoting from several folks; so to each poster - TIA! :)

Lastly, about the grandma lying about being in the house. I think it's strange, but what if she was really in the home and the police have asked her to say she wasn't? They have been really guarding the identities of the people present in that home, and perhaps she made a whoopsie that had to be "fixed." Also, maybe the identities of those people are being protected because there is a reason to believe they will be endangered if identified. These things sound weird, but I'm wildly speculating at this point---because no solid info is provided.

I posted a similar train of thought on this. They are definitely not 'media saavy' people and they do APPEAR to be taking the 'we are going to do everything LE tells us to do' approach and I think it's possible they took every word LE said to them very literally and decided to say or do things in an effort to 'help' LE and just didn't get it right. I could be totally wrong - but I do feel it's worth of consideration.

bbm...okay...he wouldn't hurt her but TR's sister says every time Ayla would come home from her dad's house something would be wrong...

Then you have someone from Trista's family saying they hope he didn't lose his temper and hurt her. Which is it? geez Does he care about her so much that he could not hurt her, or has he hurt her repeatedly in the past and shown he is able to do so?

If I have time today - I may sit down and try to put together an accurate list of mom's inconsistencies. I don't think anyone has done that yet - and I think it might alleviate or cause us to go hmmmmm..... depending on just how many 'changes' or 'varied accounts' she has given. (Video interviews being most accurate of course!) I still think that there's no way in he-double hockey sticks - that I wouldn't have been in Waterville IMMEDIATELY if my daughter went missing! Its much harder for the police to pick up on things or observe actions, reactions, etc with mom in Portland? If YOU were guilty of a crime and were a few hours away - wouldn't you want to stay away?

About the "late at night arrival" and the 3:30 AM noise. I am assuming these are separate events. Who was in the car arriving "late at night" and leaving shortly thereafter. It might have been PD, returning briefly, perhaps on an unrelated errand. We have been assuming the sister was present along with her baby. Now it's open to speculation as to whether one or both was there. Then there is the loud noise, variously reported as inside or near the DiPietro home, loud enough to awake neighbors, but not loud enough to wake those inside the home. I would be shocked if neither of these reported noises was not related to the disappearance. I am still obsessing on the equipment brought in from Massachusettes and the window measurement. Early on, I am pretty sure LE said there were no signs of forced entry. One of the uses of this specialized device is creating a representation of what can be seen from a certain point and has been used to verify or refute eyewitness statements. I wonder if there is a witness who claims to have seen something either looking in or looking out that window. All MOO.

I REALLY REALLY believe that this noise is related to Ayla going missing. Like something went wrong when they were leaving with her (thus causing the loud noise) -- this would have been something unexpected and unwanted. Being in a hurry to get outta there --- rushing --- something happened to cause that noise and I really hope that someone saw something as opposed to everyone just hearing something -----
Earlier it was quoted (from video I think) that LE encourages the family to talk with media. If JD's sister was in the house, then why isn't she coming forward to talk about what she saw or heard? What was the point of PD coming on camera when she wasn't there that night and cannot provide any worthwhile information? LE's reluctance to say who was in the house that night baffles me. By now, one would think the media has the information and is trying to get interviews with these people.

As for Trista's conflicting stories, I can understand that a bit, just as I have not condemned DB for some changes in her stories. Some people are just not detail oriented. I'm one of them (although I am much older than these young women, so age may have something to do with it). If I were asked about things that happened even a day prior, I would get the story wrong and the more I told it the more wrong it would be.
Gma Phoebe certainly gave the impression initially that she was at the house that night. Didn't she say she wasn't the last to go to bed?

From somewhere I had the impression that Gma Phoebe was definitely in the house asleep and had said she didn't hear anything. I'm going to hunt down the article because if she wasn't there that night after all, then why did she lie about it originally?
Okay, here's the original interview with Grandmother Phoebe Reynolds. I cannot believe she thought police wanted her to bend the truth this way. Even if they told the families not to speak out at first, they never told her to lie, for heaven's sake. She's talking in the first person as if she was in the home, and what else could we assume? I understand her feeling violated since this was her house, but saying she would have locked the door or window? Yeah, if she had been there . . .

" I feel violated. Somebody came into my home and took my granddaughter who was sleeping," Phoebe DiPietro said during her first television interview about Ayla Reynolds, the now 21-month-old toddler.


Sitting in her living room, steps away from Ayla's bedroom, DiPietro said she heard nothing while she slept that night. She wasn't the last one to go to bed that night and wasn't sure whether the doors were locked. She and her son suspect the child was abducted.


"I'm sure that eventually they will be able to let us know how someone go into the house whether it was an unlocked window, an unlocked door, I don't know," DiPietro said. 'If I knew, it wouldn't have happened," she added.

I have been wondering the same thing. Admittedly I'm not much of a sleuth, but what occurred to me is perhaps LE doesn't really know who was there and they don't want to admit this fact to the public. In no way am I disparaging LE efforts to find Ayla by my conjecture.

Thank you for a thought provoking post.

BBM: JMO ... but IF LE does NOT know with complete certainty WHO was there that night Ayla "allegedly went missing" --

It is because someone [or two] -- LIED TO LE !

And this would NOT surprise me at all !

MOO ...
Ok - I'm working on going through and transcribing from interviews the mom's statements and boy is there a lot of inconsistency. I'll post it when I get more put together - it's time consuming to say the least.

With that said, I saw this news video and a couple of things struck out at me Also in this vid - there's a woman standing (at about the 1:31 mark) who looks remarkably like the woman holding a baby in this photo

taken at the house where Ayla was abducted. Doesn't appear to be the same baby - but the similarity of the woman really caught my attention!
Ok - I'm working on going through and transcribing from interviews the mom's statements and boy is there a lot of inconsistency. I'll post it when I get more put together - it's time consuming to say the least.

With that said, I saw this news video and a couple of things struck out at me (probably because I did not realize the mother had BEEN IN PORTLAND THE DAY AYLA WENT MISSING) Also in this vid - there's a woman standing (at about the 1:31 mark) who looks remarkably like the woman holding a baby in this photo
taken at the house where Ayla was abducted. Doesn't appear to be the same baby - but the similarity of the woman really caught my attention!

The woman in the video DOES look like it could be the same person in the picture. But it is only a view from behind so it is hard to say for sure. It would be very interesting if it was the same person though. Hmmmmmmm
Hoppy: the woman in the video is likely WR, Trista's stepsister, who stated that she was worried that JD may have lost his temper. The baby she is holding is likely Trista's little one. JMO

In the video, the reporter states that Trista left Ayla in the custody of her sister (stepsister?) when Justin came to collect Ayla. I think the sister is the woman in the video. JMO
The only similarity I see is that the two women have pony tails. The woman in the photo appears to be much thinner than the woman in the video, IMO.
Hoppy: the woman in the video is likely WR, Trista's stepsister, who stated that she was worried that JD may have lost his temper. The baby she is holding is likely Trista's little one. JMO

In the video, the reporter states that Trista left Ayla in the custody of her sister (stepsister?) when Justin came to collect Ayla. I think the sister is the woman in the video. JMO

If it is - then that blows away Trista's comments about none of her family going to Portland?

It is very hard to tell. Admittedly! It just caught my eye and made me :waitasec:

Going through all the mom's statements is a bit like :rollercoaster:
To be fair, most of the interviewers in this case have been lousy, seldom following up on anything TR has said, to try to clarify things. I think TR is mixed-up about dates and incidents, but I don't get an outright "lying" vibe from her, JMO.
If it is - then that blows away Trista's comments about none of her family going to Portland?

It is very hard to tell. Admittedly! It just caught my eye and made me :waitasec:

Going through all the mom's statements is a bit like :rollercoaster:

No, Trista and her family live in Portland. The baby went missing from Waterville, where Dad lives.
No, Trista and her family live in Portland. The baby went missing from Waterville, where Dad lives.

Got ahead of myself I think :confused: Going to go see if I can correct my original posting.

Thanks for pointing that out! :)

Edited to add I did remove that part from my earlier posting. :)
Can anyone help me out? I cannot find the video where Trista spoke about her talking to Justin about taking Ayla while she went to rehab. I know I've seen it - I just can't seem to find that particular one right now?

Help? :)
I imagine that TR feels like she has been on that roller coaster since day one, and it is joyless, no-thrills but chilling terror. Her daughter is missing, and she didn't do anything to Ayla to cause her to be missing. Both Ayla and her younger brother looked happy and well-cared for under TR's care. While I agree that there have been some inconsistencies in TR's statements, I feel that nothing in them leads to explaining what happened to Ayla under JD's care. If TR is speaking from an emotional point of view I can understand how she could find fault with JD. Sometimes in periods of deep prolonged stress our emotions override our factual knowledge, resulting in an "at the moment" situation. The fear of the unknown, the truth, the if only's, the bargains one makes with God - all of these must be be battling to be heard inside TR's mind.
This surely would put one on a roller coaster ride that could break one's spirit forever.

Nobody forsees any of this in their life, and I feel so very sorry for TR and whatever hell she is undergoing at this time. I hope she is finding a source of strength somewhere - one should not have to bear this alone.
Got ahead of myself I think :confused: Going to go see if I can correct my original posting.

Thanks for pointing that out! :)

Edited to add I did remove that part from my earlier posting. :)

Thanks for trying, though!
I appreciate you! :seeya:
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