ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 4

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Ok - I have realized today that this is a tough thing to try and do. Here's what I was able to put together with the little time I had today. **PLEASE NOTE: Any italics or red added in was done by me to point things out. I also added some of my own thoughts - and those should be obvious as they are after the quotes from the interviews. All of these are from Trista's mouth - and the links to the videos are included** I have decided I'm not exactly great at doing this - but I did give it a shot. I think there's enough here to at least invoke a little thought or conversation on the matter?

TRISTA REYNOLDS, MISSING TODDLER`S MOTHER: I`ve had no contact with him. He`s had no contact with me. Like, all I know is he`s the last man to see my daughter and all I want to know is where she is.

NANCY GRACE, HLN ANCHOR: You were all on your own without even a lawyer to help you try and get custody. Why, Trista, were you trying to get full custody? 

REYNOLDS (via phone): Because her father has never had anything to do with her up until I needed to go and get a little bit of help for myself. And then when I left my daughter with my sister, that`s when he decided, "You know what? I`m going to take Ayla." 
And I want to put it out there that every time my daughter has gone with Justin, she has -- she always comes back with bruises on her. She had come back with a pulled muscle.

REYNOLDS: I have had no contact with him. He has had no contact with me. Like, all I know is he`s the last man to see my daughter, and all I want to know is where she is.

She seems to contradict herself in this interview? First saying he’s had nothing to do with her – then saying everytime Ayla went with him she’d come back with bruises? – It doesn’t add up with her other statements (seen in other interviews) that she had only seen Ayla twice since getting out of rehab?

“I guess there is….everyone is over there right now. And I just, I guess I just want to pick her up and I want to hold her and I just wanna tell her like she’s gonna be ok. And I just I just wanna see her face. I wanna see her eyes. I wanna feel her touch. I wanna, I wanna tell her I love her and I feel like I can’t protect her right now. And I though that by her, by me letting her go with her father by me keeping her for as long as she has been that it was the safest place for her because I knew that I wasn’t able to take care of her. But now I’m so wrong, like since she’s been there she’s gotten a broken arm, she’s ended up missing, you know what I mean? And I wasn’t trying to be secretive by going to the court I just I didn’t want to fight with him anymore like me and her father have been fighting constantly and just I didn’t want to fight no more. I was tired of getting my hopes up that my daughter was going to get to come spend the night or even the weekend with me and then when he just wouldn’t show with her. You know what I mean, like”

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Plus you’re in two, two different far towns.

“Right, right. She’s all the way in Waterville and I’m here and there’s nothing I Can do right now except for sit here and and put it out there that I hope I hope that they find her and I hope she’s safe and I hope she’s ok but like my biggest fear is that she’s all alone and she’s scared and she aint got nobody to turn to and I am her mother, I, I am supposed to be protecting her and there are other people out there looking for her not me like I should be in Waterville right now searching for my daughter but nobody will let me be there, Waterville PD are telling me I can’t be there .”


“I don’t know, like they just keep saying that it’d interfere, interfere, interfere with what?? Like you, there’s an amazing woman out there and I wish I knew her name and I’ve seen her come up on tv talking the same thing you know like has Ayla eaten, is she ok, like I mean, this lady has her own family and she has sent her own kids with her he with her mother so she can go and search for my daughter like I thank that woman right now for what’s she’s doing because I can’t be there.”

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What if you got in the car and went out there, what are they gonna to do?

“That that’s what I’m wondering. Like what are they gonna do? Because you know my whole family is ready to go up there and do our own little search but it’s like if the dog’s can’t even sniff her out from being outside then where is she? If she’s not outside then who has her then where is she?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, you know there’s the abduction theory and then you hear now people are pointing fingers that you’re a suspect, he’s a, everybody’s a suspect ya know? What do you really in your heart of hearts tells you what’s happened here? Apparently he’s had some people over, somebody you didn’t know, and?

“I’m really starting to believe that he has done something with my daughter. I am starting to feel that as a mother that somebody in his family or him himself has done something with Ayla. And if he has, all he’s gotta do is just come out and say it, just come out and talk to me, just tell me where she is because I want to know where she is. I haven’t seen her in over a month and then this is what I happens, like I can’t”

(Initial statements are in the above so I’m not going to repost those)

At about the 1:38 mark it begins new footage of mom speaking about the custody agreement:

“And the agreement was, was that he if took Ayla, if I let him take care of Ayla for the time being for me to get back on my feet he had to live with his mother because I thought it woulda been the safest place for her and I was wrong.”

“Good morning.”

“Um, the same thing that I hear on the news um but they they’ll kinda call me first before I hear it on the news but it’s the same thing That they’re still investingating that there’s still where we were 13 days ago.”

“I don’t know. Part of me feels yes and part of me feels no. It’s just”

“Just you know like he says he’s not in hiding but why won’t he come out why won’t he talk to me why, why is he staying away you know like just what is he so afraid of to not come out or to not talk to me”


“I don’t got one. I’m still in shock with what he wrote with what he put out in his statement.

“Yep, I’ve asked that question and they tell me that it’s between me and him like it’s on me and him to contact one another.”

“Right. None.”

“That’s right”

“No, I had went like 2 ½ weeks without seeing her when I first go out of rehab and then after um, like the first week of November I didn’t see her again until the 21st of November and then after the 21st of November I didn’t see her again”

“Yeah, ya know just for the reasons like he would never let me see her. I would call to talk to her and he’d get mad about it. I mean like if I did see her and I would notive something on her like a bruise or just something instead of just reacting in a calm manner he

(at the dad’s house – Dec 23rd)
“Good Morning”

Reporter asks ‘what are the police telling you about the investigation right now’

“Nothing. Um, uh. No clues. Not at all. Um, Everything I’m hearing I’m hearing from , um, news reporters, broadcastings, um yeah I’m just like everybody else out there right now. I’m not hearing from any detective, any state police, nothing, just what I’m hearing on the news.”

News reporter says “You checked in with him a week ago…..”

“Um, I had reached out to him on Thursday the 15th to see if was definitely still coming on Friday and he told me he was definitely not coming and that was the last that I had spoken with Justin”

Reporter asks if she’s heard from Justin
“I have not.”

Reporter asks about Justin saying he always checked in on Ayla before he would go to bed…

“Um, I don’t know in, in this case right now. Like, yeah, he’s told me numerous times that before he’d go to bed he would check on her and now I’m just trying to think that why on this one time would you not check on her.[/B] So I’m not sure like….”

This contradicts her statement in the video below this one

Repoter states that Ayla was placed taken into custody by child protective services, and Justing got custody of her in Oct.

“No, he did not”

Reporter then restates as “temporary custody” and asks why was she in his care?

“He did not get custody of Ayla. No, he did not. Nothing stating he, because department of health and human services violated my rights which is why she ended in Justin’s care. There was no court order, there was no nothing that had to do with any custody at all. None whatsoever.”

Reporter asks if she filed for custody:

“On Thursday I, um, went to Portland court house and I filed for parental rights and responsibilities.”

Reporter asks if she thinks Justin was not a caring parent:

“Um, I don’t think he was not not a caring parent I just, I just think that the way he was going about things was, was just wrong by lots of ways and I mean just you know after awhile of not hearing from her or being able to see her a mother’s going to get suspicious and that’s I started getting very suspicious about what was going on.

“Thanks, um, and can I just, um thank everyone out there, for um, you know especially the mother’s, uh, mother to mother who’s out searching for my daughter and has been out there looking and not given up and given their prayers.”

[r]Uh, Ayla was with Justing because DHS violated her rights? In the other interview she says she put Ayla with Justin because it she thought was the best place for her at the time.”


What are they telling you:

“They’re telling me nothing. They’re telling me where’re the same place that I was on Saturday. That they don’t know what happened to her that they don’t know where she could be. And all that’s running through my mind is I know my baby girl I know Ayla and Ayla doesn’t sleep through the night. She normallygets up once or twice for a diaper change to have a bottle.”

This contradicts her statement in the above video

Asked about the broken arm:

“Um, uh a few weeks ago Justin had given me a call and said that he was holding Ayla and they fell up like 2 or 3 little steps and he fell on top of her and her arm was broken”

Did she have a crib?

“No, um when she starts staying with Justin she was actually sleeping in like um a toddler bed.”

Asked if Ayla can open a door:

“Ayla knows how to open doors but I’d also taught Ayla that we don’t walk outside without mommy or an older adult.”

When asked if she was led to believe she would get custody from the judge (referring to Trista being in Portland to file the papers)

“I hadn’t even gotten that far. All I had done is file the paperwork and that was it. I hadn’t seen a judge I haven’t talked to a lawyer I have done nothing but file”

Why were you trying to get full custody?

“Because her father has never had anything to do with her up until I needed to go and get a little bit of help for myself. And then when I left my daughter with my sister that’s when he decided you know I’m going to take Ayla.”

Have you talked to the father:

“No, Justin and I have had no contact. I don’t know..”
Ok - I have realized today that this is a tough thing to try and do. Here's what I was able to put together with the little time I had today. **PLEASE NOTE: Any italics or red added in was done by me to point things out. I also added some of my own thoughts - and those should be obvious as they are after the quotes from the interviews. All of these are from Trista's mouth - and the links to the videos are included** I have decided I'm not exactly great at doing this - but I did give it a shot. I think there's enough here to at least invoke a little thought or conversation on the matter?

I still think that Trista's comments of having Ayla be with Justin and it had to be at his moms as that was "the safest place" is very telling. Either Trista was fearful that someone from her past would retaliate against her or Ayla, or Trista did not trust the people (gf) of Justin's in Portland and that is why he had to go back to his mom's. Maybe she just plain didn't trust the gf? "safest place" was said more than one time. Most would say "best place"...maybe "safest place" is a huge clue of things we've yet to learn.
Weirdness: Justin says he doesn't know the results but a spokesman for Public Safety says he was told how he did.
DiPietro said he and Ayla; his sister Elisha DiPietro, 23 and her young daughter; and his girlfriend Courtney Roberts, 24, and her young son, were all in the home.
DiPietro said he and Ayla; his sister Elisha DiPietro, 23 and her young daughter; and his girlfriend Courtney Roberts, 24, and her young son, were all in the home.

That's 3 adults and 3 children. Am I missing something here?
There were THREE kids in the house!

Also on Friday, DiPietro said there were three children and three adults in his mother’s home on Violette Avenue the night before Ayla was reported missing.

DiPietro said he and Ayla; his sister Elisha DiPietro, 23 and her young daughter; and his girlfriend Courtney Roberts, 24, and her young son, were all in the home. The Roberts are Portland residents.
McCausland said at a Wednesday press conference there were three adults and two children in the home. Friday he said that was a mistake.
Irrelevant, eh? I wonder if he was told he failed?
The woman with the child with the lion hat in the photo on the driveway are JD's girlfriend and her child. JMO
How can Ayla disappear in a house with THREE toddlers in it? WTH is going on here?
Maybe there WERE THREE in the home Friday night - but how many of the children were there ALL night?

As for the comments about his results - sounds to me like he feels pretty confident that he PASSED the test - that LE may have alluded or said he DIDN'T pass ......and that he hasn't actually SEEN the results......

It will be interesting to see if LE comments further on his LDT.
Went back and read the article and I answered my own question:

Also on Friday, DiPietro said there were three children and three adults in his mother’s home on Violette Avenue the night before Ayla was reported missing.
Maybe there WERE THREE in the home Friday night - but how many of the children were there ALL night?

As for the comments about his results - sounds to me like he feels pretty confident that he PASSED the test - that LE may have alluded or said he DIDN'T pass ......and that he hasn't actually SEEN the results......

It will be interesting to see if LE comments further on his LDT.

Or he is confident he HAD to have passed as he didn't do anything?
The woman with the child with the lion hat in the photo on the driveway are JD girlfriend and her child. JMO
How can Ayla disappear in a house with THREE toddlers in it? WTH is going on here?

So if Dad was in a small home with THREE toddlers in it---that changes the energy, imo. It takes a whole lot of patience to deal with three kids at one time. There would have been a lot of whining and crying and hassling going on that night, imo.
Is it standard practice to tell someone that took a polygraph that they failed? I mean, if someone passed, will the person be told that they passed?
Went back and read the article and I answered my own question:

Three adults, three children were at the house the night BEFORE Ayla was found missing.
Were they all there the WHOLE night?
Did anyone else come and go? (Other than suspicious intruder)
This is extremely hinky to me. Facts filter in, yet they contradict so-called facts stated previously.
It seemed to me, since the statement was 'the night BEFORE' .....

.....we can be left to speculate the possibility of: Ayla being the only child in the house, and Justin being the only adult in the house.

With that in mind you could go a couple different ways:

1. Justin DID do something to Ayla and there's no one else who was in the house so no way to corroborate (and maybe why the 'details' of that night are not being spilled by anyone, including LE)

Now -- you have the Justin did it theory.

2. Ayla WAS taken by someone in the home and since Justin was the only one home - he simply slept through it -- and it was a much easier scenario for Trista or someone else to go into the home and snatch her up. Then you have the loud noise and car the neighbors heard just down from Justin's house......which suggest abductor possibility.....

and now you've got the abduction theory.
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