ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 7

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I don't think McCausland came across as defensive at all, more like justifiably proud of the job LE is doing. IMO, LE has been very skillful dealing with the media and using the media to their advantage in putting the squeeze on the people who were the last to see Ayla. All MOO.

Must be the way the article was written then. Especially the heading:

Ayla case puts police spokesman in spotlight
TV host Nancy Grace among many who want answers from Steve McCausland
I just looked up Elisha DiPietro -

Elisha DiPietro; has lived in Waterville, ME; Related to Phoebe M. DiPietro, Lance Dipietro; Age 23

And just where is data on Justin DiPietro? Information regarding him continues to be elusive!
I have exhausted all avenues for seaching for him. He doesn't exist on any investigative search engine. From the start, I have suspected he is adopted or something and that is why Elisha and Lance show up associated with Phoebe and Justin does not.

I am still very curious as to why all the DiPietro kids of that last name, which is AFAIK Phoebe's birth name. I know it is common for unwed mothers (like Trista) to use their last name for their child, but three children? It just seems hinky to me.

DR. KNOW said:
-You can pay to hide your info. Some people just don't want someone tracking them plus some people just don't use the internet or they try to disquise themselves. Several reasons why there's no info. Some are just hiding something.
Not on all of them.
It sounds like one of those 3 adults (if not all 3) know or had something to do with Ayla's disappearance. I know it's very easy to say JD is the one primary responsible but stranger things have happened. I think I'm going to hold off on pinpointing theories until more information comes out.
Except that Ayla's mom did not trust Ayla's dad to care for her. Trista left Ayla in the care of her own family when she went into rehab. It was DCF who removed the child and placed her in the care of her father, allegedly through a caseworker with personal ties to PD. :mad:

I'm not trying to be argumentative, and I'm not even sure if it makes a difference, but according to the Reynold's Family timeline of events, it was DHHS who initially placed Ayla in the joint care of Jessica and Becca (Trista's sister and mother.)

Since you have worked with Trista....I realize you would know if she blurted it out or not.

The statement He Did Not Know....I have to question that though, could it not have been leaked to Justin in some manner that perhaps no one but the leaker and Justin are aware of.

He did not know was in reference that Trista filed for parental rights.
Oh I understand that but the way it was worded lead me to believe that Ayla was ripped from her mother when in fact she wasn't. Her mother chose to get the help she needed and trusted Ayla's dad to care for her. I wouldn't consider that ripping a child from her mother, KWIM? There's a big difference.

We read in MSM that Trista left ayla with her sister, and Justin had her removed by the police, kicking and screaming. Only after Justin got custody, did Trista agree to leave her there, provided he moved to his moms. Justin and Courtney were probably pissed that Justin had to move. That is what I based my observation on. Tho technically you are right, she was not ripped from her mothers arms.
I have been thinking is this really fair to Trista to give her false hope? Mercy! The agony of believing, trying to believe. I know it is a very painful thing for her to learn regardless of when she is told. Even the agony of a missing child is enough, but to prolong the inevitable seems unfair to me.

I know when it was discovered my husband had cancer, I was very thankful the Dr.s were very honest with us from the start, telling us their educated opinions. When he died, I was thankful the Dr.s had been honest with him and myself. I would have been very unhappy and mistrusting if they had lied or deceived us. JMO

When you learned your husband had cancer, you had your needed answers and could move forward towards the next step. There must always be hope when a loved one is missing because in all actuality, nobody knows where the Ayla is. It would be unfair to say she is deceased and put the family through the grief without giving their needed answers as to where their beautiful baby is? This is why there must always be hope. We've had cases in which the missing loved became a homicide investigation and located safely and vice versa. While remote, there is the possibility and one must always have hope...even when the outcome looks grim.
I have exhausted all avenues for seaching for him. He doesn't exist on any investigative search engine. From the start, I have suspected he is adopted or something and that is why Elisha and Lance show up associated with Phoebe and Justin does not.

I'm not sure how these investigative search engines work, but I'm pretty sure they compile information from public records. I have a 21 year old daughter who, according to any search I've done, doesn't exist. She's not listed as being associated with our household or anything like that. I suspect it's because she has never had so much as a traffic ticket, let alone a criminal record, she's never taken out a loan, there are no liens against her that would appear in the county recorder's files, there are no financial judgements against her, and she's never had a credit card. Also, she was born when we were living in a different state than the one we live in now. Maybe something similar is going on with Justin?
I personally want to thank all of you who provide links so quickly to back up your statements. The repetitive questions are frustrating, and the statements without links slow down the investigation and intelligent discussion. I just have to say a great big TY for the patience and diligence of those select few who are so daggone thorough.
He did not know was in reference that Trista filed for parental rights.

I understood that the reference was to Trista filed for parental rights, but I was questioning your statement that he did not know.

How can anyone be sure of that, other than Justin himself, and he has not been truthful.

How does anyone know that someone could have seen her at the courthouse that day and told Justin? that Trista mentioned it to someone that told Justin, that there was a leak from the records keeper at the courthouse, and other possibles.

I just don't understand how it can be said for absolute positive that Justin didn't know.

I am not saying he did know, and have my doubts that he did, but can anyone other than Justin answer that question for certain?
Oh. I didn't know that. I thought it was a choice she made. Is there an MSM stating this? I'd love to read it. Thank you.

I'm not trying to be argumentative, and I'm not even sure if it makes a difference, but according to the Reynold's Family timeline of events, it was DHHS who initially placed Ayla in the joint care of Jessica and Becca (Trista's sister and mother.)

Is Ayla Reynolds Victim of Illegal Custody Grab?

By Carol Bengle Gilbert | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Mon, Jan 23, 2012

Trista Reynolds, mother of missing toddler Ayla Reynolds, and her family, released an online statement Sunday on Facebook addressing events leading up to Ayla's disappearance. The Reynolds family provided information on Ayla's custodial arrangements prior to the girl's disappearance. The account questions whether a child protective services supervisor acted outside of her authority in transferring the little girl to her father Justin DiPietro.
According to the statement, Maine's Department of Health and Human Services took action after Trista Reynolds, under the influence of alcohol, had an altercation with her sister Jessica Reynolds Oct. 12, resulting in a police visit. Trista Reynolds says the next day a DHHS official told her to "kick the alcohol or lose the kids," and she entered into substance abuse treatment, starting that day.
Ayla's Care

More at link
Is Ayla Reynolds Victim of Illegal Custody Grab?

By Carol Bengle Gilbert | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Mon, Jan 23, 2012

Trista Reynolds, mother of missing toddler Ayla Reynolds, and her family, released an online statement Sunday on Facebook addressing events leading up to Ayla's disappearance. The Reynolds family provided information on Ayla's custodial arrangements prior to the girl's disappearance. The account questions whether a child protective services supervisor acted outside of her authority in transferring the little girl to her father Justin DiPietro.

More at link

I take back what I said in my earlier post. This definitely is considered "ripping" from her mom.

Thanks for the link.
I personally want to thank all of you who provide links so quickly to back up your statements. The repetitive questions are frustrating, and the statements without links slow down the investigation and intelligent discussion. I just have to say a great big TY for the patience and diligence of those select few who are so daggone thorough.

Some of us only started following this case in the recent days. I was here on and off and have many other cases I follow so I'm not always privy to what's been discussed.

Yes, it must be frustrating for those who have been here from the start but those of us who have just recently started to follow the case appreciate the links to articles.

If Ayla had her own forum, there would be a links page only. It is what it is for now.

Thanks to those who provide links backing up their posts. Very much appreciated!
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