ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 8

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I have more questions then ever!

Was JD really living in Waterville with Ayla? Was JD in Portland while Ayla was in Waterville with PD? Or was Ayla in Portland with JD and not living in Waterville at all?

Who are these three men? It gives more credence to that sighting of a woman and 3 men with a baby the night Ayla supposedly went missing in Waterville.

What is HT and AH's fight in this? Does DT know what happened to Ayla? Is he one of the three men?

And I still want to know what the heck happened to JD's face! It makes me think there is a WHOLE lot more to this story than what we are being told. :waitasec:

BBM...sorry, I missed this, what are you referring to?
BBM...sorry, I missed this, what are you referring to?

In the very first pictures of JD standing in the driveway, it looks like his nose was broken or swollen. He didn't make an appearance for some time. Some of us have wondered if he was in some kind of fight and was hiding out til his face healed up a bit.

<snipped by me>

For the same reasons people are saying they are using Trista to keep pressure on Justin? Trying to work the investigation by deception and very well thought out tactics?

I still have problem with Trista because of her incosistent statements and the way she acts. Her sister hasn't helped - she's made comments about the DiPietro house (the steps) ---- so who's to say she didn't go there and take Ayla? She clearly has her own issues..... And, I thought I read an article that stated she's lost custody of her own kids?

There's definitely 2 sides to this story -- RIGHT NOW -- I don't think any of us really know for sure how this one will play out.....

Personally, I tend to follow LE and LE has stated that the people known to be in the home are not being truthful...JMO
As for what happened to jds face i recall vaguely that it was either a fb comment or a comment after a news article...i dont have a link so its simply a rumor based on my i recall someone said that the night alya went missing that lance and jd fought and he broke jds nose

Maybe someone here will recall where the comment came from
In the very first pictures of JD standing in the driveway, it looks like his nose was broken or swollen. He didn't make an appearance for some time. Some of us have wondered if he was in some kind of fight and was hiding out til his face healed up a bit.


Thanks, hambirg, & all others who answered this question. Guess my memory or observational skills are lacking! :p
I wish they could officially clear her but I suppose I think they have if they're giving her information about the investigation. Would they do that if they had their eyes on her as the perp?
After clicking on this I saw that it had thoroughly been explained as in below by cityslick and further more by Lavonda Dolce.. I, too must agree that SOP is LE NOT ever "clearing" anyone until an arrest is made..jmo from other cases that I have seen play out in their entirety..
This is what amazes me when folks say that LE needs to clear parents. *I can't recall a single case where LE cleared a parent before a perp was caught. *It's not SOP. *The only way a parent is going to be cleared is if they were nowhere near (by this I mean, states away, not 40 miles) when the event happened. *There is definitely no way a parent is going to be cleared before someone else is arrested if the child went missing under their care, no matter how much cooperation they do.

Or Ayla was gone long before that night and she has no clue about anything...:twocents:
The point is still the exact same even in adding your above example of an option.. Even so if CR was not involved and Ayla disappeared BEFORE she was at the Dipietro home spending the night.. The fact remains the same that if even she has no direct knowledge she still is with holding crucial details about Ayla's disappearance.. How do we know she didn't tell LE such info??.. Because McClausand has stated directly that upon info derived directly from the 3 adults present in the home that LE is operating under the premise that Ayla was in the home on the night of Friday the 16th..*

So, point remains the same as was made in the post you above replied to.. Her having knowledge Ayla was gone by the 16th and not having shared it with LE just only adds yet another example of CR NOT COOPERATING with LE in terms of giving an honest acct of what went on in the home..

Originally posted by hoppy
For the same reasons people are saying they are using Trista to keep pressure on Justin? Trying to work the investigation by deception and very well thought out tactics?

I still have problem with Trista because of her incosistent statements and the way she acts. Her sister hasn't helped - she's made comments about the DiPietro house (the steps) ---- so who's to say she didn't go there and take Ayla? She clearly has her own issues..... And, I thought I read an article that stated she's lost custody of her own kids?

There's definitely 2 sides to this story -- RIGHT NOW -- I don't think any of us really know for sure how this one will play out.....
I respectfully disagree in that IMO LE are taking a firm stance in who is being honest and forthcoming and who is not as well as who is appropriately fighting to get Ayla home and who is not.. Below in deoneta's post is just a snippet showing us this.. Just as Trista has stated investigators told her she's free to tell whatever she'd like but they'd not be able to back her up publicly.. Below obviously they are not upset nor denying and definitely stating Her statements are not in any way making a problem for LE.. However funny it is that LE does come directly out and deny Justin's false statements when made..

LE is speaking volumes of who is involved and who is I disagree that there is some how equal questioning on both sides.. That is far from accurate.. LE is whose lead I will follow..
(deoneta's post below quoting LE statement)
McCausland said Wednesday he would not verify or deny Trista’s statements or the information posted on the website. McCausland also said police continue to urge Ayla’s family members to talk to the media. Asked if the Reynolds’ public statements complicate the investigation — particularly details they say were given to them by police — McCausland said they have not.
LE doesn't seem to have a problem with TR's statements. *All MOO.

and then finally below is my own quote..
I believe donjeta's above post makes sense as a possibility and with us not knowing LE exact motive with this particular info coming to light of course we can only speculate.. But I too zoned in on the inquiry regarding the clothes as well and I'll share what was my immediate thoughts on what possibly LE could be looking for or at re: the clothes..

What came to mind was this.. Suppose in LE methodical and meticulous investigating that's been done this far suppose there are specific clothes that LE have been told by multiple people what JD was wearing around the time of the disappearance.. In being told that of course LE is going to want all of those particular items of Justin's clothes to be analyzed thoroughly.. I think common sense would tell most why that would be important to LE..

So say that LE have attempted to obtain those items of clothes but can find no trace of them, even in their 2 week search of the Dipietro home.. When asked about the clothes say Justin plays dumb and says others must be mistaken that he wasn't wearing what they told police.. They're mistaken.. Blah.. Blah.. Blah..
Therefor those clothes would be of great importance to find or if even to somehow otherwise prove that Justin did in fact have those particular clothes on around the time in question..well a clerks eyewitness testimony, or even better the stores video footage showing Justin in those exact clothes would be of extreme importance.. Another lie uncovered by JD that he was wearing the clothes described others and even further questioning of what happened to those articles of clothes and why would they be missing, disappeared, or disposed of??

As I said just some thoughts about possibilities of what LE's motives are with this latest info/details..

Jmo, tho!
Sorry to quote myself wanted to clear up some things and/or elaborate further on this particular thought re: the clothes..

So sorry for misquoting donjeta in my post above.. It was actually IHAVENOCLUE's post that I was referencing in that I agreed with and found it plausible re: the clothes aspect.. Just wanted to clear that up as I realized it was nonsensical when referencing a totally different member and post..:crazy:

To elaborate further on my above thoughts regarding Justin's clothes and LE motive for releasing this newest info.. In going with the above described theory regarding clothes that Justin possibly denied having worn.. By LE releasing certain seemingly uninimportant info such as the fact they were interested in the clothing worn while inside the store.. IMO it would just be further tightening of the screws.. While seeming unimportant to us.. However for Justin to learn this info it SAYS A WHOLE HELLUVA ALOT!! It says to Justin that LE now have direct evidence corroborating what was told them by individuals regarding what Justin was wearing around the time of the disappearance.. Furthermore direct evidence proving Justin not only lied to LE but that they know now that there are actually articles of clothing that have disappeared.. Are missing.. Or been disposed of..

As I said just another turn of the screws ever tightening in on those LE believe to be involved in Ayla's disappearance/death..

**with us not knowing LE motive for this new info that's come to light this above is nothing more than speculating on what possibly could be behind the inquiry regarding the clothes worn while inside the convenient store**
I think he did come back to the Waterville home at about 3am ish. The neighbors reported a car pulling in at that time. I think he came home, possibly high/drunk at that time. Did he check in on Ayla then? Maybe she was crying or wet and he drunkenly tried to change her or pick her up? Did he shake her at the time? Maybe the cover up and disposal began at 3 am...

But the Cumberland Farms store visit was the early morning of the day before she went missing. The car reported was the morning she went missing. Thus makes me wonder if in fact he went out both nights...including the one where she went missing...but would he have left CR at his home while he went out? This obviously is if CR and ED have no clue as to what happened and they believe she was in fact abducted...which I highly am doubtful..but lets just say they slept through it all...whatever "all" is.
To elaborate further on my above thoughts regarding Justin's clothes and LE motive for releasing this newest info.. In going with the above described theory regarding clothes that Justin possibly denied having worn.. By LE releasing certain seemingly uninimportant info such as the fact they were interested in the clothing worn while inside the store.. IMO it would just be further tightening of the screws.. While seeming unimportant to us.. However for Justin to learn this info it SAYS A WHOLE HELLUVA ALOT!! It says to Justin that LE now have direct evidence corroborating what was told them by individuals regarding what Justin was wearing around the time of the disappearance.. Furthermore direct evidence proving Justin not only lied to LE but that they know now that there are actually articles of clothing that have disappeared.. Are missing.. Or been disposed of..

As I said just another turn of the screws ever tightening in on those LE believe to be involved in Ayla's disappearance/death..

**with us not knowing LE motive for this new info that's come to light this above is nothing more than speculating on what possibly could be behind the inquiry regarding the clothes worn while inside the convenient store**

Speaking of clothing, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that Ayla would have been wearing those green pajamas that are long sleeve and tight fitting when she had a cast on her arm? I really doubt that they would have removed the entire soft cast which consists of a metal half plate, gauze padding and an ace bandage...put on those pajamas and then apply the soft cast on top. From the get-go that caught my attention because I myself was in a cast on the date Ayla disappeared and for three weeks wore short sleeves.
I disagree with the clothing theories that have been mentioned. I don't have anything to support my thinking, but I don't believe LE is looking into the clothing Justin wears or wore. I am tending to question some of what was written in the Portland Sun's article. If the Sentinel backs it up, then I may change my mind.
Speaking of clothing, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that Ayla would have been wearing those green pajamas that are long sleeve and tight fitting when she had a cast on her arm? I really doubt that they would have removed the entire soft cast which consists of a metal half plate, gauze padding and an ace bandage...put on those pajamas and then apply the soft cast on top. From the get-go that caught my attention because I myself was in a cast on the date Ayla disappeared and for three weeks wore short sleeves.

Maybe the soft cast caused her irritation when it was worn directly against the skin, so to facilitate peaceful sleep, they put it outside the sleeve? (I have never worn a cast so no idea if this is realistic in any way.)
Maybe the soft cast caused her irritation when it was worn directly against the skin, so to facilitate peaceful sleep, they put it outside the sleeve? (I have never worn a cast so no idea if this is realistic in any way.)

I find it hard to believe anyone was worrying about her comfort, since no one even bothered to check on her...JMO
It's usually SOP for LE to ask for the clothes a person was wearing at the time of ANY kind of incident or crime, so they can be analyzed for possible DNA. But since this was the day before Ayla was reported missing, it's possible that they want to compare the description of those clothes to what he has in his possession now. If nothing matches, they are going to assume that he burned/destroyed them for some reason, which looks very suspicious.
Since he states that Ayla was kidnapped sometime in the night, they will of course want to see the clothes he was wearing before he went to bed. No way of knowing whether he would have given them the right clothes or just dragged some out of the hamper, unless whoever else was in the house confirmed what he was wearing.
BUT, the point is... the clothes he was wearing, even a day or two before, could be very important.
Speaking of clothing, doesn't anyone else find it suspicious that Ayla would have been wearing those green pajamas that are long sleeve and tight fitting when she had a cast on her arm? I really doubt that they would have removed the entire soft cast which consists of a metal half plate, gauze padding and an ace bandage...put on those pajamas and then apply the soft cast on top. From the get-go that caught my attention because I myself was in a cast on the date Ayla disappeared and for three weeks wore short sleeves.

I agree Lavanda...actually, I had not thought of this until I read some comment or post which mentioned this. Long sleeves would have been torturous to put on the poor girl. I dislocated my shoulder a couple of times, only wore a sling, and even then had a hard time maneuvering into more binding clothes. In fact I had to dig in my closet for looser clothes that were not very styllish, but were easier to put on. (Not that I am a Vogue kinda gal! (-; )
Additionally, I think the choice of this set of pajamas with "Daddy's Little Princess" printed on the front was an attempt at showing LE/media, etc. what a devoted dad JD is.
Thanks, hambirg, & all others who answered this question. Guess my memory or observational skills are lacking! :p
Oh my Gosh, PlainJaneDoe!

I hardly think your skills are lacking! I am surprised that we are all thinking as well as we are while in the DiPietro Twi - lie -ght Zone!:abduction:
Maybe the soft cast caused her irritation when it was worn directly against the skin, so to facilitate peaceful sleep, they put it outside the sleeve? (I have never worn a cast so no idea if this is realistic in any way.)

That would be more uncomfortable as it would slip around...or be so tight to avoid slipping.
I agree Lavanda...actually, I had not thought of this until I read some comment or post which mentioned this. Long sleeves would have been torturous to put on the poor girl. I dislocated my shoulder a couple of times, only wore a sling, and even then had a hard time maneuvering into more binding clothes. In fact I had to dig in my closet for looser clothes that were not very styllish, but were easier to put on. (Not that I am a Vogue kinda gal! (-; )
Additionally, I think the choice of this set of pajamas with "Daddy's Little Princess" printed on the front was an attempt at showing LE/media, etc. what a devoted dad JD is.

Yes..the sling was the worst part...luckily only had that for a few days...the cast longer. So OUCH! About the dislocated shoulder! That had to hurt! My cast was due to surgery which was an improvement for my arm and nerve damage as opposed to an injury.
I have another question. . .

Did anybody else have a policy on Ayla?

Do ED and CR have policies on their children? Gawd I hope not! :what:
I have another question. . .

Did anybody else have a policy on Ayla?

Do ED and CR have policies on their children? Gawd I hope not! :what:

Regarding policies on ED's and CR's has to wonder....:waitasec:
I'm thinking about the missed appointment. Not sure of the date---whether it was the 15th or the 12th (or some other time entirely), but could JD have avoided going because he didn't want TR to have a chance to take Ayla? If neither of them truly had custody as we have heard thus far, couldn't TR just take her baby back?
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