ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 8

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Trista could be like many that I know. During a crises they're at their best, very calm, organized, know what to do and set about doing it. Everyone else is falling apart but they seem to be just fine. The the crises is over...THAT's when they fall apart. From what I've seen of Trista which isn't a whole lot, just a few minutes on TV now isn't when I'm worried about her. Right NOW she has her act together. After they find out what happened to Ayla and find out who is/are responsible is when Trista is going to need all the help she can get. I hope her friends and family will be strong for her. Right now she's too busy trying to be strong for everyone else.
I think Trista is also trying to do what she has been told to do, as far as stay visible, talk to media, etc...which is more than JD is doing...
Trista isn't the one under investigation here, and she is probably going through various stages of grief and denial on any give day, which might explain her ups and downs.

She is in a bizarre public situation, dealing with reporters, LE, and her ex and his family who might be responsible for the loss of her baby daughter. Bless her heart.
I've just returned home from a week spent in northern Maine and New Hampshire. My college roommate (from eons ago) grew up in Waterville a block and a half from PD's house on Violette Avenue, and my roommate's nephew and his family live in "the old home place."

When I spent the day with her last Sunday, she told me in no uncertain terms that I "must be crazy" if I believe anyone other than "someone in that rough crowd who lives there" is responsible for Ayla's disappearance.

My roommate is a highly educated and intelligent woman whom I deeply respect so I felt I should share what she told me with all of you before I go back and try to bring myself up to date on all the posts on Ayla's threads.
Honestly, it almost goes without saying that someone who was in that house knows exactly what happened, if not all three. This band of secrecy has lasted going on two months now. Unless someone is offered immunity, I am not sure we will ever know what happened, and even then, not sure if it would be safe for anyone to accept it, depending on this group of people and their friends. JMO
Trista was criticized for making accusatory statements about JD. Now she is criticized for not accusing JD. She's been criticized for releasing the info that the blood found was Ayla's even though she stated before releasing that information that she was waiting on approval from the state police. She's too calm, she's too erratic, she's on tv too much, she's not on tv enough, etc. I think she has been following LE advice as best she can. All MOO.
I too watched the video and it didn't seem to me like she was 'on something' or that she was about to drop the baby. Why the judgements on her now? Unless she organized a kidnapping, which at this hour appears not, she should be considered a grieving mother. Don't forget she still has another little one at home.

As for why she's giving JD the benefit of the doubt, I think TR is the type that believes in the best of people and sees only the good and takes them at their word. I think it's what led Ayla to being at his place in the first place and it's why she is so calm now. Honestly, I respect that because I wish I could be more like that.
Being an ACOA I give Trista an immense amount of credit for seeking help while her children were still little. She is a very young mom who knew she was in over her head and reached out to the resources available.

I've read elsewhere Trista chose alcohol and drugs over her children but I so disagree - if that were the case she never would have accepted help or even admit she had a problem. She was trying to be a good mom for them.

I wish everyday my own mom had made a similar choice - she might still be here. And I, as well as my siblings, would be different people. MOO
Moo but regarding Trista I see it as pretty obvious that she has been brutally honest about just how well she even knew Justin.. Not to mention that with her being brutally open and honest with us, the public from the very onset about the fact that her and Justin were not ever in a committed relationship, nor were they ever even in any type of relationship whatsoever.. She right outta the shoot put that info out there that she and Justin were at best "acquaintances" that had hooked up with no strings attached(IMOO but quite likely on a night of partying) and that she very soon thereafter got back into a very serious, committed relationship and was with that guy when she found out she was pregnant.. And that it wasn't known until after Ayla was born for certain whether her serious bf was the father .. Or a no strings attached hook up with Justin was.. As we know it did in fact turn out to be that Justin was biologically the father of Ayla..

I bring this up because that's a helluva a lot to open up about and share right off the bat and as we all know too well just how the judging and self righteous begin to cast those first stones which lead to this young woman literally taking a pelting of stones at her.. And truly it was none of our damn business what and who she'd slept with.. But Trista IMO is just what you see and she upfront put it out there exactly what the situation was with Ayla's being conceived and she made no bones about it that they were in no way ever in any type relationship, nor even particularly close friends..again she did NOT have to open up and tell this but she did.. She's been pretty much an open book about who she is, how Ayla came to be, and attempting to understand and at the same time share with us, the public&media just how in hell that this situation with Ayla's *disappearance* had come to be..
IMO she likely is still very much struggling to understand and IMO the real pain, anguish, and heartache has not yet truly even begun.. I feel very much for this young woman.. I will not judge her, but to be absolutely honest I don't believe she's doing something that deserves any judging to begin with.. I don't see her actively using or drinking(and I've seen more than enough of my fair share to know the tale-tell signs).. I don't see it here, even tho I wouldnt blame her for slipping at such a traumatic&trying time as this.. And any who know recovery know that "slipping/relapsing" is a VERY REAL part of that long hard road of recovery.. But I don't see it.. I see a tough at her very core of her being young woman.. I see a real human being that at times is dumbstruck, sometimes in a daze(my God what mother would not be in a daze at times), I see her at times not really knowing how to handle certain situations that are thrown upon her amidst the utmost of trauma.. AND IT ALL WITH A FRIGGIN CAMERA IN HER FACE.. She's real.. She's a real human being that is figuring it out as she is going.. She doesn't try to act as tho she's a Virginal Snow White and has laid it on the line for the world to see her, who she is, how she had this precious child, and how she is desperate for answers to what has happened to her little girl and all the while this girl knows.. She knows in her heart that the real life truth of the matter is that she is most likely to never know her child's smile, laugh, or hug ever again here on this earth..

And IMO I give her mad props for continuing to trudge forward even knowing that forward very likely means finding out the truth that her precious daughter is dead.. I know I cannot say that I'd be able to trudge forward knowing that forward meant WITHOUT my child and further more to have to face and deal with the horrors of how my child suffered and was murdered..

I have nothing negative in the slightest for this young woman.. She's been brutally honest from the VERY START.. She's let it all hang out and told it how it is.. The good, bad, and ugly and she IMO is doing all that she can possibly do to find and bring Ayla home and that's at any cost.. Even if it means having to go against everything inside her and against who she is in being someone to just "tell it like it is".. She IMO is doing what she has to even pasting that smile on her face and literally having to force herself to engage this *person* in knowing quite likely he is one or both, responsible for why Ayla is gone.. Or knows what was done to/with Ayla.. IMO that is what I saw in her face and her eyes at the balloon vigil in desperately hoping she is wrong and somehow he'll show that he has NOTHING to with Ayla's *disappearance*.. But if not wrong, then ATLEAST that she can somehow get the answers, clues, or even glean the slightest of hints of what it is that happened to Ayla and where she is..

IMO its been very obvious that what Trista stated from right outta the shoot in her laying it on the line with there never being any type relationship whatsoever with the biological father of Ayla, Justin DiPietro is the honest truth.. In fact the vast majority of what Trista has been so very open and forthcoming in her stating has indeed been true..

This is MOO, of course but I strongly believe that this young woman deserves NOTHING but our compassion and support during what is undoubtedly the most difficult and painful situation that a human being can experience..

Justin, several of his family members, along with his girlfriend&co are the people that deserve to have their motives and actions questioned.. Not only is it glaringly apparent that they have knowledge and very likely responsibility for harming Ayla.. But LE is being open and honest and telling us, the public that they know exactly what happened to Ayla and exactly where she is.. That's whose behavior, actions, facial expressions, tone of voice, and look in their eyes that I am interested in and believe that it very much correlates with what LE has now confirmed for many of us.. They are involved and have the answers to the desperate questions of what happened to Ayla..

All jmo, tho!!

Still posting via mobile so plz forgive the large number of errors in my posts;)
Moo but regarding Trista I see it as pretty obvious that she has been brutally honest about just how well she even knew Justin.. Not to mention that with her being brutally open and honest with us, the public from the very onset about the fact that her and Justin were not ever in a committed relationship, nor were they ever even in any type of relationship whatsoever.. She right outta the shoot put that info out there that she and Justin were at best "acquaintances" that had hooked up with no strings attached(IMOO but quite likely on a night of partying) and that she very soon thereafter got back into a very serious, committed relationship and was with that guy when she found out she was pregnant.. And that it wasn't known until after Ayla was born for certain whether her serious bf was the father .. Or a no strings attached hook up with Justin was.. As we know it did in fact turn out to be that Justin was biologically the father of Ayla..

I bring this up because that's a helluva a lot to open up about and share right off the bat and as we all know too well just how the judging and self righteous begin to cast those first stones which lead to this young woman literally taking a pelting of stones at her.. And truly it was none of our damn business what and who she'd slept with.. But Trista IMO is just what you see and she upfront put it out there exactly what the situation was with Ayla's being conceived and she made no bones about it that they were in no way ever in any type relationship, nor even particularly close friends..again she did NOT have to open up and tell this but she did.. She's been pretty much an open book about who she is, how Ayla came to be, and attempting to understand and at the same time share with us, the public&media just how in hell that this situation with Ayla's *disappearance* had come to be..
IMO she likely is still very much struggling to understand and IMO the real pain, anguish, and heartache has not yet truly even begun.. I feel very much for this young woman.. I will not judge her, but to be absolutely honest I don't believe she's doing something that deserves any judging to begin with.. I don't see her actively using or drinking(and I've seen more than enough of my fair share to know the tale-tell signs).. I don't see it here, even tho I wouldnt blame her for slipping at such a traumatic&trying time as this.. And any who know recovery know that "slipping/relapsing" is a VERY REAL part of that long hard road of recovery.. But I don't see it.. I see a tough at her very core of her being young woman.. I see a real human being that at times is dumbstruck, sometimes in a daze(my God what mother would not be in a daze at times), I see her at times not really knowing how to handle certain situations that are thrown upon her amidst the utmost of trauma.. AND IT ALL WITH A FRIGGIN CAMERA IN HER FACE.. She's real.. She's a real human being that is figuring it out as she is going.. She doesn't try to act as tho she's a Virginal Snow White and has laid it on the line for the world to see her, who she is, how she had this precious child, and how she is desperate for answers to what has happened to her little girl and all the while this girl knows.. She knows in her heart that the real life truth of the matter is that she is most likely to never know her child's smile, laugh, or hug ever again here on this earth..

And IMO I give her mad props for continuing to trudge forward even knowing that forward very likely means finding out the truth that her precious daughter is dead.. I know I cannot say that I'd be able to trudge forward knowing that forward meant WITHOUT my child and further more to have to face and deal with the horrors of how my child suffered and was murdered..

I have nothing negative in the slightest for this young woman.. She's been brutally honest from the VERY START.. She's let it all hang out and told it how it is.. The good, bad, and ugly and she IMO is doing all that she can possibly do to find and bring Ayla home and that's at any cost.. Even if it means having to go against everything inside her and against who she is in being someone to just "tell it like it is".. She IMO is doing what she has to even pasting that smile on her face and literally having to force herself to engage this *person* in knowing quite likely he is one or both, responsible for why Ayla is gone.. Or knows what was done to/with Ayla.. IMO that is what I saw in her face and her eyes at the balloon vigil in desperately hoping she is wrong and somehow he'll show that he has NOTHING to with Ayla's *disappearance*.. But if not wrong, then ATLEAST that she can somehow get the answers, clues, or even glean the slightest of hints of what it is that happened to Ayla and where she is..

IMO its been very obvious that what Trista stated from right outta the shoot in her laying it on the line with there never being any type relationship whatsoever with the biological father of Ayla, Justin DiPietro is the honest truth.. In fact the vast majority of what Trista has been so very open and forthcoming in her stating has indeed been true..

This is MOO, of course but I strongly believe that this young woman deserves NOTHING but our compassion and support during what is undoubtedly the most difficult and painful situation that a human being can experience..

Justin, several of his family members, along with his girlfriend&co are the people that deserve to have their motives and actions questioned.. Not only is it glaringly apparent that they have knowledge and very likely responsibility for harming Ayla.. But LE is being open and honest and telling us, the public that they know exactly what happened to Ayla and exactly where she is.. That's whose behavior, actions, facial expressions, tone of voice, and look in their eyes that I am interested in and believe that it very much correlates with what LE has now confirmed for many of us.. They are involved and have the answers to the desperate questions of what happened to Ayla..

All jmo, tho!!

Still posting via mobile so plz forgive the large number of errors in my posts;)

I just wanted to say, thank you very much for your post. You have taken the time to articulate exactly what my thoughts and feelings are regarding Trista Reynolds. You hit the nail on the head--so to speak--in my opinion. This poor women is doing an amazing job, and she is so very young. I pray, by some miracle, that Ayla will be returned to her mother safe and sound; I know in my heart though that it probably isn't going to happen.
ME ME - Ayla Reynolds timeline and media links *no discussion* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


updated as of 4:20amCT Feb3rd. posting the update here too because it's not too lengthy. if you notice anything missing, please do not hesitate to let me know.

LE Press Conferences/Statements:

January 31, 2012 more@link:

Hope is fading among investigators who have spent six weeks looking for 20-month-old Ayla Reynolds and they have intensified their search for a body, law enforcement sources told Newscenter 5 Monday.

A State Police spokesman said they "hope" to find the little girl, but investigators grow "more concerned as time passes."

Jan. 30, 2012 more@link:

A Maine State Police spokesman reacted angrily Monday to what he called an “unattributed, irresponsible and inaccurate” report on the Ayla Reynolds case that aired on Boston television station WCVB.
WCVB reporter Michele McPhee is credited with a story that appeared Monday night on the Boston ABC affiliate as well as an article online under the headline “Police Believe Missing Maine Toddler Dead."

Jan. 31, 2011 more@link:

"We have searched that home and we have found not one piece of evidence to lead us to believe Ayla was abducted," Steve McCausland, spokesman for the Maine Department of Public Safety said. "We think one or all three of the adults have info they haven't told us and we need that info in order to find Ayla."

January 31, 2012 more@link:

"We think there are still people out there that have specific information that they haven't told us. Not only the three individuals in the home, but there may be others. One call can crack this case wide-open and we're waiting for that call," McCausland said.

Feb 02, 2012:

Police say new leads continue to come in the search for Ayla. They also say they plan to tell the public "more" about the case in hopes that someone will come forward with new information. Ayla's family is doing the same.

TR and Family Statements w/transcripts:

January 31, 2012 more@link:

A defiant Trista Reynolds yesterday defended her decision to announce that police have found her missing daughter’s blood in the home where the toddler went missing six weeks ago.

“It’s the truth, and why would we hold back the truth?” Reynolds told the Herald about weekend reports that investigators found her blue-eyed toddler Ayla’s blood in the little girl’s father’s basement. Police confirmed it to reporters only after Reynolds revealed it on a website dedicated to finding her daughter.

Feb 02, 2012:

RR: This family needs closure. Everyday I go to work and I hurt. It just kills me. You know? I try to focus on my job, my responsibilies, you know? And I give it 110%, but at the same time, she's right here. And then I can't wait to get home at night so I can look at her picture and we can talk. (crying) I didn't want to do this, but I need to get this out. Just please bring her home. Please. I beg of you just bring her home.
BH: This is my buggy. This is her when she was born. I have not gone one day without this child, this is the longest it's been. I need her home. Trista needs her home. Trista's days are getting harder.
TR: I have been being negative about it a little bit but, what mother wouldn't right now? I mean, it's a mother's worst nightmare has become more of a nightmare than anything right now. Just, I just hope and pray, like, very anxious for that call. I'm waiting.

Feb 02, 2012 video@link:

TR: I can't wait to see her running to me and just, arms wide open being like "mommy", "mommy", and just hearing her, everything she's got to say. Just, I picture a lot to keep me going.
TR: I can't. I can't think about it or what had happened, uh, to her, or why it is there. There could be many reasons, you know, there is no one to blame right now because no one knows. It's, just, I'm still trying to comprehend it right now.
TR: He is the only one who knows what I'm going through. He's going through the same exact thing I'm going through. Missing his daughter, we're missing our daughter right now. Like, if it's anybody who knows, he knows what I'm feeling on the inside every single day.
TR: How do you sleep at night? How do you eat? How do you go on with your daily life knowing like, up here, that you've done something so wrong? How do you do you find it to be okay?
TR: How big has she gotten? How long is her hair? How many teeth does she got? How many words has she learned right now?
TR: Ayla and I will be reunited. She will. She's coming home.

JD and Family Statements:

January 31, 2012

Yesterday at his home, where despairing people keep adding to the pile of frozen teddy bears and angel figurines, DiPietro’s sister directed the Herald to an attorney in Augusta, who could not be reached for comment last night.

Nancy Grave and JVM Transcripts and Video (thank you to WS user Patty G for the videos):

Ayla Reynolds: Issues 1/30/12 - YouTube
Ayla Reynolds: Issues 1/31/12 - YouTube
Ayla Reynolds: Nancy 2/1/12 - YouTube
Ayla Reynolds: Nancy 2/2/12 - YouTube

GRACE: We are taking your calls. A stunning development in the search for 1-and-a-half-year-old baby Ayla, Waterville, Maine. Blood found in the basement of Daddy`s home is absolutely that of Ayla`s, police confirming. It`s more than she would have bled from a cut. Tonight, we`re trying to find out what type of a blood spatter, smear or dropping it is. And apparently, there`s somebody else`s blood there, too.

With me, special guest Stephen McCausland, spokesman from the Maine State Police. You know, that`s interesting that the family says there were other oddities around the home. But Stephen McCausland, according to what we`ve been told, nothing was stolen and there was no forced entry. What oddity could there have been except for the baby was gone?

MCCAUSLAND: We have seized hundreds of items of potential evidence from inside that home over a two-week period in December. And there is not one piece of evidence at this point that leads us to believe that an abduction took place.

That`s why we`re looking and asking these thee adults that were there that night, that we think that one of them has information that they haven`t told us and -- because the story of Ayla being abducted just does not pass the straight face test.

GRACE: You know, Maine -- the Maine population is known for being very matter-of-fact and straightforward in a good way. When you say, Stephen McCausland, their story does not pass the straight face test, what do you mean by that?

MCCAUSLAND: We think that they know more than they`re telling us because the -- because of what I just said. And Susan was in the house. It`s a small home. Someone came in that door, went into Ayla`s room, grabbed her and they vanished in the middle of the night with three adults inside that home and didn`t see or hear anything? It doesn`t make sense.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police in Maine are searching frantically.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have worked night and day trying to find Ayla.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Daughter`s mysterious disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to know what happened to my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The blood evidence...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That we found in the basement.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: DiPietro refused comment about the blood that was found in his home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This family, again, has gone through hell, and I`m tired of it!


GRACE: We are taking your calls. A stunning blow to the family of baby Ayla. They discover blood in Daddy`s basement, is in fact, that of baby Ayla`s. With me, special guests Susan Candiotti, CNN national correspondent, along with Stephen McCausland, the spokesman from the Maine State Police.

Back to you, Susan Candiotti. The family says there are other oddities in the home the morning when they realize Ayla`s gone? Number one, Susan, you know my twins. No way are they going to sleep all night from 8:00 PM to 9:00 AM. That`s just not going to happen. I go in there to make sure they`re still breathing if they go over three or four hours without waking up for something. So right there, I`ve got a problem with the story.

But what other oddities are they talking about or could they be talking about, Susan Candiotti?

CANDIOTTI: Well, that`s a very good question, Nancy. You know, obviously, I tried to find out, What oddities are you talking about, and the answer I got was, We told the police what the oddities were. We told them everything.

You heard what Stephen McCausland had to say just now, that he doesn`t think police have the full story. They`ve gathered a ton of evidence. They`re trying to analyze that evidence. And as you heard him say, they find nothing to indicate that someone broke into that house. So what the oddities were, I don`t know.

GRACE: Back to Stephen McCausland, spokesman from the Maine State Police. He is here and he is taking your calls. He may not answer your question, but he`s taking your question.

Stephen, again, thank you for being with us. I want to go back to the whole theory that there were oddities, as the family says, about that, that next morning when they woke up. Oddities such as what, Stephen?

MCCAUSLAND: Again, what Phoebe told investigators is something we`re keeping to ourselves.


MCCAUSLAND: Obviously, this is a major investigation, Nancy. You understand that.

GRACE: I do.

MCCAUSLAND: And there are some things we can talk about and then some things we just can`t.

GRACE: Well, I know this. In response to my question, you said, We took hundreds of items from that home. In other words, whatever oddity they said they found, you got it. You know what it is and you`ve investigated it. I hear you loud and clear, Stephen McCausland.

Stephen, is there any link to the fact that the mom went to court the day before to try to get full custody of the baby girl? Did the daddy know that?

MCCAUSLAND: Dad did not know that at all.

GRACE: Everyone, with us, Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the Maine State Police. When we get back, a look inside Ayla`s home.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maine State Police found blood at the house where the Waterville toddler was last seen.


MCCAUSLAND: DiPietro refused to comment about the blood that was found in his home.


You know, Stephen, it feels like I`m Alice in Wonderland. Everything is upside down because I tell you something, whoever had my child when they go missing, I would not have snagged up to them and give them a peck on the cheek. All right? I`m not inciting violence, Stephen. I`m not. But I would definitely have taken a swing at them. All right?

Fine, I`ll just put that out there. But Stephen, the police are saying, quote, "Not one piece of evidence to back that up, that being the forced entry or the kidnap.

What do you mean not one piece of evidence? You mean no window was up, no marks on the door, what does that mean not one piece of evidence?

STEPHEN MCCAUSLAND, SPOKESMAN, MAINE STATE POLICE: It means simply that of the hundreds of pieces of potential evidence that we have seized from inside that home, we had found nothing yet to back up the story of an abduction. And we have grave doubts that that ever happened.

GRACE: Stephen, another question. Part of the blood that was Ayla`s that you found in daddy`s basement, and I`m referring to daddy`s basement, this is mother`s home. You said or it`s been stated was visible to the naked eye, but the other portion was not. It was found by Luminol. Was the blood close together, the blood that was visible and invisible?

MCCAUSLAND: Again, asking for more specifics, Nancy, that I can`t get into. But you are correct, some of the blood was visible. Some of it was detected by Luminol. And that is some of the evidence that we seized from that home along with hundreds of other pieces.


GRACE: And back to spokesman for the Maine State Police, Stephen McCausland.

Stephen, again, regarding the blood found in the basement, was there anything to suggest that there had been a cleanup? Was there a blood smear, for instance, with a wash rag? I`m suspicious about the Luminol blood.

MCCAUSLAND: Again, Nancy, I can confirm that there was blood in the basement and the blood was Ayla`s. But beyond that there is information, obviously, that we have gathered that we need to keep to ourselves as this investigation is still very much active and ongoing. And I just can`t answer that question.
GRACE: I`m not here to help or to answer any questions. Hey, somebody just gave me the T-shirt. That`s what it sounds like, to Stephen McCausland, spokesman, Maine State Police. If he wants to help, hint, don`t run out of the police station when they show you a crime scene photo. Answer questions. Reports are daddy no longer cooperating. Is that the true?

MCCAUSLAND: No, that is not the terminology I`ve used. Dad has talked to us when we`ve called him. He continues to do so.
GRACE: OK. I`m going to throw this one. It`s a hardball, to Stephen McCausland. I got a bad feeling he`s not going to answer it.

Stephen, this is not anything peculiar to the investigation. Can you just tell me what all is in the basement? Is it just a bedroom?

MCCAUSLAND: It`s basically a partially finished basement. There`s some paneling, as I recall, some furniture. And again, the regular items that are usually in the basement.

GRACE: Does his bedroom take up the -- is it out in the main area of the basement or is it a separate room?

MCCAUSLAND: The basement is basically one giant room.
I want to go back -- I want to go back to Steve McCausland.

Stephen, is there anything else you can tell us about the scene tonight. Anything else about the search for baby Ayla? What are police doing now?

MCCAUSLAND: We`ve worked on this night and day for six solid weeks and we`re not going to stop until we find her. I also want to just make sure that your listening audience understands the largest reward ever offered in Maine state history for a missing person is still out there. Thirty thousand dollars, for information that leads to Ayla`s location. We need a call. We need a break

Straight out to my exclusive guest, Amanda Benner, the best friend of Baby Ayla`s mom Trista. You just heard from Trista a moment ago on tape.

Amanda, thank you so much for joining us. Can you tell us a little bit more about what Trista, what Trista, Ayla`s mom`s reaction was when she found out this weekend that there was a lot of blood -- I would say more than a cut, OK -- of her daughter`s blood discovered in the very basement where her father lives. That is his room. What was her initial reaction, Amanda?

AMANDA BENNER, TRISTA`S FRIEND (via phone): Well, I first seen Trista, which was actually at the vigil for Ayla. She -- she was just a mess. She found out like a half hour, hour before she had gone there. And she was just -- she didn`t know what to say or what to do, how to react.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why did cops wait, do you think, Amanda, to tell the mother of the missing child until now that there was this blood found? This blood was apparently -- the child disappeared in late December. The blood was found shortly thereafter in the home. Why do you think cops waited all this time before informing the mother?

BENNER: I don`t know. I honestly believe that the cops, I could be wrong, but I`m pretty sure the cops weren`t even going to tell Trista. And the reasoning to why they even told her now is because there was a leak in the press.

But I have to ask, how hard was it to hug the father of the child when the child disappeared on his watch, and now they just announced they found blood in the very basement where he is sleeping with his girlfriend and that girlfriend`s son?

BENNER: I can imagine it would be pretty hard. I know that she was trying to keep herself together the best she could. And they didn`t want any confrontation at the vigil. I mean it was for Ayla. It wasn`t, you know, for the arguing or the debating or trying to figure out who did what and what went wrong. But I know it was extremely hard on her.

GRACE: Would people normally be walking around on the sides and the back? So that would not be unusual.

I`m hearing in my ear, now joining us along with Bonnie Druker is spokesman for the Maine State Police Stephen McCausland. Mr. McCausland, thank you for being with us. I guess I should say Officer. You say that there has been a lot of inaccurate reporting, that nobody within the Maine State Police is saying that Ayla is dead. Explain, sir.

STEPHEN MCCAUSLAND, MAINE STATE POLICE: Just what you said, Nancy. That is not terminology we`ve used. There was an unfortunate report out of a Boston TV station last night. We quickly clarified that with our own news release, saying that was inaccurate, irresponsible, and unattributable. And we stand by that.

Our hope from day one is that we`ll be able to locate baby Ayla safe and return her home. Obviously, as the days grow to weeks, and now, obviously, now in our seventh week, our concern grows, but our hope is still there.

GRACE: You know, Stephen, that is our prayer, as well, that baby Ayla come home alive. Officer McCausland, let me ask you -- you`re standing there in the snow. Do you recall the temperature outside the night baby Ayla goes missing? The original theory was that maybe she had walked outside and wandered off on her own. I find that extremely implausible.

MCCAUSLAND: This was on the night of December 16th into the morning of December 17th. I don`t remember the temperatures, but in Maine, we`ve had a fairly mild winter up here. But obviously, the little girl did not wander out of that home. We dispelled that rumor on week two. And obviously, in the last few days, we`ve obviously stated up front we have serious doubts that an abduction ever took place.

Back to Stephen McCausland joining us there at police headquarters -- Stephen McCausland, Maine State Police spokesperson. Stephen, since the daddy ran out of the police station, has he given a comment on the crime scene photos of Ayla`s blood in the basement?

MCCAUSLAND: We`ve talked to Justin on a number of occasions. When we`ve called him, he`s talked to us, and we hope that dialogue will continue.

GRACE: Mr. McCausland, why do you, if you do believe, the blood indicates there was a clean-up?

MCCAUSLAND: I`ve never said that, Nancy. You`re the one that`s saying that. All we`ve confirmed is that there was blood found in the basement and that blood is Ayla`s.

GRACE: Well, Stephen, are we wrong in saying it is indicative of a clean-up?

MCCAUSLAND: Again, that is terminology we have never talked about.
But I want to go back to the forensics and not put all my eggs in one basket, and that is the demeanor of the father, who is not named a suspect at this time. Mr. McCausland, as to the blood in the basement, when I asked you was I wrong in reporting that it looked as if it had been wiped away, there was a smear mark of some form, maybe even picked up by luminol, is that inaccurate?

MCCAUSLAND: Nancy, I addressed this question both yesterday in our interview and today. We`ve confirmed there`s blood and we`ve confirmed it`s Ayla`s. We have not gotten into any more details...


MCCAUSLAND: ... and I`m not going to tonight as well. There are some things I can talk about, and there are some things I can`t, and I`m sure you understand that.


GRACE: Stephen McCausland, I want to ask you also about the three people there in the home. The timeline that we have been presented starts with the evening before that she`s reported missing, that around 8:00 PM, she`s put to bed by her father. And I`m just wondering, Mr. McCausland, did anyone else corroborate that, or is he the only one establishing that timeline? When did anyone outside of that home last see baby Ayla alive?

MCCAUSLAND: Good questions, an most of those are investigative details we`re not going to get into. We`re going under the premise that little Ayla was there that night.

Misc. Info Timeline:

The liquid, luminol, can be used to detect trace amounts of blood that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. Even when blood is cleaned up from a surface, traces remain that can't be seen. When luminol comes into contact with blood it glows.

Feb 2nd Waterville Police Blotter:

11:48 a.m., criminal trespass was reported on Violette Avenue.
ME ME - Ayla Reynolds timeline and media links *no discussion* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


updated as of 4:20amCT Feb3rd. posting the update here too because it's not too lengthy. if you notice anything missing, please do not hesitate to let me know.

LE Press Conferences/Statements:

January 31, 2012 more@link:

Jan. 30, 2012 more@link:

Jan. 31, 2011 more@link:

January 31, 2012 more@link:

Feb 02, 2012:

TR and Family Statements w/transcripts:

January 31, 2012 more@link:

Feb 02, 2012:

RR: This family needs closure. Everyday I go to work and I hurt. It just kills me. You know? I try to focus on my job, my responsibilies, you know? And I give it 110%, but at the same time, she's right here. And then I can't wait to get home at night so I can look at her picture and we can talk. (crying) I didn't want to do this, but I need to get this out. Just please bring her home. Please. I beg of you just bring her home.
BH: This is my buggy. This is her when she was born. I have not gone one day without this child, this is the longest it's been. I need her home. Trista needs her home. Trista's days are getting harder.
TR: I have been being negative about it a little bit but, what mother wouldn't right now? I mean, it's a mother's worst nightmare has become more of a nightmare than anything right now. Just, I just hope and pray, like, very anxious for that call. I'm waiting.

Feb 02, 2012 video@link:

TR: I can't wait to see her running to me and just, arms wide open being like "mommy", "mommy", and just hearing her, everything she's got to say. Just, I picture a lot to keep me going.
TR: I can't. I can't think about it or what had happened, uh, to her, or why it is there. There could be many reasons, you know, there is no one to blame right now because no one knows. It's, just, I'm still trying to comprehend it right now.
TR: He is the only one who knows what I'm going through. He's going through the same exact thing I'm going through. Missing his daughter, we're missing our daughter right now. Like, if it's anybody who knows, he knows what I'm feeling on the inside every single day.
TR: How do you sleep at night? How do you eat? How do you go on with your daily life knowing like, up here, that you've done something so wrong? How do you do you find it to be okay?
TR: How big has she gotten? How long is her hair? How many teeth does she got? How many words has she learned right now?
TR: Ayla and I will be reunited. She will. She's coming home.

JD and Family Statements:

January 31, 2012

Nancy Grave and JVM Transcripts and Video (thank you to WS user Patty G for the videos):

Ayla Reynolds: Issues 1/30/12 - YouTube
Ayla Reynolds: Issues 1/31/12 - YouTube
Ayla Reynolds: Nancy 2/1/12 - YouTube
Ayla Reynolds: Nancy 2/2/12 - YouTube

GRACE: We are taking your calls. A stunning development in the search for 1-and-a-half-year-old baby Ayla, Waterville, Maine. Blood found in the basement of Daddy`s home is absolutely that of Ayla`s, police confirming. It`s more than she would have bled from a cut. Tonight, we`re trying to find out what type of a blood spatter, smear or dropping it is. And apparently, there`s somebody else`s blood there, too.

With me, special guest Stephen McCausland, spokesman from the Maine State Police. You know, that`s interesting that the family says there were other oddities around the home. But Stephen McCausland, according to what we`ve been told, nothing was stolen and there was no forced entry. What oddity could there have been except for the baby was gone?

MCCAUSLAND: We have seized hundreds of items of potential evidence from inside that home over a two-week period in December. And there is not one piece of evidence at this point that leads us to believe that an abduction took place.

That`s why we`re looking and asking these thee adults that were there that night, that we think that one of them has information that they haven`t told us and -- because the story of Ayla being abducted just does not pass the straight face test.

GRACE: You know, Maine -- the Maine population is known for being very matter-of-fact and straightforward in a good way. When you say, Stephen McCausland, their story does not pass the straight face test, what do you mean by that?

MCCAUSLAND: We think that they know more than they`re telling us because the -- because of what I just said. And Susan was in the house. It`s a small home. Someone came in that door, went into Ayla`s room, grabbed her and they vanished in the middle of the night with three adults inside that home and didn`t see or hear anything? It doesn`t make sense.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police in Maine are searching frantically.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have worked night and day trying to find Ayla.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Daughter`s mysterious disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to know what happened to my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The blood evidence...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That we found in the basement.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: DiPietro refused comment about the blood that was found in his home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This family, again, has gone through hell, and I`m tired of it!


GRACE: We are taking your calls. A stunning blow to the family of baby Ayla. They discover blood in Daddy`s basement, is in fact, that of baby Ayla`s. With me, special guests Susan Candiotti, CNN national correspondent, along with Stephen McCausland, the spokesman from the Maine State Police.

Back to you, Susan Candiotti. The family says there are other oddities in the home the morning when they realize Ayla`s gone? Number one, Susan, you know my twins. No way are they going to sleep all night from 8:00 PM to 9:00 AM. That`s just not going to happen. I go in there to make sure they`re still breathing if they go over three or four hours without waking up for something. So right there, I`ve got a problem with the story.

But what other oddities are they talking about or could they be talking about, Susan Candiotti?

CANDIOTTI: Well, that`s a very good question, Nancy. You know, obviously, I tried to find out, What oddities are you talking about, and the answer I got was, We told the police what the oddities were. We told them everything.

You heard what Stephen McCausland had to say just now, that he doesn`t think police have the full story. They`ve gathered a ton of evidence. They`re trying to analyze that evidence. And as you heard him say, they find nothing to indicate that someone broke into that house. So what the oddities were, I don`t know.

GRACE: Back to Stephen McCausland, spokesman from the Maine State Police. He is here and he is taking your calls. He may not answer your question, but he`s taking your question.

Stephen, again, thank you for being with us. I want to go back to the whole theory that there were oddities, as the family says, about that, that next morning when they woke up. Oddities such as what, Stephen?

MCCAUSLAND: Again, what Phoebe told investigators is something we`re keeping to ourselves.


MCCAUSLAND: Obviously, this is a major investigation, Nancy. You understand that.

GRACE: I do.

MCCAUSLAND: And there are some things we can talk about and then some things we just can`t.

GRACE: Well, I know this. In response to my question, you said, We took hundreds of items from that home. In other words, whatever oddity they said they found, you got it. You know what it is and you`ve investigated it. I hear you loud and clear, Stephen McCausland.

Stephen, is there any link to the fact that the mom went to court the day before to try to get full custody of the baby girl? Did the daddy know that?

MCCAUSLAND: Dad did not know that at all.

GRACE: Everyone, with us, Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the Maine State Police. When we get back, a look inside Ayla`s home.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maine State Police found blood at the house where the Waterville toddler was last seen.


MCCAUSLAND: DiPietro refused to comment about the blood that was found in his home.


You know, Stephen, it feels like I`m Alice in Wonderland. Everything is upside down because I tell you something, whoever had my child when they go missing, I would not have snagged up to them and give them a peck on the cheek. All right? I`m not inciting violence, Stephen. I`m not. But I would definitely have taken a swing at them. All right?

Fine, I`ll just put that out there. But Stephen, the police are saying, quote, "Not one piece of evidence to back that up, that being the forced entry or the kidnap.

What do you mean not one piece of evidence? You mean no window was up, no marks on the door, what does that mean not one piece of evidence?

STEPHEN MCCAUSLAND, SPOKESMAN, MAINE STATE POLICE: It means simply that of the hundreds of pieces of potential evidence that we have seized from inside that home, we had found nothing yet to back up the story of an abduction. And we have grave doubts that that ever happened.

GRACE: Stephen, another question. Part of the blood that was Ayla`s that you found in daddy`s basement, and I`m referring to daddy`s basement, this is mother`s home. You said or it`s been stated was visible to the naked eye, but the other portion was not. It was found by Luminol. Was the blood close together, the blood that was visible and invisible?

MCCAUSLAND: Again, asking for more specifics, Nancy, that I can`t get into. But you are correct, some of the blood was visible. Some of it was detected by Luminol. And that is some of the evidence that we seized from that home along with hundreds of other pieces.


GRACE: And back to spokesman for the Maine State Police, Stephen McCausland.

Stephen, again, regarding the blood found in the basement, was there anything to suggest that there had been a cleanup? Was there a blood smear, for instance, with a wash rag? I`m suspicious about the Luminol blood.

MCCAUSLAND: Again, Nancy, I can confirm that there was blood in the basement and the blood was Ayla`s. But beyond that there is information, obviously, that we have gathered that we need to keep to ourselves as this investigation is still very much active and ongoing. And I just can`t answer that question.
GRACE: I`m not here to help or to answer any questions. Hey, somebody just gave me the T-shirt. That`s what it sounds like, to Stephen McCausland, spokesman, Maine State Police. If he wants to help, hint, don`t run out of the police station when they show you a crime scene photo. Answer questions. Reports are daddy no longer cooperating. Is that the true?

MCCAUSLAND: No, that is not the terminology I`ve used. Dad has talked to us when we`ve called him. He continues to do so.
GRACE: OK. I`m going to throw this one. It`s a hardball, to Stephen McCausland. I got a bad feeling he`s not going to answer it.

Stephen, this is not anything peculiar to the investigation. Can you just tell me what all is in the basement? Is it just a bedroom?

MCCAUSLAND: It`s basically a partially finished basement. There`s some paneling, as I recall, some furniture. And again, the regular items that are usually in the basement.

GRACE: Does his bedroom take up the -- is it out in the main area of the basement or is it a separate room?

MCCAUSLAND: The basement is basically one giant room.
I want to go back -- I want to go back to Steve McCausland.

Stephen, is there anything else you can tell us about the scene tonight. Anything else about the search for baby Ayla? What are police doing now?

MCCAUSLAND: We`ve worked on this night and day for six solid weeks and we`re not going to stop until we find her. I also want to just make sure that your listening audience understands the largest reward ever offered in Maine state history for a missing person is still out there. Thirty thousand dollars, for information that leads to Ayla`s location. We need a call. We need a break

Straight out to my exclusive guest, Amanda Benner, the best friend of Baby Ayla`s mom Trista. You just heard from Trista a moment ago on tape.

Amanda, thank you so much for joining us. Can you tell us a little bit more about what Trista, what Trista, Ayla`s mom`s reaction was when she found out this weekend that there was a lot of blood -- I would say more than a cut, OK -- of her daughter`s blood discovered in the very basement where her father lives. That is his room. What was her initial reaction, Amanda?

AMANDA BENNER, TRISTA`S FRIEND (via phone): Well, I first seen Trista, which was actually at the vigil for Ayla. She -- she was just a mess. She found out like a half hour, hour before she had gone there. And she was just -- she didn`t know what to say or what to do, how to react.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why did cops wait, do you think, Amanda, to tell the mother of the missing child until now that there was this blood found? This blood was apparently -- the child disappeared in late December. The blood was found shortly thereafter in the home. Why do you think cops waited all this time before informing the mother?

BENNER: I don`t know. I honestly believe that the cops, I could be wrong, but I`m pretty sure the cops weren`t even going to tell Trista. And the reasoning to why they even told her now is because there was a leak in the press.

But I have to ask, how hard was it to hug the father of the child when the child disappeared on his watch, and now they just announced they found blood in the very basement where he is sleeping with his girlfriend and that girlfriend`s son?

BENNER: I can imagine it would be pretty hard. I know that she was trying to keep herself together the best she could. And they didn`t want any confrontation at the vigil. I mean it was for Ayla. It wasn`t, you know, for the arguing or the debating or trying to figure out who did what and what went wrong. But I know it was extremely hard on her.

GRACE: Would people normally be walking around on the sides and the back? So that would not be unusual.

I`m hearing in my ear, now joining us along with Bonnie Druker is spokesman for the Maine State Police Stephen McCausland. Mr. McCausland, thank you for being with us. I guess I should say Officer. You say that there has been a lot of inaccurate reporting, that nobody within the Maine State Police is saying that Ayla is dead. Explain, sir.

STEPHEN MCCAUSLAND, MAINE STATE POLICE: Just what you said, Nancy. That is not terminology we`ve used. There was an unfortunate report out of a Boston TV station last night. We quickly clarified that with our own news release, saying that was inaccurate, irresponsible, and unattributable. And we stand by that.

Our hope from day one is that we`ll be able to locate baby Ayla safe and return her home. Obviously, as the days grow to weeks, and now, obviously, now in our seventh week, our concern grows, but our hope is still there.

GRACE: You know, Stephen, that is our prayer, as well, that baby Ayla come home alive. Officer McCausland, let me ask you -- you`re standing there in the snow. Do you recall the temperature outside the night baby Ayla goes missing? The original theory was that maybe she had walked outside and wandered off on her own. I find that extremely implausible.

MCCAUSLAND: This was on the night of December 16th into the morning of December 17th. I don`t remember the temperatures, but in Maine, we`ve had a fairly mild winter up here. But obviously, the little girl did not wander out of that home. We dispelled that rumor on week two. And obviously, in the last few days, we`ve obviously stated up front we have serious doubts that an abduction ever took place.

Back to Stephen McCausland joining us there at police headquarters -- Stephen McCausland, Maine State Police spokesperson. Stephen, since the daddy ran out of the police station, has he given a comment on the crime scene photos of Ayla`s blood in the basement?

MCCAUSLAND: We`ve talked to Justin on a number of occasions. When we`ve called him, he`s talked to us, and we hope that dialogue will continue.

GRACE: Mr. McCausland, why do you, if you do believe, the blood indicates there was a clean-up?

MCCAUSLAND: I`ve never said that, Nancy. You`re the one that`s saying that. All we`ve confirmed is that there was blood found in the basement and that blood is Ayla`s.

GRACE: Well, Stephen, are we wrong in saying it is indicative of a clean-up?

MCCAUSLAND: Again, that is terminology we have never talked about.
But I want to go back to the forensics and not put all my eggs in one basket, and that is the demeanor of the father, who is not named a suspect at this time. Mr. McCausland, as to the blood in the basement, when I asked you was I wrong in reporting that it looked as if it had been wiped away, there was a smear mark of some form, maybe even picked up by luminol, is that inaccurate?

MCCAUSLAND: Nancy, I addressed this question both yesterday in our interview and today. We`ve confirmed there`s blood and we`ve confirmed it`s Ayla`s. We have not gotten into any more details...


MCCAUSLAND: ... and I`m not going to tonight as well. There are some things I can talk about, and there are some things I can`t, and I`m sure you understand that.


GRACE: Stephen McCausland, I want to ask you also about the three people there in the home. The timeline that we have been presented starts with the evening before that she`s reported missing, that around 8:00 PM, she`s put to bed by her father. And I`m just wondering, Mr. McCausland, did anyone else corroborate that, or is he the only one establishing that timeline? When did anyone outside of that home last see baby Ayla alive?

MCCAUSLAND: Good questions, an most of those are investigative details we`re not going to get into. We`re going under the premise that little Ayla was there that night.

Misc. Info Timeline:

Feb 2nd Waterville Police Blotter:

Just a thought...was the Police Blotter trespass report on Violette street from DiPietros in the Dipietro house? (Example reporters, etc.)?
So they are searching another body of water again today, is this not the third or so time? Something they took from that home, or evidence they have points them to a body of water - clothes, boots, tire tracks, a shovel, something. The police know A LOT more than what they are telling and every day I hope is the day they find something so these people can have closure. How can they live with themselves but then again, look at CA and you know some people simply have no conscience. Sickens me.
Trista was criticized for making accusatory statements about JD. Now she is criticized for not accusing JD. She's been criticized for releasing the info that the blood found was Ayla's even though she stated before releasing that information that she was waiting on approval from the state police. She's too calm, she's too erratic, she's on tv too much, she's not on tv enough, etc. I think she has been following LE advice as best she can. All MOO.

Seems it's the same in every case - there will always be people not happy, wanting the parents to do what 'they' think should be done.
Someone asked up further if there was a rule book on how to act....depending on the day and the victim, people have different answers for that.

I am not concerned with anything Trista is doing or not doing. I think she is holding up incredibly well and whatever she needs to believe to get through this..I don't think there is a rule book. I figure she is keeping positive and staying strong for the baby and with the hope that Ayla is coming home.
So they are searching another body of water again today, is this not the third or so time? Something they took from that home, or evidence they have points them to a body of water - clothes, boots, tire tracks, a shovel, something. The police know A LOT more than what they are telling and every day I hope is the day they find something so these people can have closure. How can they live with themselves but then again, look at CA and you know some people simply have no conscience. Sickens me.

I've thought that too. There has to be something LE knows. . .evidence or a sighting. . .that keeps leading them back to the water.
I've thought that too. There has to be something LE knows. . .evidence or a sighting. . .that keeps leading them back to the water.

I thought maybe a sighting too but aren't they checking different bodies of water?

Questions I'd like answered are: How many people were there that night, not overnight, but that night? JD might be cleverly saying she was kidnapped but maybe it was by someone who didn't need to break in.

Was Ayla in a bed or a crib? Were the cellar stairs secure? I can't wrap my head around a child that age sleeping in a room by herself and not crying, especially the first night alone in that room. Just can't see it. And is there evidence she had slept in that bed that night? What were Ayla's sleeping patterns? Slept through the night, got up at what time, etc?

Were there any pets in the house that night? Any firearms not secure? How old were the other kids in the house? If any of them are a little older, they could say whether Ayla was there or not and have the police asked?

This case is driving me nuts, but I do think there will be a resolve to it. Hopefully soon.
Ok. I might be treading on thin ground here...I'm not trying to disparage TR, but here is what I see...(JMO) drugs could certainly play into this. I think the mother and father have or had a connection together to the very drugs JD's girlfriends sister was busted for. I'm sorry, MOO, but I've seen that look on the face before - TR. It explains to me the seemingly calm manner exhibited...I find it hard to believe this whole group didn't know what CR's sister sold. It is a huge problem in Maine. It is amazing what people who are addicted to that drug will do...the secrets kept and possibly not wanting to expose the big picture. That crew in Waterville has the answers, and sadly TR can't bring herself to confront them. I'm not blaming her. I feel bad for her, I think she is dealing with a very rough addiction, and who can blame her for wanting to think JD and associates aren't neck deep in a cover up. They are not gonna talk. The illegal drug culture has taught them how to keep secrets. None of them respect LE. Ok. MOO JMO

I would like to clarify that Trista was not addicted to any illegal drugs. She went in rehab for an alcohol problem.
I thought maybe a sighting too but aren't they checking different bodies of water?

Looks like the same body of water checked before.

Department of Public Safety Spokesman Steve McCausland said divers will search the Kennebec River under the Carter Memorial Bridge as well as the Messalonskee Stream near the North Street bridge, according to a press release.

Divers searched the same bodies of water on Jan. 11.

ETA: Presser today at 2:45.
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