Found Deceased ME - Kristin Westra, 47, North Yarmouth, 30 Sept 2018

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I totally agree with your point about menopause. Having held down a very responsible career as a high ranking U.K. Police Detective and Crime Manager and all that entails, I started with early menopause at the beginning of my 40’s.
I have gone from being a totally confident individual who gets things done like yesterday and nothing bothers me, to an individual who doesn’t know what is coming or going. My confidence is at an all time low, I question everything and my ability to do it, I constantly procrastinate especially with making and receiving phone calls because I cannot face it. And for the first time ever in my life, I have been struck down with anxiety. It’s been a terrible and tough few years and at times I isolate myself and stay home in my safe zone. It’s truly awful and has turned my life upside down and the lack of control over my own mind and body is so debilitating yet so very scary ! I know it’s not depression because it can literally make me almost bed bound through total exhaustion ( I do everything normally at 100 mph ) and not wanting to face the day and I cannot leave the house, to literally 6 hours later where I am all of a sudden, on top of the world. I put off making arrangements to go to places or out with friends and family or to have them come over as I never know how I am going to feel from one hour to the next! It’s been a very isolating and lonely experience and I have to say that if it wasn’t for my children, there are days when I would have entertained these thoughts myself. It’s all to do with hormone levels and the fluctuations. Who knew they could wreak havoc like they do. Fortunately, I’m now on medication ( oestrogen) and this has helped to pull me out of it almost. I still have bad days but nothing like they were. So I can totally relate to comment made regarding the menopause. It’s been an eye opener for me because if it can turn my world upside down ( a high achiever, perfectionist, go getter , very focussed etc ) then it can turn anybody’s. It’s true when they say it can be those that appear strongest are the ones who are finally beaten down because they have been strong for themselves and everyone around them for far too long!!! Thinking of you and sincerely hoping that you are found and can receive the help that you need young lady .
I'm so sorry you have had to deal with this. Like you I was in LE (federal). I hit perimenopause at 42. The guys I worked with used to (gently) tease me that they could time their watches by my hot flashes. There were days it was just hard to get out of bed and I was depressed a lot of the time, though I tried my best to hide it. Birth Control Pills got me through the first couple of years, where I had a nonstop "period" (with hot flashes no less) then I went on bioidentical hormone creams (as estrogen gave me migraines). I use the Smokey Mountain Natural line. That being said, 18 years later I feel better than I ever did in my youth, mentally and physically. But for someone that doesn't realize it DOES get better as the body adjusts and you learn what supplements and nutrition help it can be seriously overwhelming. I hope we find Kristin and she can get the medical guidance she needs.
*modsnip*/ sleuthing family / victim blaming

Also I was wondering if anyone knows if KW was from the North Yarmouth area originally (like born and raised?) Just wondering if she would have tried to head somewhere else she considered 'home' for some reason since she was feeling anxious? Maybe somewhere else that was 'comfortable' for her? Praying that she just needed a break and will be found safe and sound very soon.
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*modsnip*/ sleuthing family / victim blaming

Also I was wondering if anyone knows if KW was from the North Yarmouth area originally (like born and raised?) Just wondering if she would have tried to head somewhere else she considered 'home' for some reason since she was feeling anxious? Maybe somewhere else that was 'comfortable' for her? Praying that she just needed a break and will be found safe and sound very soon.
It’s my understanding she is originally from VT and her parents still live there.
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Another lady like Kristen...we are left wondering, for now, what happened. No thread on her afaik, because her 'missing' hadn't yet been reported in the media when her body was found. Like Kristen, doesn't seem to be a reason to suicide, but a possibility. Also found it curious that a non-family member reported her missing.

Body found in Cheshire identified as high school teacher

Not to detail the thread, just struck me as very, very similar.
Not getting any suspicion from husband...confusion and distress maybe. Also, by giving interview he is picked apart while others have been for not giving interviews.

I am always wary when so many people are convinced they “know” any person so well, i.e friends, siblings I believe that no one ever knows what another person really thinks and feels...only what they show to the world. Jmo
A couple of "ifs" come to my mind.

IF she intended self harm and IF she indeed arrange to take two days off work, I'm wondering if she expected to be found quickly after harming herself.

Knowing she would be absent, her colleagues would arrange coverage for her classroom ahead of receiving the shock of her discovery. In other words, she may have thought that time for preparation in her absence was a kindness given to her students and co-workers, sort of making her loss easier on them. I'm not stating that clearly, but I hope you know what I mean.

IF that is true, then I would expect she is in an easy place to find....but she isn't easy to find, and I guess that gives me hope she will be found safe. I hope we get to celebrate happy news.

Total speculation on my part.

A couple of "ifs" come to my mind.

IF she intended self harm and IF she indeed arrange to take two days off work, I'm wondering if she expected to be found quickly after harming herself.

Knowing she would be absent, her colleagues would arrange coverage for her classroom ahead of receiving the shock of her discovery. In other words, she may have thought that time for preparation in her absence was a kindness given to her students and co-workers, sort of making her loss easier on them. I'm not stating that clearly, but I hope you know what I mean.

IF that is true, then I would expect she is in an easy place to find....but she isn't easy to find, and I guess that gives me hope she will be found safe. I hope we get to celebrate happy news.

Total speculation on my part.

Great post!
Just jumping off your post for a minute.. but I’m just wondering (and I realize that not every person does) but wouldn’t she have written a note if she was leaving to commit suicide?
Kristin is a highly regarded elementary teacher and described by her friends and peers as highly communicative, organized, reliable, and an overall wonderful friend. Her husband said she writes often in a personal journal. Wouldn’t someone like that be more inclined to leave a note?
I'm curious as to how she would hurt herself, if this was the case. Did they own a gun, and if so, is it missing? Hunting knife or kitchen knife missing? Her husband said there was no medication in the house, so we can safely say at this time she didn't try to overdose somewhere private away from the house. Any rope missing from the garage?
Great post!
Just jumping off your post for a minute.. but I’m just wondering (and I realize that not every person does) but wouldn’t she have written a note if she was leaving to commit suicide?
Kristin is a highly regarded elementary teacher and described by her friends and peers as highly communicative, organized, reliable, and an overall wonderful friend. Her husband said she writes often in a personal journal. Wouldn’t someone like that be more inclined to leave a note?

In my opinion. no.
The pain would consume her. There wouldn't likely be rational thoughts.
OT...I have thought about whether I would write a suicide note in the event. I am an epic list-maker, scribbler, writer of all sorts, but not sure that I would. I might rather leave things “open” in a way so that no one knows for sure or feels guilt. Not saying that would “work” but suicide notes are no doubt of intentions. I might prefer that my be able to sisters, etc be able to think it was an accident. Anyway...jmo
If she did commit suicide, she might also have the note(s) with her/on her. This occurred with the lady who went missing a few months back, it took quite a long time to find her body. She was in her vehicle, and the notes were in the car as well.
This case has shades of Leanne Bearden, sadly. People were ready to convict her poor husband. Theories were all over the place and I believe she had even scheduled a job interview just before her "disappearance". Sadly, she had taken her own life and was, after much searching, was found hanging from a tree on a neighbor's property that had already been searched.

I hope she is found safe for the sake of all who love and care for her.
NORTH YARMOUTH – State police and Maine Game Warden K-9 teams resumed their search Friday morning for missing teacher Kristin Westra, who was last seen Sunday.

There was no new information and officials at the search scene said it remained an “active investigation.”

The search appeared to be focused on an area near her home on Lufkin Road, but further down that road, which dead ends shortly after it crosses power lines.

No one answered the door at the Westra home and there were no vehicles in the driveway.

Search for missing teacher Kristin Westra enters fifth day
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