Media Interviews with Case Players (SA/DT) ***Merged**

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When called for jury duty I have always reported and never tried to get out of it.

Perhaps this is a lesson about why all of us should never try to get out of jury duty - if you ever end up in court, wouldn't you want someone like yourself in the jury box, someone who pays attention to the evidence?

Not if I had to be with 11 non-thinkers like this jury. No way.

"The prosecution could not answer, how did Caylee die? And that was a big factor I think in a lot of our decisions."

[Because George was hiding something] "We really do think she possibly, well, we don't know how she died."

As my dad would say, "you got a mouse in your pocket?":snooty:

OTOH, discussing this before deliberations explains why they were so speedy quick.
I agree. I think they made up their mind when they heard JB's soap opera OS.
They took few notes. They disregarded forensic evidence in order to believe the DT's spinning. #14 gave illogical reasons for not believing the evidence, then said he didn't think KC was guilty because he didn't believe GA. Is that common sense to anyone? This jury did not do their job. They did not review one piece of evidence. This is not justice it's a joke.

It's highly disturbing. I listened to his comments and he didn't have intellectual reasons. KC didn't do it because he didn't believe George? Indeed. He didn't believe there was a body in the car yet he wanted to know why Cindy cleaned it? He claims there was no evidence to back up the prosecution's theory yet he believed a bogus story. He couldn't explain why he thought Casey sat in jail for three years if it is was an accident and he didn't care why.

Maybe the jurors spoke to each other on the bus home after the verdict today? That's why he said "we"?

They ignored everything presented to them except Jose's outrageous opening statement.

Many people said the car stunk yet he claims since 3 deputies didn't go sniffing the car when they were there on credit card theft then the car didn't stink? Did he think everyone else was lying, including Dr. Vass?

They didn't perform their duty, listen to all the testimonies, didn't look at all the evidence, didn't weigh the logical against the illogical. They thought it was okay for them to threw Caylee away and for Casey to party for a month.

There's something wrong here. Something's just not right. :banghead:

What boggles the mind is how 12 people could think the same way.
I am by No means trying to question the intelligence of the jury. I do question the alternate juror 's responses on how he would have found the not guilty verdict.
"The prosecution could not answer, how did Caylee die? And that was a big factor I think in a lot of our decisions."

[Because George was hiding something] "We really do think she possibly, well, we don't know how she died."

As my dad would say, "you got a mouse in your pocket?":snooty:

OTOH, discussing this before deliberations explains why they were so speedy quick.

I guess he forgot about-- chloroformed and knocked out, three pieces of duct tape over her airways, rotting in the trunk for 3-5 days, bagged and thrown in the nearest swampy woods. Pfft

I guess they were all thinking about Farmville.
Opening statements are not evidence!

The jury must not have understood that either, even though they were told multiple times.

I am sickened by what happened today. I don't know what to think. I understand this jury sacrificed weeks of their lives for this trial and I respect those sacrifices, but my faith in the justice system is seriously damaged. I could understand the not guilty to murder 1, but nothing prepared me for her getting not guilty for all the felony counts. I am just floored.
I agree. It was asked what the issue was. I tried to explain. And why do I have loading issues every time I want to change pages!? :banghead:

I'm also having loading problems as well as having to refresh page every 20 seconds. Can't thnk posts without reloading page. Never had this much trouble before. Anyone else?? TIA :crazy:
If you don't know the person was murdered how do you get pass "The death was caused by the criminal act of Casey Marie Anthony?"

Here you go... scroll down to read how Florida falls with the felony murder laws. All she had to do was commit any of the specified felonies to be guilt of felony murder. Child abuse is one that is in there. I'm sure there are other sites that go into more details. As a different example, if 2 men commit an armed robbery and one of them shoots and kills someone, BOTH can be prosecuted for felony murder even if only one had a gun. The underlying felony was the armed robbery. With KC the underlying felony would have been the child abuse. I think this was all discussed on other threads within Websleuths if you do a search.
It sure sounds like this jury did not follow the court's instructions!
Why else would this Russell keep saying how "they discussed the opening statements"? This stinks of a disobedient jury that just wanted to go home.

Why indeed? If this is the case, that the jury did not heed JP's admonitions, could the verdict be thrown out due to jury misconduct?
I'm going back to that hearing where George stated he would do anything, including break the law, to protect his daughter. Maybe he did.

Yes, I'm beginning to think that George totally 'played his role' as the evil child molester and beligerant witness in order to get his daughter off. Could this all have been a planned strategy?

And what is with this jury? Yeah, yeah, I know, don't knock the jury, but ALL 12 of them were of like mind? Get real...there's somethin' rotten in Orlando!...I just don't know how far and deep it goes.
This man is a teacher. I'm so glad I homeschool.

# 2 ALTERNATE * JUROR RECAP # 3170*- Male, white, 40s
Pretrial publicity:* *heard girl missing, body found in December, six months later, body found by utility worker - not know child's name
Death Penalty: Neutral*- would probably vote against DP in a referendum
Misc:* High School US Govt Teacher * has a police officer along with an attorney friend, Thomas Caldwell (sp?) visit students and give a talk ** he is a high school drop out prevention coordinator **arrested on DUI Oct 30, 2004 - pled down to careless driving ** used to be labor relations specialist for post office - has been trained to be an objective observer **thinks jury duty would be a great teaching tool for his students
Family:* married three times - 1 son first marriage 23 yrs, two stepchildren
16 yr and 17 yr - wife is a 7th grade Math Teacher - was elementary teacher up until last year
State: No challenges/objections. Defense: No challenges/objections

Oh, so this is the juror who was the 'hottie'...was he the one that KC winks at? Hmmmmmmm.
This takes me back to one of the in court TH's stating one of the jurors flung their head back when DT rested. At first I was excited and agreeing that it was surprise that they presented no evidence to back up the DT's opening statements.

I now firmly believe she threw her head back because the damn trial was over finally and could get home.
I'm sorry, but that interview was frightening...saying that the chloroform was from cleaning products, denying there was a body in the trunk in the first place, the duct tape was from replicating the pet burials because they couldn't bury Caylee in the back yard????? They bought every lousy story Jose threw at them. This does not seem in any way plausible.

Exactly...almost too good to be true, huh? There's something very hinky in all of this...was one of these jurors a plant?
Oh, so this is the juror who was the 'hottie'...was he the one that KC winks at? Hmmmmmmm.
The hottie was juror #11, the jury foreman. He said he thought she was guilty during jury selection interestingly enough.
Not worth your time or effort to try for justice? What if you were the one on trial?

I would be happy to be the linear, rational one on the jury...we would have hung...because I could not vote not guilty on all counts.
As a coworker said today, "Well, you're dealing with 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty."
To me, the problem is the way jurors are selected. There is too much emphasis on selecting a jury that knows nothing about too many things...coupled with too many outs for jurors...too important at work, childcare, economic reasons, can't leave dogs alone. Jury duty should be paid VERY well to allay economic problems but jury service should be more like a draft than excluding so many. Pick a jury of PEERS from the community. Don't sequester. Draw 30 names and narrow it down to 15. Then don't pick and parse the evidence. If the jury is going to decide, let them have ALL the facts.

This jury failed all of us and Caylee, most of all,...bigtime, but it is a systemic failure. There is no justice in a legal system that produced this verdict. Accident victims don't end up in trash bags in swamps. They are buried and mourned. Parents of accident victims don't act as if life is great for 31 days after their children die. I have no idea how 12 people could rationally come to the decision they did today. Don't know how they could deny justice to this baby. It is appalling. I'm becoming an old woman and I despair of what our country and laws have allowed today.
Yes, I do believe they are. If they all come out saying the same...we will know they talked about it amongst themselves before deliberation or he would not use "WE" against the admonition of the Court. Isn't there any Justice left in the land?

If the Jury did discuss the case prior to the Judge giving them Jury Instructions at the end of the case: Isn't this Jury Misconduct?

If this happened....what can be done about it?

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