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Drew Peterson's Been on His Best Behavior in Court
Updated 3:23 PM CST, Thu, Feb 4, 2010
Peterson arrives at the Joliet courthouse every day in chains and a jumpsuit. His lawyers provide him with a fresh suit and tie. He changes. His chains are reattached, before he enters the courtroom. Then the chains are removed, again, in a show for the court.

He scans the courtroom every time he comes in, and has been known to stop and stare at Cales family members and friends -- Stacy Peterson's relatives -- in an apparent attempt to intimidate them. But that&#8217;s the extent of his showmanship.

It&#8217;s a far cry from his behavior just after his arrest.

But that&#8217;s not what has been keeping Peterson in check during the hearsay trial, Joe Hosey, who authored a book about Peterson and has been attending the hearing, said to CNN.

Hearing former acquaintances, friends and even family members recount tales of murderous intent may have finally cracked Drew&#8217;s jester exterior.

"I think reality has sunk in," Hosey said.

Psychic: Stacy Peterson feared husband would carry out threat
Published: 2/4/20 8:07 PM | Updated: 2/4/2010 11:18 PM
Self-professed psychic Irene Lalagos testified Thursday that Stacy Peterson feared her police sergeant husband would carry out a murderous threat if she ended their troubled marriage. Nearly five months later, the 23-year-old Bolingbrook woman vanished without a trace. "She told me that Drew told her he was a cop. He could kill her, hide her body and no one would ever find her," said Lalagos, of Glendale Heights. "She was afraid for her life."

Also Thursday, Illinois State Police Master Sgt. Bryan Falat described how his concerns that Drew Peterson be treated as a suspect in Savio's death fell on deaf ears. Falat is the only state police official to testify who said he suspected foul play.

Falat, then just a trooper assigned to the case less than two weeks, said the lead investigator, Sgt. Patrick Collins, violated proper police procedure when he allowed Peterson to be questioned in the Bolingbrook police department's lunchroom and to also be present that next day when Stacy provided her husband with an alibi. Neither hesitated when recounting specifics. In fact, Falat said, the husband became "sort of cocky and arrogant" when probed further.

Falat said he wanted to do follow-up interviews with the witnesses who found Savio's body, including Drew Peterson, as well as bring Stacy and the children before a grand jury, but none of his suggestions were pursued. Falat also said he requested Bolingbrook police provide reports of prior domestic violence calls between Savio and her husband but, "I've never seen them."

Lalagos, though, is the first witness to testify that Stacy quoted Peterson suggesting he could hide her body. Lalagos said her loyalty to Peterson's mother, Betty, a lifelong friend, kept her from coming forward. She did so after authorities subpoenaed her.

Witness calls Drew Peterson "A big ego with a gun"
February 5, 2010
Though she feared for her life, Kathleen Savio refused to move out of Bolingbrook because she believed she could not escape Drew Peterson's clutches, a former nursing classmate testified this morning.

"He had friends everywhere," said Mary Parks, who took classes with Savio in 2002 and 2003. "She would not be able to hide."

Parks testified that Savio showed her red marks on Savio's neck in the fall of 2003 and told her Peterson had choked her. Savio said as Peterson pinned her down he asked, "Why don't you just die?"

By late 2003--just a few months before her death--Savio had grown thin and pale, Parks said, adding Savio had trouble sleeping and became obsessed with making sure her doors were locked. Savio was convinced that her ex-husband planned to kill her, Parks said.

Video: Witness calls Drew Peterson "A big ego with a gun" 0:33

Video: Peterson Hearsay Trial Continues 0:36

Video: State Police Testifies In Peterson Hearing 0:26

Video: Peterson Hearing Continues 0:30

Video: List Of Witnesses Growing Who Say Peterson Threatened To Kill Savio 0:32

Video: List Of Witnesses Growing Who Say Peterson Threatened To Kill Savio 1:26

Evidence not gathered in bathtub drowning
Published: Feb. 5, 2010 at 10:44 AM
Robert Deel testified at a pretrial hearing he had only been handling crime scene investigations for about a year when he was sent to Savio's suburban Chicago home, the Joliet (Ill.) Herald News reports.

Deal said he did not test for the presence of blood in the bathroom, dust for fingerprints or take a glass of orange juice into evidence.

He also said he failed to collect a bottle of cleaning fluid that was on Savio's dresser.

Deel said Will County prosecutors asked him never again to process a crime scene in their county after the 2007 disappearance of Peterson's fourth wife Stacy.

Pathologist testifies Peterson's third wife was murdered
Published: 2/5/2010 2:24 PM | Updated: 2/5/2010 9:55 PM
Dr. Larry Blum testified the pattern of Savio's injuries, the position in which her body was found and the scene of her death led him to rule out an accidental drowning due to a single fall. "There was no blood, hair or tissue to show she hit her head on the tub," said Blum, in his first public comments about Savio's 2004 death. "The evidence doesn't really bear that out." "That is my opinion, that it was homicidal."

Blum testified at a Will County pretrial hearing to determine what hearsay evidence will be allowed at Peterson's upcoming murder trial. The hearing, which has included testimony of 55 prosecution witnesses, may end next week.

As Blum detailed Savio's injuries, Peterson focused intently on photos of her decomposed remains - which showed a gash on the back of her head, about a half-dozen small bruises, and several cuts and scratches along her extremities, abdominal area and buttocks. Peterson even changed chairs at the defense table to view the photos, shown on a television monitor turned away from the courtroom gallery of spectators.

Blum said Savio tested negative for drugs or alcohol. He did not find any medical reason to support the defense's theory that she slipped and fell in the bathtub. In fact, Blum testified, it was his opinion that Savio's head wound and her other injuries - sustained near the time of her death because there were no signs of healing - were inconsistent with a single fall. He noted internal bruising on Savio's diaphragm consistent to a "bear hug."

Despite defense attorney Joel Brodsky's intense cross examination, a resolute Blum said he is "without doubt" that it would be impossible for Savio to suffer that pattern of injuries in a single fall. "I've never seen that in 30 years," testified Blum, who said he's personally conducted 9,233 autopsies. Celebrity forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden reached a similar opinion in a third autopsy Savio's family sought.

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Pathologist: Peterson's ex-wife didn't die in fall
Friday, February 5, 2010; 6:06 PM
Dr. Larry Blum, in his first public comments since the 2007 autopsy of Kathleen Savio, said he didn't think bruises on her body and a laceration to the back of her head came from a single fall. Savio's body was found slumped forward in a dry bathtub in 2004, and Blum said that her position wasn't consistent with a fall.

"There was no blood, hair or tissue on the tub," said Blum, who looked at photographs from the original autopsy and crime scene to help make his determination. "So the evidence doesn't bear that out."

Blum said Savio did drown but her death was not accidental, as another pathologist initially found. "It was my opinion that it was a homicide," Blum said.

Blum, who said he laid down in Savio's tub as part of his investigation, testified the injury to the back of Savio's head may have been made shortly after her death and not as a result of a fall. He also pointed to a wound in the area of Savio's diaphragm as one that wouldn't have been caused in a fall.

"The bruise was deep, down to the bone," he said. He said her injuries indicated that there was a struggle.

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Pathologist: Savio was victim of homicide
February 5, 2010
Dr. Larry Blum testified Thursday that a laceration to Savio's head and the bruises and scrapes on her body could not have been caused by an accidental fall in her bathtub, as state police concluded after investigating her March 2004 death. Blum was on the witness stand for most of the 13th day of the pivotal hearing to determine what hearsay evidence will be allowed at Drew Peterson's upcoming murder trial.

Soon after Stacy vanished in October 2007, Savio's grave was dug up in Hillside's Queen of Heaven Cemetery was dug up. At the request of police, Blum performed a new autopsy on her badly decomposed remains. At the request of Savio's family, celebrity medical examiner Michael Baden also conducted an autopsy, parts of which were broadcast on Fox News Channel without showing Savio's body.

Both Blum and Baden determined Savio was the victim of a homicide.

One of Peterson's attorneys, Joel Brodsky tried for hours without success to get Blum to concede that Savio's death might have been a suicide or an accident. He also pieced together various speculative scenarios, such as Savio slipping on a bar of soap, striking her head and drowning.

"The ugly facts of the injuries destroy that beautiful theory," Blum said.

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Savio was murdered, state pathologist testifies
Position in tub makes it unlikely she drowned accidentally, Larry Blum says
February 5, 2010
Kathleen Savio's 2004 bathtub drowning death was murder, a state-hired pathologist testified Friday, in part because he believed injuries to the front, back and sides of her body could not have been caused accidentally. Dr. Larry Blum performed a second autopsy on Savio's body when it was exhumed in 2007 after the disappearance of Drew Peterson's fourth wife, Stacy.

Savio was hopeful a property settlement in her divorce with Peterson was near when she was found drowned in her Bolingbrook home. A coroner's jury ruled her death accidental, but Peterson was charged last year with Savio's death. Testimony Friday was part of a hearing to determine whether hearsay evidence will be allowed at Peterson's trial.

Peterson leaned in and squinted when autopsy photos of his third wife were shown on a computer monitor. He seemed to take copious notes.

Blum testified the alleged murder scene was "pristine" with little blood, no splashed water and nothing around the tub knocked over, but he could not say whether the scene was staged.

Under questioning by defense attorney Joel Brodsky, Blum said possible defensive wounds on Savio's hand could have been caused by her cat or by careless workers removing evidence bags on her hands.

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Pathologist: Peterson's ex-wife's death was homicide
Friday, February 05, 2010
Dr. Larry Blum testified that Kathleen Savio's injuries point to her murder. The noted forensic pathologist, who says he has conducted over 9,000 autopsies, told the court Friday that Savio's injuries, psychological history, the position of her body when she was found, along with the scene of her death, led him to rule out an accidental drowning or suicide.

While on the stand, Will County States Attorney James Glaskow asked Blum, "Was Kathleen Savio's death a homicide?" "That is my opinion. It was homicidal," Blum replied.

The proceedings began Friday morning with the testimony of Mary Parks, a former nursing classmate of Kathleen Savio. Parks told the court Savio "feared for her life."

Video: Pathologist: Peterson's ex-wife's death was homicide 2:17

Witness: Peterson's ex-wife slept with knife
updated 5:44 p.m. ET, Wed., Feb. 3, 2010
Kristin Anderson's testimony came during a hearing to determine what hearsay evidence, if any, will be allowed at Peterson's upcoming murder trial.

Also on Wednesday, Savio's sister Anna Doman testified that she viewed the disappearance of Stacy Peterson as an opportunity to "raise awareness" about her long-held suspicions that Savio's death was not an accident.

Doman testified that she gave to the media some of the contents of a briefcase that Savio, before her death, had told Doman to retrieve from her house if she died. Doman did not say exactly what was in the briefcase, but testified it contained items such as a police report and letters concerning Savio and Drew Peterson's marriage and divorce.

Later, Anderson also said she saw some of what was in the briefcase and testified that Savio told her it contained a letter Savio wrote to the Will County State's Attorney's Office outlining her fears of Drew Peterson. That letter was widely reported in the media.

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Witness: Drew Peterson threatened third wife
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
A friend testified Wednesday that Kathleen Savio was so afraid of her ex-husband Drew Peterson she put a deadbolt on her bedroom door.

At a pre-trial hearing, Kristin Anderson said that Savio also kept a kitchen knife under her mattress. Anderson and her family lived in Savio's house for a couple of months in 2003.

Anderson said she contacted Illinois State Police after Savio's death but they never responded.

Video: Peterson's neighbor Testifies 3:12

Psychic testifies at Drew Peterson hearing
Friday, February 05, 2010
During her marriage to Drew Peterson, Stacy Peterson met with psychic Irene Lalagos. She testified she read cards for Stacy on several different occasions. Months before Drew Peterson's fourth wife disappeared, Stacy Peterson expressed to Lalagos how she wanted to leave Drew but didn't know how to do it with four kids. Lalagos said Stacy was in fear of Drew. Referring to a conversation with Stacy, Lalagos testified, "Drew told her he was a cop, he could kill her, hide her body and no one would ever find her."

Prosecutors are trying to show that Savio's death was never investigated properly.

Illinois State Police crime scene investigator Bob Deel admitted that he never took any fingerprints at the scene, never took evidence from Savio's bathtub, bathroom or anywhere else in the house. Master Sgt. Bryan Falat was assisting in the investigation. Thursday he said in court, "quite honestly, I was sort of disgusted about how the investigation was handled."

"It's what we call 'hindsight homicide.' You know, four years later or six years later, he says, oh well, gee whiz, I thought it was a homicide but for six years he did nothing," said Joel Brodsky, Peterson attorney.

There have now been over 50 witnesses in the pre-trial hearing and there are more to come.

Video: Psychic testifies at Drew Peterson hearing 2:06

Officer: Scene of Savio's Death Fishy
Updated: Wednesday, 03 Feb 2010, 9:40 PM CST
Published : Wednesday, 03 Feb 2010, 2:01 PM CST
Bolingbrook Police Lt. Brian Hafner testified that he trained Drew Peterson in a variety of suspect control techniques. He said as an officer, Peterson knew how to use arm and wrist locks known as "come alongs" that allow cops to compel suspects to come along with them, or risk a great deal of pain. Hafner was shown photos of Kathleen Savio's body where she was found, slumped forward, dead in a dry bathtub. He testified that the position of Savio's right arm was consistent with a police hold known as an "arm bar," which Peterson had been trained to use.

Hafner also testified that Peterson was trained and worked as a crime scene technician.

Kristin Anderson testified that Savio told her about a time Peterson broke in, held a knife to her throat and threatened her, saying "I can kill you at any time and make it look like an accident."

"I think that Kristin is not being truthful, and she's trying to simply help the prosecution that she wants to see succeed, rather than tell the truth and let justice take its course," said Joel Brodsky, Peterson's Attorney.

Anderson testified that after Savio's death she called State Police twice, but no one called her back and she was never interviewed until after Stacy Peterson disappeared in 2007.

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*2-Videos Included at link!

Psychic: Stacy Said Drew Threatened Her
Updated: Thursday, 04 Feb 2010, 9:49 PM CST
Published : Thursday, 04 Feb 2010, 7:25 AM CST
Bombshell testimony came Thursday in the Drew Peterson hearsay evidence hearing. For the first time, a witness testified about an alleged death threat Drew Peterson made to his missing fourth wife Stacy. Thursday, the key testimony came from Stacy Peterson's psychic. Irene Lagalos testified that she read cards for Stacy in 2006 and 2007. "She told me that Drew told her he was a cop, he could kill her, hide her body and nobody would ever find her," Lagalos told the judge.

Peterson's attorney Joel Brodsky ridiculed Lagalos' testimony. "I think actually bringing a psychic who admits to hearing voices to testify in a murder case shows the desperation of the state. They don't have much and they're grasping at straws," Brodsky said.

Prosecutors also called as a witness the crime scene technician from the original Savio case. Sgt. Bob Deel testified that he never collected any evidence from the scene because he did not believe there was anything that had any evidentiary value. He also admitted that he did not notice a host of bruises and injuries to Savio's body and did little more than take photographs of the scene. Prosecutors are trying to portray the original investigation as flawed because they have charged Drew Peterson with murdering Savio and then staging the crime scene to look like an accident. She was found face down in a fetal position in a dry bathtub during their bitter divorce. The defense attorneys contend she died from a tragic slip and fall in the tub.

During cross examination, defense attorney Andrew Abood tried to rehabilitate Deel as a competent crime scene investigator. He asked Deel if anyone had put a demerit in his file for how he handled the case. Deel said there was no letter, but then hurt his own credibility by saying the Will County State's Attorney's office has said they don't want him investigating any more crimes in Will County. Peterson's attorney Joel Brodsky says that's just because prosecutors don't like the conclusions that Deel reached.

*2-Videos Included at link!

Prosecuters Almost To Last Witness
Updated: Friday, 05 Feb 2010, 6:34 PM CST
Published : Friday, 05 Feb 2010, 4:36 AM CST
Will County prosecutors say they're a few days away from calling their last witness in former Bolingbrook police sergeant Drew Peterson's pretrial hearing.

Defense attorneys will be able to present their own witnesses, but they haven't said how many they'll call.

Doctor: Savio&#8217;s Death Was Murder
Updated: Friday, 05 Feb 2010, 9:29 PM CST
Published : Friday, 05 Feb 2010, 6:33 PM CST
Dr. Blum, who performed the second autopsy on Savio's body in 2007 strongly disagreed, saying, "The ugly facts of the injuries destroy that beautiful theory."

He testified about photos from the scene, on computer monitors pointed away from the courtroom gallery, and about injuries to her body that he said were fresh. He said the injuries were not consistent with a fall, and that Savio had no drugs or alcohol in her system.

Blum also said Savio's face was streaked with blood on the left side, blood from a wound to the back of her head, suggesting the injury was inflicted when she was in that face down position, not from falling backward. He also said that cut could have been inflicted after Savio was actually dead.

Earlier, a friend of Savio's testified to a possible motive for murder. Mary Parks said Savio felt her divorce from Peterson, which was nearly finalized except for the finances, was all about the money and that Peterson didn't want her to get a cent.

Parks said Savio told her that "He wanted the money, he wanted the kids, he wanted the businesses; he wanted it all."

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New doubt cast on accident as cause of Savio drowning
February 3, 2010 9:20 PM
Death scene photos do not support the defense theory that Kathleen Savio died after slipping and falling in her bathtub, one of Drew Peterson's fellow police officers testified Wednesday.

The police hold is easier to use in close quarters, and if used in a bathtub, "you'd have a hard time getting out of there," Hafner testified at an ongoing hearing to determine what hearsay evidence would be allowed at Peterson's murder trial.

Hafner, who teaches defensive police tactics to the Bolingbrook force, had no role in Savio's death investigation. He based his opinion on four photographs taken in Savio's bathroom shortly after her body was discovered March 1, 2004.

It's not clear how much Savio's body was moved by those first on the scene -- including neighbors, Peterson and paramedics -- before Illinois State Police arrived. Witnesses have testified that Savio's body was found in a fetal position. Hafner did not detail in what way her arm was positioned that led him to conclude Savio might have been put in a submission hold.

Anderson, whose family lived briefly with Savio in fall 2003, said: "In case she was murdered, she wanted everyone to know who did it."

The defense suggested that Savio was paranoid, stemming from her anger over Peterson's relationship with the much younger Stacy.

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State cop: No evidence gathered at Savio death scene
February 4, 2010 10:32 PM
A state police crime scene investigator said Thursday that he gathered no evidence after Kathleen Savio was found drowned in her bathtub in 2004, and a state trooper there that night testified he was "disgusted" by how the investigation was handled.

Robert Deel said he had been handling crime scene investigations for about one year when he was called to Savio's Bolingbrook house in the overnight hours of March 1, 2004. He said he did not test for the presence of unseen blood in the bathroom, collect a blood sample from the tub, dust for fingerprints and did not take into evidence a glass of orange juice in the kitchen or a bottle of cleaning fluid on a dresser in Savio's bedroom. "There wasn't really anything to look for," he said of evidence in the bathroom.

Savio's fingernail clippings -- sometimes a source of crime scene DNA -- were never tested, Deel said.

He contradicted earlier testimony by head investigator Sgt. Patrick Collins, who said he decided after speaking with Deel within 40 minutes of being on the scene that Savio's death was accidental. Deel said he believed her death was accidental but didn't reach that conclusion until after reviewing autopsy and toxicology results.

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