Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox Conviction Overturned #22

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I thought that was a funny remark. She knew that there was a rape, murder, scream and multiple murderers before the police knew it. The fact that she volunteered Patrick to police as the murderer suggests that she was trying to buy some time - that's not hard to figure out.

BBM: That makes no sense whatsoever. What time she bought (for what purpose?) would be paid for dearly when her lies were exposed.

As for what she knew, we know there was considerable chatter at the cottage when the body was discovered; we know there was additional talk on the way to the police station. We can be sure there was yet more gossip about the crime during the four days AK spent at the police station.

That there had been a murder was obvious to everyone who entered the room. (This group did not include AK, but she could hear what they were saying.) Given the amount of blood in the room, it was apparent MK did not die of diabetes.

Moreover, since MK was partially undressed, I'm sure most observers assumed she had been raped. This must have been quickly added to the "common knowledge" about the crime.

Knowledge of the "scream" doesn't mean much. I think most of us would assume MK screamed, given the violence inflicted upon her.

So that leaves the multiple murderers. How do you know AK came up with that idea before the police? The latter had committed to a multiple-assailant theory within a day or two of the crime.
I know that Edda stated in the 48 hour show that police suggested Patrick, but Knox testified that they did not suggest Patrick, she stated that she introduced Patrick's name. Was she being coerced when she testified to that?

What are the exact statements? Edda may have meant that PLE first suggested PL as a principal in the crime; AK may have merely meant that she brought up PL's name as her boss and the man who sent her the text message that night.

Hardly the same thing.
Oh, good Lord! If you believe Wendy Murphy, no defendant has been innocent since Jesus Christ Himself!

But if you insist on repeating this spin that the acquittals were "bought" by AK (oddly, not very rich) family, then I think you should at least show us receipts for money spent on p.r.

We already know the $1 million figure was for the entire defense, not just p.r. efforts.

And then when you've done that, I hope people will consider that it wasn't p.r. statements that convinced most of us of AK's and RS' innocence, it was the lack of evidence of their guilt. It doesn't take a p.r. firm to present no evidence.

Yes, I did look at her last few articles and found the one entitled "Troy Davis was a murderer, not a celebrity" fascinating, though not for the reasons she intended. Definitely not someone I would ever use as a reference point!
Even if she was completely crushed in the two hours of questioning leading up to her statement that Patrick committed rape and murder, she had two weeks in which to tell the police the truth - and she did not. Those are not the actions of an innocent person - in my opinion.

I'm beginning to wonder if you have murdered someone, since you have so much trouble holding on to the truth. (Not really. You're the one who insists misstatements are proof of homicide.)

AK was already recanting her accusations of PL within a few hours of her signed statements. As you know, she was already insisting that her statements re PL were dreams, more unreal than real, an exercise in visualization suggested by the police, etc.

It is simply untrue that AK never cast doubt on her own statement implicating PL.
Police can say whatever they want when questioning someone in connection with a brutal murder. The witness is supposed to tell the truth - something Knox was incapable of doing after 2 hours of questioning.

That may be true, technically.

But what you and LE blindly refuse to acknowledge is that by telling lies, LE effectively invalidates what testimony is given to them. Suspects are forced to testify based on false premises supplied to them by LE; it shouldn't surprise anyone that the statements that results are so often false.
Did Lumumba fire AK from her waitress job before the murder occurred for making sexual advances to customers? I just heard this and wasn't sure if it was true? I thought she was supposed to work the night of the murder and got a text to not come in.

No, he did not. That was more disinformation that was passed around early in the case. I don't know whether it originated from PL, from LE, or from the media themselves.
She was reprimanded by Patrick for flirting or socializing rather than working. The day she met Sollecito, he went to the bar and she was flirting with him at work. Then she went home with him. She may have been demoted to handing out fliers rather than serving customers.

The supposed demotion to handing out fliers makes no sense.

Why did PL tell her to stay home? Because business was slow at the bar on the night of the murder. IF AK's new job was to drum up business, a slow night is PRECISELY when PL would want her at work!
Geraldo at Large (after commercial) is about to compare AK to Casey Anthony in regards to both pretty girls winning.

The comparisons of AK and CA represent laziness on the part of journalists and posters alike. Both young women are under the age of 30; the comparison stops there.
Like I said, she made the statements about Patrick as a witness and witnesses do not have lawyers while giving a statement to police.

Knox became a suspect after accusing Patrick. Questioning began at 11:30 PM and by 1:30 AM she had accusd Patrick. The questioning stopped. She was then asked to review and sign her statement at 1:45 AM (written in English). She was taken to a holding cell. She later demanded to be heard, so Mignini, the prosecutor on call, had to come to the police station in the middle of the night. She repeated her allegations against Patrick and was then asked to sign that statement at 5:30 AM. She was then returned to the holding cell. The following day, she asked for pen and paper and confirmed her statements against Patrick.

Much of the above is simply untrue. If anyone really cares, I'll be glad to look up contradictory sources tomorrow.
Witnesses aren't entitled to lawyers. Knox was a witness when she accused Patrick of rape and murder.

And yet the Italian roommates lawyered up quickly enough. Perhaps it's only innocent foreigners/potential scapegoats who aren't entitled to lawyers.
She wasn't called to the station at 11:30. Sollecito was asked to come in at 10 and answer a few questions. They arrived around 10:30. She tagged along. That's when she did the cartwheels and splits ... and was told to cut it out by the officers. Sollecito was proven to be a liar and admitted to police that during previous statements he had told police a "load of rubbish". He stated that he could not confirm that Knox was with him on the night of the murder. Since Knox was already at the police headquarters, they asked her to answer some questions as well. Within two hours, with a translator during the last hour, she accused Patrick. She didn't speak enough Italian to understand anything that was said in the first hour.

This case has been ongoing for four years. It's interesting that people have opinions about the verdict but aren't really familiar with the case.

Yeah, not familiar with trivial details such as the fact that PLE had more than a dozen detectives plus the prosecutor at the station that night for the "casual" interview of one kid who was "not a suspect."
Those of us who have studied the case know that the 1:45 am statement was in Italian. The 5:45 am statement was handwritten in Italian by Mignini. There is zero evidence to support the claim that Knox demanded to make this statement. Knox's handwritten note in English written later that day expressed great doubt about the statements she had signed during the night.

Thank you, Footwarrior! I didn't think there was any evidence for the claim that AK demanded to make the 5:45 statement. And I'm sure in his recent interviews, Mignini mentions already being at the station, so the claim that he was called out of bed to deal with Amanda are also false.
I'm new to following this story as much as I am. I don't think I'd have time to go through all the threads but was Amanda really doing cartwheels?? Or is that just rumor.

The "cartwheels" are an English translation of a report by an Italian cop. Nobody really knows what AK was doing exactly. Her mother has said she was doing yoga stretches to deal with the stress of prolonged interrogation.
I agree that Knox, Sollecito, the roommates and even the British friends were questioned several times during the days following the murder. Knox's experience was not unique. The problem with Knox and Sollecito is that their statements were proven false and so police had no choice but to ask them to return to clarify their statements. Had there been one truth from the beginning, perhaps their questioning periods would have been shorter.

Knox's experience most certain WAS unique. Not only did she have the least (or nearly the least) command of Italian, but we know from an Italian investigator that he had already decided she was guilty.

On the night that Knox accused Patrick, she had only been at the station for 2 hours and she had eaten dinner shortly before arriving. Therefore, claims that she was deprived of anything and thus accused Patrick don't add up.

I tend to agree with you about food. But we've never heard how many hours she spent in interrogation before dinner on Nov. 5. Yet we know her total number of hours of interrogation meant she was being questioned for more than 10 hours per day.

So that "2 hours" figure you like to cite may not mean much if she had been interrogated for an additional 10 hours before dinner.

I have heard rumors that the interpreter worked for the police, but to suggest that the interpreter came up with questions not provided by those questioning Knox is farfetched. Knox didn't speak Italian, so how would she know whether police had asked a question and the interpreter was repeating it or whether the interpreter came up with the questions independently.

That the woman who spoke English worked for PLE is not a rumor. What AK knew of her questions and their origins is beside the point. WE know the English-speaking police woman was NOT a true, neutral interpreter, working with AK's best interests in mind.
In another country she would have been found guilty of obstruction of justice. JMO.

If the entire session hadn't been ruled to have violated her rights and Italian law, then that is entirely likely. In fact, they likely would have added that to the charges if they hadn't screwed up on that, IMO. Of course, had they done things by the book, we'd have access to a recording of the session, and we'd all know for sure how things went down that night.
No, he did not. That was more disinformation that was passed around early in the case. I don't know whether it originated from PL, from LE, or from the media themselves.

According to the author of the latest book on the case, PL was paid a "high five figure sum" by a British tabloid to do an interview, one in which he went over the top demonizing AK. That is the infamous article with the demotion & flirting stuff, as well as tons of blatantly false info outside of what he said. Again according to that author, when she interviewed him for free, he recanted everything he said in the tabloid interview. I have no idea what he then said to her, as I have not read the book yet. This was in an article written by said author, make of it what you will.

I'd offer a link for this, but it was posted on either this thread or the previous one, and I have no time to find it again.
Yeah, not familiar with trivial details such as the fact that PLE had more than a dozen detectives plus the prosecutor at the station that night for the "casual" interview of one kid who was "not a suspect."

To clarify something. PLE & Mignini tried to claim the first statement was admissible because she was "just a witness" and thus not entitled to a lawyer or recording of the session. The Supreme Court didn't buy what they were selling. According to the ruling, AK was a suspect the moment that they broke RS, and thus should have been recorded and given a lawyer.

This is, alas, not an uncommon tactic used by LE in the US and the UK (and likely other EU nations as well) to try to get around human and civil rights laws that they consider to be hamstringing them. Sort of like asking someone to exit their car and interpreting the opened door to be permission to search the vehicle. There is considerable debate on the ethics of using these gray areas to 'catch the bad guys' that I'm not going to get into here.
And yet the Italian roommates lawyered up quickly enough. Perhaps it's only innocent foreigners/potential scapegoats who aren't entitled to lawyers.

More likely the roomies knew that they couldn't be prevented from bringing a lawyer with them to an interview, but could be screwed out of one if they started a session without one. AK & RS apparently either weren't aware of this, or just didn't feel they would need one at all (fill in the reason for this as your POV dictates), or both.
They are in English. Malkmus posted them on this forum ages ago.

I am one who posted the link to the two statements that Amanda signed during the night. Both statements are available for download. The download includes PDFs of the originals, IN ITALIAN, and a word document of the English translation.

If you look through my recent past posts you can download and read both for yourself. :)
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