Meter Reader

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It will be nice when everything is brought out in the trial. And we will know what is still not open for us to see now.
It sure will! Then we won't have to listen to the endless drone and BS of the defense team or the A fam camp anymore.
It wasn't smart, just convenient because it was so close. She didnt have gas to be driving all over FL looking for a place to hide her baby's body, she needed that gas to get to Target.

IMO, Casey knew she was in a downward spiral and stopped caring. She wasn't thinking about consequences. At that point, I dont think she cared about anything anymore. She was in her own psychopathic state of mind, not feeling an ounce of regret for any of her actions and possibly convincing herse. I believe that she just wanted to be free of all responsibilities. She wanted to shop but didnt want to work so she stole from people and didnt worry about the consequences of getting caught. She was shopping with Amy's stolen checks without a care in the world. She abandoned her car knowing that it smelled like death and would eventually be traced to her so leaving little Caylee in that field was just another quick solution.

I think she knew her world was gonna come crashing in and decided to spend her last days of freedom partying, shopping and bed hopping.

Could be.
I think if KC did actually put the body there, she would have to be mentally ill enough to not remember doing it. Because I don't think she would want to go to jail. This crime scene does seem, as one poster described it, I think it was on this thread, it does apppear to be a very disorganized disposal of the body, little to no effort to conceal it, location near people, near her own family and neighborhood, where it would eventually be found, etc, didn't even remove the duct tape from around the head, etc. Personally, I don't rule out mental illness in her case because I think that a lot of what she says has seemed bizarre and disorganized, didn't make sense, you can't even really call it lying because it was saying things that would be found out immediately, it served no purpose and didn't help her in any way. Like the thing about Caylee having called her on the phone talking about her book, etc, then she lapses into talking about the video of Caylee reading that book, like she can't distinguish the two. The way she was describing Zani's house, it's like Ricardo's, she has the same drums and the apartment looks like his and is set up the same way as his, etc. (Wha??) Like she can't separate the two. Many of the things she's said have been like this. This plus her inability to understand the seriousness of the situation throughout these months, or to fake like she does. I've wondered about her mental fitness. That's purely opinion and speculation on my part. Of course it doesn't necessarily mean she was involved in anything.
Another poster posted this a couple pages back

Thank you, that was amazing. The dogs seemed to perk up when they were just driving past in the car. It was so sad because they kept saying, "But they said this area was already cleared by the cadaver dogs, it was already searched"... they had a strong feeling about the place. Travis and who was it, Gale's daughter? They were very insistent about that area. Wow. I hadn't seen that before. What was the date when they were there? If only they had been able to stay longer or get further into that water, if they'd had the right clothes or gear to do it. It looked like the dogs wanted to go in. Not that I would have wanted the dogs put at any risk either, of course. But I think they really might have found her.
Wow. I feel so sorry for this guy! He did this incredible thing by finding Caylee and making LE pay attention to his tip. We should be figuring out how to reward him with a parade, a nice gesture, a monetary reward, an alert citizen's award, or something.

Personally, I would like to buy him a Starbucks and shake his hand to tell him, "Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for bringing Caylee home!".

I'm with you on this one, since I have no idea how to arrange a parade, or a citizens award and I have a tendency to stay broke...

Can I send him a Starbucks gift card in care of the city:waitasec:? Would he be allowed to keep it? That way I can at least buy the man a cup of coffee!
It could be he overheard something while reading meters.

It could be he was investigating a likely area for Casey to have dumped Caylee.

There are so many scenarios which could have taken place, but we have to understand that LE and the FBI know, have accepted it, and he has already been cleared of any wrongdoing.

There are many times that I've seen on different true crime shows that LE ignores evidence that is contradictory to their theory because they are so convinced that the defendant did it. Later it turns out they have the wrong person.

We have followed the money in this case.

The money goes back to some hidden person/persons/corporation/organization with very, very deep pockets who is paying for the defense of Casey Anthony. The question is WHY?

That is a very good question IMO and may be of interest to this case.

I remember that GSJ was at that spot too on Aug 11th - perhaps RK saw them videotaping the area? I think this is the link - if not I'll try to find it - they apparently were led there by Gale's intuition and they also had a dog and handler with them. I don't think the dog showed any interest but I will probably be proven wrong. And I know that this is probably not a reliable source either - but curious.

Here is the link to GSJ website (I'm not posting this as an endorsement or trying to say it's factual)

This video is a big problem for the prosecution. They now have cadaver dogs that searched the area which is mentioned on the video and psychics out there who searched the area and nothing was found.

The defense is loving this because it really brings up a lot of doubt about the bag being there back then

Maybe the A's were in the backyard talking or on the phone back there and something was mentioned and the meter reader was there to read their meter on the side of the house and overheard? That might be why he got a lawyer not just to prove he wasn't involved but he overheard the info.

He definitely would have told LE about that. LE probably wouldn't release that to the media so it's an interesting theory.

Wouldnt the skull of floated away if it was out of bag when he saw white round thing? Because of the hurricane which came thru around Aug 20th[i think].

This is another thing the defense is going to grab and run with too.

Was wondering when the fence was put up. Wouldnt the fence builders have to clear the area and they should of found the bag. Not sure if it is close to same area Also when was the property sold too the new owner or was that already sold a long time ago. That little part of land was a private area and other part was the city of Orlando. Because when you buy land you usually survey it. Just wondering.

Does anyone know what kind of fence it was?

I don't quite follow you with the whole cadaver dog thing. I doubt the defense would bring this up at the trial because they would contradict themselves if they on one hand try to discredit the dogs, and then on the other hand whine because they didn't use the dogs at her "friends" homes and vehichles.

I disagree. It can be used to plant more doubt in the juries minds.

Someone who works as a meter reader in this neighborhood, going into people's yards and around their homes to read meters, later is the person who says he found the body, in an area so close to the home of the suspect, a neighborhood frequented by throngs of protesters, press, and searchers throughout most of these months, and an area that had even been suggested to LE by KMT, and you don't see a reason he needs to be investigated before he can be ruled out? Again I assume he is innocent and was only doing the right thing but obviously law enforcement would normally investigate this person. Why wouldn't they use the cadaver dogs now, if they used them earlier at the Anthony's home? If I were the defense that would definitely be one of the questions I would ask at trial, if the dogs were good enough to use at the Anthony's home and car, why not at the apartments of KC's paramours where she had been staying, why not at all those people's cars, and this man also, but I wasn't talking about the defense, I was just saying if LE aren't investigating this man in a normal fashion including the cadaver dogs, I would find that odd.

They may not be able to get a search warrant because there isn't enough evidence. They could of course just ask him.

If cadaver dogs are called in for this guy then it really puts him in a bad light. There are so many tightropes that have to be crossed in this investigation it's not surprising they may fall off once in awhile.

Tim Miller is the one who referred to a fence being put up there. He said it in a telephone interview before he actually got to Orlando and to the site. I think the fence and the woods he was referring to originally is on the opposite side of Suburban Drive. That property is owned by the same person who owns the property where the remains were found. There is no evidence of a fence in any of the crime scene photos that have been released, but I do think there is a fence on the other side of the street.

Does anyone wonder why this guy bought the property and put up a fence?

“He is not a suspect in this case,” Nieves said early Thursday evening. “He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.”

http://.com/2008/12/18/caylee-antho...provided-tips-about-same-site-in-august-2008/ (Bolded by me)

There is a link on that site to a lot of crime scene photos. A lot more than I've ever seen before.

I have to ask, why is it so important to you for others not to have questions and to want all the answers, or to even discuss the possibilities of this case?
Obviously there will be forensics which will tie back to the A home, since Caylee lived there and her belongings were from there. Why would you say people at Fusian would not have had access to the car or the A home? Some of KC's friends went to her family home with her, and obviously they sometimes had access to her keys, etc.
Password encrypted sites might be indications of things she looked up, sure. We'll have to see what's presented at trial, the timing of the searches, whether she ever shared passwords with friends, etc.
But I know one of KC's friends who was never even questioned by LE even though she was hanging around with him several days the first week of July got on here, he's widely liked here, I generally found him likeable also, but one thing that concerned me was when he was talking about using chloroform on "unruly detainees" in the military, and talking about how everyone knows chloroform is easy to get, you can get it anywhere, etc. So she wasn't the only one in her friend group who was talking about or interested in chloroform, she might have looked it up because of hearing him talk about it. You never know. I'm not saying I can rule out her being involved in a crime, but I can't say for sure she is responsible for harming Caylee in any way either. Not yet. We'll see what comes out at trial.

Excellent post. Nobody should ever accept anything without questions.
I think the fence TM was referring to was the chain link put up across from Hidden Oaks ES. It does not extend to the wooden fence put up by the property owner. I wonder if anyone ever reported a foul smell from that spot - the Gonzalez's or maybe school bus drivers passing by, kids walking to the school maybe?? I mean, a decomposing body surely would be putting off a bad odor at least a little - right? Couple of years ago, my son was taking care of a pet snake and we had to feed it live mice - yuck! Anyway, we went to the pet store and bought a little feeder mouse - we stopped at the grocery store before going home. When we got back we found that the little critter had eaten a hole in the box and got loose in the cab of the truck. Well, it was summer, and guess the poor little thing couldn't get out -so, after a few days, the smell was absolutely unbearable - I mean, smelled like something died in there -and it lasted almost two months despite having the truck completely detailed - never did find that mouse - but my daughter is still alive.:)
Something still nags at me listening to RKs first 911 call on 08/11 - he refers to "we" a few times and that they read the meter at Hidden Oaks "yesterday" meaning 08/10? Was there another County person with him on 08/11 and if so, did LE get a statement from them?
I have to ask, why is it so important to you for others not to have questions and to want all the answers, or to even discuss the possibilities of this case?
Obviously there will be forensics which will tie back to the A home, since Caylee lived there and her belongings were from there. Why would you say people at Fusian would not have had access to the car or the A home? Some of KC's friends went to her family home with her, and obviously they sometimes had access to her keys, etc.
Password encrypted sites might be indications of things she looked up, sure. We'll have to see what's presented at trial, the timing of the searches, whether she ever shared passwords with friends, etc.
But I know one of KC's friends who was never even questioned by LE even though she was hanging around with him several days the first week of July got on here, he's widely liked here, I generally found him likeable also, but one thing that concerned me was when he was talking about using chloroform on "unruly detainees" in the military, and talking about how everyone knows chloroform is easy to get, you can get it anywhere, etc. So she wasn't the only one in her friend group who was talking about or interested in chloroform, she might have looked it up because of hearing him talk about it. You never know. I'm not saying I can rule out her being involved in a crime, but I can't say for sure she is responsible for harming Caylee in any way either. Not yet. We'll see what comes out at trial.

:clap: Good job. I am glad to see someone else that thinks like me. Its not open and shut by any means. There is so much that hasn't been explained. I can't wait for the trial.
Originally Posted by seagull65
I have to ask, why is it so important to you for others not to have questions and to want all the answers, or to even discuss the possibilities of this case?
Obviously there will be forensics which will tie back to the A home, since Caylee lived there and her belongings were from there. Why would you say people at Fusian would not have had access to the car or the A home? Some of KC's friends went to her family home with her, and obviously they sometimes had access to her keys, etc.
Password encrypted sites might be indications of things she looked up, sure. We'll have to see what's presented at trial, the timing of the searches, whether she ever shared passwords with friends, etc.
But I know one of KC's friends who was never even questioned by LE even though she was hanging around with him several days the first week of July got on here, he's widely liked here, I generally found him likeable also, but one thing that concerned me was when he was talking about using chloroform on "unruly detainees" in the military, and talking about how everyone knows chloroform is easy to get, you can get it anywhere, etc. So she wasn't the only one in her friend group who was talking about or interested in chloroform, she might have looked it up because of hearing him talk about it. You never know. I'm not saying I can rule out her being involved in a crime, but I can't say for sure she is responsible for harming Caylee in any way either. Not yet. We'll see what comes out at trial.

Amen to that.
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
In the spirit of exploring different theories. Wait let me post my disclosure first. I think everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court by either a judge or jury. O.K. the MR. Remember the day CA asked KC if she was at their house. She said the pool ladder was moved and the side gate was open. I would like to know if the MR was at the As home this day? If he was then it would make me very suspicious about his involment. There have been murders before where the Perp particpated in the search for the victim and cases where the Perp "found" the victim. Since there was a reward for Caylee it might be possible. However, this does not explain the Decomp in KC car, unless the test really were inconclusive and it was just "pizza".
I have to get this off my chest also. In the phone calls the MR says he saw something round and white. Was he refering to a skull? If so, how did he see that through a black garbage bag? If the skull was outside of the bag then why tell LE he picked up a bag and a skull fell out? Also, did he lie about having to pee in the woods? I mean if he had reported seeing the bag twice before why not just say he was following up on a previous report or something of that nature. Why make it sound like this was the first time he called in? I know everyone is different but i think I would have just said, I called you guys 3 times and this suspicious looking bag is still here. Did someone check it out or what?
I have to get this off my chest also. In the phone calls the MR says he saw something round and white. Was he refering to a skull? If so, how did he see that through a black garbage bag? If the skull was outside of the bag then why tell LE he picked up a bag and a skull fell out? Also, did he lie about having to pee in the woods? I mean if he had reported seeing the bag twice before why not just say he was following up on a previous report or something of that nature. Why make it sound like this was the first time he called in? I know everyone is different but i think I would have just said, I called you guys 3 times and this suspicious looking bag is still here. Did someone check it out or what?

I don't think he was talking about the skull. A skull after that length of time would not be white. I would be almost black.
I have to get this off my chest also. In the phone calls the MR says he saw something round and white. Was he refering to a skull? If so, how did he see that through a black garbage bag? If the skull was outside of the bag then why tell LE he picked up a bag and a skull fell out? Also, did he lie about having to pee in the woods? I mean if he had reported seeing the bag twice before why not just say he was following up on a previous report or something of that nature. Why make it sound like this was the first time he called in? I know everyone is different but i think I would have just said, I called you guys 3 times and this suspicious looking bag is still here. Did someone check it out or what?

Back up and read the posts in this thread from last night. There are media reports saying that the MR found the skull outside of the bag in December. If that is true, then the skull may have been laying exposed on the ground back in August. That means that the round white thing he first reported may have actually been Caylee's skull. We don't know.
In the spirit of exploring different theories. Wait let me post my disclosure first. I think everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court by either a judge or jury. O.K. the MR. Remember the day CA asked KC if she was at their house. She said the pool ladder was moved and the side gate was open. I would like to know if the MR was at the As home this day? If he was then it would make me very suspicious about his involment. There have been murders before where the Perp particpated in the search for the victim and cases where the Perp "found" the victim. Since there was a reward for Caylee it might be possible. However, this does not explain the Decomp in KC car, unless the test really were inconclusive and it was just "pizza".

IIRC, during one of George's interviews with LE, LE mentioned to George that Cindy had called him about the gate being left open and it was either the 16th or 17th of June Cindy spotted the gate open.

Looks like the meters "might" be read on or about the 11th of the month.

Chances are that the meters are on the side of the house rather then behind the fence. ... IMO
I don't think he was talking about the skull. A skull after that length of time would not be white. I would be almost black.
True - unless the bones were not there all that long or they had been chemically bleached.
:clap: Good job. I am glad to see someone else that thinks like me. Its not open and shut by any means. There is so much that hasn't been explained. I can't wait for the trial.

There have been so much that has not be explained, however we can't forget that there is so much that too, has also not been released to the public.
I don't think he was talking about the skull. A skull after that length of time would not be white. I would be almost black.

Do you mean black from dirt and mud or does bone darken from the elements. I don't know. If you mean from mud, then maybe a recent rain washed it off.

I think we was talking about a skull because I thought he said something about round and white and then eyes...I have to go back and listen. But I think she was describing a skull without using the word skull.
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