Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #1

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Ok...I need to go and read the comments again. I thought he didn't know her new phone # but she texted him?, from her phone?? So confused!

newbie poster
Good points! There seems to be only 1 person (maybe 2) who actually comments on her pictures like they know her. And before her trip, there was the friend who said it's good to have you back. Lillibet commented that maybe her account was hacked and she opened a new account, which is probably true, but I took it as she hadn't been on FB in a long time. I personally took a few years off and have as few friends as she does (I just cannot stand FB, and have stealthy privacy settings), and a few people made that same comment when I came back to post a picture. I don't find her FB communications TOO terribly out of the ordinary.

We've seen and heard about a text that she sent a friend, but I haven't heard of any more. JR has stated that she bought a SIM card in MX to contact her friends/fam. I am sorry, but I don't recall if we know for a fact that she didn't call or text him? I would think they'd check in with each other if he were planning to fly all the way down to meet her, but maybe not? Personally, my DH has done that a few times, so I don't think it's impossible.

I'm trying to be open minded! But wow.

Agree. But hubby says he always would check her Facebook updates while she was traveling through Mexico to make sure things were still smooth. Especially since he acted like they never had phone contact possibilities while she was out there. Especially since he never mentions vocal conversations that they had during her trip. Anyways

But he nor she mentioned each other on any of their Facebook pages while she was in Mexico. Jmo.

Now before the debacle. Jr shows pics of him skiing or something. But Jenny doesn't comment on any pic since she was out of town during his March post.

Now she post pics of her Mexico trip starting the end of March to April 11. But he not once posted on her trip post.

So why is he actiing like he followed her trip via Facebook as ways to stay in touch. But he never commented to any Mexico pictures that she posted on Facebook. Jmo.

It just seems like he wants us to think she was kidnapped or voluntarily left while he wages war for a go fund me or Corona lawsuit. Jmo.

While he also seems happy with the posters on the find jenny facebook page to make comments in Spanish or Chinese while leaving most of us dumbfounded of not knowing what these people are saying. Jmo.

Now CN supposedly his helper. Supposedly lives or deals with Mexico.

But I don't think that she speaks Spanish either. Especially since she was asking help for a Spanish flyer to be made on his behalf. But none of these flyers state the things of her belongings that we should look out for. Atleast not in English. Jmo.

He is using countries and language barriers to get away with things. Jmo.

Thats why he is not posting for help here. Jmo.
Ok...I need to go and read the comments again. I thought he didn't know her new phone # but she texted him?, from her phone?? So confused!

newbie poster

No worries. We are all confused because the supposedlydesperate hubby is running a 1 man team with supposedly plenty of witnesses.

But he isn't saying shux. Jmo.

I bet if the Corona guy drivers name came out. He would probably blast it to the world.

But the supposed many witnesses that he supposedly have are still not known to us.

But let me guess.

He is going to say that the witnesses need to be kept confidential so Corona doesn't kill them nor their families.

Okay. Last post from me on this thread for the day. (Fingers crossed )

If any Websleuthers have questions for Jonathan that he nor CN would ever answer on Facebook. Then please ask them here.

So what good questions would you ask hubby. Especially since he personally stated he wanted mainstream coverage that in reality asks main stream questions. Jmo.

So this would be my question.

1) Jonathan. Did you talk to Jenny after she told a forum about her escape from a possible rape and murder? If so. What did you direct her to do after that conversation? Did you speed up your trip to be with your wife. Or did you not know and still decided not to comment on the possibility during today while still gunning for Coronas involvement?

Just asking?
Here's my question: Can you tell us what you were doing in Cancun while waiting for Jenny to arrive?
Okay. Last post from me on this thread for the day. (Fingers crossed )

If any Websleuthers have questions for Jonathan that he nor CN would ever answer on Facebook. Then please ask them here.

So what good questions would you ask hubby. Especially since he personally stated he wanted mainstream coverage that in reality asks main stream questions. Jmo.

So this would be my question.

1) Jonathan. Did you talk to Jenny after she told a forum about her escape from a possible rape and murder? If so. What did you direct her to do after that conversation? Did you speed up your trip to be with your wife. Or did you not know and still decided not to comment on the possibility during today while still gunning for Coronas involvement?

Just asking?
2) why didn't you report jenny missing while you were in Cancun when she didn't show up to meet you?

3) how do you know she didn't make it to Cancun? Isn't it possible that she made it there, and went missing from there?

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Why is your Facebook status single?

newbie poster
Shortened by me.

Okay. Last post from me on this thread for the day. (Fingers crossed )

Say it ain't so! You are on a roll!

edited- In response to Dexter above, I've found a few pictures of her MX trip that JR has commented on. So he did check in from time to time.

I have kind of assumed that this was an arranged marriage of some sort, due to the language he uses, lack of apparent closeness, etc.... And that has explained away some of his odd behavior for me. But if that were the case, why did he need to meet her in Cancun? Is it related to immigration?

I would love for NG to air this case! She'd shut down his one-man-show in a heartbeat.

Anybody heard from any family members of either of them?
Agree. But hubby says he always would check her Facebook updates while she was traveling through Mexico to make sure things were still smooth. Especially since he acted like they never had phone contact possibilities while she was out there. Especially since he never mentions vocal conversations that they had during her trip. Anyways

But he nor she mentioned each other on any of their Facebook pages while she was in Mexico. Jmo.

Now before the debacle. Jr shows pics of him skiing or something. But Jenny doesn't comment on any pic since she was out of town during his March post.

Now she post pics of her Mexico trip starting the end of March to April 11. But he not once posted on her trip post.

So why is he actiing like he followed her trip via Facebook as ways to stay in touch. But he never commented to any Mexico pictures that she posted on Facebook. Jmo.

It just seems like he wants us to think she was kidnapped or voluntarily left while he wages war for a go fund me or Corona lawsuit. Jmo.

While he also seems happy with the posters on the find jenny facebook page to make comments in Spanish or Chinese while leaving most of us dumbfounded of not knowing what these people are saying. Jmo.

Now CN supposedly his helper. Supposedly lives or deals with Mexico.

But I don't think that she speaks Spanish either. Especially since she was asking help for a Spanish flyer to be made on his behalf. But none of these flyers state the things of her belongings that we should look out for. Atleast not in English. Jmo.

He is using countries and language barriers to get away with things. Jmo.

Thats why he is not posting for help here. Jmo.

I have asked him very direct questions on FB, only to either be snapped at by CN, or given a vague response by him. I just don't know what to think. He seems to me like someone who is *looking* frantic without actually *being* frantic, if that makes sense.

If she never showed up in Cancun...why did he leave? As you said, why didn't he report her missing at that time? Did he check out going flights? Why isn't her family involved? What about her friends she met on her travels? Why is the note's contents considered "unimportant"? Why didn't he react to her weibo comment about being almost raped?

I tried to brush off my feelings at first, because some of us don't always communicate the best, or display the "right" emotions, but I just can't shake the feeling that something with him is off.
I have asked him very direct questions on FB, only to either be snapped at by CN, or given a vague response by him. I just don't know what to think. He seems to me like someone who is *looking* frantic without actually *being* frantic, if that makes sense.

If she never showed up in Cancun...why did he leave? As you said, why didn't he report her missing at that time? Did he check out going flights? Why isn't her family involved? What about her friends she met on her travels? Why is the note's contents considered "unimportant"? Why didn't he react to her weibo comment about being almost raped?

I tried to brush off my feelings at first, because some of us don't always communicate the best, or display the "right" emotions, but I just can't shake the feeling that something with him is off.

Thanks for trying on FB! I think we all tried to cut him slack at the beginning, but your description of "looking" frantic without actually "being" frantic is good. Something is off and it doesn't mean he harmed her, but it has complicated the whole situation. I've read other forums like Lonely Planet and people have the same reaction. I sometimes wonder if the only reason he sought MSM publicity in Seattle was due to pressure from her family or friends...or else to publicize the fund raising.

Thanks for the great idea, Dex! My questions to JR would be:
1) Why did you report her missing to authorities in Quintaroo where Cancun is located, not Oaxaca?
2) Were you still in Cancun when you reported her missing? Or had you gone home?
3) You and Jenny were to meet at the airport...why? And when she didn't show up, why did you spend your days at the hotel, not the airport?
4) Did you think Jenny was a deliberate no-show at that point? If so, when did you change your mind? Why?
5) Did you contact the Chinese Embassy when you were still in Mexico? If not, why not?
6) Why did you expect the U.S. government to help find a non-citizen missing adult in a foreign country?
7) Why didn't you go to Oaxaca immediately to trace her steps instead of flying back several weeks later?
7) When did you first become aware of Jenny's weibo comment about almost being raped? What was your reaction?
8) Was it Jenny's idea that you not be able to communicate with her reliably by phone? If so, why would she do that?
9) Is your PI pursuing any other leads besides the Corona driver, knowing as he should that eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable?

That's all, for now.
I don't recall seeing this before on the thread. It's new to me anyway. Jenny posted this essay called "Learning from Travelling on the Road" March 17 on wechat. Jenny expands on some experiences she mentioned on weibo and FB...sort of "the rest of the story." The nice family she stayed with got angry because she wasn't paying them. The young man on the motor scooter told her the fine for not wearing a helmet was more than it was. At the end she summarizes her thoughts about a female backpacking alone. She has been too trusting, but she says she is learning how to get out of emergencies and protect her money and herself.

Below is the link is where I found it. Most posts are the same as FB, but there are a few others that are concerning, written after her blog post linked above. That's in addition to the "almost got raped" post on April 4. Her last two posts on April 5 are very determined. We've seen them before. Essentially, she puts "facing her fears" ahead of personal safety, even knowing that just one bad person can ruin her life.全部微博

Although I still think the way her husband has handled this is very strange, I really believe something bad happened to Jenny en route to Cancun. I don't think she's disappeared voluntarily. As we know from other cases, when someone stops contacting loved ones and their phone is turned off it usually means they are deceased, I'm sorry to say. :(
I don't recall seeing this before on the thread. It's new to me anyway. Jenny posted this essay called "Learning from Travelling on the Road" March 17 on wechat. Jenny expands on some experiences she mentioned on weibo and FB...sort of "the rest of the story." The nice family she stayed with got angry because she wasn't paying them. The young man on the motor scooter told her the fine for not wearing a helmet was more than it was. At the end she summarizes her thoughts about a female backpacking alone. She has been too trusting, but she says she is learning how to get out of emergencies and protect her money and herself.

Below is the link is where I found it. Most posts are the same as FB, but there are a few others that are concerning, written after her blog post linked above. That's in addition to the "almost got raped" post on April 4. Her last two posts on April 5 are very determined. We've seen them before. Essentially, she puts "facing her fears" ahead of personal safety, even knowing that just one bad person can ruin her life.全部微博

Although I still think the way her husband has handled this is very strange, I really believe something bad happened to Jenny en route to Cancun. I don't think she's disappeared voluntarily. As we know from other cases, when someone stops contacting loved ones and their phone is turned off it usually means they are deceased, I'm sorry to say. :(

Thanks Lilibet for finding her other social media outlets. It definitely does help to see her comments. Thank you.
I don't recall seeing this before on the thread. It's new to me anyway. Jenny posted this essay called "Learning from Travelling on the Road" March 17 on wechat. Jenny expands on some experiences she mentioned on weibo and FB...sort of "the rest of the story." The nice family she stayed with got angry because she wasn't paying them. The young man on the motor scooter told her the fine for not wearing a helmet was more than it was. At the end she summarizes her thoughts about a female backpacking alone. She has been too trusting, but she says she is learning how to get out of emergencies and protect her money and herself.

Below is the link is where I found it. Most posts are the same as FB, but there are a few others that are concerning, written after her blog post linked above. That's in addition to the "almost got raped" post on April 4. Her last two posts on April 5 are very determined. We've seen them before. Essentially, she puts "facing her fears" ahead of personal safety, even knowing that just one bad person can ruin her life.全部微博

Although I still think the way her husband has handled this is very strange, I really believe something bad happened to Jenny en route to Cancun. I don't think she's disappeared voluntarily. As we know from other cases, when someone stops contacting loved ones and their phone is turned off it usually means they are deceased, I'm sorry to say. :(

Thank you, Lilibet. Good finds. I do agree with your theory that she met with trouble on her way to Cancun. I feel so sad for her.

I think that the strangeness of this whole case, for me at least, can be explained by their marital arrangement. His inappropriate, and uncalled for, comment about it not being "love at first sight" made my ears perk up. As the comments from Chinese friends came out on SM, we learned that she had a negative opinion of her homeland. Was JR her way out? We know that JR had a history of tax liens (money trouble?). Perhaps an arrangement was made (MHO!!). She played the part for a while, moved to Seattle, got a job, ... then she wanted to go see the world. To avoid any suspicion of the validity of their marriage, they agreed to meet in Cancun for a "romantic getaway" before her next adventure. She never showed. Now he's in an awkward position. How well does he really know her? Would she turn up eventually? Calling in the authorities would draw attention to him and his marriage, so maybe he just put it off for a while until he came to his senses and realized she could be in real trouble. Now he has to play the role of "concerned husband." Does he have to spend his own money on this investigation/travel time/missed work? Enter . This is all my opinion, and is likely to change. Sorry if I've offended anybody!

Poor Jenny.
Thank you, Lilibet. Good finds. I do agree with your theory that she met with trouble on her way to Cancun. I feel so sad for her.

I think that the strangeness of this whole case, for me at least, can be explained by their marital arrangement. His inappropriate, and uncalled for, comment about it not being "love at first sight" made my ears perk up. As the comments from Chinese friends came out on SM, we learned that she had a negative opinion of her homeland. Was JR her way out? We know that JR had a history of tax liens (money trouble?). Perhaps an arrangement was made (MHO!!). She played the part for a while, moved to Seattle, got a job, ... then she wanted to go see the world. To avoid any suspicion of the validity of their marriage, they agreed to meet in Cancun for a "romantic getaway" before her next adventure. She never showed. Now he's in an awkward position. How well does he really know her? Would she turn up eventually? Calling in the authorities would draw attention to him and his marriage, so maybe he just put it off for a while until he came to his senses and realized she could be in real trouble. Now he has to play the role of "concerned husband." Does he have to spend his own money on this investigation/travel time/missed work? Enter . This is all my opinion, and is likely to change. Sorry if I've offended anybody!

Poor Jenny.

He actually posted something at one point, after a lot of donations, that he was "going to have to spend his own money" to continue the search. It rubbed a lot of people wrong, and a lot of comments were deleted from both the and FB.

I agree with your post.
Thank you, Lilibet. Good finds. I do agree with your theory that she met with trouble on her way to Cancun. I feel so sad for her.

I think that the strangeness of this whole case, for me at least, can be explained by their marital arrangement. His inappropriate, and uncalled for, comment about it not being "love at first sight" made my ears perk up. As the comments from Chinese friends came out on SM, we learned that she had a negative opinion of her homeland. Was JR her way out? We know that JR had a history of tax liens (money trouble?). Perhaps an arrangement was made (MHO!!). She played the part for a while, moved to Seattle, got a job, ... then she wanted to go see the world. To avoid any suspicion of the validity of their marriage, they agreed to meet in Cancun for a "romantic getaway" before her next adventure. She never showed. Now he's in an awkward position. How well does he really know her? Would she turn up eventually? Calling in the authorities would draw attention to him and his marriage, so maybe he just put it off for a while until he came to his senses and realized she could be in real trouble. Now he has to play the role of "concerned husband." Does he have to spend his own money on this investigation/travel time/missed work? Enter . This is all my opinion, and is likely to change. Sorry if I've offended anybody!

Poor Jenny.

Agree. Its strange how he uploaded pictures of his snow trip in March while he was on the snow trip.

But I'm not seeing that he uploaded pics from the Cancun trip that he originally went on to meet Jenny before he supposedly knew that she was missing. Jmo.

So does he have pics from the 15th in Cancun.
Thank you, Lilibet. Good finds. I do agree with your theory that she met with trouble on her way to Cancun. I feel so sad for her.

I think that the strangeness of this whole case, for me at least, can be explained by their marital arrangement. His inappropriate, and uncalled for, comment about it not being "love at first sight" made my ears perk up. As the comments from Chinese friends came out on SM, we learned that she had a negative opinion of her homeland. Was JR her way out? We know that JR had a history of tax liens (money trouble?). Perhaps an arrangement was made (MHO!!). She played the part for a while, moved to Seattle, got a job, ... then she wanted to go see the world. To avoid any suspicion of the validity of their marriage, they agreed to meet in Cancun for a "romantic getaway" before her next adventure. She never showed. Now he's in an awkward position. How well does he really know her? Would she turn up eventually? Calling in the authorities would draw attention to him and his marriage, so maybe he just put it off for a while until he came to his senses and realized she could be in real trouble. Now he has to play the role of "concerned husband." Does he have to spend his own money on this investigation/travel time/missed work? Enter . This is all my opinion, and is likely to change. Sorry if I've offended anybody!

Poor Jenny.

I think your opinion about their marriage being the key to the strangeness isn't that far off and may be right on the mark. That would explain the weird vibe people are getting on multiple forums. It would explain why Jenny doing this trip on her own was seemingly OK with JR, or why he couldn't dissuade her. True partners in a marriage or relationship would usually want to experience this trip together. Not that couples have to be joined at the hip and never do anything without the other, but a trip this long in a fairly dangerous country, alone, especially if your partner had reservations about it, is not at all normal IMO. But I can see someone as adventurous as Jenny just thinking that the much older JR was being a stick in the mud if he objected. Or maybe he didn't object, if their marriage was on paper only. However we look at it, Jenny encountered serious trouble on or after April 12. JMO

Just to give credit, finding the links I posted is thanks to folks on other forums, nothing to do with my sleuthing skills. :) Someone here did post a short version of weibo, but I hadn't seen the longer one here.
I don't recall seeing this before on the thread. It's new to me anyway. Jenny posted this essay called "Learning from Travelling on the Road" March 17 on wechat. Jenny expands on some experiences she mentioned on weibo and FB...sort of "the rest of the story." The nice family she stayed with got angry because she wasn't paying them. The young man on the motor scooter told her the fine for not wearing a helmet was more than it was. At the end she summarizes her thoughts about a female backpacking alone. She has been too trusting, but she says she is learning how to get out of emergencies and protect her money and herself.

Below is the link is where I found it. Most posts are the same as FB, but there are a few others that are concerning, written after her blog post linked above. That's in addition to the "almost got raped" post on April 4. Her last two posts on April 5 are very determined. We've seen them before. Essentially, she puts "facing her fears" ahead of personal safety, even knowing that just one bad person can ruin her life.全部微博

Although I still think the way her husband has handled this is very strange, I really believe something bad happened to Jenny en route to Cancun. I don't think she's disappeared voluntarily. As we know from other cases, when someone stops contacting loved ones and their phone is turned off it usually means they are deceased, I'm sorry to say. :(
Thanks for sharing. It was a good read and proof she was in Mexico and may have made it to Cancun.

newbie poster
Lots of discussion going on here.

Like many of you, I've gotten a strange vibe with many a thing about this case.

Lilibet: I read "Learning from Travelling on the Road", too. From her Weibo's main page, I saw it on a column on the left. I also clicked on that link just above it where there's a Chinese character and [79] written. I don't know what these posts are called, but there's 8 pages of them, some written in Chinese, and dating back to 4-13-2014.

Here's a few I will note that piqued my interest, looking at it retrospectively now that she is missing:
On 12-25-2015 she says "i made decision about going back to visit my psychiatrist regularly ( no, I am not rich or crazy). I recognize I still can't let things come and go."(me: Hmm...relevant?)
On 11-4-2015 she writes of crying and pouring her heart out to a colleague and "She made me feel I am not alone in United States, I have her." (me: Alone? What happened to her husband?)
And a Chinese post on 7-17-2014 (that I put in a translate site) where I think she is writing about different men she has encountered in Seattle while working her bank job, who maybe have hit on her, if I understand right. You know how those translate sites are. She says something along the line of not wanting or needing for further development of relations with them.(me:She does not mention a husband or being married as a reason for not getting further involved with them.)

She does mention J in some posts, but not in a newlywed kind of way. I even wonder if she lived with him. When did they marry? Somehow I thought it was in 2013, or was that just when she arrived in the USA.

For some reason, that Weibo page won't load for me right now. I don't know why?

Claudius: Your scenario makes a lot of sense. Could be.
Slowpoke, good detective work! I am perusing the Lonely Planet thread about her that Lilibet mentioned above. Some interesting dialog, if you have the time, but not much new.
JR posted this evening that Corona is helping with the investigation and he is pleased so far with their assistance. He will have more information at the end of the week. I assume that would be tomorrow or Saturday. He says this wouldn't have been possible without everyone's help. I hope he gets some leads one way or another.
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