MI - 4 students killed, 6 injured, Oxford High School shooting, 30 Nov 2021 *Arrest incl parents* #3

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Honestly, I think he's so utterly damaged that he's way past the point that love from anyone could get through or affect him in any positive way. imho, he's a psychopath - they don't comprehend / react to normal human emotions like normal people. Yes, he was dealt a rotten hand with his rotten parents, which made everything worse but there's every chance, in light of what he did and was planning to do (his horrific journal entries), that he would have been a psychopathic killer even with the best, most loving parents.

I don't disagree with you. The only small doubt I have that he's a psychopath is that he did try to get some help. And I can see how a kid desperate for attention, be it positive or negative, could come across as a psychopath. But most of me also believes he is a psychopath.
I remember there being a pscyhologist in my school when I was in high school (Ancient years ago!)

Your analysis has me questioning whether the parents will actually be bound over for trial.

Many schools have consulting folks that they refer to for issues like this if they don't have a person on campus beyond people who are trained school psychologist who mainly do IEP and some counseling of students.

I hope they are bound over but I do think that the narrative that the defense if going with is:

1. if a counselor didn't think he was at risk to self and others how would we know as the counselor knew that he had been at the range with a gun, and had great sadness.
2. the school didn't say that he had to leave and we forced them to keep him.
3. we had no idea that he had the gun and neither did the school-- in fact, the school knew we had been at the range and never asked about the gun or access to it.
4. if they thought we were abusive or negligent, they would have made a Protective Services report.

Now, the opposite side of this is that the parents didn't disclose the information they had that:

1. guns were in the house and Ethan had been trained to use the new Xmas present gun in the house.
2. Ethan had been talking about things like people in the house and hearing things.
3. mom had told Ethan to learn to not get caught on one day and the next he was writing on his math work very concerning things. He was unable to keep himself from getting caught which is a major clue to start.
4. family had arguments about Ethan's school performance.
5. other concerning behaviors had happened that caused the parents to think maybe he was doing drugs or some other substances.
I don't disagree with you. The only small doubt I have that he's a psychopath is that he did try to get some help. And I can see how a kid desperate for attention, be it positive or negative, could come across as a psychopath. But most of me also believes he is a psychopath.

I strongly believe this kid is unredeemable (is there such word?)
He needs to be locked up for life- whatever caused it- is he a bad seed? maybe? did his parents make him this way? maybe and maybe that and other things we can't even evaluate.
Continuation of Cross of Shawn Hopkins:

SH takes his responsibility of being a mandatory reporter seriously. The form wasn't filed here (3200). He didn't feel like it had to be filed.

SH's concern is over the suicidal ideation.

There was no discipline issue for EC to leave school.

SH didn't alert teachers that EC had suicidal ideation. SH wanted him with people. Him going home alone wouldn't have been ideal.

The parents weren't frequently in SH's office; this was SH's first interaction. These are peope he really doesn't know.

SH wouldn't have anything different with regard to alerting the parents about their son having suicidal ideation.

SH want that situation to be as different as possible; he acted off the information he had available.


SH didn't know that the father had purchased a weapon. DIdn't know the gun was identical to the one on the worksheet. Didn't know he posted on IG about his new gun. Didn't know he had been experiencing hallcinations. Parent's didn't tell him about mental health issues. Didn't know that EC spent hours at home. Didn't know the parents spent so much time at the barn with the horses. Didn't know the writings in the journal had disturbing things. Wasn't aware EC texted mom about seeing demons and things flying off shelves. Wasn't aware that EC asked to see a therapist and that he was having a mental breakdown. Wasn't aware that EC texted his friend that he talked to his mom about getting help and she laughed at him. Wasn't aware that EC texted his friend that EC talked to his dad about the mental breakdown and James said to suck it up. Wasn't aware that Jennifer said "LOL you have to learn not to get caught."

SH wasn't aware that EC wasn't on his parents health insurance. SH wasn't aware that there's no evidence in the messages that EC ever went to the doctor. Wasn't aware that EC texted his friend that he thought his mom was on drugs.

Did the parents ever tell you that they purchased a gun for him? No. They never asked to look in his backpack. They didn't tell him that EC was having trouble at home. Parents didn't ask about the video. Dad only looked at the worksheet. They didn't ask about suicide ideation. Parents didn't seem immediately concerned.


Based on his experience and training, at no time SH felt that he was a threat to anyone else other than himself.

SH didn't ask about the gun, if they knew where it was, if they thought EC would take it. He didn't ask them about guns.

SH didn't ask if they were any issues; he was alerting them to an issue.

Parents agreed to seek counseling.


What is the last resort to make sure a student is safe? 911. For them to call 911 it would have to be a medical emergency.

The best person to find out about the student other than the student is the parents.
WITNESS: Dillon O'Connell

Works at a business that sells firearms and ammunition and there is target shooting. He's worked there a year and a half. He's an office manager.

CCTV operational on 11/27.

On 12/1 he was contacted by the ATF to see certain records of his business. Providing receipt from Jennifer Crumbley to the ATF.

Exhibit 39 - It's a copy of the reciept from 11/27/2021. Jennifer purchased 30 minutes of range time, 1 addtitional paper target, and 2 boxes of 9mm ammunition.

CCTV also shows the lobby and the range, and it was handed over. It's Exhibit 40. The video is condensed but it's 9 minutes long. The video shows the lobby buying the items and then Ethan shooting the gun at the range. He tacked up the target, moved it back, loaded the gun and shot. He then brings the paper back, and puts up a new one. EC then shows Jennifer how to load the gun and hes explaining something to her. EC steps back and Jennifer starts shooting. He moves the target closer for her. They discuss somehing about the gun. She begins shooting again. She finishes and EC brings the target paper back. EC packs up the gun in the case. They leave.


He's familiar that people bring their children, and it's not illegal. They let their children use firearms, and that's not illegal.

Some people who have a shooting hobby go often times a week, and others not as often.

There were no other receipts brought today. He didn't review all the receipts for the Crumbleys.

To go 3-4 times to the shooting range in 5-6 months doesn't seem like a lot.


To bring a minor, there is a waiver form to fill out. It can be kept on file.


The waiver was filled out by dad months prior to Jennifer coming in.
WITNESS: Detective Adam Stoyek

Detective with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office for 2 years. He's in the Pontiac substation. Been with the Sheriff's office just under 10 years.

He was working on 11/30.

Responded with partner Detective McPhearson. Assisted with the search of the high school and then with excorting students out.

Went to the parents house. it's a single family home.

Ex. 42 - Layout of 112 East Street. Discussing the layout of the house.

He was there to secure the home. When the search warrant was obtained he took place in the search. The house was secured prior to the search warrant that was obtained to keep the integrity of the evidence.

He saw in plain view, inside the master bedroom there was an open handgun box on the bed, and an empty box of 9mm ammunition.

Ex. 43 - photo of the handgun box and empty box of ammunition on the bed.

The case was plastic and there's clasps to close it. No other locking mechanism.

He saw both parents that day. James gave a code for a gun that was locked, the code was 000.

Ex. 46, 47 and 48.
46 - Picture of the dresser in the master bedroom. The drawers do not lock.
47 - The far right drawer - it's a hand held gun safe. with a combination of the lock.
48 - 22 Daringer and 22 cal tech.

Looked at the kitchen.

Ex. 50 - Kitchen. General state of the home was messy. There is a bottle of alcohol on the counter. Multiple bottles of liquor and alcohol in the kitchen.
Ex. 51 - Inside the kitchen island. It's a Cal-tech handgun box.
Ex. 53 - Cal-Tech gun case opened. The trigger lock/cable lock. It's still in it's packaging.

No locks that were broken or tampered with.


Spoke with James prior to entering the house. James told him where the guns were located and directed the Det. where to go. The guns in the safe were both unloaded.

The gun case and the empty box is next to each other on the bed.

He didn't find any other locks in packaging that wasn't being used.

The firearms were found in the bedroom. The empty Sig Sauer box was in the bedroom.


Detective doesn't know when the sig sauer box was placed on the bed. He didn't ask the parents when those items were placed there.

Detective never listened to the 911 call with James reporting the missing gun.


The two guns were both unloaded. Didn't find ammunition for the gun. Doesn't recall if any ammunition was in the dresser.

It's a half a mile from the house to the school.
WITNESS: Sargent Matthew Peschke

Sargent with the Oakland County Sheriff's Office. Been an officer for approx 20 years.

He responded to the scene. He entered inside, helped clear the area. Did a perimeter search.

He also went to the house to secure it. Jennifer and James were home. Jennifer was on the porch and James was in the back.

He participated in the search.

The home was an older home. Bedrooms were a little messy, particularly Ethan's rooms were messy.

Ex. 59: Northwest Bedroom. It is Ethan's bedroom. He had two bedrooms. This was before the Sheriff's office did their search.
Ex. 60: Photo of gun range silhouettes.
Ex. 61: Empty bottle of whiskey. There was also an empty bottle in the kitchen.
Ex. 64: The nightstand next to the bed. Shell casings found in the dish. They appear to be real casings.
EX. 65: Coin found underneath the dish. It has a nazi symbol on it.
Ex. 66: The other side of the coin. It was already in the plastic bag.
Ex. 67: The same bedroom. On the tall dresser to the left, there was mice feces on the dresser.

The other bedroom was searched as well.

Ex. 69: Northeast Bedroom, prior to searching.
Ex. 71: Notebook was found next to the bed. There are drawings in the notebook, rifle style gun and a handfun on the drawing as well. There were folding knives found in the room.
Ex. 73: Shelf on the wall. Folding knives. They appear to be real knives, the shelf wasn't closed off.

The home has a basemet and a shed. The shed is on the propertty.

The cleanliness to the basement: kitty litter box at the bottom of the stairs that was full. There also appeared to be rooms that were made with plastic draped down.

There was an unsecured marijuana grow operation - not in a locked room but covered by the tarp. This was objected to, and sustained. The Sargent didn't testify to this, but the prosecutor stated it.


Not an expert in mice poop. But if it was poop from a chinchilla it wouldn't surprise him.

The coin was wrapped in plastic like a collector's item.
Was there any indication of how many more witnesses there will be? Are they likely to finish today?

I feel like before the hearing started I saw articles that mentioned at least 15 witnesses (Although I'm also remembering seeing the number THIRTY somewhere, but maybe they narrowed that down?).

Edited to Add: Looks like they are finished up!
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WITNESS: Lt Timothy Willis

With the Oakland County Sheriff's Office for over 25 years.

Oversees special investigations unit, fugitive, and some other stuff.

He was one of the officer's in charge. He directs the investigation.

He's read the respots, made aware of the 911 call.

He was present when they admitted the texts that said "Ethan don't do it" at 1:22pm.

James called 911 at 1:34pm. The shooting began at 12:51pm and stopped 12:58pm.

At 1:22pm and 1:34 the shooter's name hadn't been made public.

They had over 100 phone calls made about the shooting. Only 1 identified their child as a possible shooter.

He has read the journal. The journal was found in the bathroom in the school. He entered the bathroom with his backpack and left it in the bathroom.

In the journal he references the bird incident, his best friend.

The writing starts 3/4's of the way into the journal and fills up the rest of the book. The page closest to the front of the book was the last in date 11/29. There would be 21 pages of written words. All pages talk about the Oxford shooting.

Page 1 is the inside cover of the book, property of EC.
Page 2 is the first page written in the journal closest to the front of the journal. It has a date on there. It the words "FORGIVE ME."

Another page, First off, I got my gun it's a SP2022 Sig Sauer 9mm. Second, the shooting is tomorrow, I have access to the gun and ammo.

Page 15 drawings - two separate bullets one is labeled a 22 and the other a 9mm with kill ranges written next to it.

page 16 drawing: large drawing of a cup with liquid int, a severed bird head, and a demon drawn next to it. Takes up the bottom quarter of the page.

Page 18 - drawing of a head with an X where the eye is, a pony tell, and a semi auto handgun extended with the barrel to the back of the person's head. "The first victim has to be pretty girl with a future so she can suffer like me."

The SP2022 is a semi-automatic handgun.

Some passages are written with larger, bolder letters.

Page 19: in the middle of the page "I will kill everyone I f'ing see" I will cause the biggest school shooting in MI's history. I have fully mentally lost it after hears of fighting with my dark side and my parents won't listen with help or a therapist.

Page 6: HELP - next to it, it says I have zero help for my mental problems and it's causing me to shoot up the f'ing school.


The only person identified to have written in the journal is EC. There's not EC in the journal saying From "Mom" or "dad"

I lost connection here, trying to get it back. Two different lives streams

"I'm sorry for this mom and dad, I'm not trying to hurt you by doing this, I have to do this."

"I love you mom, I love you dad, I'm sorry for never saying it back."

Page 21: "I hope my parents can forgive me for what I do."

Nothing indicates that James and Jennifer know what EC was going to do with respect to the school shooting.

James is seen crying in court.

Page 22: "I will have to find where my dad hid my 9mm before I can shoot the school."

It doesn't say how he has access to the gun or how he gained access to the gun, same with the ammo.

The backpack was found in the bathroom by LE. In the backpack, that is where his journal was found. He doesn't have any knowledge of where else the journal could have been.

The statement - I need to find where my dad hid the gun was written prior to saying that he had the gun and the ammo.


All 21 pages references the school shooting.

The passage says "I will have to find where my dad hid my 9 mm before I can shoot up the school."

"First off I got my gun, it's a Sp2022."


She tried to get the witness to testify that it wasn't necessarily EC's gun. There was an objection and it was sustained. Counsel tried to say that the prosecutor was tainting the hearing.

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