Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

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I don't recall seeing this article but the info is interesting:

• The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children has said she may have been in the Los Angeles, Calif., area in the company of an adult man. Hall's grandmother, Lois Janish, told the organization in 1998 that two adult men living in her home often made statements about taking Hall to California.

• A former vending machine operator and the founder of a missing children organization both told The Flint Journal in 2008 that they reported possible sightings of Hall in northern Indiana several years earlier.

• Police have also checked on possible sightings of Hall in Utah and at a Pontiac pizzeria.

Hall lived with Janish after a Genesee County Probate judge found her mother, the late Sharon A. Jones, was unable to care for her daughter.

The Journal could not reach Janish for comment.

Jones died of a drug overdose on Dec. 23, 1996, when Hall was just 12 years old and courts records show she went from school to school as she and her grandmother struggled to make ends meet before her disappearance.

The Doe Network, which works to solve missing person cases, has information on its Web site that indicates Hall may have run away because she feared she would have been forced into foster care after missing too much school in 1998.
I don't recall seeing this article but the info is interesting:

• The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children has said she may have been in the Los Angeles, Calif., area in the company of an adult man. Hall's grandmother, Lois Janish, told the organization in 1998 that two adult men living in her home often made statements about taking Hall to California.

• A former vending machine operator and the founder of a missing children organization both told The Flint Journal in 2008 that they reported possible sightings of Hall in northern Indiana several years earlier.

• Police have also checked on possible sightings of Hall in Utah and at a Pontiac pizzeria.

Hall lived with Janish after a Genesee County Probate judge found her mother, the late Sharon A. Jones, was unable to care for her daughter.

The Journal could not reach Janish for comment.

Jones died of a drug overdose on Dec. 23, 1996, when Hall was just 12 years old and courts records show she went from school to school as she and her grandmother struggled to make ends meet before her disappearance.

The Doe Network, which works to solve missing person cases, has information on its Web site that indicates Hall may have run away because she feared she would have been forced into foster care after missing too much school in 1998.

I think this is a very old article. The possible sightings in IN, as I understand, have been ruled out or have not been found credible. They could not verify it was actually Coral who was seen.

I have no idea what the source is that Coral feared being sent to foster care. According to her Charley Project profile, she and a friend reportedly went to the department of family and children services (or whatever they call it in MI) to report she was being abused and or neglected. She called that friend the same day she went missing saying she was having trouble at home and needed to leave.

I wonder if she, as a typical 14 yr old, told her grandmother and/or the men who lived there she went to CPS and they then had to disappear her for fear of being in trouble. That's my first theory.

Or she did make it out of there, but wasn't going to look back. Though, if she did, she is over 18. In fact she'd be 27 now. An adult. Which gives me hope enough time has passed that she would call. Even her local LE to let them know she is a missing person with an open case, but alive and well...

Still praying for answers into Coral's disappearance.
I think this is a very old article. The possible sightings in IN, as I understand, have been ruled out or have not been found credible. They could not verify it was actually Coral who was seen.

I have no idea what the source is that Coral feared being sent to foster care. According to her Charley Project profile, she and a friend reportedly went to the department of family and children services (or whatever they call it in MI) to report she was being abused and or neglected. She called that friend the same day she went missing saying she was having trouble at home and needed to leave.

I wonder if she, as a typical 14 yr old, told her grandmother and/or the men who lived there she went to CPS and they then had to disappear her for fear of being in trouble. That's my first theory.

Or she did make it out of there, but wasn't going to look back. Though, if she did, she is over 18. In fact she'd be 27 now. An adult. Which gives me hope enough time has passed that she would call. Even her local LE to let them know she is a missing person with an open case, but alive and well...

Still praying for answers into Coral's disappearance.

If she were alive and had not contacted anyone, I have little hope that she would be living a happy life (sorry Melissa...) BUT she did seem like she had a good head on her shoulders so who knows
I do think she ran away of her own accord, but that guy she left with seems no good, maybe he tricked her into running away with him, than put her in human trafficking?
Amber1, I have pondered that one myself. It's definatley a possibly. But I hope thats not the case. I hope someday soon we can find out what happened to her.
What's the deal with the two adult men who were living in the home with Coral and her grandmother? Who were these guys, why were they living in the house, and why did her grandmother not kick them out when they made comments about taking Coral? Have these men been found and investigated? It sounds like Coral didn't have a lot of adults around her that she could trust. :(
One thing I don't recall being discussed is potential witnesses who saw Coral making the telephone call to her friend to come pick her up.

IIRC that telephone was inside a bar. Did anyone at the bar see who Coral may have left with? Did any of the bar patrons approach Coral after she made that call? Was there survelliance video at the bar?

Or maybe the phone was a payphone outside the bar?

Did grandma or the two male roommates ever take polygraph's with regards to Corals disappearance?

IF she is still alive and well somewhere, I wish she would make contact, even with her local LE to let them know she is alive and well. If she is alive and well somewhere, I hope she knows even if she is not wishing to make contact with those from her previous life right now, those doors will remain open should she chose to make contact in the future. I think I can say that confidently knowing how much effort her best friend Melissa has put into this case. And that wherever Coral is, she knows she is still loved and missed.
Has that older boyfriend she may have been traveling to LA with been found or questioned?
I read Coral's story again, and it really is heart wrenching. Think about it: Her mother is a drug addict, father unknown, grandmother in poverty, best friend in a different part of the state, she is being abused in neglected: she had nothing to keep her there, there was no anchor holding her to Flint, MI, no reason to stay.
I am trying to put myself in Coral's shoes. I know that not having a strong family structure can hurt, but adding no stability and living in poverty with abuse, well, anywhere would seem better, more hopeful than that. Going through things similar to Coral, I can just feel the hurt inside her when I read her story, and I can see how easily she would have left with someone who, maybe even deep down, she knew wasn't the best person. I know in that situation, I would have made the mistake of leaving with anyone who painted a pretty enough portrait of a better life, but thankfully I never did.
I think she did leave of her own choice (this is just my opinion). I think she left to find freedom from poverty and the abuse/neglect, I think she left to find hope, love and overall a better life.
But her not contacting to say a simple "I'm OK" is what's odd. I just finished Jaycee Dugard's book, A Stolen Life, and she was out in public so many times, people ask, Why didn't she run? She answers because she felt lost, she didn't think her family would want her back, and didn't think she was being looked for anyways. What if Coral is in this same situation? What if she does see herself on the news, does read news articles about herself, like Jaycee did, but feels she has no place to go to even if she does escape? I watched America's Most Wanted 2 hour special on human trafficking, where older guys trick girls into traveling away with them (usually bigger cities) with a promise of a better life, only to sell them to human trafficking. They target girls who have unstable homes, unhappy lives.
These girls won't even run if they have a chance. Not only are they scared, but they are brainwashed by the people who have them into thinking no one loves them, is looking for them or they won't be wanted back anyways because of the things they have done. Human trafficking has always been here, it's not just in poverty-ridden countries, and it continues to grow.
Now, she could be living somewhere else, happy, maybe she finally got the family she was cheated out of, and if that is the case, if she can just contact LE, to say she's ok, well, I think that would make the people out there who have been searching endlessly for her, who love her, very happy.
Either way, I will not forget Coral's story, God Bless Melissa and her family still searching, it is in my prayers that you find her!
I have a lot to comment on so I will be making several posts, Marie, The two men living in the home were grandmas friends. I cannnot disclose their identities, but one of them died a few years after Coral went missing and he was never interviewed. The other guy was interviewed and he lives in a different state now. The guy that was interviewed did not recieve a polygraph test, I think the detective wanted to administer one but because he is in another state he could not make him take one. But grandma was given a polygraph, which I have posted about on this thread, And I think that grandma was benifiting from the men living there in some way imo, and thats why she let them stay there, Also grandma "not confirmed" supposidly was doing drugs and imo the men could of possibly been her suppliers. but of course this is all jmo. nothing confirmed.
Cubby, there were no witnesses of Coral making the call, just Melissa P. telling the police that Coral had called her from a payphone near the White Horse Tavern, I don't think Coral went inside the bar, but I was over there recently and across the street kitty corner from the white horse, there appears to be the base of a pay phone but im not positive, because I dont know exactly what that would look like.
And I also wish that Coral would at least contact the Flint police to let them know she is ok, if she is still alive. And thank you for your kind words, It really means a lot to me that you aknowledge all the time and effort I have spent looking for Coral, I am doing it for her, I love her so much and miss the heck outta her. And I would do it all over again if I had to. Thank You Cubby. Much Love, Melissa
Amber1, your post really struck a cord with me and made me cry. Just thinking about what Coral went through living with her grandma and then disappearing on her 14th birthday without a trace. And I really think that Coral could have left with someome she thought would help her out of her situation. And I shudder to think that she could have been munipulated by the person that promised her a better life. If that was the case. I have wondered myself if she was a victim of human trafficing, the scenerio could fit. So many unanwsered questions, and very few anwsers. You said that you were going through similar things like Coral, and I am sorry you went though that, and thank you for sharing.
And the information about Coral running away to California I believe was false, If anything grandma told the police that to distract them or get them off her back imo, I believe that grandma knows exactly what happened to Coral, and possibly where she is now. Dead or alive... But this is all just my opinion. And I hope that I find her someday, thank you for your kind words and suppport.
Melissa-do you know how the man died (the one who died a few years after Coral went missing)? Do you know why the men stopped living with Coral's grandmother? Do you know if any of them suddenly came into some money? If they did, then I'd say there's a good chance that she was trafficked.

I completely agree with you about the grandmother. I also think she knows far more than she's ever admitted. What an awful situation Coral was in. No child should ever have to live with strange men who make comments about how they're going to turn her into a stripper. That is completely inappropriate, and a serious red flag. The grandmother must have had serious mental and/or drug issues if she knew about that comment yet did nothing to protect the child in her care. Normal people would have kicked that guy out ASAP (and kicked his *** for saying something like that).
Bumping for Coral...thinking of her and so many others tonight who's lives were so incredibly hard. Thank God I made it And I pray to God where ever Coral is that he has his comforting arms wrapped around her.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Marie chantel, I think the man who died a few years after coral went missing died from complications from his alcoholism, dont know why or even when the two men that were living there moved out. As for them possibly coming into some money, I really dont know. So many unanswered questions.... But someday I hope we find Coral. its gonna be 14 years coming up that shes been missing. I miss her so much.
I don't post much on here, mostly lurk, but found Coral's thread yesterday and just finished reading through today. Heartbreaking and captivating. Wish we could finally find the answers and know Coral is at peace wherever she is. Any new news? Are you still able to stay abreast of any movement/developments MelissaBFF? We're coming up on the anniversary of her disappearance...hopefully this year there will finally be answers.
This was an area about 2.3 miles away from where my sis in law was law seen that same year (3 months apart) I tried seeing if you could look up child predators from Court and Ann Arbor but there's no way to see how long they have been living there.
lysssie, yes I am in contact with the detective, but at this time not allowed to share any new info, not that hes is giving me much. ;)
Missie1343, what was you sister inlaws name and age when she went missing? Could possibly be a connection...

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