MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #5

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Don't know how many times and in how many different ways I have to say it in order for it to sink in, but Danielle did not do heroine.

I hope that's the end of it. Please.

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I'd like to hear some of your theories to why searches are being discouraged. I'd also like to know whether SONIC became involved in any other Farmington Hills missing person case..

I haven't found other missing person cases, but here are 2 articles where SONIC was involved in things not Drug related...

Excerpt from first article - Dated 08/03/16:
"...From there, investigators with the South Oakland Narcotics Intelligence Consortium, a task force of drug investigators from Farmington Hills, Novi, West Bloomfield and the Oakland County Sheriffs Office as well as federal agents, tracked him to the motel. The case wasn't drug-related, but the consortium is used to share tips and intelligence on a variety of cases, Nebus said."

Maybe this information will finally put the DS was an informant theory to rest...SONIC is obviously used in things not drug related...


As jashrema pointed out many, many threads ago it's not uncommon for various Agencies to be involved and lend their expertise.
What have we learned about Danielle. She maintains long term friendships. She loves to cook. She maintains a healthy lifestyle. Every single photo she looks happy and healthy. Is entertaining at gatherings with her outgoing nature. She was looking at possibly purchasing a tiny house in the future. Kept contact with Family. Holds a full time job. Has her own apt. and vehicle. Sounds like a lovely young lady. Most of all she is loved and missed. Where are you Dani!!!!????
Occam's razor dictates that "Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected." Personally I believe you have summed up the entire incident as much as it need be summed up, without wild goose chasing and red herrings.

All the fancy stories built around the idea of a fantastical drug buying scenario just are not supported by any real facts. The smoke buddy key chain ? Well, its cute for one. Could be a gift - and she was dating the fella who lives in Colorado where marihuana is legal. It would be a natural tourist thing to do while you are there, like visiting Amsterdam. But to depict DS like some drug starved heroin addict, going way out of her way for a bag of weed ? That is off the track and unrealistic in this day and age, as well as not suiting her description.

The media mentions the MetLife security guard, and LE searched the Berkley house where that person lives. Am I wrong for assuming that this person would probably have a firearm ? A gun pointed in a persons face is all that need to occur in any abduction, without tangents like affairs, pregnancies or drug deals.

As for why IGA would put up a reward, it is just horrible PR to have a young woman snatched from your property. A simple face saving move perhaps, although I do not deny it's benevolence.

As for why MetLife would put up a reward, if there is any chance that another employee was involved and it ends as a homicide, they may be liable in a wrongful death suit. Again, I think both places offering rewards was a benevolent act, and it personally moved me greatly when I learned of their contributions.

Here is my theory at this point and my reasoning:

DS left for work, and the security guard or somebody else associated with that building saw her leaving, and followed her home.
I believe this person already knew where she lived and had planned his exit to some degree.
The Perp pulled up just as DS had parked and locked her Jeep door and before she headed into the building.
The Perp opened his passenger door, pointed a gun at DS and said "get in or I will shoot, do not scream"
DS got in the vehicle with the Perp.
The Perp drove the vehicle onto Halsted, turned on Grand River, and went straight onto the M5 entrance ramp.
The Perp drove the fastest route to the Berkley location, which was M5 to 696 to the 10 Mile Rd/Coolidge Rd exit.
DS's Jeep was left exactly where she parked it on Friday night, when she left her purse etc in the car, and took her keys to go in the apartment. Her phone was probably still in her pocket.
I dont believe she drove the Perp in the Jeep. It gets too complicated and required Perp to have help or take other transport to the MetLife office, any way you run that scenario - he is needing a ride to her office, or back from her apartment etc. Too complicated. The simple explanation also accounts for why her purse, ID and money were locked in the car.

I believe the Perp took her to the Berkley house because LE must have evidence that would allow search and seizure of property at that location.
I believe she was in his car because they took his car, and because it fits the simple explanation of events.
I do not believe Perp was in her Jeep, because I think he would have made the purse disappear because it being left behind was an immediate red flag.
The purse in the Jeep is also the reason no theory about her going with the Perp voluntarily for any reason is valid.

Like the rest of the normal people here, I just can not put myself into the mindset of a predator like this, yet we all know too many of them exist.
As for if DS knew the security guard, well sure she probably was an acquaintance. And that could be part of suckering her into a vulnerable position where a threat could be made to get her into a vehicle. But imagining romantic relationships is too much for me with no facts to support the idea.

Whoever lives at the Berkley house, they do not appear to be there currently. The driveway gate has been swinging open in the wind for days, and nobody has removed the MISSING flier stapled to the tree in front of the house. Looks abandoned.

I like your synopsis and pretty much agree with all of it with the exception of taking her back to his house. I just don't think he would have taken her to a place where people lived so close by and he could have easily been seen getting her out of the vehicle, into the house, and then vice versa. I believe they said he drove a van, right ? A van that was confiscated ?
Lots of room in the back of a van.

Also, you left out the most important part, the ending.............the part we've all been wondering about the most.................what the hell did he do with her ?
I like your synopsis and pretty much agree with all of it with the exception of taking her back to his house. I just don't think he would have taken her to a place where people lived so close by and he could have easily been seen getting her out of the vehicle, into the house, and then vice versa. I believe they said he drove a van, right ? A van that was confiscated ?
Lots of room in the back of a van.

Also, you left out the most important part, the ending.............the part we've all been wondering about the most.................what the hell did he do with her ?
Where did you see he drove a van?

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Some people were asking about photos of the office complex etc. I went yesterday with a GoPro and did a 360 around the building, and then drove what I assume to be DS's route home during rush hour. After parking at a similar building, I pulled out and drove what I believe to be the quickest route to the Berkley house, via expressways. I believe the Perp would use the expressways because there are a million intersections between Grand River & Halsted, and the Ice Rink in Berkley. At rush hour, the surface streets would take hours to navigate that route. Of course nobody knows that Perp took her to Berkley and not an unknown location, so I am just going by the LE response to that Berkley house. If it was an abduction with rape in mind, Perp may have taken DS to the house - where maybe things went really wrong and a homicide occurred. The video is only slightly condensed for time, as I removed time sitting at stop signs and stop lights. It is also not done during rush hour.

As for motive, DS is an attractive young woman and we all know this is the only motivation a predator needs. Yes, many other connections are possible - anything is possible. Looking at things logically and based only on available facts, I am sticking with what seems probable. I am also not meaning to be dismissive of anybodys work on this board - more minds the better !

Here is the link to the video I shot yesterday. Not a very interesting video of the drive, but for anybody who wants to see all the locations, here you go. Arriving at DS's apartment complex occurs at 16:10 in the video. Please note how convenient that ramp to M5 is, just beyond the gas station on the corner. (side note: every single MISSING poster has been removed from that intersection - at least 8 of them)


Might want to put a call into your insurance company for that cracked window lol
Just an FYI if I ever go missing. I carry an old flip phone. Not that long ago I went from pay as you go to a plan. I turn it on maybe 3-4 times a year. If folks want to talk to me, call me or we will do lunch. On our bedroom dresser is a gift I received from my grade/high school friends I still see. It's a lady all in pink, laying on her side in heels. There is a stem pointing upward and at the top is what looks like a roach clip. It's cute and pink and meant to hold a photo of the group of us. Just so ya know.
The LE agencies involved are not a red flag in my mind. The FHills police explained that the drug related agencies are equipped with certain surveillance abilities and jurisdictional powers. Your local city police are policy enforcers for the municipality, and they have the least overall jurisdictional powers, hence the County Sheriff and State Police involvement. Secret Service are Treasury Agents first and foremost, and they handle things like credit card fraud, and would be brought in to check through credit card records and bank accounts. FBI is for all missing persons.

All these things are investigated locally and by state authorities as well. There are guidelines for when federal authorities will assist. It is a red flag for all those agencies to respond in 3 days for one missing 28yr old woman, IMO. Here is a snip from Secret Service own website of some things they do. They also can be called in by any other federal agency for special assistance if requested and necessary. It is true they are under Dept of Treasury but their roles are constantly expanding.
>> Secret Service has primary jurisdiction to investigate threats against Secret Service protectees as well as financial crimes, which include counterfeiting of U.S. currency or other U.S. Government obligations; forgery or theft of U.S. Treasury checks, bonds or other securities; credit card fraud; telecommunications fraud; computer fraud, identify fraud and certain other crimes affecting federally insured financial institutions.> >>

Secret Service website:
Thank you for this post. I read the article and the comments, then I googled "snoopy" images. Not to be mean, but I can see why this may be a nickname for the security guard. From what I gather from the readings is that some people have a hunch that "Snoopy" was upset about being fired. Maybe this person was reported for unwanted workplace behavior, fired, and was then looking for payback?

Metlife used Peanuts gang in their ads. You are reading too much into the comments made.
I do waiver between this...a crime of passion ....and my other theory, which I just can't discount :

The reason she is missing is not the issue. Her safety is the concern
The reason she is missing is not the issue. Her safety is the concern
The reason she is missing is not the issue. Her safety is the concern

And 12 departments were called in, including heavy hitters such as DEA and the parole dept.

The reason? Some kind of informer. Her safety? She was found out.

It would make total sense to me if we hadn't been told repeatedly by the only insider in this case that she was not a heavy drug user. Civilian informants are almost always people who were heavy drug users and/or small-time dealers who have agreed to inform to avoid or minimize prison.

So, if you take as a given (for the moment) that she was not a heavy drug user, and you take as a given (for the moment) that she was not a dealer, that would lead to the conclusion she is not an informant.

With that in mind, what could the quote "The reason she is missing is not the issue. Her safety is the concern" mean?

1) We are not asking the public to form theories about why she's missing. We are asking the public for every specific information that will help us find her. We have our own theories. Now we need data.
2) We actually already know why she's missing (e.g., we have video of her being abducted) and just want very specific information that will help us find her. Did you see her with someone in her car?
3) We know she is depressed and went off to be on her own. We are worried that she may harm herself (not ikely IMHO, based on what our insider has told us).
4) Variant of #3, We know she <committed a crime of some sort> but it's OK, please just come home (also not likely IMHO)

I would lean toward #2, since I believe her friends knew her and we are hearing that she was not a heavy drug user. Either the spokesperson did not choose his words carefully -- which given the weird phrasing, I think is wrong -- or LE knows something. Now they are just trying to get some data to help them resolve the situation.
I have a theory that DS was some type informant that was discovered. It may be that the person (people) responsible watched the lot to see when she left and followed her. If a security guard was involved, maybe he tipped someone off she was headed to her car...they may have followed her home and waited until she parked and stepped out of her car and grabbed her....
I don't buy it. For one thing, it doesn't fit Dani's character. She was not a troubled person. She was very focused on her health ans well-being and very centered.

The security-guard-as-stalker angle fits much better.

As for the case stalling, it may have stalled for us, but that doesn't mean it has stalled for LE. When they have zeroed in a suspect, their priority is always building an airtight case. They are supremely patient, to the frustration of many of us.

They have a lot to examine, including the POI's phone pings from the months prior to Dani's abduction to see what he was up to. I suspect they're doing a forensic examination of his computer, and I think that examination will show a different side to this POI than what he has presented publicly. If they suspect he may be linked to other crimes, they may be checking his DNA against many other samples. They will want to have all of their ducks in a row before making an arrest. (For all we know, a grand jury may already be looking at evidence.)
Where did you see he drove a van?

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I thought I saw it in a MSM report back around Christmas eve...........I can't remember if it was the first search they did or the second one where his vehicle was confiscated. The second search is the one where everyone became aware of who this guy was.
Of course, one could decline being an informant and do the time for their crime instead. Or not deal drugs.

I don't believe this girl is an informant. She would not have been reported missing and police would not have gone public with the case. DEA would have taken over to find her.
What have we learned about Danielle. She maintained long term friendships. She loved to cook. She maintained a healthy lifestyle. Every single photo she looks happy and healthy. Was entertaining at gatherings with her outgoing nature. She was looking at possibly purchasing a tiny house in the future. Kept contact with Family. Held a full time job. Had her own apt. and vehicle. Sounds like a lovely young lady. Most of all she is loved and missed. Where are you Dani!!!!????

It's amazing..this must be a loss to friends and family that words could never express...it's like stealing their sunshine. This is the first case I have followed in all these years, which is almost 10, that I have felt the victim would have been someone I would have loved to know. I just want answers on this one. Not since CA have I felt so obsessed and thinking about it in my real life, not just when I pick up this iPad....

Very sad.
Hey, fast question because I cannot remember...did they ever mention her phone had been turned off or lost battery? I know they never mentioned any pings, but wasn't sure about the other.
Cancer patients get a lot of prescription pain-killers. Everything from oxys to liquid hydrocodone to fentanyl patches and fentanyl lollipops. The first two are similar in strength and potency to street forms of the substance. The latter? Much, much stronger than your garden variety opiates.

Many of the OD's we hear about on the news from "bad h" are actually the result of fentanyl. If either by mistake or intentionally you dose fentanyl the same as you do the other opiates? John Travolta with a Naloxone injection couldn't revive you.

Lauren Spierer scenario?
All the fancy stories built around the idea of a fantastical drug buying scenario just are not supported by any real facts. The smoke buddy key chain ? Well, its cute for one. Could be a gift - and she was dating the fella who lives in Colorado where marihuana is legal. It would be a natural tourist thing to do while you are there, like visiting Amsterdam. But to depict DS like some drug starved heroin addict, going way out of her way for a bag of weed ? That is off the track and unrealistic in this day and age, as well as not suiting her description.

Snipped by me

I'm from CO and have been in smoke shops and have never seen this smoke buddy before. Maybe it's because you don't have to cover the scent anymore? IDK. There are a lot of touristy things to buy here related to weed, I've just never seen this thing.
*deleted out of respect* NOT trying to spread disinformation? Just awfully curious about other scenarios than have been mentioned. I am very curious and sad for for all this has affected and I hope DS is found soon.

Don't worry. We all are. No one knows Danielle better than herself so it makes it hard for anyone other than her.

:welcome: and thank-you for joining us.
I don't buy it. For one thing, it doesn't fit Dani's character. She was not a troubled person. She was very focused on her health ans well-being and very centered.

The security-guard-as-stalker angle fits much better.

As for the case stalling, it may have stalled for us, but that doesn't mean it has stalled for LE. When they have zeroed in a suspect, their priority is always building an airtight case. They are supremely patient, to the frustration of many of us.

They have a lot to examine, including the POI's phone pings from the months prior to Dani's abduction to see what he was up to. I suspect they're doing a forensic examination of his computer, and I think that examination will show a different side to this POI than what he has presented publicly. If they suspect he may be linked to other crimes, they may be checking his DNA against many other samples. They will want to have all of their ducks in a row before making an arrest. (For all we know, a grand jury may already be looking at evidence.)

Well, I'm not selling it, so no need for you to buy it. It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

She doesn't have to be troubled to be assisting LE. It could be something as simple as a neighbor she noticed was doing something or heard etc.

I don't see it as a coincidence that the one particular home they have searched (not even danis btw) is the Berkeley house. Lived in by a current/former security guard for the same company DS works at.

Reality is it's old hearing people say over and over why isn't LE telling us, the public, anything? Why should they? They owe you,the public, nothing if they don't believe that this is a random crime. Why should they jeopardize their case to itch the public curiosity? The family seems satisfied with their level of attention and seem to be getting daily updates. Just because you, the public, don't hear the grisly details it doesn't mean LE is sitting around playing tiddlywinks. The LE has had some information from the beginning that gave them their direction obviously.

Everyone in here is entitled to their opinion, and this is mine.
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