GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #1

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Gawd poor Jane cant even defend herself against those who choose to speak. Well we do know bob viewed it as an open marriage.‘good--open-relationship’-with-wife


Jane is not around to comment on all these comments about "open marriage"....

Does an open marriage include setting up housekeeping with two of your slaves when you can't afford the house your wife is living in?

Oh, and daughter, honey, it's kinda hard to ignore the talk of problems between your parents when it was your daddy that said they had problems and went to counseling .. ????

And their definition of "faithful" is a little different than mine ......

imo imo imo
Does an open marriage include setting up housekeeping with two of your slaves when you can't afford the house your wife is living in?

Oh, and daughter, honey, it's kinda hard to ignore the talk of problems between your parents when it was your daddy that said they had problems and went to counseling .. ????

And their definition of "faithful" is a little different than mine ......

imo imo imo

:highfive: Great post!

So, it's no biggie that your dad is 1) claiming he and Rebecca were just friends, and 2), claiming he and your mom had an "open" marriage? :what:

These poor kids are in some deep denial, alright.
Gentz left in a hurry driven away in a van registered to Steven Dennis Vergona. FOX 2 has learned Gentz's go-to man, who carts him back and forth to the police department, court and even Gentz's landlord, also has another bizarre connection to this case that may be more than a coincidence.

FOX 2 has learned Steve Vergona owns a now abandoned Detroit house on Annott Street.
Respectfully snipped from Nursebeeme.

I wonder if this is the same guy who turned in the jacket and cell phones that Gentz left behind when he turned himself in?
:highfive: Great post!

So, it's no biggie that your dad is 1) claiming he and Rebecca were just friends, and 2), claiming he and your mom had an "open" marriage? :what:

These poor kids are in some deep denial, alright.

Maybe it's the only way the poor kids can cope right now. I imagine things will slowly sink in and there will be wrath to come.

A 9.5 on the Hinky Meter!
February 9, 2012

Charlie interviews Hinky Meter blogger/investigator Val Hal. Hal tells Charlie her thoughts and opinions about the ongoing Bashara murder case.

Lawyer vs. Lawyer. February 9, 2012

Charlie talks to Bob Bashara's Attorney David Griem. The attorneys talk the ins and outs of the case, what’s new and what we can expect in the future of the Jane Bashara murder case.
Two-week-old blood reportedly was found by police investigators on Wednesday during a search at Bob Bashara's Grosse Pointe Park home.

The blood samples have been sent to an out-of-state crime lab to expedite results that will determine if the blood is of human origin.

In addition to the blood findings, Local 4 has learned that police may be interested in talking to people who were at the Macomb County Circuit Court on Wednesday.

Police want to know if anyone overheard Gentz talking about the Bashara murder investigation at the court house. Some witnesses may have talked directly to Gentz about the investigation. Police want to know what he had to say in those conversations.

rut roh... is Joe leaking stuff he shouldn't?

better not do that Joe or your alleged deal may 'evaporate'
After listening to the interview with Griem on the Charlie show, I feel like I need to take high blood pressure medicine.

It had just occurred to me that Jane may have been strangled with an object like a stocking, rope or hose. She may have broken her fingernails trying to release the pressure from around her neck as she was being strangled. If that was the case, that would eliminate any wounds being present on her attacker. I just read above about the possibility of a foot being placed on her neck. She had been beaten on the back (kicked?) and then someone crushed her windpipe with their foot? I hope the police have collected the shoes of the persons of interest. Also I hope the autopsy was thorough in documenting Jane's neck area. They can tell if there were actual indentations left by fingers, etc.

Should a murder victim be allowed to be cremated before a crime is thoroughly investigated? That makes me uneasy.
Valhall had some interesting info that she gathered from speaking first hand to people who know bb. She said that he had been introducing himself to women saying he was a widower. Well, well. Also, Valhall spoke to people who knew Jane and they don't think she would have been into the SM stuff or approved of his lifestyle if she found out about it.

Griem, the lawyer, is talking as if bb is the first husband of a wife who has been murdered to be thoroughly investigated. He's blaming LE that bb has this weird lifestyle stuff surrounding him. It's not their fault bob had a loud mouthed slave while he was married to Jane. Griem minimized Rachel's role in bb's life and suggested that her business must be up now that she's receiving publicity. During Griem's interview with Charlie, he drew a picture of rg being a type of SM prostitute. That's gonna really pizz her off I bet. She has pictures from the wedding and who knows what other kinds of pics she has that span back over the last five years.
--according to this article, LE has joe's boots.

--i would hope they also have their POI big bobb's by now too.
Possible accomplice in Jane Bashara slaying gives conflicting accounts, source says
Snipped -

"According to the source, the man's roommate convinced him to turn himself into police.

While the man spoke to Grosse Pointe Park police, the roommate brought evidence to Detroit police, including boots and a cell phone, the source said. The roommate told police the man had those items with him when he allegedly committed the murder, the source said." ... on=1206833
ABC News - Good Morning America 2-9-12

Gosse Point Suspect Bob Bashara: 'I'm Innocent'

The husband of the victim of a Michigan killing speaks exclusively to ABC News.

Video: 04:15

Notice how bb introduced on GMA this morning that his and Jane's marriage was a good one, an 'open' but good one. bb seemed to sort of whisper (not literally) the word 'open'. The new tactic now is to publicize that they had an open marriage so the rest of the details aren't so shocking if they come up if/after he is charged.

Bob can't talk about his alternate lifestyle because he has children (are they adults?). It's understandable that this is embarrassing but it is what it is - it's like being caught in the worst way and having to expose all of your ickyness for all to see including your own children. That's not how it works though - when secrets come out, they come out and everyone hears them. Icky.
Notice how bb introduced on GMA this morning that his and Jane's marriage was a good one, an 'open' but good one. bb seemed to sort of whisper (not literally) the word 'open'. The new tactic now is to publicize that they had an open marriage so the rest of the details aren't so shocking if they come up if/after he is charged.

Bob can't talk about his alternate lifestyle because he has children (are they adults?). It's understandable that this is embarrassing but it is what it is - it's like being caught in the worst way and having to expose all of your ickyness for all to see including your own children. That's not how it works though - when secrets come out, they come out and everyone hears them. Icky.

--along w/ his now "admitting" that they had an 'open relationship' bob has also changed his answer when asked about 'the other woman'.

--previously when asked, he flat out denied it, and said "she was a good friend. that's it." ( he now simply won't comment.)

--i also think the daughter's answer, that the affair stuff is "irrelevant" was something she got from her dad ( who also says it has "nothing to do w/ the case".)

--big bobb would really really like everyone to move on from the affair/S&M talk-----and back to the biz of who killed jane? ----joe!‘good--open-relationship’-with-wife

"No motive, none whatsoever," said Bashara in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America." "We had a good, open relationship."

Bashara deflected questions about reports that he had been carrying on a relationship with another woman.
"I'm not going to comment on that, it has nothing to do with the case," said Bashara firmly.

However Griem, did comment on the stories.
"The term 'open marriage' comes to mind," Griem said in the ABC News report. "My belief is that was an open marriage."

Jessica Bashara said she was ignoring talk of problems between her parents and that her father had been unfaithful to her mother.

"I see all those things as totally irrelevant," she said. "Honestly, I'm focused on who murdered my mother. I'm focusing on what a great person my mother was. And the great relationship my parents had."
Wonder if big b has an answer on why he allegedly moved out of the family home a week or so prior to his wife's murder?

Is it a rumor, or truth?

Shhh.............don't tell the daughter that many men who are responsible for their wife's erasure were having an affair. It's called 'motive.'

Ahhh............but we 'won't talk about that.' :rolleyes:


Could Bob Bahsara's plans for a new life outlined in internet posts be a motive for murder?

The question is; could Bob Bashara's secret plans be a motive for murder?

On New Year’s Eve, as the clock ticked closer to 2012, Jane Bashara was home in Grosse Pointe while her husband Bob was hundreds of miles away with his mistress Rachael Gillett. He was at the wedding of Gillett’s daughter in South Carolina, and was photographed dancing with the mother of the bride.

According to Jane’s friends, she thought Bob was in Florida golfing with his buddies. And that’s just a small part of Bob Bashara’s secret double life.

Nancy Grace on HLN covering Jane now

Sources: Joe Gentz's story is solidifying in Bashara investigation

Investigators run down Gentz's story about Jane Bashara's murder

The Defenders have learned that Gentz admitted to throwing the SUV keys down on the driver's side floorboard then leaving the vehicle in an alley near Annott and Pinewood. Gentz was chosen as the driver because he grew up in the neighborhood.

He then walked from the SUV south to a McDonald's on 7 Mile Road near Gratiot Avenue where he grabbed some food while waiting for the bus.

The Defenders have confirmed that police pulled video from that McDonald's surveillance and Gentz was seen on the video from that day, further solidifying his story.
Watching NG Show on HLN :

NG reporting about "blood" in the GARAGE ...

:waitasec: Is this old news -- I have not read all the threads here ...

NG : Also, blood and hair found in second search -- yesterday.

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