MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - Body found - #5

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And hearing that Nevaeh had an accident right before she left doesn't sit well with me either. Haleigh had an accident right before she went missing as well. Many children soiling themselves lead to them being beaten or murdered.

JB claimed in todays Free press article that Neveah had problems with waiting until the last minute to go to the bathroom, and that day had an accident and changed her clothes....red flag to me too....although it could be nothing....hard to tell at this point

Can also in some cases be symptomatic of sexual abuse. :(

People don't need a course in child development to be a good parent, or to understand that "accidents" happen. I would suspect that most parents have no formal education in child-rearing. You just need to love your child unconditionally in order to understand these things.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that issue. For those who grew up in violent homes only to continue the cycle, very often have unreasonable expectations for their children - expectations that the child isn't physically and/or mentally equipped for yet. Love is a huge factor by all means, every child needs to be loved and to feel loved but love doesn't automatically fix everything; especially not generational cycles of family abuse. That requires education and intervention.

Agree w TripleA that it need not be formal instruction per se; and agree w nomore that in families where abuse is learned and passed down it requires some type of intervention to break the generational cycle. By introducing appropriate boundaries; and having healthy modeling, at some point--whether from one's own parents, w/in instructional setting, or informally is invaluable.

I thought the same exact thing but didn't want to post it. Thank you!

I thought so too and did post it (#539, 546 eg):

kiki the parrot said:
Given Nevaeh reportedly was found w no visible signs of outward trauma, it makes these graphic accounts--by not one but two young children neither of whom had reason to fabricate anything--highly suspicious, and subject to more than one interpretation...

kiki the parrot said:
There is more than one possible interpretation of what the child/ren may have witnessed--which could also explain why children could be confused or not necessarily know how to verbalize or report what they saw. It seems we have yet another inconsistency in what's being reported, ie about each child's respective version.

The perp could have thrown someone else's beer can in there to distract from himself. Anyone with two licks of a brain knows that DNA appears in that manner. Or, the perp can be one of those sickos that gets off on leaving these clues, knowing they lead nowhere bc, I assume, he is not in the system already.
"I trusted her to actually go there . . ." As in "she deceived me by going outside" so it'snot my fault.

The child is a "tattle tale". Nice when talking about the one person who was concerned about her child's welfare and so happened to be another child.

Tell me JB is not pregnant.

What we have here is a hands-off parent who let her 5 year old wander around without any supervision other than by her own little friends.

Pathetic. Makes me sick. This murder (if someone snatched the child from the parking lot) was completely preventable had her mother simply watched her.

But I guess John & Kate is just too captivating to be able to make sure your child gets to her destination or to notice that your kid is gone.

(bbm) My response exactly! As others have said it is just infuriating, an outrage, to hear the PARENT state they "trusted" their CHILD of five to actually MAKE IT TO her destination, p-lez!!! As if the CHILD was the one who failed HER aarrrrrgggggggh!!!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Who says this! And "tattletale?" O m g just gma*b I can't take anymore. Evidently anyone (including a small child who, even at such a young age, already has the SENSE to know when another child is at risk) who disrupts a parent's self-absorbed world is deserving of dismissive namecalling, geez!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I certainly hope she is not pregnant.:shakehead:

I was thinking about the scenario JB 'wanted to frame' George.

Well if she accidentally killed her daughter, this is entirely possible. Panicked, wanted to cover-it up, claimed she's been abducted etc Since there were no visual signs of any kind of external trauma, an accident is pretty much excluded.

Accidental overdose of drugs 'to medicate the child' is also obviously ruled out, since by all accounts Nevaeh was in a good health, didn't need to see the dentist etc..

The possible cause of death could be asphyxiation by choking, (I don't wanna think she was buried alive in cement) :(

I am pretty sure whoever did this faces first-degree murder charges.

So imo she didn't have to harm her daughter to frame him (if she is in her right mind of course), because if she wanted him arrested - not probably because she was concerned, but out of jealousy, revenge - she just needed to call the authorities to get him arrested for his parole violation.
I gotta tell you I don't like the "half-hour" during which even SG admits GK's whereabouts were unaccounted for. As insistent as SG is that "he was w me," that "half hour" could easily in reality have been a window of closer to an hour... Not that SG's word suffices for an alibi anyway but can anyone other than RS place GK somewhere--anywhere--while he's supposedly giving him a "ride?"

I certainly hope she is not pregnant.:shakehead:

I was thinking about the scenario JB 'wanted to frame' George.

Well if she accidentally killed her daughter, this is entirely possible. Panicked, wanted to cover-it up, claimed she's been abducted etc Since there were no visual signs of any kind of external trauma, an accident is pretty much excluded.

Accidental overdose of drugs 'to medicate the child' is also obviously ruled out, since by all accounts Nevaeh was in a good health, didn't need to see the dentist etc..

The possible cause of death could be asphyxiation by choking, (I don't wanna think she was buried alive in cement) :(

I am pretty sure whoever did this faces first-degree murder charges.

So imo she didn't have to harm her daughter to frame him (if she is in her right mind of course), because if she wanted him arrested - not probably because she was concerned, but out of jealousy, revenge - she just needed to call the authorities to get him arrested for his parole violation.

COD also conceivably could be drowning. Which brings me back to possibility this, or in nearby wooded area eg near the water, was the scene and that Nevaeh may have still been alive when first lured there. Is this ("burial" site discovered at river's edge) the closest location or access to water from Charlotte Arms Apts?

I don't feel sorry for her one bit....I just got done reading the article in todays Free press and she actually angers me....I feel the only reason she's "a wreck" is because the media is on this case bigtime! She's spot lighted in the nation's eye! Of course she's gonna try to gain sympathy!....being a criminal herself, I'm sure she's well aware of how the media works and how these cases are portrayed in the media....she doesn't want to be thought of as the next Casey Anthony....I don't think she actually murdered Neveah, but the way she lived her life, the choices she made, all could come back to haunt her, especially if her lifestyle and her choices of friends end up being THE reason Neveah was killed.... there's plenty of other moms right now in similar situations, who could care less about their child/children....but let that camera start rolling for the evening news and watch their demeanor change right in front of our eyes! It shouldn't take a child being murdered for these parents to realize their mistakes....The whole, "lessons learned" thing only goes so far when you're a grown adult, sometimes there are real consequences for choices made and you don't always get a second chance, especially when you're NOT a teenager still trying to figure things out....she thought of the consequences of GK being around Neveah and for some reason, put that thought aside....she deserves no sympathy....

I just can't believe that too many mothers are that heartless. JMO

I hate to be gross or dirty or whatever, but stabbing her in the stomach...maybe the kid saw him raping her. You know, if a child hasn't seen a sex act before...they may describe it as that. Who knows. I still think its an odd statement to come from a child.

Not to make this more disturbing but there would probably be blood too.

Ok here is the interview where "Easter" says LE questions him about following them out of Kmart I knew I wasn't crazy...

Easter said he learned of Nevaeh’s disappearance when he was called by a girlfriend who lives at the Charlotte Arms Apartments, where the girl had disappeared while playing alone in the parking lot. His girlfriend said she needed a ride to the store, saying the apartment complex was abuzz over the missing girl, he said.

“I had a hard time thinking in my head,” Easter said of the questioning.

He told authorities he had been at Kmart that night. He said investigators tried to pin him down, acting like Nevaeh was at the store with her mother that day.

“They kept telling me, ‘You followed her out of Kmart,’ ” Easter said


I hate it when I hear cops trying to put thoughts into peoples heads. If I go to Kmart today and happen to follow somebody out who becomes a crime victim later how the hades am I supposed to remember it? I don't know that person.

For some reason this reminded me of that pedo Chester Stiles out of Nevada who filmed himself raping a 2 year old but had also molested multiple children of all ages in addition to have many relationships with older women, younger women, etc. He seemed great at getting women to give him money, take care of him, etc as well. Charming snakes I guess.

But yeah, the pedo age preference isn't always there. Some just take opportunity where ever they can find it.

They prey on the weak and lonely who are easily manipulated. It sounds like JB fits that description.
I agree, and why burn them, They were tips called in and LE did their job,
I am puzzle that LE didn't keep the receipts, maybe they took copies.
the point is the guys sound little cocky running around in speedo and sitting in a kiddie pool. MR.Easter had a friend that lived in the apartment. I think I read somewhere that he parked right next to the scooter.
Sorry, he sound like POI. LE does not need to apology for doing their job.JMO

I can't find the link again but know I read LE found "*advertiser censored*" in the search of his home..I can't recall if it was "kiddie" *advertiser censored* but if it was "kiddie" *advertiser censored* that's a crime & he would've been arrested so my guess is it was not.

I believe he is the one who always parked where the scooter was found..The burnt glove at the dump site also raises a huge red flag to me..Do we know if he has an alibi?

(bbm) My response exactly! As others have said it is just infuriating, an outrage, to hear the PARENT state they "trusted" their CHILD of five to actually MAKE IT TO her destination, p-lez!!! As if the CHILD was the one who failed HER aarrrrrgggggggh!!!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Who says this! And "tattletale?" O m g just gma*b I can't take anymore. Evidently anyone (including a small child who, even at such a young age, already has the SENSE to know when another child is at risk) who disrupts a parent's self-absorbed world is deserving of dismissive namecalling, geez!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Infuriating is right Kiki...everything that has come out of this woman's mouth has pissed me off. The "I trusted her" statement, the statement made to the father about Nevaeh acting like a ten year old when he reminded her that she was only five...this woman should have NEVER been around her daughter unsupervised. Did CPS know the mother was living with the Grandmother who was given custody...that's what I would like to know. To top it off, it sounds like this woman does NOT even understand how her actions lead to her daughter's death. She needs to be charged with whatever they can throw at her.
A couple stories may have morphed here. One being the K-mart story and GK visiting there. The judge who dismissed this was given the explanation it was cardboard. How did it morph into receipts? I'm not saying I believe it was only cardboard, I'm just asking if it's speculation or a leap from somewhere.

I do see reports of the mother passing out flyers in the K-mart parking lot. That has to be after she's gone missing.

Backing up a bit for timeliners


Search for Nevaeh
Updated: Friday, 05 Jun 2009, 4:17 PM EDT
Published : Friday, 05 Jun 2009, 11:21 AM EDT

MONROE, Mich. - Below is the sequence of events in the 11-day search for Nevaeh Buchanan.

May 24 - Sunday: 5-year-old Nevaeh Amyah Buchanan of Monroe, Mich. was reported missing from the Charlotte Arms Apartments. She was last seen around 6:30 p.m. riding a scooter in the 1100 block of Macomb Street.

May 25 - Monday: Police search the Charlotte Arms Apartment complex.

May 26 - Tuesday: The FBI, Michigan State Police, and the Detroit Violent Crimes Task Force (which formed the Nevaeh Task Force) have been brought in to assist in the disappearance. Volunteers throughout Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio gather to assist in volunteer searches. Monroe police find a knife with human blood on it belonging to 39-year-old convicted sex-offender and boyfriend of Nevaeh's mother, George Kennedy. There was also a report of a possible Nevaeh sighting at a Columbus, Ohio, shopping district.


FBI Cart team has been brought in, a recent similar case we found out 18 agents from the FBI had been flown in to assist agencys around the state including Michigan State Police, and the Detroit Violent Crimes Task Force were all working together. At some point everyone will be canvased and rescreened again (probably done around day 5 & 6.)

Another timeliners link with LE video from early on (same souce, different story) GK was in custody.


FBI agent Andy Arena said the FBI and the task force is looking at a variety of locations. He added a bona fide abduction case like this is very rare and hard to work on.

"These are the worst cases to investigate because we're all parents and aunts and uncles," Agent Arena said. "I went home last night and my 6-year-old wouldn't get off my lap. She knew about this and this morning she said, 'Daddy, you gotta go find that little girl.' So, this is hard on the investigators, and very difficult on them."

All 180 units in the apartment were searched. Agent Arena, special agent in charge of the FBI's Detroit office, said he was going to bring in more agents.
The perp could have thrown someone else's beer can in there to distract from himself. Anyone with two licks of a brain knows that DNA appears in that manner. Or, the perp can be one of those sickos that gets off on leaving these clues, knowing they lead nowhere bc, I assume, he is not in the system already.

I really don't think they are dealing with one or more criminal geniuses here. They disposed of a body in a familiar place, using familiar and easily available maerials, and they did a half assed job about it.

The beer can may be the perps, or it may just be a piece of riverside garbage that ended up in the hole. But I certainly dont think it was planted with any deliberate intent. In fact the shallowness of the grave, the thiness and weakness of the concrete, the location right by the rivers edge all make me think that it is likely that the beer can did come from whoever did this, simply because I think they were drunk when they disposed of the body.

We are attributing deep meaning to how and where she was found. Complex plots etc. But honestly the more I look at that scene by the river, the more it keeps bringing back the memories of far too many EMS calls I ran over the years. All categorized by the description "It seemed like a good idea when we were wasted". I don't know why but something about that scene and setup by the river just feels to me like 2 drunken men.
Kiki, I have my doubts about drowning, but it is possible, for sure.

Autopsy results are not in yet, as far as i know

To drown – possibly a fighting, biting, screaming child – it is not an easy task.
Any injuries, scratches, marks on the POI's?

If she was drowned why not just dump her body into the river ?

I assume the evidence is preserved in the concrete better than at the bottom of the river (fish, wildlife etc)
Infuriating is right Kiki...everything that has come out of this woman's mouth has pissed me off. The "I trusted her" statement, the statement made to the father about Nevaeh acting like a ten year old when he reminded her that she was only five...this woman should have NEVER been around her daughter unsupervised. Did CPS know the mother was living with the Grandmother who was given custody...that's what I would like to know. To top it off, it sounds like this woman does NOT even understand how her actions lead to her daughter's death. She needs to be charged with whatever they can throw at her.

I'm telling ya...it seems to me almost like she blamed Neveah in some weird way. With the "I trusted her" statement and then the statement about wanting to see her one last time and make sure its completely over. KWIM???
MONROE, Mich. — As investigators await test results on a child's body found by a southeastern Michigan river, the mother of a missing 5-year-old girl says she's "completely innocent."

Monroe County authorities said Sunday they're pursuing leads as they wait for DNA evidence to confirm the body is that of Nevaeh Buchanan, reported missing May 24.

The child's remains were discovered Thursday next to the River Raisin.

Jennifer Buchanan tells the Detroit Free Press she "didn't have anything to do with" her daughter's disappearance and doesn't know who would want to harm her child.

Buchanan's mother got custody of Nevaeh after Buchanan was found guilty of breaking into homes to support a drug habit.

The three were sharing an apartment in Monroe, Mich.

On Friday, authorities said the body found encased in cement by fishermen belongs to a child the same size, gender and age of the missing girl and they had "reasonable suspicion" it is Nevaeh. A shirt resembling the one she was wearing when she vanished also was discovered.

One thing that is really starting to bug me..

This place is DEFINITELY isolated to folks that don't know the area. BUT it is not isolated to folks that do, and I daresay, there's plenty that do in Dundee...so why put her body there? Is the perp NOT familiar with the area? Why would he put her in a place if he is from there that he KNOWS people go to? Why just cover her with a thin layer of concrete when he KNOWs that people are trudging all around there fishing? I was convinced he was local, and I still think that, but now I'm wondering why he would put her in a place that he knew people would be going too?
One thing that is really starting to bug me..

This place is DEFINITELY isolated to folks that don't know the area. BUT it is not isolated to folks that do, and I daresay, there's plenty that do in Dundee...so why put her body there? Is the perp NOT familiar with the area? Why would he put her in a place if he is from there that he KNOWS people go to? Why just cover her with a thin layer of concrete when he KNOWs that people are trudging all around there fishing? I was convinced he was local, and I still think that, but now I'm wondering why he would put her in a place that he knew people would be going too?

Maybe the perp/perps were in a hurry. Also, like faefrost pointed out, he/she/they might have been impaired.
MONROE, Mich. — As investigators await test results on a child's body found by a southeastern Michigan river, the mother of a missing 5-year-old girl says she's "completely innocent."

Monroe County authorities said Sunday they're pursuing leads as they wait for DNA evidence to confirm the body is that of Nevaeh Buchanan, reported missing May 24.

The child's remains were discovered Thursday next to the River Raisin.

Jennifer Buchanan tells the Detroit Free Press she "didn't have anything to do with" her daughter's disappearance and doesn't know who would want to harm her child.

Buchanan's mother got custody of Nevaeh after Buchanan was found guilty of breaking into homes to support a drug habit.

The three were sharing an apartment in Monroe, Mich.

On Friday, authorities said the body found encased in cement by fishermen belongs to a child the same size, gender and age of the missing girl and they had "reasonable suspicion" it is Nevaeh. A shirt resembling the one she was wearing when she vanished also was discovered.

Completely innocent ? Even if she had no part in her daughter's murder, she played a part in her death by not supervising her...at any rate, she is not innocent.
Kiki, I have my doubts about drowning, but it is possible, for sure.

Autopsy results are not in yet, as far as i know

To drown – possibly a fighting, biting, screaming child – it is not an easy task.
Any injuries, scratches, marks on the POI's?

If she was drowned why not just dump her body into the river ?

I assume the evidence is preserved in the concrete better than at the bottom of the river (fish, wildlife etc)

Whether suffocated, strangled, drowned... any would pose the risk of possible scratches (wherever skin exposed or not covered by clothing) but of any of these methods, it is drowning that would seem the least audible, IMO. Especially when in a fairly secluded location. A 50# child is hardly a match anywhere for 150-200# man eg, but least of all beneath the water.
Regardless of cause of death your question nevertheless remains: why not dumped into river. Encasing (vs dumping in river) may have appeared to pose less risk of surfacing or exposure but I agree it seems this was half-a$$ed, drunken attempt at cover-up--and/or could have been intended to permit perp to revisit scene.

I am usually behind and want to catch up before I post. Finally got caught up.

First of all, I do take exception to the LE bashing. LE goes where the evidence takes them. I was reading a post a few pages back where LE was bashed and what was stated could not be more wrong. Sorry - just had to say it.

I have so many questions:

1.) What time(s) were Jon & Kate Plus 8 on in the Monroe, Mi. area the day that Nevaeh disappeared? Anyone know? Was more than one episode shown on that day?

2.) JB stated that Nevaeh had an accident and had to change her clothes. Did JB get angry with Nevaeh for the accident?

3.) JB, imo, would more likely have been on the computer or playing a computer game than watching Jon & Kate Plus 8. The computer forensics will tell a tale, as well as cell phone pings and records for all who have been mentioned. I recall seeing the corner of a keyboard in one of the pics I saw of Nevaeh in the apartment. It was in the living room.

4.) I wonder just who broke up with who? Did GK break up with JB, or the other way around? Was JB angry with GK for having another girlfriend and yet another woman paying his rent? If you look at GK's record, he was due to come off parole next month (July). He got picked up for the parole violation just in time to assure that he goes back to prison.

I am not so sure that JB is completely innocent. There have been many murders that 'so called mothers' have committed where the child was disposed of in a very cruel and unthinkable manner. JB is capable of doing this by herself, imo. Or, she possibly could have coerced GK into helping her because he knew she could have him sent back to prison by any number of things she could have told LE.

Prison is a mean place by defination. JB was in prison with any number of convicted felons. They all compare notes, imo. JB was convicted of Home Invasion to feed her drug habit. Could someone have suggested an easier way to come by money for drugs? Child *advertiser censored* or pimping your child out? These are just thoughts.

One thing we do know for certain is that LE and the FBI know so much more than we do. Anything we can think of has most likely been thought of by both LE and the FBI. A huge factor in this case will be whether or not little Neveah was sexually assaulted by person or object, if at all. If not sexually assaulted by a male, then I am thinking that JB got angry with little Nevaeh for soiling her clothes and it went from there.

Just thoughts, folks. I do not post a lot anymore. I prefer to read and absorb all the info that you fantastic posters here dig up.
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