MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

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I would agree with this except, allegedly he did confess to murdering his children. If you've already confessed, why not just tell them where the bodies are?

Because there is no DP for his current charges.
Finding the boys would now reveal cause of death, and a failed suicide would turn into a successful execution for him.

There is no benefit to him to reveal where they are. He knows he can't undo what he's done, so he gets to punish the ex, and save his own life, by just not telling where.

A confession alone isn't enough for a murder charge.
What happens to you went you come down from CRANK? I've heard of it but no clue what it does to you?
i am not a doctor, so i dont know the physical changes that cause the reactions but of course, crank is poison plain and simple. it is not the by product of any natural substance so that makes it extra nasty. long term use causes irreversible brain damage. for example, i knew a girl many years ago who was smarter than any of our college profs. she got on crank and the last time i saw her she was off the crank but her brain was fried. she was sitting in the floor rocking and didnt know who anybody was and she hadnt had any crank in months at that point. i had a good friend who was a hard working man, owned his home outright by the time he was early 30's, a good guy, good friend, good to his momma. after his momma died he got on crank and he hung himself. not in the usual way either, they found him on his knees and the rope was tied to the closet bar. when somebody is coming down they are prone to violent fits, crying jags, outlandish notions. if i am right, imo, js probably killed the boys thinking he was going to kill himself, but by that time he was clear headed enough that he couldnt do it. if my theory bears out he will likely tell pretty soon.
Depends on how long you've been high on it. But if you've been up a few days you just pass out asleep unless you're freekin because you don't have more. It's when you're actually on it, you don't think straight, get agitated very easy, some people will get really focused on something (like a spot on their face) and pick it till it's a huge ol hole in their face, others will get an extreme case of adhd and get flighty and go from one thing to the next..say you're playing a video game, you get up to go to the bathroom, you see there is osmething on the wall, you go to the kitchen to get some cleaner to wipe off the wall, while in the kitchen, you realize the fridge needs cleaned out, you run downstairs to get more paper towels realize a couple loads of laundry needs done etc etc...
exactly what peeples said.
Because there is no DP for his current charges.
Finding the boys would now reveal cause of death, and a failed suicide would turn into a successful execution for him.

There is no benefit to him to reveal where they are. He knows he can't undo what he's done, so he gets to punish the ex, and save his own life, by just not telling where.

A confession alone isn't enough for a murder charge.

The longer he waits and they don't find anything more the information becomes valuable and his negotiating power increases. How much is worth to family to bury their boys? Enough for a reduced charge?

How much does he enjoy the attention and the power of holding the answers? That may hold a lot of value.

That he hasn't told them yet is not a good sign. It has been a long time. The ones that feel guilty or can't hold up to questioning usually break pretty early on.
I heard the father admitted to killing these little boys. I believe he did it. I do not think any girlfriend or family member is hiding them. There's a lot of media out there and if anyone had them I think they would have come forward. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think they will find them alive. I am praying.
I would agree with this except, allegedly he did confess to murdering his children. If you've already confessed, why not just tell them where the bodies are?

Because he might regret telling them and plans to use as an excuse that he was in a mental hospital and did not know what he was saying...if he tells where the bodies are he can't "take it back" as far as the confession he gave so far.
I'm still wondering how the police came to know one of the children enough to know he wanted to be a police officer when he grew up? Do we have a source for that info? I saw it here earlier today.
Yes, in the Presser yesterday (Thurs), the chief remarked he'd been over to the house a while back and one of the children came running out with a badge and a police vest (toy versions I assume). He told the chief he wanted to be a police just like him when he grew up.

That chief was very emotional in the presser yesterday, as was the mayor. The mayor said the town has about 2,000 people - all deeply affected by this tragedy. Many working to try and do what they can to help. That's when he said town hall, recycling and many other city services/places would be closed this week. And it is due to the fact all the resources are being used for this effort.

That is another thing that chapped my hide about JS. He has an entire TOWN pulling crazy shirts, shutting down city services, all because he can't tell the truth. Grrr.....:furious: I need to go to bed! Sorry for the ranting.
It was 9 days before Susan Smith told them where to find her boys... and she wasn't even in custody. They had already checked the lake, so who knows when/if they would have looked there again.

With Elisa Baker it was a couple of weeks after her arrest that her attorney contacted LE to give information to assist them. Again, it's unlikely they would have found anything without being told where to look.

It was a week after Sarah Maynard's abduction before they were told where to find Tina, Stephanie and Cody. It was a few days after his arrest, after he had an attorney before they contacted police with the location of the bodies. They likely never would have found those bodies if they hadn't been told.

In this case the father just got an attorney... so maybe in a few days his attorney will also contact LE with information? It isn't all that unusual for it to be a week or two or even longer, after the suspect gets an attorney before they contact LE.

So, there is still hope he will offer information. :twocents:

The longer he waits and they don't find anything more the information becomes valuable and his negotiating power increases. How much is worth to family to bury their boys? Enough for a reduced charge?

How much does he enjoy the attention and the power of holding the answers? That may hold a lot of value.

That he hasn't told them yet is not a good sign. It has been a long time. The ones that feel guilty or can't hold up to questioning usually break pretty early on.
why would he leave nooses behind??
Did his sick mind want those nooses found but no bodies found to send them on a wild goose chase, a what if they are dead, what if they are alive, no real answers, not enough to charge him.. is this is ultimate pay back to the wife in taking the children, not ever having her see them again alive or dead.. and playing a sick twisted game with her and LE at the same time.

I still think they are dead. He is playing the game waiting on the weater to get so bad that finding anything would be impossible untill spring.

off topice but how dare Adam Baker have a private tribute and a guest book one for bio mom and one for him... may the one signed for him explode into flames.
why would he leave nooses behind??
Did his sick mind want those nooses found but no bodies found to send them on a wild goose chase, a what if they are dead, what if they are alive, no real answers, not enough to charge him.. is this is ultimate pay back to the wife in taking the children, not ever having her see them again alive or dead.. and playing a sick twisted game with her and LE at the same time.

I still think they are dead. He is playing the game waiting on the weater to get so bad that finding anything would be impossible untill spring.

off topice but how dare Adam Baker have a private tribute and a guest book one for bio mom and one for him... may the one signed for him explode into flames.


Maybe, just maybe, someone has the decency to think of ED - and wants to send a guest book to her to keep...just a thought. (and admittedly, seems way too little too late and maybe it's more for PR - who knows.)
Good am.... wonder who JS call that nite if his phone pinged by the campground.. why wouldnt that person suspect something. wonder if the LE contacted that person.was it the person who drove him to the hospital... i would think the Lawyer wouldnt let it drag this long cause doesnt it hurt the client.Like a game of mouse and cat...what if the chiildrenn were kidnapped for some reason and told JS to lie and they injured his ankle. maybe he owed money for debt or something. just a thought... so furious and sad to think they are still out there somewheres.
This blog is from the really local paper, the Stateline Observer.


Pressers on video in case you want to refer back to one, and occasional updates. A pic of LE boarding up JS's house several days ago. Worth noting: The author of the blog, incidentally, lives behind JS and was interviewed several times by LE about when they last saw the boys.

Maybe, just maybe, someone has the decency to think of ED - and wants to send a guest book to her to keep...just a thought. (and admittedly, seems way too little too late and maybe it's more for PR - who knows.)

yes I agree about Ed, it is AB that I feel deserves nothing .. and that is for show..he couldnt have just one for him that woulnt of gone over well with those in Hickory..
ok enough. I need different thread for this i just added it in my last post about the boys.
Ok so it is about sunrise here on the east coast. I am praying that somthing will be found today.. anything that will give a clue, the location of the boys alive or otherwise, praying that Mr. Skelton will find in his heart to tell the truth the whold truth and nothing but the truth.

I am praying to God today to keep hope of some sort to all of us and many posative thoughts all pulled together to make today the day for some kind of relevant news.

Lets all concentrate on some evidence or somthing of importance to be brought to light today... who knows maybe it will work.

I wont let the doom and gloom get me today.. I need these boys found one way or another then I will give back into the gloom that I know is coming but today.. a day of hope, prayer and lets WILL our minds to make somthing happen to get to the bottom of this.

God Bless us all.
Good mornin, fellow sleuths.

May today be the day that the boys come home.
Five-year-old Tanner Skelton, the youngest of three missing brothers, knows he's the fastest in his family, certainly in all the school, and perhaps in the world.

He demonstrated each recess to his kindergarten teacher, Janet Rollins, that all he had to say was "Flash," and his little legs would rip into hyperdrive.

He would race off and then circle back, slow down, and grin his teacher's way, imploring her to watch his magic again. "Flash," he would scream with joy, and off he'd sprint, the fastest little boy.

"He'd say, 'I can run faster than my mom, my dad, my brothers,'" recalled Ms. Rollins, a box of Kleenex within reach and a tissue crumpled in her hand. "He was so happy-go-lucky. You just looked at his face, an angel face."

Ms. Rollins, like most every one interviewed Thursday in this border town of 2,000, was having trouble with verb tenses.

Residents constantly referred to Tanner and his two older brothers Alex, 7, and Andrew, 9, in the past tense, as if they were gone forever.

Tanner, who prefers Skittles and M&Ms, is the fanciful one, perhaps because of his age. He dressed as Bob the Builder for Halloween and always wants to help, often grabbing the broom after his class finishes breakfast and starts to clean up. One other student would sometimes mimic him, but most pupils would have to be coaxed into such a chore.

Middle brother Alex takes on the role of caretaker, fetching his younger brother each day from his classroom at noon. The siblings walk the elementary school hallway together, arm-in-arm, to the office to use their asthma inhalers together.

Alex walks his brother to class in the morning, too. He hugs him goodbye, and makes sure he has his folder with him. The teachers and principal noticed this each day; the love and bond between the brothers inseparable.

Alex always wants to be first in reading group to answer. He pushes his hand high in the air begging to be called, Ms. Rollins said.

Oldest brother Andrew is the straight man with the serious demeanor and outsized vocabulary. Adults say he's wise beyond his third-grade experience, asking off-the-wall questions that cause them to do a double-take and wonder how he could know such things or act so mature.

"Every time I would talk to him he would have a pretty deep conversation with you," Principal Mary Fisher said. "His language development is middle school to high school. He was just very mature in what he would say."

Ms. Rollins remembered that on the last day before Thanksgiving break, he walked into the school office and said: "I'm sorry Ms. Wood, I hope I'm not interrupting you."

"Andrew is a deep thinker. He thought a lot about everything," Ms. Rollins said.

The principal remembered that one day recently he came to school and said to her: "Did you know there's a giant T-Rex that lived in the ocean."
Down the street at the community park, Trulla McClain, a service station manager, wrapped Christmas lights around a pine tree. The Sunday before Thanksgiving, the three Skelton boys helped her decorate the park, she said. She and the Skelton family go to church together.

At the park, Andrew had asked her if she wanted to see his new "self-defense moves," she remembered laughing. She declined.

The Christmas tree lights keep blowing out, and Ms. McClain has to return and replace them, she said.

She gets help from other volunteers, mostly from the church. She said she wants it to be perfect for the boys when they return home.
As I think I am the only one on this board who thinks that JS may have hidden his kids rather than killed them, I want to try one more time to explain why:

First, the three women who know him the best, his mother, sister and estranged wife thought he was a good father and would not have suspected him to harm the children. What proof do I have of that?

"Tanya Skelton received exclusive custody after John Skelton returned from Florida with the boys, but the couple subsequently negotiated an agreement that allowed visitation. “The agreement was without my intervention,” Noe said. “It is not unusual for judges to encourage parents to engage in agreements between themselves relative to visitation because they best know the circumstances


Tanya negotiated this AFTER he had already taken them away twice! Why would a woman going through a divorce who had received exlusive custody negotiate visitation? There is ONLY one reason. She knows that the father-son relationship was a healthy one and believed it was good for her children. She NEVER would have agreed to visitation if she felt any threat at all from JS.

JS mother and sister both say that JS is a not a monster, he loves his sons and would never hurt them. JS sister even says he told her that he has hidden them.


Despite her brother's arrest Tuesday afternoon and statements by law enforcement that the boys likely were dead, Ford said she still believed they are alive. She said her brother had told her the children were in a safe place he wouldn't disclose.
"He is not a monster. He is a good father," Ford said. "The children are his life; he loves those boys."

Roxann, the mother of JS says the same thing:


John Skelton's mother, Roxann Skelton of Jacksonville, Fla., told the Detroit Free Press that her son wouldn't hurt his children. "I know my son, he's not a monster," she told the newspaper. "He's a good son and he would not harm his boys. I know those children are, you know, still with us."

Second, why could he have taken the children? What would be his motive?


* He lost his job
* He was losing his house (foreclosure)
* He lost his wife (TS filed for divorce)
* TS had threatened that he would lose the boys the day before they disappeared
* JS went through this one time earlier when he lost custody of his daughter.

As a father it is difficult for me to imagine a loving father harming his child. But it is not difficult for me to imagine a depressed father in panic hiding his children and lying about it. Even confessing to everything in order to cover his tracks.

Of course, maybe everyone here is right that JS is just evil and he did kill them. But if the three women who know him best think that he is not evil and that JS could not harm his children and if there is a chance that he did not harm them, then I hope that at least some of the resources are looking into finding where they might be hidden. This story needs to be put on Americas Most Wanted. There is someone out there who has seen those boys and knows where they might be, regardless if they are dead or alive.
As I think I am the only one on this board who thinks that JS may have hidden his kids rather than killed them, I want to try one more time to explain why:

First, the three women who know him the best, his mother, sister and estranged wife thought he was a good father and would not have suspected him to harm the children. What proof do I have of that?

"Tanya Skelton received exclusive custody after John Skelton returned from Florida with the boys, but the couple subsequently negotiated an agreement that allowed visitation. “The agreement was without my intervention,” Noe said. “It is not unusual for judges to encourage parents to engage in agreements between themselves relative to visitation because they best know the circumstances


Tanya negotiated this AFTER he had already taken them away twice! Why would a woman going through a divorce who had received exlusive custody negotiate visitation? There is ONLY one reason. She knows that the father-son relationship was a healthy one and believed it was good for her children. She NEVER would have agreed to visitation if she felt any threat at all from JS.

JS mother and sister both say that JS is a not a monster, he loves his sons and would never hurt them. JS sister even says he told her that he has hidden them.


Despite her brother's arrest Tuesday afternoon and statements by law enforcement that the boys likely were dead, Ford said she still believed they are alive. She said her brother had told her the children were in a safe place he wouldn't disclose.
"He is not a monster. He is a good father," Ford said. "The children are his life; he loves those boys."

Roxann, the mother of JS says the same thing:


John Skelton's mother, Roxann Skelton of Jacksonville, Fla., told the Detroit Free Press that her son wouldn't hurt his children. "I know my son, he's not a monster," she told the newspaper. "He's a good son and he would not harm his boys. I know those children are, you know, still with us."

Second, why could he have taken the children? What would be his motive?


* He lost his job
* He was losing his house (foreclosure)
* He lost his wife (TS filed for divorce)
* TS had threatened that he would lose the boys the day before they disappeared
* JS went through this one time earlier when he lost custody of his daughter.

As a father it is difficult for me to imagine a loving father harming his child. But it is not difficult for me to imagine a depressed father in panic hiding his children and lying about it. Even confessing to everything in order to cover his tracks.

Of course, maybe everyone here is right that JS is just evil and he did kill them. But if the three women who know him best think that he is not evil and that JS could not harm his children and if there is a chance that he did not harm them, then I hope that at least some of the resources are looking into finding where they might be hidden. This story needs to be put on Americas Most Wanted. There is someone out there who has seen those boys and knows where they might be, regardless if they are dead or alive.

OR, TS is just like every mother we have seen here that values her alone time more than her time as a mother and is willing to let her kids go with their dad even at risk of harm so that she can have a "break."

Family stands up for their own...his mother and sister are showing the same things that we have seen over and over again. They will defend him to the bitter end, whether he killed the boys or not. They are family, it's what they do.

I'm not saying that he did kill them, I'm not saying that he didn't. It's most certainly a lot more hopeful to think that he stashed them with someone, but it's becoming more unbelievable by the day. There aren't always red flags in cases like this. Some people hide their crazy very well, and it seems that JS was one of them, whether he killed the boys or not.
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