Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 2

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PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi MrsM!!!

Just saw your post and otto kindly replied that they were married in OCTOBER, 2003.

So that's even earlier - 11 months ahead as opposed to 2 months ahead for Xmas...

Actually, with all due respect - this is exactly the kind of confusion that erupts when 'close family' start posting all they know.

I may have sounded stubborn yesterday ( er.... :angel: .... lol) however, I really do take all these 'telling the true facts' anon posters with half a grain of salt.
Good Morning Polk. This is the first place I came after dropping my kids off at school. I feel another obssession coming on.

I take what "friends" are saying with a grain of salt also. But you never know, one of them can really be a friend that knows things. So I try to take it all into account. We should make a list of only the FACTS, leaving the rumors out so we know what is what. Darn I wish there was a forum.
I take these so called friends posts with a grain of salt as well. The 3rd. anniversary was in oct. so he would be late to give the leather purse.
I don't know if anyone else has posted this, but I was skimming through the posts and didn't see it...but if they were only about to have or just had their 3rd anniversary and Cassidy is over 2 yrs, then maybe they got married b/c Michelle was pregnant with Cassidy? Maybe Jason didn't want to get married in the first place and once Cass was born, he definitely didn't want any more children? Just trying to establish more motive here, if Jason did this. Maybe he didn't really love Michelle at all to begin with?
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi again fran :blowkiss:

Thanks for this and your previous posts, read 'em all! We don't get Nancy of Greta here; so this feedback, thoughts and questions are great to read...

Where's your heart lying (or leaning, lol) in the "Who Did It" arena fran? If you had to re-order 1 -10 how would you rearrange the following?

1. Ex-b/f Michelle?
2. Known Friend Michelle?
3. Family of Michelle?
4. Jealous/rejected male friend?
5. Jason?
6. Rejected friend of Jason?
7. Hired hitman?
8. Family Jason?
9. Neighbour?
10.Stranger (sex predator/stalker/voyeur/serial killer, etc)?

Actually, if anyone else wants to do a 1 - 10 - well, results might be interesting, lol :D Many here seem to be on the fence; others are staking their patch... perhaps the above might help reconsider other options.

Just a suggestion :p

LOL, I was trying to remain neutral as I hate eating crow! :blushing:

To be honest, though, I'm leaning towards #6. I just don't know enough to be sure.

Frankly, at the very beginning of the Laci case, I was SURE it wasn't SP. I was going by how my hubby reacted when we found out we were expecting and she was so far along and it was a boy. After I saw SP talk from a clip of the DS interview, just after we'd found out about Amber (finding out about the mistress didn't even convince me he'd done it), I KNEW it was him! FWIW, abusers don't want or (think) anyone should know what goes on in their marriage (behind closed doors) than the husband and the wife. Of course after that interview soooo much more was revealed that kept me convinced it was him. :behindbar

It was after seeing SP talk I did research on 'murder, pregnancy, spousal abuse,' I found out about the statistics about pregnancy and murder. Actually, that was my very first post here on WS, ehhh......before the two or so crashes.

Maybe that's why Jason isn't offering to be interviewed by LE. After all, we learned that when SP was interviewed that very first night, ALL MPD eyes were on him. The evidence just mounted from there.

I have to get off now, gotta go to work. I'll check back in tonight and see what you all come up with. :D

englishleigh said:
I don't know if anyone else has posted this, but I was skimming through the posts and didn't see it...but if they were only about to have or just had their 3rd anniversary and Cassidy is over 2 yrs, then maybe they got married b/c Michelle was pregnant with Cassidy? Maybe Jason didn't want to get married in the first place and once Cass was born, he definitely didn't want any more children? Just trying to establish more motive here, if Jason did this. Maybe he didn't really love Michelle at all to begin with?

You make a very good point! THIS could be the key, "Maybe Jason didn't want to get married in the first place..."

I think you're on to something, englishleigh.

strach304 said:
Here's a link for a map (hope it works) http://www.mapquest.com/atlas/?region=ncarlina

No part of Virginia being the meeting location and justification for visiting parents makes sense to me. Long drop from the western end imo especially when you take the trip back into consideration. I'm not sure that person who stated Va. is accurate but if so kinda strange I think.

Lets go back to the beginning reports that said he was traveling on business and visting family while out of town. Didn't we originally assume from reports that he stayed at the parents house? It was said he would've arrived while they were sleeping and I know one of the media talking heads commented about this case on family alibi being unreliable.

Maybe he didn't stay at a hotel after all and the 11 pm phone call was made from the direction of his trip say two hours into it knowing the cell phone towers will ping it. He then goes back home which fits in with TOD. Parents can't verify within a two hour timespan of his arrival possibly. LE is gonna have to place him somewhere so if his alibi is possibly fishy why aren't they showing pics of him and the vehicle like they did SP?


We do have some things to work with here, enough to work backwards with. It was reported in news links and again last night on Greta from the sheriff himself that the police did indeed talk with Jason, briefly, on Friday. Based on that statement we can start with worse case - 12 midnight and work back.

Checking on Map quest -

Brevard to Raleigh is 282 miles and an estimated drive time of 4 hours and 52 minutes - for ease lets call it 5 hours.

Some one suggested Roanoke VA - Roanoke Va to Brevard is 276.13 miles or an estimated drive time of 4 hrs and 53 minutes - for ease lets also call that 5 hours.

Raleigh to Roanoke VA is 180 miles, estiated 3 hours 27 minutes drive time, or 3.5 hours.

What we know -

The sheriff did say from his own mounth on Greta that they did speak with Jason briefly on Friday when he returned. So we have up to 12 midnight Friday for this to have occurred.

What we think we know -

Jason called his wife at 11 pm on thursday night.

Assuming he went to Roanoke VA and stayed in a hotel - to call his wife at 11 pm, he would have had to leave his home in Raleigh no later than 7:30 pm, made no stops and got checked in very quickly. Grey's Anatomy was aired at 9 pm - so for the friends to have seen Jason, they would have had to arrive before 7:30 pm. That is all possible. 180 miles on the Suv.

We know nothing about the meeting such as time start and finish so we have to go backwards.

We know the police spoke to him briefly on Friday so working backwards from midnight (midnight being worst case arrival for the police to have spoken to him) -

He and his parents would have had to leave Brevard no later than 7 pm and made no stops along the way. 282 miles on the SUV.

We know that both his luggage and his parents luggage was confiscated upon arrival - this indicates some time was spent in Brevard to prepare for the trip to Raleigh, we also know that Jason was told of the situation so we have to assume some time was spent in the telling and his recovery. We also know the step father was insistent upon getting a lawyer. erring on the side of worst case - we can assign 2 hours to accomplish all of these tasks. Jason could have arrived in Brevard as late as 5 pm.

Assuming he drove straight from Roanoke to Brevard and arrived at 5 pm, this would indicate he had to leave Roanoke by noon at the latest and made no stops. 276 miles on the Suv.

This leaves 13 hours to be accounted for - supposedly there was a meeting - the meeting could account for as much as 5 hours easily. This is all possible, most likely not probable IMO, but possible. So on face value it is possible he had a meeting in Virginia but one has to wonder why he would skip out of a half of day's work on his NEW employer instead of returning to his office in Raleigh to end his day like a good employee. One would also have to wonder if it is sensible he would drive 5 hours from a business meeting to visit with the parents on a Friday instead of driving home. Sense indicates the meeting was much closer to the parents than to Virginia and the visit to the parents was prompted out of this convenience.

For example if the meeting were in Asheville, quick trip to the folks for a visit and definitely a more innocent appearance at least. From Roanoke to Brevard doens't appear either convenient or innocent IMO. I know this is an exercise in futility however, there is no new news on this case at the moment so it is easy to wander through these exercises. Whatever the case, Jason better hope things add up - i.e. mileage on SUV from last oil change, to reported mileage on expense accounts versus gas purchases, it's guaranteed IMO that the police are doing this same exercise, albeit with much more information.
scandi said:
Yes Close_Enough, Greta had a good one on one with the Sheriff and it wasn't so much the words or statement that she got out of him but rather the inflection in the words he was saying.

I came away from her show thinking that LE has definite suspicions on JASON. He only met once with LE and that was for a very short time - I'm thinking 15 min or so if that. He made it real clear that minute that SUV drove up to the house it was confiscated with everything in it. They are doing everything by the book, in fact when the sheriffs men got there on first call, they were told what kind of a crime was involved and didn't even go into the house. Only CSI went in.

The sheriff said there was an attorney who lived like 8 houses down the road who could tell from the operation what the crime involved, and his comment was _ "There's no Jack The Ripper stalking our neighborhood". And the Sheriff saidi yes, it is not a crime from an outsider, or something that made me think that. What he said ruled out anyone who was not family or someone who knew her very well IMHO.

Looks like we've possibly got another Mama's boy like Entwhistle except Jason has a regular job, Bet we learn a lot of weird stuff like we did about Entwhistle and SP. He is keeping a very low profile. Hmmmnmmmmmm :banghead:

And they said she put up one he!! of a fight! Scandi
To add to this Scandi, I would have sworn that Greta quoted the lawyer neighbor and did say he was a criminal defense lawyer- did I hear that wrong?
englishleigh said:
I don't know if anyone else has posted this, but I was skimming through the posts and didn't see it...but if they were only about to have or just had their 3rd anniversary and Cassidy is over 2 yrs, then maybe they got married b/c Michelle was pregnant with Cassidy? Maybe Jason didn't want to get married in the first place and once Cass was born, he definitely didn't want any more children? Just trying to establish more motive here, if Jason did this. Maybe he didn't really love Michelle at all to begin with?

I agree with everyone. She must've been pregnant when they married because if she delivered the following spring, that would mean March or April?? That would mean she was already two or three months pregnant when they married, right??
Boyz_Mum said:
To add to this Scandi, I would have sworn that Greta quoted the lawyer neighbor and did say he was a criminal defense lawyer- did I hear that wrong?
Good morning, Boyz Mum! I posted this earlier (#218):
One thing that was stated above somewhere was that the sheriff said an atty down the road from the Young hom agreed that it wasn't a random killing. Actually, Jim Hammer (not the sheriff) said he had interviewed a DEFENSE attorney down the road that was trying to convince the rest of the neighborhood to settle down, and that he could read between the lines "from experience" who did it.
I wish I had a transcript, but that's what I gleaned from that little tidbit Hammer threw out. I would think a defense attorney would be all "the husband is innocent till proven guilty!" lol

Hope that helps.

I wish Greta's show had transcripts because even I can't remember some things clearly now!
It has been suggested that the Young's bought their house in the Spring and didn't realize there was a trailer park at the end of their property. Michelle is a financial analyst, yet we are supposed to belief she didn't check out the neighbourhood before purchasing the nearly $400k property? It's not making sense for me.[/QUOTE]

I think it was probably disclosed to them that the trailer park was there. My parents live in an upscale golf community in Raleigh that has trailers surrounding it, it happens when a place grows as quickly as Raleigh area has. I think that maybe if they bought in spring when leaves are full, the trailer park didn't seem such an issue and when all the leaves fall and you are looking out on a trailer park it becomes one. I think people have a hard time visualizing things until they can see them. My husband used to sell new homes and one neighborhood had a proposed major highway going in behind it. Of course he had to disclose this to potential buyers.People bought everyone of those homes because at that time they had lovely woods behind them. Now they sit on top of an interstate!

Another take on why michelle the financial expert might have purchased this home adjacent to a trailer park is that it might have been the best buy in the area for that size home and being a "money" person that might have outweighed other concerns for her. JMO of course
otto said:
The trailer park and business trip to VA are two ideas suggested on another board by a poster claiming to be a friend of Jason. Also included are remarks about scratching at the back door that woke up the Young's. It seems to me that any scratching at the door should have been drowned out by a barking dog. A trailer park in the middle of Enchanted Oaks, a place that clearly looks like a very nice district, seems really out of place. Newspaper reports state that Jason was on a "business trip and visiting his parents" in the Brevard area. I don't know how much credibility we should give to this "friend" of Jason's. Although the info is presented as protecting Jason, how would this friend know tiny details about dogs scratching at the door? If they were that close, the friend would have been asked to keep all information confidential. If they're not that close, then the "friend" is probably just repeating rumour.

I understand what you're saying about the trailer park, but if it's that far away, why was Jason or Michelle going all the way through the forest to argue with people living in a trailer park. I'm having a hard time putting the "friend" rumours together with the rest of the information. It has been suggested that the Young's bought their house in the Spring and didn't realize there was a trailer park at the end of their property. Michelle is a financial analyst, yet we are supposed to belief she didn't check out the neighbourhood before purchasing the nearly $400k property? It's not making sense for me.[/QUOT

From the scale of the aerial - the trailer park is approximately 250 yards west of the young property - and it is visible on the aerial as are the trees in between the properties. Additionally TopSail provided a link to the Assessors web site - you click on other properties and it will list out for you names, addresses, and structures. There definitely is a trailer park in the vicinity - but for the life of me I'm not sure why that matters unless one automatically assumes trailer park people are the cause for all our ills and crimes, which is what the "friends" are attempting to imply.

Maybe this will help you to see the trailers:


The red marker is actually 2 houses north of the Young home - look directly to the west of the Young home you can see the trailer park. If you click on the picture over the trailer park it will zoom in for you to get a closer look. I myself would not call this a trailer park but rather lots with individual trailers .
fran said:
You make a very good point! THIS could be the key, "Maybe Jason didn't want to get married in the first place..."

I think you're on to something, englishleigh.

I agree. In the article that Wudfudge posted stated that "Jason Young bloomed late, and it took him awhile to settle on the idea of marriage, Fussell said. Michelle, as usual, knew just what she wanted. Family was at the top of the list, Fussell said." Sounds all too familiar. Scott hid and fed off of Laci's personality, therefore fooling everyone around him into thinking he was a nice guy.
Masissy said:
If he called his SIL in the AM to pick up the fax and she did not arrive until 1:00ish, I will be curious to know:

1) where he was when he called her
2) the lapse of time between the fax being sent and him calling her
3) if he ever called her back to see if she had went to the house and was
successful in getting the fax (if he was indeed concerned MY would see the
fax then I would assume he would have followed up)

He had plenty of time to "rehearse" his reaction when he got to his parents. I feel he had his phone off or never answered it so he could have a witness at how he reacted upon hearing the news.

I am new at this so be patient if this has already been addressed.. We don't know if the fax was sent that morning and SIL was sent to retrieve it or it he remembered that he left it out and needed her to get it/hide it for him. Also, I read somewhere that his cell phone was dead, if so, how did he call his SIL about the fax???

As far as Cassidy talking about Daddy on the 911 tape, he may have still been home when she went to bed. So as far as she knows, Mommy and Daddy were at home.
englishleigh said:
... Maybe he didn't really love Michelle at all to begin with?
Strong possibility. Perhaps, he was told "to do the right thing" and marry Michelle for the baby's sake. Perhaps, he had thought of divorcing Michelle when she turns up pregnant...again...One child is easier to support than two.
Perhaps LE has evidence that Jason is not
such a nice guy. However, I take with a grain of salt
anything that is purported to have been said by LE.
IMO, they are being very tight lipped, getting all their
ducks in a row and we will hear from them when
they have something of importance to say.
otto said:
The trailer park and business trip to VA are two ideas suggested on another board by a poster claiming to be a friend of Jason. Also included are remarks about scratching at the back door that woke up the Young's. It seems to me that any scratching at the door should have been drowned out by a barking dog. A trailer park in the middle of Enchanted Oaks, a place that clearly looks like a very nice district, seems really out of place. Newspaper reports state that Jason was on a "business trip and visiting his parents" in the Brevard area. I don't know how much credibility we should give to this "friend" of Jason's. Although the info is presented as protecting Jason, how would this friend know tiny details about dogs scratching at the door? If they were that close, the friend would have been asked to keep all information confidential. If they're not that close, then the "friend" is probably just repeating rumour.

I understand what you're saying about the trailer park, but if it's that far away, why was Jason or Michelle going all the way through the forest to argue with people living in a trailer park. I'm having a hard time putting the "friend" rumours together with the rest of the information. It has been suggested that the Young's bought their house in the Spring and didn't realize there was a trailer park at the end of their property. Michelle is a financial analyst, yet we are supposed to belief she didn't check out the neighbourhood before purchasing the nearly $400k property? It's not making sense for me.
These are all excellent points, otto, regarding the trailer park.

I think a disinformation campaign is going on- compliments of Jason's "friend(s)".

I have an especially hard time with anyone saying a murdered pregnant woman was having an affair- especially when it's a "friend" or "relative" of the not-yet-cleared husband! :doh:

Masissy said:
I agree. In the article that Wudfudge posted stated that "Jason Young bloomed late, and it took him awhile to settle on the idea of marriage, Fussell said. Michelle, as usual, knew just what she wanted. Family was at the top of the list, Fussell said." Sounds all too familiar. Scott hid and fed off of Laci's personality, therefore fooling everyone around him into thinking he was a nice guy.
I got the same impression after seeing pictures of them together.
Masissy said:

Read here on page 3 2nd post down that Michelle had a doctor's appointment on Friday and that Jason called her twice getting her voicemail....
Masissy - hello !

This post by the "friend" really shows some glaring inconsistencies however.
Matters of convenience:

Husband away on business trip when wife is killed. (Sure it happens)

Wife is killed pressumably between midnight and 6 am. Wife is not expected to be at work on Friday as she works flex time and it is her custom to not work on Fridays - work would not miss her if she did not show up. (Very convenient timing for her to be killed)

Fax to be sent to home for husband while he is away, but doesn't want wife to see it. He needs someone to go get it and possibly hide it. Supposedly the fax is about a purse for an anniversary present but the anniversary was actually the month before. (Duh - why allow it to be sent in the first place when you are not able to receive it)

Friend claims wife had Drs appointment in AM so no need for husband to worry about getting voicemail, 2 times he supposedly called, not worried about the wife but worried enough about a fax to get someone to go get it. ( No need to worry excuse provided and Ooops SIL finds body while hubby is definitely not near home)

After business meeting, skip out of work for the rest of the day and go visit parents 5 hours from crime scene. way to work hard for that NEW employer.

Anyone see some other convenient matters ? All of the above could individually be totally innocent but are they collectively? Perhaps I should sue Scott Peterson - I am obviously jaded as a result of following his case:crazy:
raisincharlie said:
Masissy - hello !

This post by the "friend" really shows some glaring inconsistencies however.
Matters of convenience:

Husband away on business trip when wife is killed. (Sure it happens)

Wife is killed pressumably between midnight and 6 am. Wife is not expected to be at work on Friday as she works flex time and it is her custom to not work on Fridays - work would not miss her if she did not show up. (Very convenient timing for her to be killed)

Fax to be sent to home for husband while he is away, but doesn't want wife to see it. He needs someone to go get it and possibly hide it. Supposedly the fax is about a purse for an anniversary present but the anniversary was actually the month before. (Duh - why allow it to be sent in the first place when you are not able to receive it)

Friend claims wife had Drs appointment in AM so no need for husband to worry about getting voicemail, 2 times he supposedly called, not worried about the wife but worried enough about a fax to get someone to go get it. ( No need to worry excuse provided and Ooops SIL finds body while hubby is definitely not near home)

After business meeting, skip out of work for the rest of the day and go visit parents 5 hours from crime scene. way to work hard for that NEW employer.

Anyone see some other convenient matters ? All of the above could individually be totally innocent but are they collectively? Perhaps I should sue Scott Peterson - I am obviously jaded as a result of following his case:crazy:
EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT points your bring out charlie.

Bolded info is so true. I sure have my guard up now when I hear things like this happening.
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