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IIRC from previous postings, Anna would have been able to tell someone her full name. However, if she were taken to an orphange or children's home, there is no telling what kind of story was given upon her admittance, to her or to her potential caregivers. The photo thing is a great idea and the best way to go with this I think.
I doubt LE would have checked children's homes for missing children back in those days, but don't know for sure.

ETA: That quote did something strange. I was quoting Ozziemum, but it shows up as Pink. But you can all see what I mean.

Hi Raindrops,

If you look at my post, I must must have left part of Pinks quote in there and and that is probably why it came up as Pink and not me. Sorry, was in a hurry before I went to work.
Hi Raindrops,

If you look at my post, I must must have left part of Pinks quote in there and and that is probably why it came up as Pink and not me. Sorry, was in a hurry before I went to work.

Did it again :banghead:

Has anyone checked out Megan's Law Sex Offender site?

There is an older man listed, I haven't gone thru the entire list yet. Wondering how long this man has lived in HMB?

http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/cgi/prosoma.dll?searchby=CountyList&SelectCounty=SAN MATEO&SB=0&PageNo=4

If link doesn't work, select county and enter.

More Info Specific address not subject to disclosure HALF MOON BAY 94019 SAN MATEO

I went through the whole list. There were actually several men from Half Moon Bay and at least one from Pescadero, which is only a few miles south of where we lived. I don't know quite what to do with this information. I suspected that some of the names on the list were there because in their culture they marry very very young. Others were just plain scary.
I went through the whole list. There were actually several men from Half Moon Bay and at least one from Pescadero, which is only a few miles south of where we lived. I don't know quite what to do with this information. I suspected that some of the names on the list were there because in their culture they marry very very young. Others were just plain scary.

Hi Annasmom,

Well, I have been thinking of other avenues and just wondered if possibly a sex offender, typically an older one 'may' have been around in '73, I have doubts about it tho, but leaning towards no stone unturned. Think Phil Garrido.

Hugs! SKick. XOX
Hi there,

I'm relatively new to WS and stumbled into this forum on Anna and am trying to catch up on the years of information here. I'm curious to know if anyone has asked the forensic astrologers here at WS to perhaps take a look at this case? I don't know anything about forensic astrology apart from how amazed I am by their findings, but I don't know if readings can be done for events that took place so long ago. Or perhaps this has already come up before and I haven't seen it yet.

To the family and those assisting with the search for Anna, I'm so touched and impressed by your perseverance. I'm still reading posts from 2006 and don't know what, if any, recent developments I've not yet read, but just know I am in awe of you and hope you will one day be reunited with Anna. I will continue reading...
Hi there,

I'm relatively new to WS and stumbled into this forum on Anna and am trying to catch up on the years of information here. I'm curious to know if anyone has asked the forensic astrologers here at WS to perhaps take a look at this case? I don't know anything about forensic astrology apart from how amazed I am by their findings, but I don't know if readings can be done for events that took place so long ago. Or perhaps this has already come up before and I haven't seen it yet...
Welcome, Snowball58, and thank you for your kind words. There is a summary of Anna's case on www.searchingforanna.com if that will help you catch up. The forensic astrologers did in fact do a reading on Anna, one of perhaps twenty readings we have had, all of them with widely varying interpretations. Since there didn't seem to be any agreement among these readings, we weren't really able to make anything of them. We always welcome a fresh approach to the search, so we'll look forward to your comments.
Is the info here on WS somewhere? I've searched but haven't found it yet. I'm curious about it.

I am still in 2006 WS postings, but have read the summary of Anna's case on searchingforanna.com and will pick up your book as well. I feel that the mail lady's daughter hearing the rustling and instinctively believing it was a person (rather than an animal) I feel is very relevant. My feeling is perhaps someone was at the treeline and beckoned to Anna and abducted her on foot. Perhaps tricking her into going along (help me search for my lost puppy, I have something in my car for you, etc.) though I know her brother mentioned the kids were well aware to not go with strangers, Anna was a young child and if the abductor was a woman, she may have been trusting without her brothers there to intervene.

I believe the same couple that tried to lure her into the car are the likely abductors. Children are more trusting of women. Perhaps the woman led her on foot to a vehicle driven by the man, waiting for them out of sight. Not sure whether I think the George's were ultimately directing this whole thing - the report of a young and old man in a van (is that right? Did either George own a van? Am I remembering the vehicle wrong?) is certainly compelling. Like they were out there casing out the place.

Apologies if these questions have been answered before, but did anyone ever show a photo of either (or both) George to the person who saw the two men in the vehicle, to try and ID them?
Is the info here on WS somewhere? I've searched but haven't found it yet. I'm curious about it.

I am still in 2006 WS postings, but have read the summary of Anna's case on searchingforanna.com and will pick up your book as well. I feel that the mail lady's daughter hearing the rustling and instinctively believing it was a person (rather than an animal) I feel is very relevant. My feeling is perhaps someone was at the treeline and beckoned to Anna and abducted her on foot. Perhaps tricking her into going along (help me search for my lost puppy, I have something in my car for you, etc.) though I know her brother mentioned the kids were well aware to not go with strangers, Anna was a young child and if the abductor was a woman, she may have been trusting without her brothers there to intervene.

I believe the same couple that tried to lure her into the car are the likely abductors. Children are more trusting of women. Perhaps the woman led her on foot to a vehicle driven by the man, waiting for them out of sight. Not sure whether I think the George's were ultimately directing this whole thing - the report of a young and old man in a van (is that right? Did either George own a van? Am I remembering the vehicle wrong?) is certainly compelling. Like they were out there casing out the place.

Apologies if these questions have been answered before, but did anyone ever show a photo of either (or both) George to the person who saw the two men in the vehicle, to try and ID them?

I think you'd have to go to the forensic astrology threads to see that reading...we may have a link to it somewhere on these pages, but I'm not sure where. I agree with you about the mail person's daughter. She said that when she heard the rustling sound (this was before police were on site) her first thought was that "someone was stealing something". The Georges did not own a van as far as I know (GB didn't drive) and the carpenter who saw the van--the last person to see Anna--was not shown their photos. He has, however, since that time been in contact with DrDoogie and I don't know if he could give much of a description after only a fleeting glance so long ago. Very good thought, however.
I've been to Peoples Temple websites and Synanon websites to try and rule out any connection to Anna. Of course I know I couldn't have possibly seen every picture, of every individual, but in the thousands I did look at, I didn't see anyone that closely resembled Anna. This actually made me very happy!! I didn't want to think of sweet Anna in either of those situations.

I still think the two Georges had the motivation, means and opportunity to pull this off and that they sent Anna overseas to prevent the ability for her to return home. By the time she would have learned enough of a new language to explain her plight, she may have forgotten enough details to be able to tell anyone enough to help her. There is also a strong possibility that the adoptive family knew the true situation.

I don't think GW was cruel and wanted her to suffer,(even though it was and I'm sure she did emotionally), but more, he had an indifference and ability to disassociate with Anna, thereby managing to remove his "obstacle" while assuring himself she would be well cared for.

You know, living in the tenderloin district I don't think it would have been difficult at all to get a forged passport and birth certificate for Anna. This could explain a way to have gotten her into another country.

I am continually amazed at how many outstanding ideas and wonderful research is on the Anna threads! I love coming here and experiencing the love and determination that AnnasMom and the rest of you bring to the case!! I know that this theory has been talked about extensively, but I never saw mention of the possibility of forged documents, just of GW "legally" altering Annas identity. It gave me hope when my light bulb flashed on and I thought of this possibility!
You know, living in the tenderloin district I don't think it would have been difficult at all to get a forged passport and birth certificate for Anna. This could explain a way to have gotten her into another country.

I am continually amazed at how many outstanding ideas and wonderful research is on the Anna threads! I love coming here and experiencing the love and determination that AnnasMom and the rest of you bring to the case!! I know that this theory has been talked about extensively, but I never saw mention of the possibility of forged documents, just of GW "legally" altering Annas identity. It gave me hope when my light bulb flashed on and I thought of this possibility!

Detective Jim Gilletti, who has been on Anna's case the past several years, just informed me that the State Department did a search from 1967 to the present to see if a passport had been issued in Anna's name, and they found nothing. I was pleased that this request (which had been channeled through our local congresswoman's office) had been passed along and acted upon, though it seemed to take a lot of time. And of course this makes your suggestion of forged documents a greater possibility.
Annasmom, I am happy that you finally got an answer to the question of whether or not there was a legal passport issued!! That did seem to take forever!
Annasmom, I am happy that you finally got an answer to the question of whether or not there was a legal passport issued!! That did seem to take forever!

Finally! Yes, that was a long wait, but glad to finally have an answer. XXOO all.... yes, I am back. will update shortly. Trying to catch up right now.

I want to say THANK YOU to Annasmom for assisting me in getting back online! what an unexpected surprise. I'm back, needing to catch up.... but like I said to Annasmom, something about Anna's case ( and Websleuths) is like the great arts of the world. For Annasmom, it is music, for me, it is painting.... and I am not that great, but the brush stroke, is like the music that comes from the soul..... and where ever that seed is planted in us, somehow, it all meets where it belongs. The music that is heard as far as the ear will hear, and the sights as far as the eye will see.... stars, sounds, to me, that is Anna, as well as all of you.

So thank you, Annasmom, I can't say enough....other than the big grin.... and enough left over for a book. So Mom, where should we send the next donated book? You pick and let me know.....

Finally! Yes, that was a long wait, but glad to finally have an answer. XXOO all.... yes, I am back. will update shortly. Trying to catch up right now.

I want to say THANK YOU to Annasmom for assisting me in getting back online! what an unexpected surprise. I'm back, needing to catch up.... but like I said to Annasmom, something about Anna's case ( and Websleuths) is like the great arts of the world. For Annasmom, it is music, for me, it is painting.... and I am not that great, but the brush stroke, is like the music that comes from the soul..... and where ever that seed is planted in us, somehow, it all meets where it belongs. The music that is heard as far as the ear will hear, and the sights as far as the eye will see.... stars, sounds, to me, that is Anna, as well as all of you.

So thank you, Annasmom, I can't say enough....other than the big grin.... and enough left over for a book. So Mom, where should we send the next donated book? You pick and let me know.....


It is WONDERFUL to have you back on line!!! And I leave it up to you entirely where to send the book.
Just a small thing but I am going to (when i figure out how) put a picture of Anna on my facebook profile/home page. Nancy sent me the age advanced photo so i will ad links, only thing i could think of to promote her story and get her image to more people. Hope this is OK with Annasmom.
Just a small thing but I am going to (when i figure out how) put a picture of Anna on my facebook profile/home page. Nancy sent me the age advanced photo so i will ad links, only thing i could think of to promote her story and get her image to more people. Hope this is OK with Annasmom.
Yes, certainly. Thank you.
I don't know where to put this information. I have a copy of a "Who's Who among students in American Junior colleges for 1995. It is a wealth of information. It is for all USA students that made the list in 1995, it included, name, DOB, parents, even if they remarried, degrees, and employment. There is a site (you have to pay or join ) called the Marquis Who's who and it goes back to 1889 I believe. So I don't know if that is a resource you can use or not, but with the Georges going to college or living in other States and the friends that are in nursing, you may be able to find something there.
eBay has year book all the way back to 1916 on the first page. I found one for 1995 Pacifica High school CA. That may be another place to search.

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