Missing cell phones

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Maybe she does know who answered and that is between her and LE and her only way of explaining this to national tv is that she doesn't know who answered it.

I know she isn't saying that in a court of law but that would be a dangerous thing for LE to allow her to say that... because then she would have "lied" publicly..(must stop refreshing and go do something else!)
I like green lights and pink hair! :innocent::woohoo:
Is it possible DB was having an affair with Jersey. JI called MW looking for Jersey and DB? Maybe he came home and DB was gone so he called MW looking for Jersey thinking DB was with him??
OT but I think the reason this interview along with the press tour of the house scheduled for yesterday were cancelled is because Cyndy Short, the local attorney representing little Lisa’s parents has been taken off the case.

From the same link as video about phone call.

But which came first?? Was Short in support of the boys being interviewed so she had to go? Or did she go----- which led to no interview??

Is the cart before the horse here? :crazy:
What about smart phones like Blackberrys and IPhones?

I've got a feeling that we're dealing with Blackberry phones here for some reason. I think that a phone carrier would replace just a regular broken cell phone but they usually charge to to fix or replace a Blackberry or other smart phone. Mind you, I'm in Canada so it might be entirely different in the US.


Nope, husband has a Verizon Blackberry, no sim card. The only Blackberry I had with sprint was a nextel and it did need a sim card, but I doubt they even MAKE those kinds of Blackberry phones anymore.

Here, if she wasn't renewing her contract she wouldn't get a new phone. And I'm not sure she could get a free phone with nonpayment of her bill anyways. (moo)

ETA I am not sure about the new Sprint iPhone 4S but those were not on Sprint at the time, so she couldn't have had one... moot point.
I wonder if the phone pocket dialed at the time they were being destroyed, maybe a triangulation will determine where that could have happened, personally, I think everything is at the bottom 0f the river. I wonder why MW wants to involve herself in all this, unless LE has just contacted her and she wants to make the most of her 15 mins. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense...JMO
Guys the rules is always if someone goes public you can discuss what they say. But you cannot sleuth them OK. No names only initials unless this turns out to be more than it is. The moderators will let you know when things loosen up about her if they do.

Good Golly Miss Molly I just knew something was up with these phones. Stay tuned for more phone information after the train derails.
It's apparently been confirmed the call went to voice mail so I don't see a need to speculate on her saying "I dont know who answered it" when her comment was taken out of context.

But do we know if her comment was taken out of context or she just screwed up and accidentally admitted that on TV. I am sure once again there is a reason why she was interview 4x. JMO but people slip up when they get nervous and she sounded very nervous and I dont mean that in a guilty way, because it seriously could be either way, innocent or guilty but she slipped up. Its just now finding out if her slip up was the truth or not.
Maybe she does know who answered and that is between her and LE and her only way of explaining this to national tv is that she doesn't know who answered it.

If she has to testify about it the discrepancy between her statements to LE and to national tv (if any) could get her impeached.
I wonder if the phone pocket dialed at the time they were being destroyed, maybe a triangulation will determine where that could have happened, personally, I think everything is at the bottom 0f the river. I wonder why MW wants to involve herself in all this, unless LE has just contacted her and she wants to make the most of her 15 mins. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense...JMO

I dont think right now, she is looking for her 15 minutes, she said that LE questioned her 4x now, so they have been talking to her for a while IMO. We are just hearing about this now.. God I wish an arrest would happen.
When people hold an opinion, they tend to seek out and attend only to the evidence that will support the conclusion they've already reached.

This is something I learned when studying about Confirmation Bias and it seems we've seen this proven in little Lisa's case. I'm not saying that YOU are doing this, just that your question made me think of it. I personally want to believe that little Lisa's parents loved her and would never have harmed her. IOW, I am on the fence but perhaps I am the last one! :)

THANK YOU! That's so true. When you start from a conclusion and make all the new information fit into that conclusion, rather than putting all the pieces on the table and looking where that leads you - that's not how to come up with the truth.

I am still reeling that this woman is allowed to say she received a call from the Irwin's phone and she doesn't know who answered it. Why is she allowed to say that? ?? REALLY?
Um hm. Actually, though, you wouldn't have to dial the area code. Dialing 7 random numbers and then "send" would call the number in the same area code automatically. If there was that such number within that area code.

The odds of that happening approach zero, as they say. Occam's razor.

Somebody, whoever or for whatever reason, dialed that number with their fingers.


This is not true in all areas. Where I live, if you don't include the area code the call doesn't go through, you get a recording reminding you to enter the area code. MOO
I'm curious to know why she chose to come forward. Why subject yourself to the media circus?

Could be to clear up the misinformation about phones having no service. Some people care about details like that and are willing to speak up. moo

IMO, I think she may have misspoke about not knowing who answered her phone. Perhaps she meant she didn't know who called. Again, moo.
But do we know if her comment was taken out of context or she just screwed up and accidentally admitted that on TV. I am sure once again there is a reason why she was interview 4x. JMO but people slip up when they get nervous and she sounded very nervous and I dont mean that in a guilty way, because it seriously could be either way, innocent or guilty but she slipped up. Its just now finding out if her slip up was the truth or not.

LE can determine if this was an answered call vs a voice mail, sure...
ITA - How would she NOT KNOW who answered her phone? According to what's been reported IT WASN'T ANSWERED! It went to voice mail - correct? So why even say "I don't know who answered it?" Odd statement to make. Nothing has been reported that the phone was answered. Nothing - so why say that?

LE has interviewed her FOUR times. Probably questions like "where were you?" "do you know so and so, or this one, or that one?"

Very odd.


She herself said it was answered. "I don't know who answered it or what was said".
The cell phones make me nuts and have from the start..they are the key to all of this (imo) Scenerio 1. has me thinking DB made a text/call had to get rid of them because of that.. 2. has me thinking one of the boys did BUT as I think about one of the boys making a call, all kids are taught to call 911 in an emergency (it would be interesting to know if the MK call number is close to Dad's cell, but as I think on THAT, it would be on speed dial right? (grrr) so why would it be a misdial OR since DB was reprogramming child needed to use memory and misdialed??...3. intruder DID take the phones and misdialed BECAUSE they had to use the phone to call from memory as it was not their own phone... (I do not believe that an intruder took Lisa) 4. I think too much :/

I think if the number was mis-dialed there would be another call following that one to another number. Unless something happened right away to the phone.
IMO, she didn't have possession of her phone. Whoever had it, either answered it or the call went to voice mail and deleted. If she had call display on her phone, it will show who called the phone. If it was sent to voice mail the message may have been deleted.

In other words, she knows there was a call but no idea if it was answered or went to voice mail. She should know who had the phone though. If it's her ex or not.

Hope that makes sense. :crazy:

Parents kill their children for all kinds of stupid reasons, and when alcohol is in the mix...

Below are my personal musings on the question. It's not a fact, and I don't intend to come across like it happened like this. But here's my rambling.
Ok, someone please help me out here. I am terribly confused (which is nothing unusual).

Some of you are opining that DB found out that JI had a girlfriend or was running around on her and then snapped and did "something" to baby Lisa. Why would she take her anger out on her 10-month-old baby, instead of on the person who (in her mind) actually deserved it - JI?

I haven't followed this thread that much, so maybe I have missed a lot.

I really want to know why you think this. Thank you.
Well, I don't think this is what happened, but I can perhaps explain why some believe it's possible, IF DB in fact harmed Lisa intentionally.

Lisa was their only child together, the tangible link between the two of them. The glue. DB is drunk. JI is supposed to be working and estimated he'd be home by 10:30 or so, but it's now going on midnight. DB becomes angry and jealous. JI is late. Very late. Where is that son of a...? DB's no longer thinking rationally - Lisa starts to cry and DB just wants her to shut up, and in her irrational state, she begins to blame Lisa for not bringing her and JI together like Lisa's birth was supposed to have done.

In a rage, DB takes it out on Lisa.
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