Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #9

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I've often
wondered if this is why the McCall family named their website, "One Missing Link", because possibly a lot of the links are known, but are missing the small link required to bring charges against a person or persons. JMO
That would be great but usually the mythic "missing link" spoken of by cops and the press is the perpetrator needing to confess, because time's passing and nothing is coming together. As here.
It was an analogy. Who had the most pressing need with the upcoming trial that would be plastered all over the front pages? With the women gone all the emphasis was on finding the women not on the sensational trial about grave robbing.

It is merely a theory that to my knowledge has not been explored previously.

To murder these women took a cold blooded killer or killers without remorse. That is obvious.
I thought you had completely ruled this scenario out?
It was an analogy. Who had the most pressing need with the upcoming trial that would be plastered all over the front pages? With the women gone all the emphasis was on finding the women not on the sensational trial about grave robbing.

It is merely a theory that to my knowledge has not been explored previously.

To murder these women took a cold blooded killer or killers without remorse. That is obvious.
I thought you had definitively ruled out the graverobbers??!!
Sorry for the double post above. Site keeps crashing when I try ro post/edit and I’m giving up.
Are people so connected in this case that it's basically the opposite of strangers on a train. Still as confusing, because everyone is connected even if it's a degree or two separation.

The obvious motive is wanting not to be in a big public trial where all kinds of dirty linen would be aired. Who wants to do hard time in prison?

DR was represented by a very well known and expensive criminal attorney, Jack Yokum, now deceased. I believe that MC fled town and consequently did a short time in Hotel Graybar.

I don’t know anyone who believes they were the actual perps. But they associated or were alleged to associate with people who went or were related so far as to kill, dismember and burn bodies and then scatter the remains in a nearby creek. At least three people and as many as six if including close family. But that doesn’t apply to this crime except it was over a dispute about drugs.

It may not have been a quid pro quo but a favor by someone to remove a possible threat to their friends or themselves. I suspect that drugs, in particular cocaine was likely to come out at trial and it could have been someone high up the food chain. I want to emphasize that I have heard this more than once.

All I was trying to convey is that a motiveless crime by the obvious suspects would be hard to prove.

I may be wrong but I am probably the only person here to have communicated directly with MC, BS, and SG. The latter two many times.

There has been a lot of dispute about whether SG was an actual member of the Galloping Gooses. I’m not going to argue about that because I don’t know for a fact.

For reasons that elude me that is a major source of controversy. Suffice it to say, it has been alleged that motorcycle gangs have been known to have engaged in illicit drugs.

That seems to be the best motive I can think of at this time but I’ve seen no credible evidence that any of the obvious immediate suspects were dealing cocaine.

To my knowledge DR has not spoken publicly about this crime since 1992. I would dearly love to hear what he has to say about it.
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The obvious motive is wanting not to be in a big public trial where all kinds of dirty linen would be aired. Who wants to do hard time in prison?
DR was represented by a very well known and expensive criminal attorney, Jack Yokum, now deceased. I believe that MC fled town and consequently did a short time in Hotel Graybar.

I don’t know anyone who believes they were the actual perps. But they associated or were alleged to associate with people who went so far as to kill, dismember and burn bodies and then scatter the remains in a nearby creek. At least three people and as many as six if including close family. But that doesn’t apply to this crime except it was over a dispute about drugs.

It may not have been a quid pro quo but a favor by someone to remove a possible threat to their friends or themselves. I suspect that drugs, in particular cocaine was likely to come out at trial and it could have been someone high up the food chain. I want to emphasize that I have heard this more than once.

All I was trying to convey is that a motiveless crime by the obvious suspects would be hard to prove.

I may be wrong but I am probably the only person here to have communicated directly with MC, BS, and SG. The latter two many times.

There has been a lot of dispute about whether SG was an actual member of the Galloping Gooses. I’m not going to argue about that because I don’t know for a fact.

For reasons that elude me that is a major source of controversy. Suffice it to say, it has been alleged that motorcycle gangs have been known to have engaged in illicit drugs.
That seems to be the best motive I can think of at this time but I’ve seen no credible evidence that any of the obvious immediate suspects were dealing cocaine.

To my knowledge DR has not spoken publicly about this crime since 1992. I would dearly love to hear what he has to say about it.

Motorcycle clubs have been known to make women disappear. In PA Robert Nauss Jr. a member of the Warlocks MC got convicted of killing his girlfriend Elizabeth Lande, I don't think they have found her body to this day. He also escaped from prison and was found in Michigan. There were girls that disappeared in the 70's and later were found in the Tinicum Marsh. Some girls went to the local mall or down the street and never came back and weren't all found. Nauss was charged for a murder without a body even though he was suspected of other crimes like dealing drugs and rape. If the Gooses were around at the time they went missing it's something that shouldn't be ruled out. It doesn't even have to involve a the one guy.
I thought you had definitively ruled out the graverobbers??!!

I have, but being faced with a public trial may have expressed frustration to some who thought they may have been mentioned or their drug dealings brought up during a trial. One of the three has been alleged to be “blabbing” all over town about their activities. He was allegedly the one brought back from Illinois and “cleared” as his alibi was he was not in town at the town.

He, I believe, actually changed his name to his mother’s maiden name and has kept a very low profile since that time.

So we have two of the three who are keeping quiet for the past 26 years. This suggests they may believe the actual killers are on the loose. They may not even know who the actual killers are. This is also a concern, as I have been told, that one of the early posters has also kept a low profile. If professional killers were brought in, they could be anyone or anywhere.

We should consider, I think, that two of the “Grand Jury 3” were locked away until fairly recently. Only one remains as of this time to be incarcerated on a rape conviction. The third one, to my knowledge, is currently on the street but that may be old information.

My personal opinion and it is only an opinion is none of the three “GJ3” were involved but they were on the street when the women went missing and, I believe, were the prime suspects investigated by the grand jury. The grand jury no-billed the case for lack of sufficient evidence so far as I know.

Evidently it was so thin that the prosecuting attorney expressed frustration some four years later that he wanted to essentially to go back to ground zero even to the point of reinvestigating the waitress business at George’s. He said, I believe, that he wanted the three unidentified males seen with the three women believed by the waitress to be the abducted women allegedly seen at the restaurant found and questioned.

He also was seemingly unhappy with the former chief. Oddly enough he said, I believe, that there was no lead investigator to check with. I have always found that rather odd.
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The obvious motive is wanting not to be in a big public trial where all kinds of dirty linen would be aired. Who wants to do hard time in prison?

DR was represented by a very well known and expensive criminal attorney, Jack Yokum, now deceased. I believe that MC fled town and consequently did a short time in Hotel Graybar.

I don’t know anyone who believes they were the actual perps. But they associated or were alleged to associate with people who went or were related so far as to kill, dismember and burn bodies and then scatter the remains in a nearby creek. At least three people and as many as six if including close family. But that doesn’t apply to this crime except it was over a dispute about drugs.

It may not have been a quid pro quo but a favor by someone to remove a possible threat to their friends or themselves. I suspect that drugs, in particular cocaine was likely to come out at trial and it could have been someone high up the food chain. I want to emphasize that I have heard this more than once.

All I was trying to convey is that a motiveless crime by the obvious suspects would be hard to prove.

I may be wrong but I am probably the only person here to have communicated directly with MC, BS, and SG. The latter two many times.

There has been a lot of dispute about whether SG was an actual member of the Galloping Gooses. I’m not going to argue about that because I don’t know for a fact.

For reasons that elude me that is a major source of controversy. Suffice it to say, it has been alleged that motorcycle gangs have been known to have engaged in illicit drugs.

That seems to be the best motive I can think of at this time but I’ve seen no credible evidence that any of the obvious immediate suspects were dealing cocaine.

To my knowledge DR has not spoken publicly about this crime since 1992. I would dearly love to hear what he has to say about it.

thank you mm for being clearer and decisive in your post..

and I agree with cherrymeg its great to look at these things again with a new perspective.

we are all actually on the same team.

it just stands to reason, 3 women were abducted and snuffed out. it had to be to somebodys benefit.
this makes a random intruder option most unlikely.
The obvious motive is wanting not to be in a big public trial where all kinds of dirty linen would be aired. Who wants to do hard time in prison?

DR was represented by a very well known and expensive criminal attorney, Jack Yokum, now deceased. I believe that MC fled town and consequently did a short time in Hotel Graybar.

I don’t know anyone who believes they were the actual perps. But they associated or were alleged to associate with people who went or were related so far as to kill, dismember and burn bodies and then scatter the remains in a nearby creek. At least three people and as many as six if including close family. But that doesn’t apply to this crime except it was over a dispute about drugs.

It may not have been a quid pro quo but a favor by someone to remove a possible threat to their friends or themselves. I suspect that drugs, in particular cocaine was likely to come out at trial and it could have been someone high up the food chain. I want to emphasize that I have heard this more than once.

All I was trying to convey is that a motiveless crime by the obvious suspects would be hard to prove.

I may be wrong but I am probably the only person here to have communicated directly with MC, BS, and SG. The latter two many times.

There has been a lot of dispute about whether SG was an actual member of the Galloping Gooses. I’m not going to argue about that because I don’t know for a fact.

For reasons that elude me that is a major source of controversy. Suffice it to say, it has been alleged that motorcycle gangs have been known to have engaged in illicit drugs.

That seems to be the best motive I can think of at this time but I’ve seen no credible evidence that any of the obvious immediate suspects were dealing cocaine.

To my knowledge DR has not spoken publicly about this crime since 1992. I would dearly love to hear what he has to say about it.
Lets keep the facts of that case factual and accurate here.

It wasn't a dispute over Drugs that got those two people killed MM.
According to the new's reports, they had been there to purchase drugs, however, the murder's happene because the man that was at Francis Robbs house Slapped Robbs son after his son mouthed off to the man.

And then FR shot him for doing it, along with the female that was with him, who tried to run away, after the man was shot. But Robb chased her down and shot her too, and then burned the bodies, fed some to the hogs and scattered the rest of the remains and ashes through out the county on back country roads.
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Lets keep the facts of that case factual and accurate here.

It wasn't a dispute over Drugs that got those two people killed MM.
According to the new's reports, they had been there to purchase drugs, however, the murder's happene because the man that was at Francis Robbs house Slapped Robbs son after his son mouthed off to the man.

And then FR shot him for doing it, along with the female that was with him, who tried to run away, after the man was shot. But Robb chased her down and shot her too, and then burned the bodies, fed some to the hogs and scattered the rest of the remains and ashes through out the county on back country roads.

I don’t claim to be an expert on the Robb’s. I was unaware of these particular facts. Thank you for clarifying what actually happened,
I have, but being faced with a public trial may have expressed frustration to some who thought they may have been mentioned or their drug dealings brought up during a trial. One of the three has been alleged to be “blabbing” all over town about their activities. He was allegedly the one brought back from Illinois and “cleared” as his alibi was he was not in town at the town.

He, I believe, actually changed his name to his mother’s maiden name and has kept a very low profile since that time.

So we have two of the three who are keeping quiet for the past 26 years. This suggests they may believe the actual killers are on the loose. They may not even know who the actual killers are. This is also a concern, as I have been told, that one of the early posters has also kept a low profile. If professional killers were brought in, they could be anyone or anywhere.

We should consider, I think, that two of the “Grand Jury 3” were locked away until fairly recently. Only one remains as of this time to be incarcerated on a rape conviction. The third one, to my knowledge, is currently on the street but that may be old information.

My personal opinion and it is only an opinion is none of the three “GJ3” were involved but they were on the street when the women went missing and, I believe, were the prime suspects investigated by the grand jury. The grand jury no-billed the case for lack of sufficient evidence so far as I know.

Evidently it was so thin that the prosecuting attorney expressed frustration some four years later that he wanted to essentially to go back to ground zero even to the point of reinvestigating the waitress business at George’s. He said, I believe, that he wanted the three unidentified males seen with the three women believed by the waitress to be the abducted women allegedly seen at the restaurant found and questioned.

He also was seemingly unhappy with the former chief. Oddly enough he said, I believe, that there was no lead investigator to check with. I have always found that rather odd.
So you are re-entering the graverobbers as valid suspects/involved/beneficiaries ? Just clarifying. Thanks.
What might be the reason that, if the police do know more than they've told so far, they still resist establishing any real degree of transparency, over a quarter of a century on?

(Other than "It's still an open case and thus [et effing c. et effing c.]" I mean, man, COME ON.)
oops.....posted twice
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