"Mistatements" and/or Lies by Cindy & George

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5 Q Now, all these people -- again, we're talking
6 about the time period when your granddaughter was from an
7 infant through being a toddler, of all these people,
8 though, they were all people that you could reach out to
9 and get ahold of if necessary; is that fair to say? If
10 something happened and something happened to either you
11 or your husband --
12 A No, that's not true. I never had Jesse
13 Grund's cell phone number. I never had Richard Grund's
14 cell phone number. I do not know where they lived. I
15 never went to their house. So, no, that's not correct.

Didn't CA call Jesse and have him over during the timeline calendar party?

* snipped*

I respectfully disagree that this is a lie/misstatement on CA’s part. Just because she had Jessee’s number when she called after Caylee went missing does not mean she necessarily had his number from the time Caylee was a baby until she was a toddler.

Caylee’s disappearance (and wishing to do the timeline or otherwise get info or help from him) certainly was reason enough for Cindy to obtain Jessee’s number, and she could have obtained it at that time.
Cadaver dogs are trained to hit on human decomposition, not animal. They will not hit on process meat regardless the origin. The dogs are trained by exposing them to gases that are emitted at certain stages of decomposition. The gases are specific to humans. Dogs that are not able to differentiate between human and animal are usually put to work in search and rescue missions. I say usually because I can only speak to what my friend knew of their dogs.

Bold by me. We train cadaver dogs using human decomposition, simple as that. It is sounding like certain gasses come in a container. Let me clarify, there are single purpose dogs and duel purpose dogs. Many SAR teams have dogs that are good in both because they are trained in both. When you go out on a SAR mission, sometimes you start out looking for a live person, but end up finding out they were already deceased.

My friend at the Trade Center had many finds, because he was working a duel trained dog, a dog that I played "victim" for many times and I can assure you I am not dead yet. :) SAR dogs are are not inferior or rejects from a cadaver program of some type, and I can assure you I have never seen this.

I am not familiar with dogs who cannot differentiate the smell of human from that of other scents. I have seen a dog or 2 who preferred the sent of lunch meat, :) but they were not certified dogs, and likely never would be. Sent discrimination just isn't that hard for dogs, the desire to work, or the intelligence to work can be.

Hope this helps.

15 A Actually, I had phone numbers for Zanny at
16 different times and I had addresses at different times.
17 Q Why don't you tell me the phone number.
18 A I don't have it now.
19 Q Where is it?
20 A I -- I don't have it now.
21 Q Where would it have been?
22 A Would have been in an address book, something
23 that Casey had or I had.
24 Q So when you say you had -- let me get this
25 straight. You had addresses and phone numbers of Zanny,
>Rough Draft - 23
1 and Zanny is -- your understanding -- when you're saying
2 Zanny, I want to make sure, Zanny is the person that you
3 were saying was watching --
4 A Casey always gave me a phone number, yes.
5 Q And these phone numbers, you're saying they
6 are in existence and you've written them down somewhere
7 in an address book and they're out there somewhere to be
8 found; is that right?
9 A I gave all that to the sheriff's department.
10 Q So then the sheriff's department will have all
11 that?
12 A I gave it all to the sheriff's department.
13 Q That will include the address of Zanny, of
14 this person?

Bold faced lie, because I can guarantee that LE would have been looking for ZFG at those locations instead of Kissimmee!


This is not necessarily a lie either, we don’t know whether LE was given these addresses/phone numbers or not.

For example, LE could have determined them to be false/made up addresses and then had no reason to attempt any further efforts (follow up) concerning the addresses/numbers.
Quote Carrie "This is not necessarily a lie either, we don’t know whether LE was given these addresses/phone numbers or not.

For example, LE could have determined them to be false/made up addresses and then had no reason to attempt any further efforts (follow up) concerning the addresses/numbers. "

I repectfully disagree. CA was either lying when she said she gave LE the address and phone numbers, or lying when she said Casey gave her the numbers. Even if LE found them to be false information, they would have investigated them to find out they were false.

12 Q And your husband was also working back in
13 2008; is that correct?
14 A Yes.
15 Q And what was his job, let's say, starting with
16 January through December 2008?
17 A You know, I can't remember. George has had a
18 couple jobs in 2008. I can't remember what he had.

Did we miss it when George was working? I thought the day caylee was reported missing was his first day of work?


Again, with all due respect :) , this is not necessarily a lie. George could have started a new job that day. She says he had more than one job in the past year.

I could disagree with most of the "misstaements /lies" identified in this post but I'm going to stop at these 3 examples.

I'm not trying to argue that Cindy is a truthful person or that she's not. My point is that if she is going to be called a liar, or quoted as having lied, it should be with examples that are actually lies.
* snipped*

I respectfully disagree that this is a lie/misstatement on CA’s part. Just because she had Jessee’s number when she called after Caylee went missing does not mean she necessarily had his number from the time Caylee was a baby until she was a toddler.

Caylee’s disappearance (and wishing to do the timeline or otherwise get info or help from him) certainly was reason enough for Cindy to obtain Jessee’s number, and she could have obtained it at that time.
I agree this is possible; however, it appears that CA can get whatever she wants if she puts her mind to it.
Quote Carrie "This is not necessarily a lie either, we don’t know whether LE was given these addresses/phone numbers or not.

For example, LE could have determined them to be false/made up addresses and then had no reason to attempt any further efforts (follow up) concerning the addresses/numbers. "

I repectfully disagree. CA was either lying when she said she gave LE the address and phone numbers, or lying when she said Casey gave her the numbers. Even if LE found them to be false information, they would have investigated them to find out they were false.

While it is possible that CA was lying, and , if that is your opinion, you are certainly entitled to it. However, my point is that what you've shown is not proof of a lie.

If LE had determined that they were fake addresses/numbers given by KC to CA, they would probably have stopped there because KC has apparently lied about so many things, why would this lie be significant? Why would it stand out as requiring further investigation?

That said, whether they would or wouldn't have investigated further is a moot point, because we do not know everything LE has investigated. Therefore, we cannot know whether CA gave them any addresses/phone numbers or not. Therefore, we cannot know, or logically conclude from the example you give, that CA is lying in this instance.

IOW - - Just because we believe LE only went to the address of the Zenaida that has filed the defamation suit (though I do not believe we know that for sure), that does not prove CA was lying when she said she had addresses and numbers KC had given her and that she, in turn, handed them over to LE.
Carrie. I appreciate your views on the examples I had posted. Its exactly what I was hoping to do with this thread, post my own personal examples and get others' feedback on them. Thanks for your honesty and candid approach.
Quote Carrie "This is not necessarily a lie either, we don’t know whether LE was given these addresses/phone numbers or not.

For example, LE could have determined them to be false/made up addresses and then had no reason to attempt any further efforts (follow up) concerning the addresses/numbers. "

I repectfully disagree. CA was either lying when she said she gave LE the address and phone numbers, or lying when she said Casey gave her the numbers. Even if LE found them to be false information, they would have investigated them to find out they were false.

And if the Anthony's thought for one moment that those addresses and/or phone numbers were viable they would have hounded LE to their death to make sure they followed up with them and the A's would know the outcome.
What I get from CA is if she didn't see it with her own eyes, it didn't happen. KWIM?

And even what she does see she has to embeliish, twist, and configure to suit the moment.
She actually thinks LE is the enemy and has stated as much several times. This is where her lies are going to catch up with her in the end.
She said to Morgan, You won't let me finish a sentence, just like "they did to Casey." [not a direct quote]
I think they both are "Get Smart" fans, and they really want to start every sentence with the phrase, "Would you believe!@"
AND Cindy tells him to basically BRING IT ON... WTF is that about?

You know my gut tells me that KC told Cindy that 'it'll be a cold day in hell b4 Cindy ever gets custody of Caylee, she'd rather kill her....' That then brought on the choking incident... and ultimately we know the rest of the story.

That is truly what I think what was said during the fight and ALL the A's KNEW that KC followed through & it's been cover up from then on.

My bold: I had a cold chill run down my spine at this point because Patsy Ramsey did the same thing during her interrogation! BTW - good theory!
I think they both are "Get Smart" fans, and they really want to start every sentence with the phrase, "Would you believe!@"

But they missed it by THAT much!
Alright, I finally, after much hunting found the part of the doc cump when Cindy states to the detectives searching her home that she had "her people walk the area, and there was nothing there" The link to that info is
I found it on page 7.

It is DIRECT disagreement with her statement in the depo

6 There came a point in time -- and we're into
7 the December time period now that police executed a
8 search warrant on your house. They came looking for
9 certain materials. Do you remember that in December?
10 A There's two search warrants in December, so
11 which one we talking about?
12 Q One or both. I just want to direct you to the
13 December time period to get your mind and memory there.
14 The police came and they executed -- they were looking
15 for certain materials and I don't know what but they came
16 and they executed the search warrant.
17 Did you ever tell one of the police officers
18 who executed the search warrant that you had sent someone
Page 110
19 to look in the woods around Suburban Drive --
20 A No, I did not.
21 Q -- back in -- let me get the question out
22 because I know you want to answer this.
23 Did you ever tell one of the investigators
24 that you had sent someone to look in the woods around
25 Suburban Drive back in November?
>Rough Draft - 132
1 A No, I did not.
2 Q That did not happen?
3 A That did not happen.
4 Q So if that's somewhere in one of the police
5 report, would you have issue with that?
6 A I would have huge issue with that.
7 Q And you would say that would be a falsity?
8 A That would be a bold faced lie.
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