Misty C. #2

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I'm still searching. The timeline of RC's departure from home to work, the time his shift began and ended, and his departure from work to home, to include the milage from work to home have all been sleuthed. It's just lost somewhere in these boards -sigh.

Kat, thank you..I'm relatively new to this board and still trying to learn to navigate..
I thought we read that he worked a 10 hour shift, starting at 4:30 till 3 with a 1/2 hour lunch.

Could very well be, but he stated at one point in earlier interivews he worked 12 hour shifts..
His pastor stated he said, he went to work and when he returned home after working for eight hours his daughter was gone...
Off Topic: I have never seen where Ronald stated he worked 12 hour shifts.

ON TOPIC: If Misty is guilty, I would think she should be showing signs to her new husband. Surely he would be able to pick up on something not being right with her. If he is involved, he has played it out fairly well so far.

ETA: Welcome to WS, Em!!
SS... I don't have a link.. I'm trying to find out..LE states he has a legitimate alibi for being at work for eight hours...If he worked an eight hour shift that night and got off at 3:00 am. I would assume his shift started at 7:00 pm the night before..

His alibi would only work depending on if an independent sighting of Haleigh was confirmed up until the time he left for work. For instance, if no one saw her after 5pm, then that leaves an hour and half that Ron could have done something to Haleigh.

ETA: And welcome to WS!
SS, you've probably already read this but I read this article just this morning.
This page or chapter is very interesting. I'll leave the link here in case anyone wants to take a look.


A few paragraphs down explains the different strategies used to probe for the truth.


Thank you for posting this. Below is snipped from your link. Holy cow, who does this sound like?

Two days after the carjacking, on Thursday, October 27, 1994, both David and Susan submitted to polygraph tests administered by the FBI. Susan and David each read and signed a form advising them of their Miranda rights, their right to remain silent, their right to an attorney, and their right to stop talking to investigators. David's test showed that he knew nothing about the disappearance of his sons. Susan's test was inconclusive. Susan's test showed that her greatest level of deception was when she was asked the question; "Do you know where your children are?" The investigators did not hide the results of her polygraph from Susan. Susan told David that she thought she had not done well on the test. She wasn't sure that she failed the test outright, but she told David that she thought the police might begin to doubt her story. This would be the first of many polygraph tests Susan was given. Each time Susan was interviewed, she was given a polygraph test. This would be the one and only polygraph test given to David.
In light of Misty walking out of an interview last week because the guy called her a liar for being inconsistent, this is an interesting comparison to Susan Smith:


Later in the day, when Susan was interviewed again by Agent Caldwell, she was confronted again by the inconsistencies in her story. Agent Caldwell demanded to know why Susan had not told the truth about Wal-Mart. Caldwell asked Susan about her children's fussiness and asked Susan, "is that why you killed them?" Susan slammed her fist on the table and said, "You son of a b——-! How can you think that!" Susan got up from her chair and left the office where the interview was taking place yelling, "I can't believe that you think I did it!"
What I am trying to convey is if he worked an eight hour shift that night and got off at 3:00 am he didn't go into work until 7:00pm..
He stated he picked Haleigh up from the bus stop, and she kissed him goodbye and told him she would see him when he got home from work.

Wonder what happened after he picked up Haleigh at the bus stop before he went into work at 7:00 pm?

I see what you mean Emeralgem, there is a span of time that needs to be accounted for. However, we have to remember there was another set of eyes in that trailer - Junior. Whatever happend to Haleigh had to happen after Junior was asleep or elsewhere. He would be a witness to anything that occured before Ron left for work.
Misty claims she put the kids to bed at 8. Junior would be aware of his missing sister if he was put to bed without her around.
I'm not sure I believe what Crystal says Junior repeated about "a man in black took sissy." If he saw that, he had to have been awake. And if he was awake, he probably would be afraid and woke Misty immediately.
But we have Misty claiming she awoke to use the bathroom and at that time discovered the kitchen light on, door proped open and little Haleigh not in her bed. She does not mention anuthing about Junior as far as I know.
I haven't heard much talk about Junior and if he was awakened and questioned after Ron was home. Or did they let him sleep? And if he did see his sister taken, would he be able to go back to sleep?
When you bring the element of Junior into the story, nothing adds up. He was there, no matter how old he is, he saw or heard something before going to bed and during the night.
Wish we knew more about the actions surrounding Junior. Anyone got anything more about Junior and what was explained by Ron and Misty as to what was going on with this child during all this? Share please.
Ronald said he knew nothing of the story that Crystal/Geraldo told of Rj and the mysterious man.
In light of Misty walking out of an interview last week because the guy called her a liar for being inconsistent, this is an interesting comparison to Susan Smith:


Later in the day, when Susan was interviewed again by Agent Caldwell, she was confronted again by the inconsistencies in her story. Agent Caldwell demanded to know why Susan had not told the truth about Wal-Mart. Caldwell asked Susan about her children's fussiness and asked Susan, "is that why you killed them?" Susan slammed her fist on the table and said, "You son of a b——-! How can you think that!" Susan got up from her chair and left the office where the interview was taking place yelling, "I can't believe that you think I did it!"
Yes. I caught it. Very familiar I must say...
Let's say that Haleigh was in the big bed with Jr and Misty. Haleigh by the door, Jr in the middle, Misty against the back wall. Somebody comes in and easily lifts Haleigh from the bed.
What if Ron normally came home from work and lifted Haleigh from the bed and placed her on the mattress on the floor. Haleigh would be used to that in her sleep and may not even wake. If Jr woke up slightly feeling Haleigh be moved, he would just think it is his daddy moving Haleigh.
Ronald said he knew nothing of the story that Crystal/Geraldo told of Rj and the mysterious man.

Jr could very well have been told by Misty or Ron not to talk about anything he might have seen. And maybe he told his mother anyway.
Jr could very well have been told by Misty or Ron not to talk about anything he might have seen. And maybe he told his mother anyway.
I think that would be stupid on their parts! They would want someone to believe there was a man who came in and took Haleigh if they were somehow involved. Altho, TN seemed to believe Rj did tell this story to LE and LE was aware of the situation.
I'm assuming this is OT but I know I heard him state that he worked a 12 hour shift in one of his earlier interviews.. I'm still looking for it..
I think that would be stupid on their parts! They would want someone to believe there was a man who came in and took Haleigh if they were somehow involved. Altho, TN seemed to believe Rj did tell this story to LE and LE was aware of the situation.

Bolded by me...........

Have they shown themselves to be anything other than stupid lately?
Ronald said he knew nothing of the story that Crystal/Geraldo told of Rj and the mysterious man.

Not only that, they appear to write it off as hogwash. Now if Ron was at work, and Misty was asleep and didn't see what happened, why do they quickly write off the possibility that a man in black took Haleigh? IMO, because they know that no one came in the trailer and took her.
I think that would be stupid on their parts! They would want someone to believe there was a man who came in and took Haleigh if they were somehow involved. Altho, TN seemed to believe Rj did tell this story to LE and LE was aware of the situation.

I think Ron and Misty don't believe the story because they know it didn't happen. Or at least Misty knows it didn't happen.
Why wouldn't they want to use that as their cover story? Makes more sense to back Rj's account of the mystery man if they had played a role in her disappearance, wouldn't it?! It seems to me they would be pushing it instead.
Why wouldn't they want to use that as their cover story? Makes more sense to back Rj's account of the mystery man if they had played a role in her disappearance, wouldn't it?! It seems to me they would be pushing it instead.
I agree!

Maybe they're so set on discounting anything Crystal says they can't see the forest for the trees.

They don't seem like very bright people.....
Not only that, they appear to write it off as hogwash. Now if Ron was at work, and Misty was asleep and didn't see what happened, why do they quickly write off the possibility that a man in black took Haleigh? IMO, because they know that no one came in the trailer and took her.

Exactly, SuziQ. Ron forgot what his priorities were supposed to be for a second (Haleigh and who took her) and showed a true reaction--anger toward Geraldo and Crystal (however warranted that might be, not arguing)

He tried to catch himself by saying he was at work and can't know for sure what happened, but his tone didn't match his words and it was too late for a save anyhow. Just my opinion.
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