Misty Road Rage Incident

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I do not think the other driver was looking for 15 min. of fame. She sounded scared and did not know who the two girls were until later. I wish they had arrested them.

Neither do I.

For those of us who live in the Orlando area hearing of a road rage incident on I-4 is not unheard of and occurs all over the country.

There are Road rage incidents on I-4 involving tailgating, some evolve to pointing weapons and others have gone as far as shots being fired...
What do you believe Misty, the passenger, did that was wrong or illegal?

Not sure, but I'm not debating that. I asked (and sincerely was asking, not accusing or being mean or anything) what people were saying they didn't believe.

In New Jersey there are road signs all over asking people to dial #77 from your cell phone to report agressive driving. It's taken very seriously. There are reports in the paper constantly about road rage leading to violence and death. If this woman was seriously feeling like the driver or MC (as it turned out to be - and I see no clear evidence that the woman had any clue it was even a GIRL, let alone THAT girl) was threatening her, she did the absolute correct thing in calling 911. Absolute correct thing.
I'm confused.....

Misty and the unidentified female driver were released and allowed to go on their way.
Not sure, but I'm not debating that. I asked (and sincerely was asking, not accusing or being mean or anything) what people were saying they didn't believe.

In New Jersey there are road signs all over asking people to dial #77 from your cell phone to report agressive driving. It's taken very seriously. There are reports in the paper constantly about road rage leading to violence and death. If this woman was seriously feeling like the driver or MC (as it turned out to be - and I see no clear evidence that the woman had any clue it was even a GIRL, let alone THAT girl) was threatening her, she did the absolute correct thing in calling 911. Absolute correct thing.

It sounds unreal to me, out of nowhere, this car starts yelling at this woman and flipping her off and waving an imaginary gun etc? I don't believe it, jmo
If there is not a law there should be. About 100 miles from me a "little" road rage ended in a death. I would not like it if someone kept following me, pulling up beside me, yelling at me, telling me they are going to beat me up and then reaching down getting something and pointing at me. I do not believe the lady that called the law knew it was MC in the car. She did what she should do and reported it.
Of interest, Misty is listed as an adult on the police report.
For those that think it was hinky that the alleged victim of road rage pulled over when the alleged road rage perpetrators were pulled over by police, listen to the 911 call. She didn't want to pull over but was instructed to do so by dispatcher.
Why are so many people in a hurry to think Misty can do no harm? I don't get it.

We didn't have the 911 call last night to go by. Misty wasn't driving, some grown *advertiser censored* woman was so she would have been the aggressor.
About 15 years ago, my boss got a cell phone. They were new in those days, and darn big heavy things. He lent it to me one day when I had to run an errand for him. I was in heavy traffic sitting at a red light, the light turned green and everybody went except the car in front of me. The driver, a man, was looking at his passenger, a woman, and they were laughing and talking. There was a child in the backseat, I'd say a boy of maybe 10.

The car behind me started to go, but I was stopped because the car in front of me was stopped. After a few seconds, probably 10 seconds which is more than enough time, they were still laughing and the traffic around us in other lanes was whizzing by, so I tooted (NOT BEEPED, TOOTED once lightly) my horn, as a warning to pay attention.

The man looked in his rear view mirror at me, the woman and child both turned around and I didn't make any further movement or motion. He started to pull forward, but very slowly, purposely trying to upset me. Everybody behind me then moved over to the next lane to pass us, but because he was directly in front of me and cars behind me were moving over, I was stuck unable to do anything.

Finally after a few moments I slowed down too, let him go a little ahead of me, and I moved over and began to pick up speed.

He moved behind me and got right on my tail. I could practically see the spittle on his t-shirt, he was that close.

He pulled around to my left, and then immediately cut me off and got in front of me and hit his breaks. All the while, the woman was making some big show about pointing her fingers and holding up paper and a pen like she was writing my plate number down.

The entire time I was calm, paid them no attention, minded my own car, and the rules of the road and let him go ahead and put his happy happy little show.

I got to my intersection and turned into the jughandle at the traffic light. Now, he was in FRONT of me, but as he saw me turning off, he immediately cut me off and took the same jughandle and somehow got behind me. So I was sitting at the red light with him behind me, right up against my back end, paying him no attention whatsoever (which I'm sure pissed him off to no end).

Light turned green, we started to go and I deliberately drove around in and out of a neighborhood streets to test him and it was very obvious he was following me deliberately. No way he was just going the same way I was.

Finally, I pulled over in front of somebody's house and he pulled over and blocked my car in. Got out, started walking to my window, I used that darn heavy cell phone to call 911, and as he approached my car I yelled out the window "I'M ON THE PHONE WITH THE COPS".

He goes, 'I was trying to get your attention. You have a tail light out, I didn't think you knew. Did you think I was going to do something? I got my kid in the car!" He turned around, got in his car and sped

That's why I believe it's possible this woman is telling the truth.
It sounds unreal to me, out of nowhere, this car starts yelling at this woman and flipping her off and waving an imaginary gun etc? I don't believe it, jmo

Yeah Flossie - i think we are stuck here...it sounds bizarre...but these peeps are tre' bizarre, ya know?
We didn't have the 911 call last night to go by. Misty wasn't driving, some grown *advertiser censored* woman was so she would have been the aggressor.

Right, but had it been a high speed chase and the cops couldnt have gotten them, Misty would have been arrested for being a passenger- its usually how it goes-
We didn't have the 911 call last night to go by. Misty wasn't driving, some grown *advertiser censored* woman was so she would have been the aggressor.

Not trying to cause problems, but isn't it possible that the driver and Misty were both being agressive? Wasn't it Misty threatening to whip this woman's can? To me, that is displaying agressiveness by threatening bodily harm.
Not trying to cause problems, but isn't it possible that the driver and Misty were both being agressive? Wasn't it Misty threatening to whip this woman's can? To me, that is displaying agressiveness by threatening bodily harm.

It's just a matter of time. MC seems to be putting herself in situations that eventually she's not going to be able to wiggle her way out of. Her actions are irresponsible, impetuous and immature which is precisely the behaviour that she probably displayed at and around the time Haleigh disappeared.

She's on the road of self-destruction and will find herself on a dead end street at the rate she is going.
I just listened to the 911 call of the driver calling in about the road rage and I cracked up laughing.If the girl is looking for her name and face in the news,hopefully it will only go that far,because she'll never win an academy award for that performance.She probably recognized Misty in the car and wanted to get on tv.Oh,ofcourse they want to be anonymous and not show thier face,but then,"Oh gee,they kept asking me.I just had to do it."LOL I do believe Misty knows what happened the night of HaLeigh's disappearance,but to me,it's really disgusting people are using a missing child's case to get in the news.I can only hope Misty realizes she needs to tell what she knows,things like the road rage incident will keep happening.But,I am sick of the drama and soap opera everyday.
wonder why they used 202 Green Lane for Misty addy she was married when they lived there. This whole thing is wreid
It's just a matter of time. MC seems to be putting herself in situations that eventually she's not going to be able to wiggle her way out of. Her actions are irresponsible, impetuous and immature which is precisely the behaviour that she probably displayed at and around the time Haleigh disappeared.

She's on the road of self-destruction and will find herself on a dead end street at the rate she is going.

That's what I'm thinking also. If I were Misty I think I would be doing my dead-level best to maintain a low profile and not do anything to draw any negative attention to myself. I can't help but wonder what is going to happen if and when it gets to the point that neither RC or TN defends her any longer. They both seem not so quick to sing her praises these days. JMO.

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