Misty's letter implicating Joe

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Yes Joe has been mentioned since the start. Very confusing and strange. Misty will never be believed on anything without evidence. Can you imagine how frustrated she will be if she is telling the truth and no one believes her... if she is innocent (I use that loosely as standing by letting Haleigh be harmed is not innocent) but you know what I mean than she will be pizzed to not be believed!
Yes Joe has been mentioned since the start. Very confusing and strange. Misty will never be believed on anything without evidence. Can you imagine how frustrated she will be if she is telling the truth and no one believes her... if she is innocent (I use that loosely as standing by letting Haleigh be harmed is not innocent) but you know what I mean than she will be pizzed to not be believed!

Sadly that is the impression that I'm getting, going through the media links, the fight over the gun was mentioned, She practically pointed her finger at him on the Today show and when asked why she beleives he is involved she said because he is a criminal. What if she just really can not pass a poly, because of medical reasons and has been telling the truth the whole time but no one listened. I mean they kept telling her she was lieing that would have made her more nervous, I can only imagine how frustrated she would be if she is telling the truth but cant prove it.
We have to remember that she spells things quite incorrectly. mach for make, new for knew, now for know etc..

What's it say at the top about Joe would not go back to the house and stayed at the ??story??

She said he got out and stayed at the store while they went to get their stuff from the house and they went to the Sheriff's Office. This was in her voice test thingy. Said Joe was afraid to go.
Sadly that is the impression that I'm getting, going through the media links, the fight over the gun was mentioned, She practically pointed her finger at him on the Today show and when asked why she beleives he is involved she said because he is a criminal. What if she just really can not pass a poly, because of medical reasons and has been telling the truth the whole time but no one listened. I mean they kept telling her she was lieing that would have made her more nervous, I can only imagine how frustrated she would be if she is telling the truth but cant prove it.

I don't think she's exactly been screaming the truth though. If she saw Joe take Haleigh it is not too hard to just say that. Instead she makes up stories of waking up for the bathroom, and whatever the heck else she came up with. I don't feel bad for her... the mess she is in now if she is trying to tell the truth, she has created herself.
OMG and LE stated Joe WAS NOT A SUSPECT on February 21, 2009

How in the HECK could they have dismissed him as a suspect so soon.
Does it say "This is why the van had SAND on and he was so..." ??

Is there sandy soil anywhere around those boat docks?

I think it's meant to be SCRATCH. I can see "scra_"
That is why the van had scratch on cuz he was so [expletived] up.
I don't think Misty says Tommy saws Joes part. Believe she says she "knows that Tommy didn't do , but she knows he knows (now) Joe did".
I don't think she's exactly been screaming the truth though. If she saw Joe take Haleigh it is not too hard to just say that. Instead she makes up stories of waking up for the bathroom, and whatever the heck else she came up with. I don't feel bad for her... the mess she is in now if she is trying to tell the truth she created herself.

Thats true, I do agree. However what if in the begining she was scared because he threatened her (you have to remember she was young) so she made up the story in the beginning because she was scared and he may have even told her he would say she let him take Haleigh, but then she started telling the truth with in a few days and no one believed her. From what I'm seeing from the media links, TN suspected Joe to in the beginning but Ron kept blowing the gun incident off. Maybe Misty told Ron what happened but Ron figured if he denied the gun incident and had Misty retrieve it from the ditch and give it to Joe, Joe would return Haleigh.
I'm not buying it that she was scared. Joe may have threatened her that she better not tell anything after getting his help, but not that she was afraid to tell that very night. Everything she hinted at was all over the tv shows and internet for months, and she wasn't too afraid at that time or mentioning that Tommy was in on it. Someone did something to stage the house and with the blanket. I still think that she was the one effed up or not at home and that she's protecting Tommy because he's the one who told her what happened when she got home or became conscious. If Joe turns out to be mixed up with gun running working for the Mexican Mafia or cartels then I'll change my mind, because they might scare a person really badly.
He told me at the house he would kill me too, so I didn't know what to do.
He has ALL READE raped me ?
OMG and LE stated Joe WAS NOT A SUSPECT on February 21, 2009

How in the HECK could they have dismissed him as a suspect so soon.

Somebody somewhere today said that maybe he was in a bar with a camera or in a place with so many witnesses there is simply no way he could have gone anywhere. I even thought maybe he & Tommy went and picked up a couple of hookers and have been hiding that fact from Lindsey. If they truly dismissed him as a suspect that fast they must have had a reason. They have questioned him, what, 3 times now? Surely they would have arrested him by now if he was involved.

I do think there is some truth woven into Misty's letter. She said that Tommy and his kids were over at the house that afternoon (did she say they smoked a joint or was that a rumor?). I think she may be describing what happened earlier that day, they got stoned, Jo was there, too, and by the time they left they were fu... um...extremely intoxicated.

Anything could have happened after that. Kids can do crazy stuff in the blink of an eye.
Somebody somewhere today said that maybe he was in a bar with a camera or in a place with so many witnesses there is simply no way he could have gone anywhere. I even thought maybe he & Tommy went and picked up a couple of hookers and have been hiding that fact from Lindsey. If they truly dismissed him as a suspect that fast they must have had a reason. They have questioned him, what, 3 times now? Surely they would have arrested him by now if he was involved.

I do think there is some truth woven into Misty's letter. She said that Tommy and his kids were over at the house that afternoon (did she say they smoked a joint or was that a rumor?). I think she may be describing what happened earlier that day, they got stoned, Jo was there, too, and by the time they left they were fu... um...extremely intoxicated.

Anything could have happened after that. Kids can do crazy stuff in the blink of an eye.

Why would his attorney not state that as his alibi today on NG? Instead he rambled on about Joe being woken up and going to the hospital and oh yeah that gem about Joe not admitting to murder.
Misty seems to throw in rape/sex into all of her scenarios. There is a problem here. The same thing runs through her, convincingly, I might add.

How many times does this keep happening to her? She may have been introduced very early to sex and has been a little Lolita. Does she separate family from outsiders, don't know..

She is and enigma as far a psychology for me right now. She uses her body and little girl charm when confronted on anything. In watching the drug tapes, she is the one who is very into control and wants to be the big shot.

I think she is capable of harming Haleigh and also hiding her alone. She may be throwing some others into the fire. She also shows us a side of her that calls for help the minute she is in need of rescue...ala, the Aug. fight when she called her family about rc, then denies the entire thing.So whether she did this or did it with somebody has not beenmade clear...but she sure has people scrambling for their lives. It appears everyone that crosses her path winds up in trouble..a true sign of a Borderline.
We now have misty, tommy, chelsea implicating JO. RC says nothing. JO has produced no alibi.

LE tells us misty knows she's in trouble. The main thing we know is misty is at the center. Many have implicated JO. Can't take him out of the equation now till LE clears him and they way they do that is anyone's guess.

To me, he would have been the first one to be a suspect and the easiest one to clear. There should have been cinderblock residue in the van, if he used it, and why the heck LE returned it so quickly is beyond me. They would have his prints, remenats or fibers of blankets, ropes and dirt on his shoes. He would be easiest one to nail....yet we have nothing.
Whisp, or anyone who knows: If Tommy wrote a letter to Chelsea and it included details of what happened or anything like that would it be evidence? I know LE reads/skims the letters before they go out but is it admittable evidence? I don't think they can confiscate the letter and they only have Misty's because it was turned into them.
We now have misty, tommy, chelsea implicating JO. RC says nothing. JO has produced no alibi.

LE tells us misty knows she's in trouble. The main thing we know is misty is at the center. Many have implicated JO. Can't take him out of the equation now till LE clears him and they way they do that is anyone's guess.

To me, he would have been the first one to be a suspect and the easiest one to clear. There should have been cinderblock residue in the van, if he used it, and why the heck LE returned it so quickly is beyond me. They would have his prints, remenats or fibers of blankets, ropes and dirt on his shoes. He would be easiest one to nail....yet we have nothing.

There was, according to Misty, a blanket in "the van they took".
Yes, there was a blanket supposedly. but the carpets would have the cinder block particles/residue if used because I doubt that anyone of them would have wrapped them. I thought they returned the car quickly if it were important.

If JO's dna anything else was in that van, wouldn't they have arrested him by now? Isn't there anything of him being in Haleigh's bed area?
Did misty happen to allude to the time of day all this took place? She could have been with tim all day while watching Chelsea's kids. These people like to twist their times and days of when things happened.
Well, it's obvious this gal wouldn't ever be able to write out a confession. :banghead: It would have to be dictated to someone else. Not that I think she'd ever tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I commend all of you for trying to decipher that letter. :eek: It should be used as a deterrent for leaving school before actually learning to read and write. Each parent should be given a copy of this letter and be told this could be written by your child if you allow him/her to drop out.

I know people sometimes make mistakes when writing but that is horrible. :shakehead:
Sure hope she utilizes her time in prison by learning to read and write. Then we will be able to read her future letters that she will being sending from her jail cell..

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