Misty's letter implicating Joe

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OMG and LE stated Joe WAS NOT A SUSPECT on February 21, 2009

How in the HECK could they have dismissed him as a suspect so soon.

It might be just semantics. They weren't ready to name him as a suspect but it doesn't mean that they weren't considering the option.

The letter fails to convince me but it's greatly because I don't really understand what it means.

I do believe the part about them being bleeped up is completely truthful because it's in character.
I just saved the letter to my desktop; hopefully I can enhance it so the words can be seen better. :angel:
Progress report:

Well, you can see the words after the first few lines quite clearly, but you still can't really see the words in the first few lines, which is what I'm still working on.
This is so horrendous. If she knew they (why ToC? what's he want that gun for) were coming for this rare gun, why the hell did she let them in? Why didn't she call the police? I can't believe she just stood by if in fact, JO raped (oh how I hate writting this) HaLeigh? Why would ToC just stand by and watch? What the hell is wrong with these folks? ToC has children, why didn't he stop JO? He's not that big a guy, neither of them are. :furious:

I just hope Sheriff Hardy can connect the dots and get that warrant for an arrest, especially for JO. If he truly is the culprit. If HaLeigh was taken due to this gun and the fight, was the anger, rage and hatred for RC that intense you take it out on his child?? Seems not one of them have a heart, MC knowing what it's like to be molested and raped, why didn't she stop them, why didn't she scream out. I don't see her afraid of anyone. She's sassy, has attitude and wheels and deals as if she's doing this for a long time, yet, she's only 18...my heart is so heavy. Poor HaLeigh, her last moments alive must have been so terrifying for her. Confusion why no one helped...I am so sorry HaLeigh...
This is the best I could do. I found myself correcting things, and I tried to stop, because it was messing up the letter. The dashes are the things I couldn't make out. Some small things I guessed on. This isn't exact, but you get the idea.

So I can see her she is my best friend and it is so hard not ----her --- -- ---a week. I miss her so much I don't know how much longer I can ---- -- -- no one knows how much longer I can take this. No one knows how I feel how I hurt none ---- ----- ----be in --- --- I feel so bad about this you know --- --- --- it. I was scared no one now what he said he would do you know that day when he would not go back to the house and we stayed at the store, he put me up with a knife and said if I said he would come back and kill me he told me at the house if he would kill me too. so I didn't know what to do he has --- ---raped me you know I heard they were coming to get the gun but I didn't know it was gone and ----- is when Joe got mad ---- --- --- -- --- --- that is when Joe took it you know I don't know where Tommy went I don't think he did but I know he nows Joe did. They was so f---ed up and I mean I don't know how --- even drove home. This is why the van --- --- on and he was so f----ed up bad. That is all for now. I just wish I new what he did you know. Well I love you so much. ---- ---Chelsea please write me back as soon as you get this. Oh yea, Lindsy is only doing it to make me ------.Love, your little sis. I love yall tell Beso I love I love ---

Think that's tell Dest I love her (Chelsea and Timmy's daughter)
MC was back and forth between fighting with RC and fighting with ToC. That weekend she was angry with RC, and begged not to be made to babysit. I think she was babysitting the house more than the kids, because I don't think RC thought his kids were at risk.

I do think the letter gives LE leverage in the case because now they can all be charged with accessory to kidnapping--and let them be pressured to spill out the real truth.

I don't believe the part about the knife at all.

I think Haleigh may have gone somewhat willingly because they were creating such a ruckus they woke her up and she didn't fear them mainly because MC didn't act afraid or move to protect her.
I was able to clean it up to make it a little more legible, but I wasn't able to make the first few lines show up a lot more clearly. :doh: Nonetheless it does seem to be a bit easier to read. Hopefully it helped in some way. :innocent:

It's weird, this whole thing with Joe, since Misty kept pointing to him in the beginning, but it seems that everybody ('cept for us of course) including Misty forgot about the whole thing and came up with all these crazy stories. Now it comes back to Joe all of a sudden? Something's weird about that, IMO.


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Seems like they were all involved, and that's why all the finger pointing to someone else.
Some things that keep bothering me are Jr. saying a man in black took HaLeigh and the bouncing couch. I'm sick to my stomach thinking Joe raped that little girl on the couch (Misty and Tommy just stood by???) and she probably suffocated from his hands over her mouth. I hope and pray the evidence PCSO took from that home can (and may) prove it. These are terrible people - can't even find words to describe them. One thing I know for sure - they will burn in he!! after they rot in prison. When this goes to trial, as I'm sure it will, I have to believe that PCSO has enough evidence to put them all away forever.
If they found and evidence of Haleigh at the river site, now considered a crime scene.


if Joe and Tommy were involved.

Not only did she let them in that night, she went to the crime scene and either witnessed or participated in the disposal of a body.


She led LE to a legitimate find of Haleigh, she had knowledge and/or was a participant. IMO
Misty makes herself the victim, Haleigh's name is never mentioned, Joe is the villain, Tommy is the sidekick.

ETA: Also, she never says what Joe did. Never. Except holding that knife to her throat, making sure to write (sorry, rite) about how she's a victim. Again. As far as I'm aware, saying "Joe did it" could mean (at least from Misty's perspective) that he took the gun. Then she's not lying but she's allowing it to haze over the obvious "It" ....Haleigh's disappearance/murder. Why the distance from Haleigh's name? From what happened to Haleigh?

Methinks something stinks in the clink.
I looked at that one sentence very closely and I'm pretty sure it says "...only doing that to mach (make) me rheact (react.)

I think she spelled it wrong (big surprise) but I can clearly see the 'r' and the 'h' and I think the 'act' is smushed together. MOO

Well, maybe Misty will have plenty of time to get an education and learn to read/write while she's in prison. You know, it's really sad to see someone so illiterate in this day and age.
Sure hope she utilizes her time in prison by learning to read and write. Then we will be able to read her future letters that she will being sending from her jail cell..

iirc that is one of her plans.....
Let me get this straight; On October 19, 2009 (a Monday night), Misty had no problem calling 911 to report that 2-3 black men attacked and stole her purse/cellphone, injuring her arm, while she was attempting to make a drug buy (http://www.staugustine.com/stories/102109/news_2103484.shtml). BUT she claims to have been too scared to call/contact 911 during or immediately after this "alleged" encounter with little cousin Jo, who is all of what, maybe 110-130 lbs. soaking wet? NO-NO-NO-NO-NO - Not buying it Misty!! I'm also not buying the "dumb girl" act. Granted, she has serious writing deficits but, after seeing her in action on the UC drug bust videos, her verbal and thinking skills seem to be working just fine, albeit criminal and devious in nature. JMO~
Misty makes herself the victim, Haleigh's name is never mentioned, Joe is the villain, Tommy is the sidekick.

ETA: Also, she never says what Joe did. Never. Except holding that knife to her throat, making sure to write (sorry, rite) about how she's a victim. Again. As far as I'm aware, saying "Joe did it" could mean (at least from Misty's perspective) that he took the gun. Then she's not lying but she's allowing it to haze over the obvious "It" ....Haleigh's disappearance/murder. Why the distance from Haleigh's name? From what happened to Haleigh?

Methinks something stinks in the clink.

I'm thinking that she may have had voluntary sex with Joe that night (maybe in exchange for drugs, maybe for revenge against Ron, maybe for fun) and that the rape tale in the letter is to cover that up. She would not want Ron to know that. If Haleigh saw that, it could be why she had to be hushed up.

The gun-maybe Joe took the gun that night but worked it out with Ron later to leave it in the ditch, thus the "it never happened" from Ron. Or Lisa and them returned it as they did the elderly man's gun. Somehow Ron knew exactly where it was. That is stinky.

Or Col. Mustard did it in the conservatory with the lead pipe.
I have, after careful consideration, came to the conclusion that, we are missing a BIG piece of this puzzle, or these people are nuttier than anyone else on the face of this earth. I lean toward the puzzle piece being missing............
I have, after careful consideration, came to the conclusion that, we are missing a BIG piece of this puzzle, or these people are nuttier than anyone else on the face of this earth. I lean toward the puzzle piece being missing............

Something is DEFINITELY not adding up here. I can't bring myself to believe that cousin Joe was the villain here. Maybe it's a gut feeling, but...it's not sitting well with me. Tommy on the other hand...
I looked at that one sentence very closely and I'm pretty sure it says "...only doing that to mach (make) me rheact (react.)

I think she spelled it wrong (big surprise) but I can clearly see the 'r' and the 'h' and I think the 'act' is smushed together. MOO


"....Lindsy is only doing that to make me mad at you and Timmy...."
Wouldn't a more likely scenario be a fight over a gun between Tommy and Ron? How would Joe know what guns that Ron has? Unless...Misty told him. She does say she knew they were coming over that night to get a gun. But, it wasn't there. Did Tommy already steal it? Is this where the set up of Joe started?

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