Misty's letter implicating Joe

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Thats true, I do agree. However what if in the begining she was scared because he threatened her (you have to remember she was young) so she made up the story in the beginning because she was scared and he may have even told her he would say she let him take Haleigh, but then she started telling the truth with in a few days and no one believed her. From what I'm seeing from the media links, TN suspected Joe to in the beginning but Ron kept blowing the gun incident off. Maybe Misty told Ron what happened but Ron figured if he denied the gun incident and had Misty retrieve it from the ditch and give it to Joe, Joe would return Haleigh.

yes, but Casey Anthony also used that at her excuse for not calling the police when Caylee was missing: she said she was threatened not to.:crazy:
making up stories when lttle girls go missing, most normal people call 911
Im starting to think there is a whole other society out there that is totally different and a different mind set. Fear is fear and to me the Police offer
HELP. If Misty was innocent she should've run to them!
yes, but Casey Anthony also used that at her excuse for not calling the police when Caylee was missing: she said she was threatened not to.:crazy:
making up stories when lttle girls go missing, most normal people call 911
Im starting to think there is a whole other society out there that is totally different and a different mind set. Fear is fear and to me the Police offer
HELP. If Misty was innocent she should've run to them!
Bingo,,,this is the whole thing about why we cannot figure this out,,,,Their lives do NOT make sense because it is all about them,,,their needs, their wants,,,everyone else can go to you know where....Dont most of us in a time of desperation call the police for help,,,,,as children these people have been taught the LAW is your enemy...Thats why Tommy is so dead set against talking to the law BECAUSE, he knows he is a criminal and he will go to prison for his outlaw deeds...Lord, only knows what all the crimes consist of that this crew is guilty of....Poor little Haleigh was right in the middle of these creepy, criminals...
What's so important about the gun? Was JO going to sell it to buy drugs?..Did Tommy promise it to someone who would KILL him if he didn't come thru?

Ron had to know they were looking for it or why hide it? Maybe Ron owed one or both of them $$$, promised the gun, & then went back on it? He seemed to know right away in that 911 call that someone took H. in exchange for something..Even he knew that scenario was off the wall tho & I find it impossible to believe H. was taken over a gun.

I'm more stuck on WHY kill Haleigh then WHO actually did it..The only logical (I know we can't use that in this case but still) reason I can wrap my brain around is she was raped..That wouldn't be done by Misty but she has to know WHO did..It had to be WHOever took H..If it was her bro (or thinks it was) I can see her NEVER telling & doing anything she could to cover it up but my gut says it's more likely JO then bro.

I've been suspicious of JO from the get go & my guess is he's been to Satsuma more then that 1 time to visit..Maybe he spent a summer there with the Croslin cousins as a kid..It would explain how he knows all about the "fishing spot" they're searching.

ETA..I just saw the above post re: the gun..ETA (again) to delete "accept" & replace with "wrap my brain around"..I def did not mean to imply, in case I did, that I "accept" that as an excuse to then KILL Haleigh.
do we have a link to the front page of the letter or only the back?
Some things that keep bothering me are Jr. saying a man in black took HaLeigh and the bouncing couch. I'm sick to my stomach thinking Joe raped that little girl on the couch (Misty and Tommy just stood by???) and she probably suffocated from his hands over her mouth. I hope and pray the evidence PCSO took from that home can (and may) prove it. These are terrible people - can't even find words to describe them. One thing I know for sure - they will burn in he!! after they rot in prison. When this goes to trial, as I'm sure it will, I have to believe that PCSO has enough evidence to put them all away forever.

I had a dream last night about the "bouncing couch"
Haleigh was on the couch and someone was giving her CPR.
and allow, yes I said allow Joe the crazy drugged out guy and her brother Tommy to rape Haleigh.


Is it possible Misty was passed out in her bed=she didn't see the rape IF it did happen there in the MH? I can't & don't want to fathom ANY female (even Misty) not doing anything nevermind "allow it" to happen.

I admit I'm naive so feel free to ignore or even laugh at this POV..Seriously, I will totally understand!
Why didn't Ron call LE about the gun? He has not had any problem calling them about other things. This was a valuable item stolen from him. Was it stolen in the first place?
Maryann123, I worked off your copy if you don't mind. Mew, yours was much more legible with the punctuation.
So I can see her she is my best friend and it is so hard not seeing her one or twice a week. I miss her so much (.) I don't know how much longer I can take it no one know how much longer I can take this. No one knows how I feel how I hurt none or you ---- ever be in my shouse (shoes?). I feel so bad about this you know --- --- say it. I was scared no one now what he said he would do you know that day when he would not go back to the house and we stayed at the store, he put me up with a knife and said if I said he would come back and kill me he told me at the house he would kill me too. So I didn't know what to do he has all ready (rede?) raped me you know I heard they were coming to get the gun but I didn't know it was gone and this is when Joe got mad tom had walked out and that is when Joe took it you know I don't know where Tommy went I don't think he did but I know he now Joe did. They was so f---ed up and I mean I don't know how Joe even drove home. This is why the van had --- on and he was so f----ed up bad. Thay is all for now. I just wish I new what he did you know. Well I love you so much Timmy and Chelsea please right me back as soon as you get this. O ya, Lindsy is only doing it to make me --- to you and Dad (?). Love you little sis Misty XOXOXO.
I love yall Tell Beso I love I love her *

Quote Respect Scanner, Maryanne123 and all the other WSers who were able to read any part of this letter. You are amazing! :thumb:

I was scared no one now what he said he would do you know that day when he would not go back to the house and we stayed at the store, he put me up with a knife and said if I said he would come back and kill me he told me at the house he would kill me too.

Misty was scared. No one knew what he said he would do. (So now she is going to explain to Chelsea)...

"Do you know that day when he would not go back to the house, and we stayed...(Misty is asking Chelsea to recall a certain day, instead of saying "remember" she says "do you know the day.") On this day(is this the day of Haleigh's disappearance? I can't tell from this.) HE(Joe)would not go back to the house. And WE stayed at the store.

"he put me up with a knife and said if I said he would come back and kill me" With this sentence right after or as a part of the last statement, I think this reads: "Chelsea, do you remember the day Joe would not go back to the house and Joe and I stayed at the store? Well, he put a knife to me(pulled a knife on me) and said if I ever said (what he did) he would come back and kill me."

"He told me at the house he would kill me too." Here we have a separate incident of Joe threatening Misty. First, he threatens her life at the "store" and then at the house "too/also."

She says she didn't know what to do. Next Misty gives this information about Joe. "He has already raped me, you know." My understanding was Joe had molested Misty when she was younger, or that the sexual contact between Misty and Joe had happened before Haleigh's disappearance. I am happy to be corrected on that matter. TIA. I feel Misty is saying Joe had raped her previously, not the night all of this happened but I could be wrong on that.

Misty could be saying, "I didn't know what to do, he had threatened me at the store and he had already raped me that night he did what he did, you know." Is the "you know" a real "you know"? As in, was/is Chelsea aware Joe had raped Misty? This could be a liars, "you know." As in, "no we don't know until you tell us." All I can be definite about here is that Misty says Joe had already raped her before he threatened her at the store. I would figure the "store" incident was after the Haleigh incident. Next, Misty begins:

"I heard they were coming to get the gun." Right after saying Joe has already raped her and speaking of the day at the "store", Misty starts telling a part of her story regarding the day Haleigh disappeared. She "heard" "they" were coming for the gun. So, someone let her know (Joe and Tommy) were coming to get the gun, there must have been a previous incident with "the" gun and "they" must have felt a right to come and get said gun. But Misty "didn't know it was gone." And, "that is when Joe got mad", Joe must have expected that gun to be there to be mad that it wasn't.

"Tom had walked out" "and that was when Joe took it" "you know, I don't know where Tommy went" "I don't think he did **** but he knows Joe did." "They was so *advertiser censored*ked up and I mean I don't know how Joe even drove home." "That's why the van had () on and he was so f'ed up bad." "That's all for now." "I just wish I knew what he did."

Tom had walked out and that was when Joe took "it." It can not be the gun because it was gone. Joe was mad that it wasn't there. Here I think we are hearing Misty saying that Joe wanted that gun and when it wasn't there he took something else, "it." What was it? I do think she is alluding to Haleigh, but does not actually come out and say her name. What Misty says next really makes me feel she is telling us her version of why Joe is the one who murdered Haleigh. "I don't know where Tommy went." So, Tommy walking out, meant of the MH. Misty does not know whether or not Tommy "did ****"(meaning in the killing of Haleigh) leaving it open to speculation as to whether Tommy did have something to do with the actual killing and or disposal of Haleigh. But Misty does know that Tommy knows Joe did (do the killing/disposal/hurting of Haleigh.

Chelsea, I was scared no one knew what he said he would do. Do you remember the day when Joe would not go back to the house and he and I stayed at the store? Well, he threatened me with a knife and said he would come back and kill me if I told anyone that he is responsible for what happened to Haleigh. He also told me at the house he would kill me. So, I didn't know what to do, he had already raped me you know. I heard they were coming to get the gun but I didn't know it was gone. That's when Joe got mad! Tom had walked out, and that is when Joe took Haleigh. You know, I don't know where Tommy went, I don't think he did **** but I know he knows Joe did. They were so intoxicated I don't know how Joe drove home(in the van). This is why(this as in: here you go this is exactly why, not a guess but a statement of fact the van had (blank) on it because I am sure Joe being so intoxicated and driving caused it. That's all for now. I just wish I knew what Joe did to Haleigh, you know what I mean?

That last statement comes across very awkward. Misty is letting us know that she knows for sure that Joe drove the van while "****ed up" and that is an explanation for something about the Van. And, then at the end she lets us know that she wishes she knew what happened to Haleigh, she has let us know she was a victim of Joe, just as much as Haleigh.

I followed a WSer's idea of saving this letter to my desktop and I still have extreme difficulty in reading what it says. I do think the word "store" has a "y" at the end. It looks like it says, "stayed at the story." (Some on this thread did translate this word this way and I see this also) The "y" in "stayed" looks like the letter at the end of that word, so if it isn't "story" I do think it is a word with a "y" at the end. Either way, the word does not change the idea of this letter. Joe is guilty of taking Haleigh.

I remember in the very beginning of this case, Misty spoke about the van, the blanket and those that took Haleigh. Yes, she has been selling this story to different degrees all along, but she is still lying. IMHO. How was she able to be in the house with RC, with Joe no where around, LE ready at a phone call: and not tell Ron what happened? How about the safety of the police station? IMO this letter reeks of Misty trying to give a version of a story that makes her seem innocent.

WOW... so she knew they were coming to take the gun?
She knew this!
Who would do that? Let your brother and cousin come into your boyfriends
house while his little kids are there and let them steal a gun?
I'm sorry but I don't see Misty being scared of Ron!

I bet Ron knew they were coming to take the gun too, before he went to work. That's probably why he kept calling from work, to see what had happened. Maybe....
Misty isn't the brightest, but she isn't so stupid that she thought she was writing this letter in confidence to Chelsea. This is the story she wants LE to believe. I wouldn't even venture to guess whether it is true or not.
How do we know that this letter is describing Haleigh's kidnapping? This sounds more to me like an explanation of the infamous fight about the gun, thus "that's when Joe took IT" as opposed to "that's when Joe took HER". As far as I can tell this doesn't even mention Haleigh at all. This may not even be that night that she's talking about.
Why didn't Ron call LE about the gun? He has not had any problem calling them about other things. This was a valuable item stolen from him. Was it stolen in the first place?

This question keeps coming to mind for me too. What was so special about THIS gun, and more importantly, why, from the get-go, has Ron denied anything said about a gun? What is Ron afraid of anyone knowing there was ever a fight over a gun?
I don't think the letter is about Haleigh...and I also doubt the theory of an assault on Haleigh as if this were true, the people trying to hang it all on Joe would not have hesitated to tell about that. They obviously want him to take the blame.

I still think Haleigh died as a result of stupidity more than intent...how, I don't know and LE may never really know for sure either. And then chaos, lies, stories and CYA began afterward, and Joe was probably in the vicinity since everyone seems comfortable throwing his name into the hat. But I still think Chelsea knows more than she is saying...probably as much as Misty knows.
This whole thread reminds me of Barbara Billingsly in Airplane-- "I speak jive." :crazy:

Amazing deciphering going on! Thanks!
How do we know that this letter is describing Haleigh's kidnapping? This sounds more to me like an explanation of the infamous fight about the gun, thus "that's when Joe took IT" as opposed to "that's when Joe took HER". As far as I can tell this doesn't even mention Haleigh at all. This may not even be that night that she's talking about.

Could it be that: Ron was telling the truth when he said there was no fight about a gun; the people who are trying to "frame" JO are making this fight about the gun story up because Haleigh was in fact killed with the gun, and they are putting the gun in JO's hands to make him look like the guilty one? It was very strange "way back when" RC denied a fight about a gun so adamently.
Didn't the "fight about the gun" story come up about the same time as the "Cousin Joe" story? Didn't both of these stories originate with Misty?
How do we know that this letter is describing Haleigh's kidnapping? This sounds more to me like an explanation of the infamous fight about the gun, thus "that's when Joe took IT" as opposed to "that's when Joe took HER". As far as I can tell this doesn't even mention Haleigh at all. This may not even be that night that she's talking about.

Respectfully Quoted archenemy toenail :)

I agree. We don't know that this is a letter describing Haleigh's kidnapping. But "it" can not be the gun, because "it" was not there.

She "heard" "they" were coming for the gun. So, someone let her know (Joe and Tommy) were coming to get the gun, there must have been a previous incident with "the" gun and "they" must have felt a right to come and get said gun. But Misty "didn't know it was gone." And, "that is when Joe got mad", Joe must have expected that gun to be there to be mad that it wasn't. Tom had walked out and that was when Joe took "it."

IMO, Again, it can not be the gun because Joe got mad when Misty "didn't know it was gone."

IMHO...Bottom line.. Misty is lying.. Also, she knew LE would read this letter..

She was down at LE that morning before cousin Jo and her mother picked her up. She had every opportunity to tell LE IF that happened...
She stated she didn't go back down there (wherever there is) because LE told her not to..
And IF she was so scared of cousin Jo WHY did she throw him under the bus almost immediately after they claimed Haleigh had disappeared....JMO
Why didn't Ron call LE about the gun? He has not had any problem calling them about other things. This was a valuable item stolen from him. Was it stolen in the first place?

I keep thinking about that machine gun and Rons BIG LIE. Why would anyone need a machine gun--->an ordinary gun perhaps--->but a MACHINE GUN?? Was this gun used in a robbery/drug theft. Ron was hiding something with his lie.

I also keep thinking about the stories we've heard about Misty and her friend with the "Mexicans" and also Ron owing alot of money to the "Mexicans" Was Misty trying to pay down some debt of Ron's by being "with" the Mexicans???


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