GUILTY MN - Barway Collins, 10, Crystal, 18 March 2015 #1

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WOW !! I am really shocked. About that hidden laptop, imo for sure present-wife knew PC didn't tell the police about it - not sure if she'd know he'd stuck it under the sofa -- I think their sofa was a big bulky black leather/fake leather one, very heavy-looking, so I'd think he could easily stash it under there with present-wife clueless, and inquisitive little kids would never find it there either.

A note: Just because judge 'ordered' PC to get a job (and judge had probably in the past already told him such things - see this was a '6 month follow up' about child support - does NOT mean that PC would actually follow through and take a 'real job'. MN has various possible sanctions for non-paying (child support) parents, like taking away their driver's license -- even then, I imagine a PC would just keep driving anyway, but do so sneakily to try to avoid police. ALSO, IMO, there is No Way PC would take a job because, assuming he is guilty of the accusations and speculation, he'd already been cashing-in bigtime on things like burning down his (last/prior) apartment complex, and we've been told he had suspicious auto 'accident' insurance claims, as well as similar claims pending in the courts (including him being accused of insurance fraud !!)

WOW - about the $6,000 !!!! What duh..... And WOW - $6,000 disappears in one month, correct? $6,000 X 12 months = a whopping $72,000/year POST TAX money !!

Very, very creepy and scary to me about PC seeing to it that top priority was paying all those hefty life insurance policies on his young (healthy!) children --- imo, the other two littler ones.................well, it was all 'just a matter of time' for each of them.... (tears in eyes...)
Very true about the child support. I'm local and my ex was ordered to do the same about ten years ago. He now owes me over 20,000 but hey, they took his driver's license....because that makes sense...

I'm not thinking that mama would've seen the money either way.
I don't think he was penniless on the day of the murder: Assuming PC did all this, I think he stashed much of that cash somewhere, in anticipation of murdering Little Edwin (Barway). IMO, if it's true he did this crime, IMO he is so selfish much of that cash is still hidden somewhere sneaky (buried in a baggy in some isolated place?) and even tho' he's locked away now, presumably for what will be the rest of his life - he's so selfish that he would NEVER tell his present-wife, or anyone else, where the cash is located - I bet in his mind, he even thinks he will wind up released in due time!! Somebody pointed out 'stupid criminal of the year award' - - it'll be interesting to learn is he had a pattern of laundering such big amounts of cash/month ($6,000!!!) or if it was pretty much a 'one time thing', in anticipation of his murder plot/scheme of this innocent little child.

Good point about PC being furious that day - - if PC did do this awful crime, we know that he planned and plotted well in advance of the day of court (e.g., trying to raise the life insurance policy sum on Little Edwin ((Barway)) just 2 days prior to the murder), and PC would have received at least 20 days prior notice of the court date. IMO, if PC is guilty, we know he is an accused repeat sneaky-rapist by repeat force of a 14 y old child/girl (Louise) who was in a refugee camp, with 24-something (or older?) PC her 'trusted' teacher, and we know when Little Edwin was born (Barway), PC told Louise she 'wasn't his type' and discarded her. We know PC routinely told his present-wife whopper fish-tales/lies. We know the-last-Wisc.-wife says PC was very abusive and 'sneaky' and Wisc former-wife says PC 'tongue kissed' her young daughter. Where I'm going with this is: Hey, don't you think PC has issues with all females?? Day of court, yes, I bet he did get extra mad if the Judge did give him a little 'kick in the tush' about getting a job.

I just can't see PC taking a job, after having all the free time on his hands to mess around, have fake accidents, set fires, make fraudulent insurance claims, juggle all his life insurance policies !!! (ie, if it's true PC is guilty...) Who would want to take any kind of normal job when they're having so much fun running around, lying to present wife, doing whatever the heck he wanted, when he wanted, leaving home and returning whenever he wanted, all the while snookering present-wife, lying to her.

Somebody here posted (a couple posts' ago) that PC's last Wisc.-wife 'caused PC to lose a job' -- I have never, ever, not once heard anything about such a thing !! What the heck is that all about??? !!!
I don't think he was penniless on the day of the murder: Assuming PC did all this, I think he stashed much of that cash somewhere, in anticipation of murdering Little Edwin (Barway). IMO, if it's true he did this crime, IMO he is so selfish much of that cash is still hidden somewhere sneaky (buried in a baggy in some isolated place?) and even tho' he's locked away now, presumably for what will be the rest of his life - he's so selfish that he would NEVER tell his present-wife, or anyone else, where the cash is located - I bet in his mind, he even thinks he will wind up released in due time!! Somebody pointed out 'stupid criminal of the year award' - - it'll be interesting to learn is he had a pattern of laundering such big amounts of cash/month ($6,000!!!) or if it was pretty much a 'one time thing', in anticipation of his murder plot/scheme of this innocent little child.

Good point about PC being furious that day - - if PC did do this awful crime, we know that he planned and plotted well in advance of the day of court (e.g., trying to raise the life insurance policy sum on Little Edwin ((Barway)) just 2 days prior to the murder), and PC would have received at least 20 days prior notice of the court date. IMO, if PC is guilty, we know he is an accused repeat sneaky-rapist by repeat force of a 14 y old child/girl (Louise) who was in a refugee camp, with 24-something (or older?) PC her 'trusted' teacher, and we know when Little Edwin was born (Barway), PC told Louise she 'wasn't his type' and discarded her. We know PC routinely told his present-wife whopper fish-tales/lies. We know the-last-Wisc.-wife says PC was very abusive and 'sneaky' and Wisc former-wife says PC 'tongue kissed' her young daughter. Where I'm going with this is: Hey, don't you think PC has issues with all females?? Day of court, yes, I bet he did get extra mad if the Judge did give him a little 'kick in the tush' about getting a job.

I just can't see PC taking a job, after having all the free time on his hands to mess around, have fake accidents, set fires, make fraudulent insurance claims, juggle all his life insurance policies !!! (ie, if it's true PC is guilty...) Who would want to take any kind of normal job when they're having so much fun running around, lying to present wife, doing whatever the heck he wanted, when he wanted, leaving home and returning whenever he wanted, all the while snookering present-wife, lying to her.

Somebody here posted (a couple posts' ago) that PC's last Wisc.-wife 'caused PC to lose a job' -- I have never, ever, not once heard anything about such a thing !! What the heck is that all about??? !!!

It was in an article that PC lost his job as a caregiver based on allegations from ex-wife that he abused his child/ren. The link is probably above in the thread. If you can't find it, I can look for the link later.
OK, looks like I am not the only one that's still interested in the "uncle".
from link: Although prosecutors have said Pierre Collins acted alone, the document says the Crystal man and the “uncle” could have communicated through Collins’ Yahoo! e-mail account.
Not saying there definitely IS an uncle but I'm glad it's being investigated
some snips I have tucked away, quotes of the ex wife

Beaver filed an order for protection against Pierre Collins in 2013 after she says he hurt her children. The order expired just days before Barway disappeared.
“I recall (Pierre) hitting (Barway) with a belt, not just a couple times -- we're talking 10 times if not more,” Beaver said. “We're talking hitting him in his head anytime he got an answer wrong on his homework. He was abusive of my children, abusive towards me.”

"I figured from day one, I said it from day one, that I believed he had something to do with it,” Beaver said.

“I took care of him, I helped get him here from Liberia, I helped take care of him, I nurtured him, I took care of him when he was sick, I brought him to school, went to his conferences, everything,” Beaver said. “I was mommy.”
“I'll be honest with you, Pierre hurt my children, so what's stopping him from hurting Barway?”

do not have the stuff about his former job handy :(
The info about his caretaker job was in the April 18, 2015 Star Tribune.


And his work as a personal care attendant had been derailed by allegations of physical and sexual abuse made against him during the custody battle.

When employed, Collins had made $8 to $11 an hour. To make ends meet, he’d relied on several insurance payouts after car accidents.

And here is an interesting detail I missed the first time I read the same article, BBM:

On July 8, 2013, the day Collins and Beaver attended divorce proceedings, he was in another car accident.

He submitted a claim for medical expenses and income loss, alleging he couldn’t work because of leg, back and neck injuries, records show. In total, he claimed to not have worked for 18 weeks, though he worked some of that time, court documents say.

The insurer sued him for fraud, alleging he had made suspiciously similar claims in each of the three accidents he’d reported over the years. It also accused him of hiding his 2007 worker’s comp claim.

The SAME DAY he had divorce proceedings, he had a car accident and filed a fraudulent claim. The SAME DAY he was ordered to pay child-support, he killed his son for insurance claim.

Looks like we have a pattern.

I wonder what happened in his life the day of the fire in his Brooklyn Center apartment??
The local news said that on the day of the murder (which is the same day as the 6 month child support review hearing), PC turned down a 3 p.m. Personal Care Attendant work shift - said he was 'busy'.

I find it odd that there is no online list of MN licensed Personal Care Attendants ! One would think a whole lot of people would want to reviewing such a list day-in, day-out !! See:
The local news said that on the day of the murder (which is the same day as the 6 month child support review hearing), PC turned down a 3 p.m. Personal Care Attendant work shift - said he was 'busy'.

I find it odd that there is no online list of MN licensed Personal Care Attendants ! One would think a whole lot of people would want to reviewing such a list day-in, day-out !! See:
The consumer relies on the company employing the PCA to make sure s/he is qualified. Background checks thru the state of MN are mandatory before a PCA is allowed to work 1:1 with someone.
Two new articles out in the press:
1. PC's laptop was hidden under a CUSHION of the couch NOT underneath the couch itself !! STUNNING ! THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING !! I wonder if TC_MN thinks now that perhaps someone else was involved and complicit -- add that laptop to the red towel with foilage on it found in a kitchen cupboard.... ??? What I would like to know is whether in the early 'press conferences' when PC would invite bunches of reporters into his home, did he present-wife do much of the talking, or just PC?? Did present-wife ever speak out that PC is innocent? (If so, recall that at some point she told the police that PC 'cried' when he got home that evening following the murder and Liberians only cry when 'someone's died'....
2. Warrant is obtained to search PC's yah@@ email account and, of course, the entire laptop.
Two new articles out in the press:
1. PC's laptop was hidden under a CUSHION of the couch NOT underneath the couch itself !! STUNNING ! THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING !! I wonder if TC_MN thinks now that perhaps someone else was involved and complicit -- add that laptop to the red towel with foilage on it found in a kitchen cupboard.... ??? What I would like to know is whether in the early 'press conferences' when PC would invite bunches of reporters into his home, did he present-wife do much of the talking, or just PC?? Did present-wife ever speak out that PC is innocent? (If so, recall that at some point she told the police that PC 'cried' when he got home that evening following the murder and Liberians only cry when 'someone's died'....
2. Warrant is obtained to search PC's yah@@ email account and, of course, the entire laptop.
Can you offer the link to the second new article?

I am not seeing anything in this warrant application about the 'laptop under sofa cushion', so that must be in some other document, or told orally by some police officer to a reporter who put it in the recent news article??

This is so damning: MANY WITNESSES saw Little Edwin (Barway) get into what they believe (but apparently could not definitively identify) was PC's car.

I don't understand why there is video of PC arriving BACK TO the apartment complex, but NOT leaving (with Little Edwin)???? OH, OH, OH, JUST REALIZED, the police just put 'enough' into the warrant application to get it approved - - as I've stated repeatedly before, they may well (likely?) have more, and in this case, perhaps SO MUCH MORE.

Also notice how PC changes his clothes right away !! Very telltale ! Plus, getting a baseball cap pulled down on his face, well, that sure makes sense to me that this is someone who wants to have his face covered from easy view.

Now about that 'uncle': I flip flop both ways as to whether or not 'uncle' was involved. I lean to say, NO, PC did this all alone, because: 1. PC would not want to share insurance money with anyone, and 2. 'Uncle' was not near PC when Little Edwin said 'uncle is here', and 3. PC apparently left the apartment very close in time to when Little Edwin rolled up in the school van, and 4. IMO it would be easier and quicker for PC (if he's guilty) to get this murder done alone (remember, we all know he was enraged, and in a rage that had obviously been building over time), and 5. If 'uncle' was in on the murder, one would think he'd have been in the same car as PC and the child, and 6. I think PC went to the River earlier in the day in order to 'case the joint' and maybe to hide the duct tape, and that long knife (IF that was a part of this crime) right near the shore where the round large silver metal drainage collector was, to be ready for his murderous plan to unfold (see, IMO, PC would have tricked LIttle Edwin to get him 'happily' to go down to the shore of the River, and PC's next trick would be to get PC silenced, i.e., mouth covered or otherwise 'knocked out' ((sadly tho', PC, if he is guilty, seems too brutal and too inept to know about and to handle something like chloroform and a cloth)) ...!!!) HOWEVER, REASONS I FEEL NOT SURE ABOUT 'UNCLE' INVOLVEMENT are: 1. When Little Edwin says 'there's my uncle', he does have this 'surprised' tone about his voice IMO - - it just didn't seem like a 'normal' occurrence, i.e, not like it was typical for 'uncle' to be out in the parking lot area of the complex, i.e., it did NOT seem as if 'uncle' was even a resident of the apartment complex IMO !, and 2. If PC is guilty, surely he was not so dumb that he didn't realize he'd be on camera clearly at Cub Foods and the inside little TCF Bank cash machine -- all those cameras are very much obvious and 'in your face' there, SO MAYBE PC - and 'uncle' - were slick enough to travel to the Mississippi River to commit the murder in separate cars. IN SUM: If PC is guilty, I lean to think PC did this crime all by himself.
What was the significance of the $6K withdrawal? And how did PC get that money when early reports show he had a negative balance? Loan shark? Debt was due? any ideas?
What was the significance of the $6K withdrawal? And how did PC get that money when early reports show he had a negative balance? Loan shark? Debt was due? any ideas?
To pay the "uncle " for his help? MOO
I forgot: 'Laptop found (by police)hidden under sofa-cushion' OR 'laptop found under sofa' ???? Right now we can't know which it is !!! HOWEVER, I guess it's safe to say that the laptop was under one or the other (cushion of sofa OR under sofa).

Again, if laptop was found 'under cushion', well, adding that to 'large red towel with plant material found in kitchen cupboard', and IF PC is guilty, this all sure adds suspicion, for me, as to, who in that home/apartment knew what !!!

I recall PC in one (or more??) of those press conferences he held yapping on about how he was so very cooperative with the police - had given them '1/2 of my clothes', 'my cell phone', 'my computer', 'my ipad', and then he goes on to say, 'And what do I get for my wonderful cooperation?? - being called a suspect!!!'. Can someone find that link/links to the video/videos - - what I wonder is if present-wife was at PC's side when he said such things, and how her face looked, was she nodding, did she make like statements??? And, ALSO, I wonder: Why in the world would 'poor' PC, NO job & living in federal Section Housing with 3 kids and a non-working Liberian wife, own ALL those pricey electronics in the first place - - not to mention, internet access and monthly phone service costs big money? (Heck, I do work, and I do NOT own all those pricey 'latest' electronic gadgets!!)

It will be interesting to learn what PC would do online. IMO, fiddling/playing with his 'latest' electronic gadgets would have kept PC way too busy to hold down a job !!!

Also, we need to REMEMBER that we've been told that PC actually turned his phone OFF from the time he LEFT THE MURDER SCENE (the Mississippi River bank) 'til the time he arrived at the Cub, correct???? (Please clarify this, because I just don't remember the exact specifics on 'on-off'. ...... tyia....)
What was the significance of the $6K withdrawal? And how did PC get that money when early reports show he had a negative balance? Loan shark? Debt was due? any ideas?

Hi - I suggest you go through this entire thread from the very beginning (oh, what a horrific and sad nightmare this has been...) and you'll find all your questions answered with 'guesses' and speculation, and great detail! IMO, if PC is guilty of this crime, being a 'loan shark' would be way too clean of an occupation for him to choose! Best to you.
What was the significance of the $6K withdrawal? And how did PC get that money when early reports show he had a negative balance? Loan shark? Debt was due? any ideas?

To answer your question about where he got money:

"To make ends meet, he’d relied on several insurance payouts after car accidents. The payments were drying up, and one insurance firm had sued him, alleging fraud."

And, in addition:

Pierre Barlee Collins, the father jailed and charged this week in the March 18 disappearance and murder of his 10-year-old son, also is under investigation in a Brooklyn Center apartment complex fire late last year in which he filed an insurance claim to recoup losses.
I forgot: 'Laptop found (by police)hidden under sofa-cushion' OR 'laptop found under sofa' ???? Right now we can't know which it is !!! HOWEVER, I guess it's safe to say that the laptop was under one or the other (cushion of sofa OR under sofa).

Again, if laptop was found 'under cushion', well, adding that to 'large red towel with plant material found in kitchen cupboard', and IF PC is guilty, this all sure adds suspicion, for me, as to, who in that home/apartment knew what !!!

I recall PC in one (or more??) of those press conferences he held yapping on about how he was so very cooperative with the police - had given them '1/2 of my clothes', 'my cell phone', 'my computer', 'my ipad', and then he goes on to say, 'And what do I get for my wonderful cooperation?? - being called a suspect!!!'. Can someone find that link/links to the video/videos - - what I wonder is if present-wife was at PC's side when he said such things, and how her face looked, was she nodding, did she make like statements??? And, ALSO, I wonder: Why in the world would 'poor' PC, NO job & living in federal Section Housing with 3 kids and a non-working Liberian wife, own ALL those pricey electronics in the first place - - not to mention, internet access and monthly phone service costs big money? (Heck, I do work, and I do NOT own all those pricey 'latest' electronic gadgets!!)

It will be interesting to learn what PC would do online. IMO, fiddling/playing with his 'latest' electronic gadgets would have kept PC way too busy to hold down a job !!!

Also, we need to REMEMBER that we've been told that PC actually turned his phone OFF from the time he LEFT THE MURDER SCENE (the Mississippi River bank) 'til the time he arrived at the Cub, correct???? (Please clarify this, because I just don't remember the exact specifics on 'on-off'. ...... tyia....)

He turned off his phone while he was at the river with Edwin (Barway), but turned it back on again to call his wife around the same time he was checking his bank balance. I can search for the link if you need it.
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