MN - George Floyd, 46, died in police custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020 *officers charged* #3

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Oops - forgot to look at the tweets! :rolleyes:

Cathy Russon
#DerekChauvinTrial - Today begins week 3 of jury selection. 13 jurors have been selected. On Friday Judge Cahill said they're looking for 2 more. Opening statements March 29.

Judge Cahill said he wants to meet attorneys in chambers at the morning break to "talk about that a little bit" . Didn't say what "that" is.

- Defense filed briefs late Friday in support of their change of venue motion, Judge Cahill reviewed and said it doesn't change his ruling Change of venue still denied. Waiting on first group of jurors to be brought in.

Chauvin is introduced to the group of potential jurors. He's wearing Navy suit, black shirt, blue tie.

[same picture as last time...]

Potential juror #115 is up first. Female. Regarding media exposure she says she knows that not everything she's seen is true and can be fair and impartial and listen to the facts

PJ 115 when asked, describes herself as nice, honest, likes to read and watch Netflix. She says her name being released some time after the trial isn't concerning to her.

When Nelson asks her how she can tell if someone is telling the truth, PJ115 admits she's a person that's "pretty bad" about telling if someone is lying. Says she goes with her gut.

Defense uses a strike on #115.

Defense - 14/18
State - 7/10

PJ 116, Man, is up next. He said he's not generally a news person. Said he heard about the settlement because "You can't not hear that"

PJ 116 checked "somewhat unfavorable" on his impression of Black Lives Matter stating he didn't think the riots helped.

Defense passes on cause. Now prosecutor Steve Schleicher is up for the state.

It appears Scheicher is wanting to get PJ 116 dismissed for cause, asking a lot about his work schedule and conflict.


now I'll let some accumulate - as I go fix dinner.... :)
#DerekChauvinTrial - PJ 116, Man, is up next. He said he's not generally a news person. Said he heard about the settlement because "You can't not hear that"


#DerekChauvinTrial - PJ 116 checked "somewhat unfavorable" on his impression of Black Lives Matter stating he didn't think the riots helped.

#DerekChauvinTrial - Defense passes on cause. Now prosecutor Steve Schleicher is up for the state.

#DerekChauvinTrial - Defense passes on cause. Now prosecutor Steve Schleicher is up for the state.

#DerekChauvinTrial - It appears Scheicher is wanting to get PJ 116 dismissed for cause, asking a lot about his work schedule and conflict.
Cathy Russon
#DerekChauvinTrial - Morning recess. Earlier this morning Judge Cahill told the pool reporter and others in the courtroom that once a jury is picked he does expect to have any additional hearings before openings on March 29.

He Does NOT expect to have any more hearings once a jury is selected.

Pool reporter: Juror 115 dismissed this morning was white female, 20s-30s. Juror 116 was white male, 30s

#DerekChauvinTrial - PJ 117 judge dismissed for cause shortly after taking the stand. English is not her first language and expressed concerns about understanding.

Christina Marinakis (in white) is the jury consultant for the state.


Now PJ 118, white female. She heard about the $27 million settlement. Saw the passing headline but didn't read more about.

Nelson begins questioning PJ #118 - She is a social worker, got married last October, recently got a puppy.


edited to add picture....
Cathy Russon
#DerekChauvinTrial - PJ 118 marked "somewhat negative or neutral" on her questionnaire about Chauvin. She said she had a somewhat negative view based on media reports and a neutral view wondering if he acted on his training.

PJ 118 "strongly disagrees" with defunding the Minneapolis police. She explained what she had understood about that movement was complexly getting rid of police. She "somewhat agreed" with police make her feel safe. Says has little experience

PJ 118 on Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives matter she marked "neutral" saying she believes black lives matter as much as Latina, police, etc..."
She believes blacks and other minorities receive different tx in the criminal justice system.

Defense passes for cause. Now state questioning PJ 118.

Watching live stream, reading posts. I think prosecution likes PJ118 who has been selected for jury. She is a social worker, empathic, sounds fair.

I was thinking during defense voir dire, that Nelson would use a strike because of her profession. But she sounded so insightful and unbiased, I can understand why he passed for cause.
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Last juror was perfect and should be the gold standard to look for.
. I enjoyed listening to PJ118's answers in voir dire.
Do you think because of her life experiences and profession she might lean a bit toward Prosecution side in final outcome?
Not being an American I don't know the machinations of a grand jury but during the grand jury to decide whether to charge Chauvin criminally for the death of George Floyd aren't the jury allowed to ask questions? And would those questions be provided to both the prosecution and defense teams to get an understanding of what lay persons would want to know during the actual trial? Thanks.
I think in the federal trial the grand jury may ask follow up questions, but for the state trial, jurors are not allowed to question witnesses directly or submit questions through the judge or attorneys. Some states do allow questioning by jurors (I think someone included a list a few pages back) but Minnesota is not one of them. Imo
Cathy Russon
#DerekChauvinTrial - Court is back in session.

Now Juror 119. Male. Has heard the settlement news, Said it was hard to avoid it. He said the news of the settlement slanted his view too much and cannot be fair and impartial. Judge dismissed for cause.

The next group of jurors are still in the back watching the required court jury video. Brief recess.

Judge Cahill to attorneys after dismissing the last juror who said the settlement news slanted his opinion too much to be fair and impartial, "I guess we can't disagree with the premise anymore. "

Cathy Russon Retweeted
Mary Moriarty
Replying to
That’s a shot at the city attorney who said he “disagreed with the premise” that the announcement of the settlement had any impact on the criminal trial.

Cathy Russon
#DerekChauvinTrial - Now juror #120. He said he avoided coverage on this case since the questionnaire, "Until I saw the headline about jury selection."

PJ 120 when judge asks him if he is neutral on this case of if the needle leans one way more than another. He said it leans a little more toward guilt. After a few more questions, JUDGE DISMISSED HIM FOR CAUSE.

Now PJ 121, Male. He says he hasn't seen any headlines about the criminal or civil case since filling out questionnaire. (I think that's the first time we've heard that)

Now Nelson is up. PJ121 on conflict in the jury room: "I would try to be as respectful as I can." He says he doesn't generally tell people that they are wrong, tries his best to hear out someone else even if he disagrees.

PJ121 Said he had formed strong opinions about this case on the questionnaire, when asked if he could set aside those strong opinions and judge based on the facts he said he could.

PJ 121 on Cause of #GeorgeFloyd's death, he says he's heard that he died for his airway being closed and has also heard about a drug overdose and that Floyd may have died from a combination.

On questionnaire PJ 121 wrote: I feel Chauvin used excessive and unnecessary force and that the other officers should have intervened.

PJ 121 on questionnaire - he believes Chauvin caused #GeorgeFloyd's death.

PJ 121 - "Somewhat agrees" with defunding the Minneapolis police. Says he doesn't believe in defunding so much as reevaluating, funding other programs., etc..

PJ 121 "somewhat agrees" 9f on the questionnaire - "Minneapolis police officer are more likely to respond with force when confronting black suspects than white.

PJ 121 talks about a previous arrest he had - not by MPD - he said he thinks he was treated fairly.

PJ 121 - Nelson now recapping juror's answers on the questionnaire that are strong biases and asks him again if he's confident he can put those aside and be fair. " Yes, I think so."

Now in a sidebar huddle with judge. I'm sure Nelson is asking for this juror to be dismissed for cause.


PJ 121 - Judge dismissed following a sidebar. NOTE: We do not yet know if the defense used a strike or the judge dismissed for cause. Pool reporter in the courtroom also did not have this info.


Okay @Chelly - I'm headed to bed! Hope you are around to do the tweets! :)
Judge said PJ 121 was being evasive/dishonest and was flip in some of his answers in the questionnaire!! I liked his answers. I’m really surprised by that impression from the judge.
. I enjoyed listening to PJ118's answers in voir dire.
Do you think because of her life experiences and profession she might lean a bit toward Prosecution side in final outcome?
I hold social workers in very high regards and I think they're among the professions that are most likely to stay impartial and objective, while seeking for a fair and real resolution to a conflict.
That's what they make a living out of anyway, so no, I think she should be the Jury's Foreperson, that's how much I liked her voir dire
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