MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #14

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A "treatment program" that automatically locks people up for their whole lives after they have already served their prison terms??

“In a damaging courtroom sequence this week, top administrators at Minnesota’s sex offender treatment program admitted they don’t know if men confined for years at high-security treatment centers still deserve to be in custody.

Two high-level directors at the Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP) said . . . the state may be detaining untold numbers of sex offenders who no longer meet the state’s legal requirement for confinement. The surprising admission, in the third week of a landmark federal trial in St. Paul, cast new doubt on whether the state is violating the Constitution by confining sex offenders for indefinite periods after they have already served their prison terms.

But even as the trial unfolds, officials said, MSOP is taking unprecedented steps to address constitutional concerns by moving detained offenders closer to release.

The state is moving to nearly double the size of Community Preparation Services, a program designed to reintegrate sex offenders into the community after they have completed treatment. The number of offenders in this final phase of treatment has more than tripled, to 32, in the past three years. About 60 percent of offenders are in the final two stages of treatment, up from 29 percent three years ago.

In scathing testimony, former MSOP Executive Director Dennis Benson said the system is fundamentally broken, largely because too many elected officials have a say over who gets released. Even after MSOP staff supports the provisional discharge of an offender, county attorneys and political appointees could intervene to prevent release, Benson said.

. . . it is unlikely that MSOP will pass constitutional muster with the judge, said Eric Janus, dean of the William Mitchell College of Law and author of a book on sex offender commitment laws.

“A treatment program that automatically locks people up for their whole lives, without even assessing whether they pose a risk to the public, is not a treatment program,” he said. “It’s punitive and, by definition, unconstitutional.”

The plaintiffs closed their case Thursday, and the state will begin calling witnesses Friday. The trial is scheduled to last through March 27.

Testimony chips away at state's sex offender program (Minneapolis Star Tribune‎)

Prov. 11:14
A "treatment program" that automatically locks people up for their whole lives after they have already served their prison terms??

“In a damaging courtroom sequence this week, top administrators at Minnesota’s sex offender treatment program admitted they don’t know if men confined for years at high-security treatment centers still deserve to be in custody.

Two high-level directors at the Minnesota Sex Offender Program (MSOP) said . . . the state may be detaining untold numbers of sex offenders who no longer meet the state’s legal requirement for confinement. The surprising admission, in the third week of a landmark federal trial in St. Paul, cast new doubt on whether the state is violating the Constitution by confining sex offenders for indefinite periods after they have already served their prison terms.

But even as the trial unfolds, officials said, MSOP is taking unprecedented steps to address constitutional concerns by moving detained offenders closer to release.

The state is moving to nearly double the size of Community Preparation Services, a program designed to reintegrate sex offenders into the community after they have completed treatment. The number of offenders in this final phase of treatment has more than tripled, to 32, in the past three years. About 60 percent of offenders are in the final two stages of treatment, up from 29 percent three years ago.

In scathing testimony, former MSOP Executive Director Dennis Benson said the system is fundamentally broken, largely because too many elected officials have a say over who gets released. Even after MSOP staff supports the provisional discharge of an offender, county attorneys and political appointees could intervene to prevent release, Benson said.

. . . it is unlikely that MSOP will pass constitutional muster with the judge, said Eric Janus, dean of the William Mitchell College of Law and author of a book on sex offender commitment laws.

“A treatment program that automatically locks people up for their whole lives, without even assessing whether they pose a risk to the public, is not a treatment program,” he said. “It’s punitive and, by definition, unconstitutional.”

The plaintiffs closed their case Thursday, and the state will begin calling witnesses Friday. The trial is scheduled to last through March 27.

Testimony chips away at state's sex offender program (Minneapolis Star Tribune‎)

Prov. 11:14

just kill them at sentencing. No fuss, no muss.

I don"t get it. DAH raped children for years, for instance. And we should not punish him?
just kill them at sentencing. No fuss, no muss.

I don"t get it. DAH raped children for years, for instance. And we should not punish him?

DAH also refused any rehab treatment that was offered to him. So unless he complies with that, he's going nowhere.

We'll see how many actually get out, even if they win. As stated, attorneys and politicians can still prevent their release.
Is that area in range to get KEYC out of Mankato over the air?

I should have been clear. KEYC is a television station. It airs the show Bandwagon, which features polka bands most of the time. It came to mind with all this recent discussion. I occasionally watched it when I lived in northwest Iowa as a kid.
I should have been clear. KEYC is a television station. It airs the show Bandwagon, which features polka bands most of the time. It came to mind with all this recent discussion. I occasionally watched it when I lived in northwest Iowa as a kid.

Me too, it was so much fun to see someone you knew on JD Bandwagon....and it was the only station we could get and it was snowy!
I should have been clear. KEYC is a television station. It airs the show Bandwagon, which features polka bands most of the time. It came to mind with all this recent discussion. I occasionally watched it when I lived in northwest Iowa as a kid.

Lol! ohhh. No, we don't get that TV station here.

Very nice work on JW analysis (post#775). Thank you again for providing that analysis to the forum. Would it be possible for you to also do a little "linkage" analysis? for the cases referenced here -
I do realize that it will be very difficult to do this professionally without direct access to the relevant case files, but any insights you can share...given whatever info is available to you...would be greatly appreciated.

What shoeprints have you found in the photos of DR's driveway, and if you have some as candidates for the abductor, where you able to determine some shoe/sole type and size for them?
Is it OK to share any of this here???....there is some great detective work and writing by ELOCsoul found at -

Terry Bailey* was walking along a street in downtown Virginia, Minnesota one afternoon in January 1990, when he noticed a poster hanging on a store window. Bailey recognized the man in the poster immediately, and asked himself, “Why is there a poster of Duane Hart hanging in the window?”
Bailey recognized the eyes in the hand-sketched poster, and there was no doubt in his mind that Hart was the man depicted. Bailey’s recalled a time more than twenty-five years earlier, in 1963, when he was a teenager living in Paynesville, Minnesota. He was at the skating rink when two eleven or twelve-year-old boys asked him for his help. An older boy tried to coerce them into going off with him to perform sexual favors.
Bailey approached the older boy, whom he later learned was Duane Hart, and asked him to leave the younger boys alone. Bailey and Hart went outside to discuss the problem in the alley behind the rink. According to Bailey, Hart then grabbed Bailey’s jacket, pulled it up over his head, wrapped it tightly and started beating on Bailey. Stunned, Bailey fell to the ground, and then Hart pounced on top of Bailey. Bailey was a strong and well-coached wrestler, and once the two boys were on the ground, he quickly gained the upper hand. He removed his boot and struck Hart several times on the forehead with the metal horseshoe cleat on the bottom of the boot. Bailey hit Hart hard enough to draw blood, so the injury probably left a scar on Hart’s forehead. More importantly, Bailey was able to get away from Hart and run home.
Bailey said that a short time later he told a Paynesville police officer about his encounter with Hart. He said the police officer told him that Hart was a bad person, and he should stay away from him. Twenty-five years later, Bailey found himself staring at the store window. He wondered why Hart’s face was shown on the poster, in 1990, so he approached the window for a closer look. That was when Bailey learned of Jacob Wetterling’s abduction, and he immediately called the FBI and told them his story.
Duane Allen Hart had come to investigators' attention as a possible suspect very soon after Jacob Wetterling was abducted. Paynesville area residents called with tips that Hart had a reputation for grooming and manipulating young boys in the area for various sex acts.

Pics and Jared's story can be found at Joy Baker's blog
the well known pic of Jared's abductor sketch
and a maybe not so well known pic of DAH also courtesy

+/- hat, -/+ mustache

Although I am not LE, as far as the report, statistics are given:'the percentages.

Remember, if something is 40 %, then there is 60% unaccounted for.

Is there a newer report than 99?

What shoeprints have you found in the photos of DR's driveway, and if you have some as candidates for the abductor, where you able to determine some shoe/sole type and size for them?

Welcome to the boards. Just curious, are you local to the area? I don't believe anyone has definitively identified a footprint other than Jacobs.
just kill them at sentencing. No fuss, no muss.

I don"t get it. DAH raped children for years, for instance. And we should not punish him?
I believe a lot of our criminal justice programs surrounding sex offenses are not constitutional. The offenders are not treated fair when compared to other felons. I am not saying they should get a pass, but it seems like murderers are treated much better. I don't think murderers have to register, etc, and unless they are insane they are allowed to be released.

Very nice work on JW analysis (post#775). Thank you again for providing that analysis to the forum. Would it be possible for you to also do a little "linkage" analysis? for the cases referenced here -
I do realize that it will be very difficult to do this professionally without direct access to the relevant case files, but any insights you can share...given whatever info is available to you...would be greatly appreciated.

Without the pertinent information it would be speculative at best, but I generally don't from blogs for several reasons.

I will say however I wouldn't be stunned to hear of other crimes similar in most if not all aspects, barring the complete disappearance of a victim, occurring around the same time.
At the risk of being morbid- let's assume, for sake of argument, DAH did it and disposed of the body. Would it really be that difficult to search possible disposal sites DAH may have used? I realize the possibilities are endless, but not really if you truly think about it.
DAH does not seem like the brightest bulb on the tree....

Were possible areas ever searched having to do with DAH?
How did he know the children would be passing? If the twice in one day scenario is true, he could hardly have known in the afternoon that the children would be passing later that night.

Using a portable police scanner to listen in on cordless telephones?
Without the pertinent information it would be speculative at best, but I generally don't from blogs for several reasons.

I will say however I wouldn't be stunned to hear of other crimes similar in most if not all aspects, barring the complete disappearance of a victim, occurring around the same time.
Unfortunately, I think the area had between 10-20 active pedophiles.
About the perp-laying-in-wait/possible earlier day driveby in the Rassiers driveway

I see a few options:
1. Someone who knew/believed all Rassiers were away on vacation and thought they could use the property as an area for committing some kind of crime
2. Someone staking out the boy scouts camping in the area that weekend
3. Someone staking out the party spot in the area that weekend
4. Someone staking out the Del Win/polka gathering in the area that weekend

Perhaps the perp had NO CLUE Jacob and friends would be passing by- perhaps the perp was simply hoping for a combination of 1-4 variables (or more possibilities) and got "lucky" when Jacob and company passed by

Also, most schools were out that Monday, so the traffic in the area is a bit more understandable.

Just my thoughts
Unfortunately, I think the area had between 10-20 active pedophiles.

10-20 is ALOT, some Pedophile rings aren't that large, and if by "active" you mean actively molesting victims, then that may be the largest concentration I have seen barring internet based rings that get busted

The thing to remember is that not all Pedophiles molest , and in contrast MOST molesters aren't true pedophiles, that throws ALOT of people though I will say that the members here are very apt to try to understand the dynamics involved.

That being said even fewer (molesters/pedophiles) will actually abduct or even attempt to.

Remember the MOST common Pedophile types also happen to be least "dangerous" types in terms of potential violence particularly homicide.

The "Seduction" types (the most common) are looking for a sexual/emotional relationship with children, they spend years grooming numbers of victims, therefore they almost ALWAYS have constant access to them. These individuals have no need to abduct, and usually wouldn't even if they had to because they aren't simply looking for the Sexual, but a true relationship .

They will spend 90% of their time trying to locate and groom new victims , but VERY few cases exist where this type has intentionally harmed victims.

In the known cases of such behavior its was usually a means to keep their actions secret

NOW there have been cases, (though the number I believe is less than 10) where Seduction types have for some reason, become sadistic over a period of time, now these are almost considered enigma. Its unknown why this "metamorphosis" occurred in those cases , but its believed that the roots of the sadistic behavior had already been demonstrated in the offenders lives elsewhere prior to their sexual deviant crimes.

If we reduce that further taking into account that females outnumber (almost double in some studies) males as victims of molestation, abduction, and abduction/homicides, the proverbial "noose" if you will starts to close even more

Next we look at individual pasts, what type of crimes did they commit ?, of course ones with pasts including abductions or attempted abductions should be scrutinized...

Remember though the actions of those who molest (for whatever underlying cause) though certainly damaging to their victims, does NOT pre-dispose the offender to "violence".

In Short Pedophiles who Stalk/abduct/molest/kill/prefer male victims/ are pretty rare, those should be taken in as investigative considerations in the event this case is to be reviewed

There also remains the chance he was abducted and kept (Ex Shawn Hornbeck etc..) , but the general profile would remain almost identical, but this is an even smaller group statistically
10-20 is ALOT, some Pedophile rings aren't that large, and if by "active" you mean actively molesting victims, then that may be the largest concentration I have seen barring internet based rings that get busted

The thing to remember is that not all Pedophiles molest , and in contrast MOST molesters aren't true pedophiles, that throws ALOT of people though I will say that the members here are very apt to try to understand the dynamics involved.

That being said even fewer (molesters/pedophiles) will actually abduct or even attempt to.

Remember the MOST common Pedophile types also happen to be least "dangerous" types in terms of potential violence particularly homicide.

The "Seduction" types (the most common) are looking for a sexual/emotional relationship with children, they spend years grooming numbers of victims, therefore they almost ALWAYS have constant access to them. These individuals have no need to abduct, and usually wouldn't even if they had to because they aren't simply looking for the Sexual, but a true relationship .

They will spend 90% of their time trying to locate and groom new victims , but VERY few cases exist where this type has intentionally harmed victims.

In the known cases of such behavior its was usually a means to keep their actions secret

NOW there have been cases, (though the number I believe is less than 10) where Seduction types have for some reason, become sadistic over a period of time, now these are almost considered enigma. Its unknown why this "metamorphosis" occurred in those cases , but its believed that the roots of the sadistic behavior had already been demonstrated in the offenders lives elsewhere prior to their sexual deviant crimes.

If we reduce that further taking into account that females outnumber (almost double in some studies) males as victims of molestation, abduction, and abduction/homicides, the proverbial "noose" if you will starts to close even more

Next we look at individual pasts, what type of crimes did they commit ?, of course ones with pasts including abductions or attempted abductions should be scrutinized...

Remember though the actions of those who molest (for whatever underlying cause) though certainly damaging to their victims, does NOT pre-dispose the offender to "violence".

In Short Pedophiles who Stalk/abduct/molest/kill/prefer male victims/ are pretty rare, those should be taken in as investigative considerations in the event this case is to be reviewed

There also remains the chance he was abducted and kept (Ex Shawn Hornbeck etc..) , but the general profile would remain almost identical, but this is an even smaller group statistically

I wish this was hyperbole on my behalf. But, I surmise that you aren't familiar with Stearns County.

1) St. John's University had long served as a repository for pedophile religious. They have a locked unit where--at anytime--between 10-40 pedophile religious. Mind you Jacob went missing in 1989, before the priest abuse scandal.
2) St. John preparatory school/seminary has some of the largest figures of sex abuse in the country.
3) Stearns county has a syndrome named after it, for the highest incidence of incest in a first world country.
4) One active pedophile, MF, was within a mile of the crime scene but was molesting or grooming another child. DAH has also used the alibi that he was molesting another child. This is the only case I am aware of where two of the main suspects ADMIT to sexually molesting other people as there alibi.
5) Diocesan parish priests in the area were also pedophiles.
6) halfway houses for pedophiles existed within a few miles.

I am probably missing some part of this scene in the late 80's.

The interesting part of all of these pedophiles is that they were all so successful as groomers. Why change your MO when you are so successful? DAH admits to 40-50 kids by giving them alcohol.

I think your profile points towards DR.
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