GUILTY MO - Bobbi Jo Stinnett, 23, slain, fetus stolen, Skidmore, 16 Dec 2004

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I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to hear this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Now they need to give her the federal death penalty...she'll get the needle really fast, too.
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to hear this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Now they need to give her the federal death penalty...she'll get the needle really fast, too.
Thank God!! this woman is pure evil.
More on today's witnesses - it appears the defense has put some on as well so it seems to be moving quickly.

Asked by prosecutors if her mother had ever apologized for the crime, Boman said: "No. She doesn't remember doing it."

Later asked by the defense if Boman thought her mother was in her right mind during the killing, Boman said: "I don't think anybody could have been."
Good versus evil. Surely, everyone has heard that phrase now; it is so common as to have become nearly cliché. Nevertheless, as a people, we have always been fascinated with the concept of good and evil. God and the Devil. Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. America and the Terrorists. I am sure you can field several of your own examples of this concept in literature, movies, comics, and even in international politics. This classic discussion has its roots in the eve of humanity. With people, come good and evil.

I am sure many of you can recall playing Cowboys and Indians or War or Cops and Robbers, or something equally dramatic and appealing. Let me guess, the Indians were the badguys, and so were the robbers. When you were younger, did you write superhero comics? Was there an all powerful hero or heroine who was called to save the world? And no doubt, there was an equally nefarious villain, someone so evil and frightening you had nightmares. Did you ever write a fantasy story? A hero or heroine who needed to bring peace and justice to an otherwise dark and lost world? And there was an evil wizard, or an evil king, or anyone who could be called 'evil', right?

From our very conception, we have been confounded with the mystery of good and evil. Somehow, the good always wins and the evil is always punished with everlasting damnation or some sort of satisfactory punishment. Do you read the news? Do you read about terrorism? Whom in history might you name as an evil person? Might you say King Henry VIII, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the biblical Pharaoh who ordered all Hebrew babies killed? When you think of these people, do you imagine sadistic psychopaths with hearts as black as coal? Do you label these people evil human beings?

What if someone told you otherwise? What would you say to them? Would you laugh and say "You're joking, right?" and wait for them to confirm your first reaction? Well, ladies and gentleman, I am that person. I am saying to you that none of those people, not one of the supposedly evil criminals and terrorists in the world is an evil person. And I am not joking, contrary to your first impressions. By now, perhaps you are scratching your head, looking sideways at your computer screen and saying "What?!" Or maybe you are more militant in your opposition, leaping from your chair and stabbing a finger towards the screen screaming in a hoarse voice "Liar!!! YOU'RE JUST ONE OF THEM YOU *expletive*!!!" or some variation on that concept. But nevertheless, I say to you that there is no such thing as an evil person. Likewise, there is no such thing as a good person.

Now, surely, you are beleaguered and truly wondering if I am high right now, or just plain insane. I assure you I am not. But what I say is true. You may disagree with me all you like, but nothing can change truth. You can say the Holocaust never happened, but it will not change the facts. You can believe what you say and it still cannot change the truth.

I am not saying-and never said-that there is no such thing as an evil action, or an evil thought. Genocide is evil. Hitler committed an atrocity, an evil act. He most certainly had evil thoughts in his mind, and maybe he even believed them. The Pharaoh who ordered the Hebrew babies killed most certainly committed a criminal act-what he did was evil. This in itself, however, does not make him evil. Evil actions and evil thoughts cannot make someone evil, just as a good action, such as donating a few pennies to charity, cannot make a person a good person. Why, if it did, then everyone on earth surely would be a truly good person! Of course, that statement is ridiculous, and so too is the assumption that a murder, or a lie, or a theft, or an act of cheating can make someone evil.

You might say so, or think so, but when you really think about it, it is ludicrous. Writers, when you write, do you make your 'badguys' evil, treacherous, and cruel? Maybe deformed or bad-looking? Do you make your 'goodguys' heroic, honest, and virtuous? Maybe attractive and good-looking? Stereotypes, archetypes, biases, prejudices, all of them. And you have probably read more than one book that does exactly this. Make the protagonist utterly desirable and the antagonist utterly repulsive.

Ever heard the expression "Don't judge a person until you walk a mile in their shoes?" Well it’s true-only I amend it to say “Don’t judge a person until you’ve not only walked a mile in their shoes, but worn their clothing, done their job, and loved the people they loved.” In other words, there is no way you can accurately make a judgment-or fairly, I should say-of any person until you know what their life is like. Their background, their history, their family life, their home life, their future plans. You need to know a person before you can judge them.

Hold up, before you say “But I don’t have to know Hitler to know he’s evil!” or something to that effect, remember what I told you before. There is no such thing as a truly evil person. The only evil entity is the Devil or Satan if you will. And likewise, the only good entity is God, Allah, Elohim, Jehovah, or whatever you want to call Him. The only reason people have evil thoughts and do evil actions is because of Satan.

Now if you believed that because a man commits murder, he is an evil person, then think of all the times you tell little lies to get out of an assignment, or white lies to avoid confrontation, or to protect your friends. Think of all the times you have ever cheated on anything, or shoplifted anything. Those are bad, or evil, actions. So does doing them automatically turn you into an evil person? If you believe that murder makes the murderer an evil person, then yes. Obviously, this cannot be the case. It is not different. Murder is not more serious than lying. Both are bad, both are evil, and both are sins. Both are inherently evil actions that cannot possibly be good. But does doing make you a bad person?

Imagine Hitler, for a moment, if you will. Hitler killed over six million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill people, and disabled people, as well as political opponents during his tenure as Die Fuhrer. Of course, these were very evil actions. Imagine for a moment, that you are Hitler and you are still alive. Do you feel sorry for what you have done? Maybe Hitler did, and maybe he did not. Most if not all of you probably believe that there is no way in heaven or hell that Hitler was remorseful, and you are probably right. Do you think it is because Hitler is an evil person? I say that maybe Hitler felt he was doing the right thing. Did you ever think of that? Maybe Hitler did not see his acts as evil. Most of us if not all of us, do. But maybe he did not.

We are intrinsically inclined towards doing evil actions. It is human nature, as it has been ever since Eve betook of that piece of fruit-which we do not actually know was an apple, contrary to popular belief. We were created to be good people, without blemish and perfect, living in harmony with our creator. But we spoiled things, as we often do. (Think of the ideal of Communism, or of having the greenhouse effect, which is turning into Global warming) We have a peculiar talent for killing each other and ruining good things. And so we are no longer good people, but we are also not evil people.

I am a person just as you are. I have made mistakes and I have my own downfalls and weaknesses. I do not claim to be wholly innocent. But I do believe in truth, and that is all that I present here. So good versus evil turns into person versus person.

Lisa Montgomery is not an evil person. What she did was wrong, but it doesn't make her evil, and it certainly does not make her family evil. Actually, her family supporting her says something really good about them and it is that they love her no matter what she’s done and that’s the kind of love we want, isn’t it? You want your parents, spouse, and/or children to love you, faults and all, right? Well her family does, and I say they’re setting an example the rest of us should follow.

And if we execute her, then we'll have done just what she did. Eye for an eye is not right. She killed, and now we're going to kill her? No, it sounds only hypocritical and self-contradicting, and we don’t want that, now do we. We have no power or place to pass judgment on someone else. As Jesus once said “Let he who is sinless cast a stone at her [the prostitute sentenced to death by stoning]!” In other words, which one of us is not guilty of something like lying, or cheating (tests, spouses, etc.), shoplifting, and even other things? Not one. You can’t honestly say “I’ve never lied” or “I’ve never done anything wrong”. So how can you say you have the right to judge someone else?!
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! THANK YOU, JURORS!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

i'm glad to see someone has a shred of sense left.
there is no reason on this earth that lisa montgomery should be allowed the privilege of living another day, after what she did.

now,, just do it quick so she doesn't suck up any more precious oxygen. please don't drag it on for years,, and give her time to become a 'born again' and plead with everyone about how she's accepted jesus and turned her life around, and how much good she can do in prison, blah blah blah.... then she'll become the mascot of the ACLU and the darling of anti-death penalty wimps everywhere... who will fight to make everyone understand what a poor, persecuted victim she is... and then of course all the endless appeals and all that garbage. please,, SPARE US!! just make her go away as fast as she took her innocent victim's life. good-bye and good riddance!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad she was convicted. She's evil and she deserves exactly what's in store for her. Reb, like you, I am glad the jurors came to this conclusion. I no sympathy for her. It's too bad these sickos are forced to leave earth the way their victims did.
Montgomery had no regard at all for the lives that she had taken.
She was pure evil when she inflicted the pain and horror on Bobbi Jo, and her child.
Bobbi Jo did not know that her life would end on that day, she did not know what her child would endure after her murder.
Montgomery will have a day of death planned and she will have a peaceful death. (activists will ensure that it is painless)

No, it is not an "eye for an eye" death as a poster stated, there is never an "eye for an eye" where the peaceful death penalty is concerned. When has anyone ever been put to death in the same mannor as the crime that they committed! When was the last time that "an eye for an eye" was used in any US state...
The people that have been handed down the death penalty know the date and the manner that they are going to die. Their victims did not know when they were going to die and they suffered, unlike the ones on death row who know the manner and date of death (a peaceful mannor of death)
The death penalty does not deter crimes because their death is never ever equal to the crime they committed.

Thank the Lord and thank you, Jurors!!! :clap:

And yes, I'd say that cutting a baby out of someone's womb while they are half-conscious and struggling for their life, leaving them to bleed to death, plotting this for months down to the c-section instructional videos and online lessons, constitutes PURE, UNADULTERATED EVIL, so spare me the "poor pitiful Lisa" bleeding heart mumbo-jumbo, Ylanne Sorrows. :razz:
Thank the Lord and thank you, Jurors!!! :clap:

And yes, I'd say that cutting a baby out of someone's womb while they are half-conscious and struggling for their life, leaving them to bleed to death, plotting this for months down to the c-section instructional videos and online lessons, constitutes PURE, UNADULTERATED EVIL, so spare me the "poor pitiful Lisa" bleeding heart mumbo-jumbo, Ylanne Sorrows. :razz:
EnglishLeigh, AMEN!!!!!!
Thank the Lord and thank you, Jurors!!! :clap:

And yes, I'd say that cutting a baby out of someone's womb while they are half-conscious and struggling for their life, leaving them to bleed to death, plotting this for months down to the c-section instructional videos and online lessons, constitutes PURE, UNADULTERATED EVIL, so spare me the "poor pitiful Lisa" bleeding heart mumbo-jumbo, Ylanne Sorrows. :razz:

Englishleigh... AMEN from me too! :clap:
The Associated Press
Saturday, October 27, 2007; 4:42 AM

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- With a confession and DNA evidence linking her to the killing of a pregnant woman and the theft of her unborn child, Lisa Montgomery's trial focused not on whether she committed the crime but her sanity.
But the mental illness defense didn't work on a federal jury that rejected it a second time, deciding Friday that Montgomery should be sentenced to death. The same jurors had convicted Montgomery on Monday of kidnapping resulting in death.
Jurors deliberated more than five hours before recommending the sentence. Judge Gary Fenner will sentence Montgomery, but he had told jurors he was obligated to abide by their recommendation. A sentencing date has not been set.
Montgomery, 39, was convicted Monday of kidnapping and killing Bobbie Jo Stinnett on Dec. 16, 2004, in the victim's home in the northwest Missouri town of Skidmore. She was arrested the next day in Melvern, Kan., where she was showing off the newborn as her own. more at link:
sorry,, ylanne sorrows.. but you are WRONG. don't blame a little red imaginary devil for this. blame the person WHO DID IT.. and that is lisa montgomery. people make their own choices.

so spare us the BS, please!!
Does anyone know where Lisa Montgomery is now, what prison? Are there any updates?


Montgomery was sentenced to death in 2008. In her appeal, Montgomery's lawyers argued that she had not been properly charged and that the trial judge improperly excluded some of the defense's scientific evidence.

The Kansas City Star says Montgomery's lawyer intends to appeal Tuesday's ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.
I just watch a Solved Murder docu on this case. At one point they explained that her lies about her pregnancy, if shown to be lies, could have lead to a court case. They didn't explain any more than this, does anyone know what was meant by this?

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