MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

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wow..look how much this stays in front now..

everyone keep reading and addling so we can support Lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good news, my pathology report came back as benign :). I'll have an inch and a half scar on the back of my neck, and a "divit" from the hole they dug it out of, but that's the worst of it.

The only update other than my good fortune above is that the FBI is about 10 days late from their "7 to 10 day" promise of moving forward or closing the case promise to the F. family member- and that's not really news. I can't tell you how much stress has come off of me realizing that I don't have to go to that deposition all day long next Friday. I actually started stressing this morning, and I thought of cofinley's words to breathe in and out, and I did that for a while, and it worked! :)

I also thought how I have never leaned on anyone, ever. I am serious- oldest child, always the boss at work even since I was 16... always in charge- and now I find myself leaning on you guys, and it is a really strange feeling! But- very nice also. So- thx very much.
Fantastic news on the pathology report! I am so relieved for you. I was a little worried about it, to be honest. Lucky, keep rocking the house! We are here to back you up. I definitely think that if the deposition was causing you that much stress you need to not go. You have to think about what is best for you and your family.

I know it is hard to always be the one who is large and in charge. Take a step back and take some time for yourself. I am actually the youngest in my family, but have always been the one that had to take care of everything. My brother is technically 2 years older, but not really, if you know what I mean. I know the stress that it places on the responsible one. You must take care of yourself, in order to be able to take care of others. I think a massage would do you wonders. It is so peaceful and relaxing.
Thanks Belinda and cforgy. I wasn't really worried, but I had a bigger exhale than I expected when I heard the doctor say those words.

I decided to attempt to explain what is going on in my head the past two weeks, and why this has been messing with my head lately.

I have struggled some with this case ever since I went back and started making clips of my tape with Jeanne a couple of weeks ago to post up here. I had to listen to the same things over and over again while trying to figure out how to cut a minute or two out, here or there. When I listen to her voice, and her explanations, her stories, it is very difficult for me. I automatically want to believe her. Once I want to believe her, then it sends me down that dark path of rediscovering if I am thinking about this right, or if I had some type of a psychotic episode, or am paranoid, or even if I am in the throws of deception from evil forces like my sisters and mom say! (that’s when I am the hardest on myself.) Even if I say something that makes no sense to people on here, I am just going to say it, because this is my personal circle of hell that I seem to walk through.

I start walking down that path of, okay-she believes what she is saying, and it sounds good, so I believe it too. Then I feel horrible for what is going on in everyone’s life, mine included, and think that all of this is my fault that the investigation exists. I start going through the “innocence” walk, and replaying everything that happened as if it were my fault, and she is a poor woman who didn’t deserve to have such a horrible daughter. My next psychological stop is remembering that there were a lot of things that I know or saw first-hand either growing up as an adult that makes me know I would have legitimate issues with her regardless of anyone getting ill. When I get to that point in my thinking then I try to look at the deaths from her point of view, and the losses she must have felt, and the way that all of the financial issues and health issues must have changed her over time. I wallow in that guilt for a while, that my own mother who has had such a difficult life, now has such a horrible daughter as myself to think the ultimate worse things about her. Once I get through that part, then I move on to defending myself a bit, and thinking- well- she did lie/cheat/steal/ etc. which could’ve made me think those things. Then the ping-pong ball of “but she never could have done anything to actually hurt anyone” sent to the other side of my head of “but remember that time that this happened…” starts up, and the game always ends in same result that I can’t justify some things that have happened, and I am afraid of her, and I believe this really happened.
When I get back to that original thought that started my trip of re-analyzing all of this, (and this cycle can take hours to days to weeks to get back to that final realization) then I try to make the original thought of, “she sounds so innocent” to “she did this” make sense to me, and it doesn’t match up. When the thought doesn’t match up, then I think, well- there must be a flaw in my thinking or in the way I perceive things somewhere, so let’s go through this again- and around and around we go. I used to do this walk constantly, every day, all the time, trying to figure it out. Now I can run through the cycle of thinking it through, get to the end, and push eject in a matter of 5 minutes sometimes, and I really don’t walk down that path much anymore because it is a painful one.

When I heard her voice on those tapes, it sent me on the long route of that path again, and to be honest I am not quite back yet- and it is very difficult. I imagine if any of you have family members or loved ones who have committed crimes you could outline something similar to above on your denial walk, or guilt walk, or walking back through the hell to pick through the ashes… but this is why I stopped posting for a while and still have to step way back, is because I am stuck at the “am I crazy or did she do it” room in my head. Not sure if the above makes sense, just gave it a try to explain it.
Lucky, bless you. I can well imagine I would be doing the same thing in your shoes. It would be very hard to accept these things about your own mother. But, you also have to keep in mind, that there are just far too many coincidences for this to be your imagination. You are far too kind of a person to just randomly blame your mother for these acts. You have solid factual evidence that is impossible to ignore. You have suffered, your daughter has suffered. Too many people have suffered.

Hopefully the FBI is going to settle this and take action and you will know for certain what is what. Should they fail to prosecute, you will still be stuck in the same vicious circle, but I tend to think that won't happen. It seems to me that your main purpose in figuring this out is to try and keep more people from being hurt. That is the right thing to do. If the tapes are that disturbing to you, please don't listen to them unless you have to. As you said, you always come back to the things that are impossible to ignore. There are things that are way off and your gut instinct, I feel, is the right one. Many times, out gut instincts know things way before we do.

Please do whatever you need to do for yourself. Don't feel you have to post on here, if it is better for you not to. If you need to step back, step back. Whatever is most helpful to you. We will still be here when you come back. Pop on when you need to talk and we will listen and respond. I know that I can speak for others on here as well when I say that we truly care about you and want the best for you and your family. I know we have never met, but I have come to care very much about what happens to you.
Lucky2: And once again I will say to you, keep tying knots on the end of that worn rope you are hanging from. It really is a strong rope and will hold you. I may be wrong, but I truly feel in my heart that very soon you should start getting some answers to some of the questions that have haunted you for so many years. I just knew Jeanne such a short time during all these years, but I know in my heart that she has done something for which she must atone. I've seen the cold, empty eyes; the high and low mood swings; the hatefullness; countless lies; the shrewdness; stepping on (not over) people to get to what she wants; greediness and money hunger;.............I guess this list would go on for a long time. As I see it, this is now between you and your Lord. He is the only person you will ever have to answer to. He, too, seeks the truth. I know He loves you for who you are and for trying to seek that same truth. Like all of the others, I'm here for you. (Feel free to email or phone if ever you feel the need.) I admire you. All things come in time. It's just that the "time" sometimes takes forever. God Bless you.
Hi Lucky...I'm just catching up on some posts. I don't think anyone minds if you don't feel like posting for a while. I don't get to look at the site everyday, but your thoughts and feelings sound normal and understandable for someone in your position. One thing I can say (as an outsider looking in) is the likelihood that the FBI simply would not have wasted any time at all on this if they didn't truly believe there was something there. You don't exhume bodies on a whim. I'd guess that they felt there were some substantial reasons for having investigators look into it to begin with. Granted, it does seem like they are taking their own sweet time in the whole process, but they might have some good reasons for doing that. I would also say that the investigator who talked to your Mom had a genuine feel for what he heard & saw when he interviewed her. With his experience and knowledge, I would think he would tell you if there really was no reason to investigate further. I won't say that the FBI (and other law enforcement agencies) never make mistakes, but if this was all a fabricated case or one made on conjecture only, I don't think they would still be working on it. Someone in the FBI would probably be telling you, "Look, there really isn't anything here to look into...there's a plausible explanation for everything." No one has told you that yet - except maybe for some family members who don't want to see the truth. Those family members, most assuredly, don't want to deal with the pain of facing reality. You are so far ahead of them in dealing with the pain though. You really do have much to be proud of.

I sometimes think about the Mark Hacking case where Mark killed his wife, Lori in Salt Lake City several years back. These were all upstanding LDS church people. Mark's brothers and Dad were all doctors, yet Mark had lied to the family for years about his education, med-school application and many other things. Mark's brothers got him to confess to the killing and the brothers told the police.

What a hard and painful thing that must have been for them to do--turn in their own blood brother. But, they did the right thing. I'm sure it pains them that their brother is in prison for the rest of his life. But, it likely pains them more to know that their sister-in-law is dead due to their own brother's hand. They had but one right choice to make and they sought truth. As they say, "The truth shall set you free".
Good news, my pathology report came back as benign :). I'll have an inch and a half scar on the back of my neck, and a "divit" from the hole they dug it out of, but that's the worst of it.

Thank God for that news! You were in so many people's prayers! Now we can go back to "just" praying for strength and grace for you as you go through this continued nightmare.
I think I understand that you have decided to send your questions to the attorneys for the deposition instead of being there in person. I can understand your mixed emotions---your desire to be there to hear for yourself what she will have to say---but also your need to stay away to avoid any confrontation and unnecessary added stress that would most likely result from seeing her and hearing what might be more lies. (And, yes---as much as I hate to say it--- after hearing her coldness in that tape, I have no doubt that she would have no qualms about lying under oath.) I do wish I could be there myself, though. I'm still trying to put together the person that I once knew with the one who has most likely committted these unbelievable acts.
I keep thinking about all the things that you have described here---and all of what may lie ahead for her if she is indicted and found guilty of any or all of these crimes, and I just have this need to talk to her. Sounds crazy, I know, but I can't get it out of my head. I have this weird feeling that this all has come to my attention after all these years for some crazy reason that I can't figure out. Maybe it was just to get more prayers going your way---if so, it certainly worked.
Please know that you are constantly in my prayers. I wish I could give you a big hug and promise you that everything will be all right. Since that isn't possible---remember that I am deeply involved in this and right there with you to the end and beyond (like many others on here). I'm praying for the best possible resolution to this whole mess---and peace for you asap. Take care---do what's best for you and your family. (But please keep us posted when you feel up to it!)
Roomie- I tried to send you an email from this page- not sure it went through. If it did, you'll know how to email her or look her up if you want to.

Every July I go a little "neurotic" then I have a psychological hangover from thinking about all of this...

2 more days until the deposition. I have to write my questions still... yes I do have "burning questions" to ask as one of you mentioned, but the idea that any truthful answer will appear leaves me feeling like this won't give me many answers.

The deposition will be typed within 3 weeks, and once I get it, I will be happy to post it all here for you to digest as well.

Only the parties to the law suit can legally attend, others can be asked to leave if the defense doesn't want them there. I keep hearing the words of the Fulford's attorney last time saying in open court that "the defendent has never put the case at issue, and has never said that she didn't do this." and her attorney standing up after whispering with her, and saying, "It is not my clients' responsibility to deny that she has done this, it is their job to prove she did."

You guys have mentioned that my posts have given you chills at times, but honestly, the last few posts I have seen have definately given me my first chills out here. For the record, I think of you guys that post here also, and hope your lives are happy and peaceful as well.

The FBI Agent in charge of the case just left a message on my phone that said, 'The results are back from the lab, and we have presented all of the evidence to the Attorney General's Office, and they have declined to prosecute, so the case is closed from the FBI end.'

I am not sure how this affects the civil depositions.. so - that's it.
Lucky - Do you think she will do it again or do you think she has been scared off by the investigation? It's frightening that she is going to remain free to harm other people. I just don't get it.

The FBI Agent in charge of the case just left a message on my phone that said, 'The results are back from the lab, and we have presented all of the evidence to the Attorney General's Office, and they have declined to prosecute, so the case is closed from the FBI end.'

I am not sure how this affects the civil depositions.. so - that's it.

We got the same phone call. Roy's other son said, "Guess we'll have to rely on good old Karma!"

If we're really lucky, Lucky, she'll never hurt another soul and it won't matter that she wasn't prosecuted. However, if she does try again, the evidence they already have can just be added to the mix. I pray they're still keeping an eye on her.

for real...

wow.. wonder how many other cases they have let go...i am in disbelief.

Lucky.. God Bless you.. Keep on keepin on.. :angel:

u always have ur websleuth friends... and they are amazing...

this story need to get to Bill Curtis for cold case files



Here's a quote from Roy's oldest grandson (cforgy's son):

"It doesn't change the fact that we were all robbed time with him, but he's gone and I shall continue to remember him for who he was, regardless of whether she is prosecuted or not."
Here's a quote from Roy's oldest grandson (cforgy's son):

"It doesn't change the fact that we were all robbed time with him, but he's gone and I shall continue to remember him for who he was, regardless of whether she is prosecuted or not."
Wow. Those are powerfull words spoken by that young man. So many people were robbed of so much time with loved ones because of Jeanne. Time that can ever be made up. Time each of you were cheated out of. But, she can go on with her life like nothing ever happened. I am sitting here feeling so sad for all of you. I have shivers up my spine. How many times do people committ such horrible crimes and never have to atone for their sins? I can't imagine how bad you are all hurting right now. I have you all in my thoughts and prayers tonight. I sure wish I could offer you more. And, as I say so often, "What a wonderful judicial system this great country has!". HA!
Here's a quote from Roy's oldest grandson (cforgy's son):

"It doesn't change the fact that we were all robbed time with him, but he's gone and I shall continue to remember him for who he was, regardless of whether she is prosecuted or not."

Forgy men seem to have a pretty good perspective on life...


Apparently Jeanne's attorney called the Fulford's attorney and said that the FBI told them that results were in, and were "inconclusive". That's the closest I know of to actually saying what the results were or weren't.

Is the attorney general kind of like a mini grand jury? What does that mean to take something in front of the Attorney General?
Roomie- I tried to send you an email from this page- not sure it went through.
Lucky, I did get the email---thank you so very much. I will let you know any results that come of it.
I have questions about the message that you got---does that just refer to a federal case against her? Is it still possible that it was decided that federal courts don't have jurisdiction here and that the various states involved could still prosecute individually? I don't know how this will affect the civil cases---but I remember that the standards of proof are different in those cases. O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in the criminal case and the civil suit went against him.
Keep taking those deep breaths. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
The difference between the civil and the criminal cases boils down to what has to be proven. In a criminal case it must be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the perp committed the crime.

In a civil case, it must be proven by "a preponderance of the evidence" that the defendant caused the harm. So a jury could have a reasonable doubt, but if the evidence is stacked up against the defendant, the jury could find the defendant was the cause of the harm.

Hope that helps,

I am still in utter disbelief over this decision by the FBI. I was truly shocked over their decision. My heart is weeping for the families who have suffered.

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