GUILTY MO - Ebony Jackson, 30, St Louis, 4 January 2013

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Saw this on the news tonight... probably unrelated, though the timeline fits and could possibly explain why we've yet to hear from Ebony's "friend". Pure speculation, of course...

Body found in Riverview has been there nearly a week

Is this anywhere near where Ebony was found? It could be that the 'friend' was a victim also. It will be interesting to see how this person died.
Is this anywhere near where Ebony was found? It could be that the 'friend' was a victim also. It will be interesting to see how this person died.

Pretty close- it's very close to the city proper, and is probably 6 - 6 1/2 mi away from where Ebony was found.
ST. LOUIS ( – Police are investigating after a body found in Riverview on Tuesday.

How does this sentence get past an editor? it is missing a verb at the very least. Does shoddy police work beget shoddy reporting?

So frustrated with the way certain cases garner such media attention.. and others... don't.

We are still here for you E & D.
I keep thinking if they found a body in Riverview, and it's been there close to a week... is there no corresponding missing persons report? I've scoured everything I can find, and am coming up empty. They say it's the body of a 20-30 y/o woman, and the only person I can think of who matches that particular description (vague as it is) would be Phoenix Coldone... but she's been gone over a year. Anything's possible, but hard to imagine her body only having been there for a week.

The media didn't give the race of the victim (or whether or not this is a homicide, though I'm doubtful this is the result of anything but murder), though I do want to mention one other thing. Apparently the location of the body is in a zip code previously used by Riverview, a neighboring burg. According to actual zones, however, the body was located inside the city of limits of St. Louis.

Who knows.
While not directly related to Ebony's case, I found a link to a site for missing persons in Missouri. There are 611 active cases. Scrolling through I am shocked- completely horrified- by the sheer number of black women in and around St. Louis (University City, for example) that vanished in the latter half of 2012. We have a HUGE problem, one way or another. Someone's preying on these women or... something.
Yes, I've noticed on Charley Project in the last couple of years that, every few months, there'll be quite a few new missing cases from St. Louis or the immediate area; most all of them are just posted with no details available about the circumstances of their having gone missing.
Every day I check in expecting to read about an arrest. What's going on with this? No word whatsoever?
I'm not expecting an arrest soon, and maybe not ever. This case appears to have been so thoroughly botched from the start, for whatever reason, that now the new investigative agency may be severely hampered by an almost total lack of physical clues. Hoping for a miracle, of course, but we shall see.
Every day I check in expecting to read about an arrest. What's going on with this? No word whatsoever?

Not a single word. Not in the media, not on LE's website, not on Facebook, not on Twitter... nothing. Sadly, I believe the only reason the public even heard about this case to begin with is because there was an "abandoned" baby involved. Otherwise, Ebony's case would have been handled like the cases of all those other missing/murdered women I keep finding- just another dead woman in the city.

I actually LIVE here, and had NO IDEA we had black women vanishing off the streets and being murdered so regularly. I am a true crime fanatic and had no clue. I'm ashamed of myself for being so clueless, and ashamed of MSM for being so heartless as not to report on any of it, ever.
That's so sad. It makes sense with the way Phoenix's case was handled-or not handled.
One might think St. Louis has a serial killer or two operating within its extended boundaries.

I remember when Kansas City did - much smaller place, and prostitutes kept disappearing. Years went by. Finally, somebody figured it out and, eventually, that killer was caught.
Today is the funeral for Ebony Jackson. Such a sad day for her family and loved ones. RIP, and may justice be swift.
Rip Ms Ebony Jackson. You deserved more.

I hate to open this can, but I'm really wondering where the baby's father has gone? His last Facebook post was the video of the baby posted on January 9, proclaiming his love for Ebony in comments. This article, dated January 9, states the Stella Jackson, Ebony's mother, had also been unable to reach him.

No wonderful father-child reunion for the media to display (although I can understand the desire for privacy), but then no mention of Craig at the funeral either.

I'll admit that when he showed up right away to claim his child, I did not picture a frantic father jumping in a car and driving seven hours-call me jaded, but my first thought was-oh, wait-maybe he was already in town.

Sadly, IMO this crime may be tied to the scant information that Ms Jackson and Mr Prom had a "stormy" relationship (I think that was the word used).

No public statement from Jackson's family in support of or offering condolence for Mr Prom.

Is there an MSM statement that he actually did return and submit to a paternity test?

Also, someone mentioned that they thought he had been cleared because he was at work. Does anyone know if a statement clearing him was actually made by law enforcement?
It's entirely possibly this was a murder for hire and Prom wasn't ever there. I'm not getting that feeling though. But it would explain the baby being well cared for and placed in a safe warm place.
I cannot believe there has been no word and no arrest!
I have been following this case from the beginning and it is one of those cases that will stick with me forever. It is incredibly frustrating how MP cases are handled. I really feel that if there was more importance/urgency taken in the beginning then the missing that end up being victims would have a greater chance of having their perps caught and their families finding closure.

I read an article on the percentage of homicide cases solved in different cities and it was eye opening. I New Orleans solved 22 percent of them homicides while other cities solved as many as 94 percent. I wonder where St. Louis is on the list. I will see if I can hunt the article down.

ETA: The article didn't reference St. Louis but there is state and race specific information in the charts.

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