MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #10

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First of all I just want to say that my heart goes out to little Elizabeth's family. What happened is just all around awful. I have a daughter close to the same age and I cannot even begin to imagine the pain that her family must be going through. I hope someday they can begin to heal and find peace.

I've been watching this on the news since it happened but I haven't read many of the posts here until tonight. I saw a couple of people mention that Alyssa had recently went off of her meds (Prozac IIRC) or at least she'd told some friends that. IMO while I know that coming off of a drug like Prozac can cause a person to become moody I don't believe it would cause a person to murder someone. I have a couple of family members who have taken that medication in particular although one of them eventually switched to Zoloft. I have seen first hand the effect of someone on that med not taking it and I really don't believe it would cause someone to commit murder. Let's pretend for a second that I'm wrong, that coming off of that medication could potentially make a person fly into a violent rage. I'm not saying that's true but I'm saying even if it was true do you really think that it would cause someone to go out into the woods, dig a couple of graves, and then wait for days to murder someone? Personally I REALLY don't believe that. I don't think any of this can be blamed on that girl not taking her Prozac.

As far as this girl cutting herself I think it's a desperate cry for attention. She must know that using her fingernails isn't going to kill her and if she had wanted to commit suicide by cutting she would have either done it or she'd have some very serious scars.

What I'd like to know is why nobody noticed the things she was doing or saying. Did nobody know that she had that disturbing video on youtube? Did nobody know that she wrote such disturbing things on those social networking websites? She was obviously in need of more mental health care than she was receiving. Don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses for this girl as I believe she knew right from wrong from everything I've read so far but did nobody notice this girls cries for help? Sadly for little Elizabeth it's too late but this should be a warning for anyone who cares for a child to know what they're doing online, who their friends are, and what they're up to.

I'm sorry for such a lengthy post. This is all just my opinion of course. My heart goes out to the family of precious little Elizabeth.
I guess I liken the cries for help like the cries when they are babies. Sometimes you figure out the cries and sometimes all the usual things just don't stop the crying. jmo
According to KRCG 13 Bustamante's family took her to St. Louis the night Elizabeth was killed to be checked in for treament at a psych hospital. That is why she missed school on thurs. That is something new.

This explains a lot of what I was told about how she piqued the antenna of certain LE and that they wanted to question her but couldn't.
This whole situation is sad and has destroyed so many people my heart and thoughts go out to them.My son and his girlfriend live in Holts Summit,MO and she knows some of AB's friends.One of those friends told her that AB had tried to get her to go into the woods with her but I have no idea of the timeframe for that could have been last year for all I know.Has anyone else heard that the boyfriend disappeared around the time this happened and has not been found yet?That is what my son's girlfriend has heard from several sources.I have not read that anywhere and so have no proof one way or the other but was just curious if anyone else had come upon this info.

Several things have been "said" about the alledged boyfriend, but none confirmed....

Somethings said are:

He was arrested for threatening kids at JCHS, if they spoke against Alyssa

He was arrested for drug charges

He was detained for his on protection

He just wasnt going to school because of the scandle

So far his name is the ONLY secret in JC.
New rumors from JCHS. My nephew tells me that Alyssa was bragging in the weeks before the murder, that she wasn't taking her meds. Isn't it true that you can't just stop taking stuff like Prozac without sometimes serious affects?

Prozac is the least likely of all SSRI drugs to cause serious side effects if abruptly discontinued. Prozac actually tapers away because it stays in your system (half-life) much longer than other SSRIs. The ones that cause serious ""antidepressant discontinuation syndrome " include Paxil(worst recorded) Lexapro, Cymbalta and others.
I have never taken Prozac before but I have taken other antidepressants and they can make you have serious side effects. I used to take Paxil and had to go off it b.c it was causing me to make my nose bleed. Just putting this info out there.
Does anyone else think that there should also be a torture charge? I'm thinking the three factors in Elizabeth's death were because Alyssa first attempted to strangle Elizabeth and when that didn't work on its own AB slit Elizabeths throat and stabbed her. I may be off base in my thinking but if I'm right that should be a torture charge. IMO of course.
There is a woman named Marjorie Congdon Caldwel lthat you can look up on the net. It is felt that she has killed several people but was never found guilty. She just committed her last crime, I believe last spring. She is in prison once again in Arizona. She is almost 80 years old. I don't think Alyssa can ever be fixed.
This whole situation is sad and has destroyed so many people my heart and thoughts go out to them.My son and his girlfriend live in Holts Summit,MO and she knows some of AB's friends.One of those friends told her that AB had tried to get her to go into the woods with her but I have no idea of the timeframe for that could have been last year for all I know.Has anyone else heard that the boyfriend disappeared around the time this happened and has not been found yet?That is what my son's girlfriend has heard from several sources.I have not read that anywhere and so have no proof one way or the other but was just curious if anyone else had come upon this info.

We have heard a few different stories about AB's BF and at one time I thought I saw initials, but I don't remember where

ILC who seemed to have a lot of on target and inside information mentioned the bf was with AB on Thursday:

Originally posted by Ilovecookies
Post #178 Found Deceased MO-Elizabeth Olten, 9, St. Martins Thread #6 - Page 8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

"She was found outside of school with her bf. The LE were all over those woods thursday. and the GP's did allow them in with open arms, the second time that the gp's allowed them in was when LE took the diary that contained the 'note' "

Originally Posted by Ilovecookies
Post #185 Found Deceased MO-Elizabeth Olten, 9, St. Martins Thread #6 - Page 8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

"LE wanted to talk to AB on thursday, but she couldn't be found, and a school counselor found her outside the school with her bf. Thats when LE suspected something. Then that night the grandparents allowed them in to search and the LE took AB's diary and before they read it they asked to speak with her at 10 on friday morning."
Some stuff I don't remember reading in the other articles. Sorry if its a repeat:,2933,575590,00.html

"Witnesses at Bustamante's adult certification hearing described a girl who was bright yet depressed and clever in a sometimes sneaky sort of way. She ranked in roughly the top third of her class at Jefferson City High School, the principal said, and had been in no trouble at school or with the law."

"Yet Bustamante had tried to commit suicide at age 13 and had been receiving mental health treatment for depression and cutting herself, said David Cook, the chief juvenile officer in Cole County. Once, she led her family to believe she was attending a local church event when she instead sneaked off to a concert in St. Louis, about two hours away, Cook said. On one or two other occasions, Bustamante spent the night in the woods without permission, he said."
The article linked below states that AB was taken to a psychiatric facility for treatment the night that Elizabeth was reported missing, and later of course, was reported to have been murdered. This strongly suggests IMHO that the GPs knew she had committed an unspeakable act. I looked at the mugshot photos and was struck by AB's eyes - hard, cold and dead -the eyes of a sociopath,IMO. Just looking at her picture gave me a chill up my spine. Did anyone else here have a similar reaction to her photos - Just curious. Here is the link to the article:
The article linked below states that AB was taken to a psychiatric facility for treatment the night that Elizabeth was reported missing, and later of course, was reported to have been murdered. This strongly suggests IMHO that the GPs knew she had committed an unspeakable act. I looked at the mugshot photos and was struck by AB's eyes - hard, cold and dead -the eyes of a sociopath,IMO. Just looking at her picture gave me a chill up my spine. Did anyone else here have a similar reaction to her photos - Just curious. Here is the link to the article:

Just about everyone looks like that in mugshots. Generally people who have mugshots taken are not particularly happy at that point in their lives.
This explains a lot of what I was told about how she piqued the antenna of certain LE and that they wanted to question her but couldn't.

If this is the case, she was not there long. This seems strange to me if she was having symptoms that were bad enough to have brought her there in the first place. Could she have been released directly to law enforcement the next day, I wonder? If this is true, my bet would be that she said something or wrote something while in the hospital about killing Elizabeth.
You're both right!

They cut her fingernails because she was trying to self-harm. But she also attempted suicide in Sept 2007.

editted by me....

Yes, Valentine said she was trying to commit suicide by cutting herself with her fingernails, but that was a ludicrous statement. duhhhhh.

I don't remember him saying it exactly "she tried to commit suicide at Prenger", but he definitely implied that several times.
First, I'd like to apologize for bringing up the "born addicted" thing without any documentation of backup. I'd seen that either here or on another board, but I just can't find it put it in the RUMOR may NOT BE TRUE. Again, I apologize for falling into the RUMOR trap and muddying the already murky waters.

I don't know when those mugshots were taken. I was thinking maybe yesterday afternoon, because she's wearing the Cole County green, but it's possible they were taken on the night she was originally arrested/detained. Yesterday morning, at the adult certification hearing, she looked blank, detatched, almost bored, but not so cold and dead-eyed. She looked much better rested. I didn't see any bags under her eyes, even though, honestly that hair cut makes it pretty tough to even see her eyes.
Mug shots were yesterday in between the first and second trials. There was discussion about that before the second hearing while the media was waiting to get their hands on them.

They were taken after Sheriff White arrested her. Until then she hadn't been arrested and didn't need mug shots.
That interview with friend Trisha was conducted in front of the courthouse. I didn't see her there, did you Jodibug?

Maybe they use the same camera/photographer for mug shots as they do for drivers license shots. That would explain why she looks so bad. ;-)
That interview with friend Trisha was conducted in front of the courthouse. I didn't see her there, did you Jodibug?

Maybe they use the same camera/photographer for mug shots as they do for drivers license shots. That would explain why she looks so bad. ;-)

Can you link me to it? I haven't seen it yet.

Will probably be awhile before I can watch it. Need to attempt to get somewhat caught up at work, and I have a class for a couple of hours this morning as well.
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