MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #4

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Any idea what that means? The xD3? Do you think she was flatlining? or choking herself?


I'm pretty sure it is just an emoticon. Turn your head to the left and look at it as though the x is at the top of a picture. xD is usually a big grin. x being the eyes, and D being the grinning mouth. the 3 could be meant to be a tongue hanging out or more likely, female body parts.

Here is a link on emoticons. This should be helpful for anyone perusing MS and FB accounts that may not know much about emoticons and texting language.
Hi All,

LillyAnne contacted me by email before I realized she was a classmate of the accused.

Before I realized this I emailed back that I would like to talk to her.

When I realized she was the same age (or close to it) as the accused I asked her, actually begged her, not to post.

As much as I would love inside information it is just not right to have a teenager associated with something as traumatic as this posting about it on Websleuths.

I told her that if she wanted to post about it anyway and went to another forum people would try and contact her and she would have no idea if those people were safe or not. I can only imagine if she went on some of the other lowlife forums that will post and say anything.

Don't you all agree that it is not a good idea? I hope you understand.

I also told her that if she and a parent wanted to call me to talk about this I would be glad to explain the pitfalls of posting.

She has no idea what she is getting into. It's hard enough when you are an adult to jump into a forum. Let alone when you are a kid involved in something as tragic as this.

Thank you for understanding.

Of course I understand. Tricia, you rock. This is why WS is the best forum on line and a safe place for everyone!
Of course I understand. Tricia, you rock. This is why WS is the best forum on line and a safe place for everyone!

Ditto to Rosie's comment and kudos to Tricia. This is no place for youngsters and particularly ones who are close to this case
I think that the 15yr old had some serious family issues, parents are crap, off to live with g/mother, nothing making sense to her anymore, has built up anger, if any rumors are correct, she went from bullying others to hurting herself and now this. Not saying its ok, but dear lord, if people didnt see the signs it was because all those flags were in the way. IMO
Ditto to Rosie's comment and kudos to Tricia. This is no place for youngsters and particularly ones who are close to this case
ITA.... and might add that I only hope that I hope that high school provides some outlets to these kids even though the name is not released yet... they are obviously all hurt and confused and scared and shocked and need an outlet. I hope the school can somehow provide it!

eta: because the high school students OBVIOUSLY all know who has been arrested and indicated in this murder!
About this tweet..

sittin in classss. bored as . i miss my cell phone :,[
6:45 AM Oct 21st from web

I keep coming back to this because how was she tweeting... on what?

Also, what schools start that early?

My son is a freshman in high school and their first bell is at 7:25....but the school opens at 6:00 for the kids to use computers in the labs, take advantage of tutoring, Pre-sat test practice, sports, clubs, etc...

The school is busy busy busy from 6:00AM to sometimes 7-8-9 pm at night.
In recent months I have given alot of thought to our children and how we are failing them as a nation, as a society. Kids are bombarded with negative and conflicting messages by the media and the adults arround them.

Look this way, don't look that way.
Act like these kids and be cool, act approriately and be bulied and ridiculed.
TV video games full of blood gore, sex, etc.

I wish there were some way that we could identify at risk kids such as those whose parents are incarcerated, whose home lives are unstable, who have witnessed repeated violence in the home, etc. and get them into counseling, conflict resolution, anger management, etc. RIGHT AWAY. Before the behaviors start.

I am so tired of reading about these kids AFTER they have screwed up their own and others lives irrevocably. I want there to be some sort of national dialogue about our kids and how to keep them from getting to this sad end. Every time one of these cases comes up we all rush to put our $.02 in there about what the punishment should be, the who and the why blah blah blah.

Too bad we can't get this country to be more concerned with prevention than punishment after the fact.
Tricia, I'm glad you're not allowing Lillyanne to post. It's the right thing to do and I respect you for it.

Aside from the obvious juvenile-posting-on-a-public-forum safety issue, she's a child and has just gone through a traumatic experience and this is not a safe place to talk about it due to the public nature of the site. When I was getting my psych degree, we occasionally had mock therapy sessions in class, and I always thought it was irresponsible to have people open such deep wounds without being in the care of a professional...

No one would ever forgive themselves if something happened to her as a result of her posting here.

Thanks for all you do!
Since I'm new I'm not sure why the other thread was cloesed. Are we not allowed to post anymore? I found a site that has a link which shows AB was into fencing
Welcome from one newbie to another :eek:)
Welcome to WS, sdw! Threads get locked when they get to be too many pages. Post in this thread now. :)

Edit: Welcome to you too, tlcox!
Actually welcome to all the new people! :)
In recent months I have given alot of thought to our children and how we are failing them as a nation, as a society. Kids are bombarded with negative and conflicting messages by the media and the adults arround them.

Look this way, don't look that way.
Act like these kids and be cool, act approriately and be bulied and ridiculed.
TV video games full of blood gore, sex, etc.

I wish there were some way that we could identify at risk kids such as those whose parents are incarcerated, whose home lives are unstable, who have witnessed repeated violence in the home, etc. and get them into counseling, conflict resolution, anger management, etc. RIGHT AWAY. Before the behaviors start.

I am so tired of reading about these kids AFTER they have screwed up their own and others lives irrevocably. I want there to be some sort of national dialogue about our kids and how to keep them from getting to this sad end. Every time one of these cases comes up we all rush to put our $.02 in there about what the punishment should be, the who and the why blah blah blah.

Too bad we can't get this country to be more concerned with prevention than punishment after the fact.

There is currently a program. It's called PARENTING. However, as you well know, not every parent is enrolled.

Thanks cornfed_hick.

Did anyone catch the replay on local news of yesterday's hearing? Valentine stated that his client would not be able to get a fair trial anywhere once her name AND the facts of the case were revealed. I'm afraid that signs are indicating the grisly rumors surrounding Elizabeth's death are indeed true.

Found this at the following link:

sandhouse wrote on Oct 27, 2009 11:37 AM:
" When the facts/details come out they are going to be very very ugly.

They are as bad as you can imagine....and probably much worse.
Thanks for the welcome! I found this site by accident and I'm so impressed with how everyone is so creative in their thought processing! Anyway like I said I found a site with a link to a local paper that had a picture (from the back) of AB from two years ago. She is pictured fencing. Someone posted on the site her full name. It's the only place so far that I have found her name out there for all to see. I know she is a minor but I fail to understand how her name being withheld could effect the court process.
There is currently a program. It's called PARENTING. However, as you well know, not every parent is enrolled.

:banghead: Doooh! good point - any idea how to get more of this country's parents enrolled? Unfortunately, lots of parent are absence and grandparents often are not equiped to handle raising kids in this day and age.
Hi LittleK!!!

I'm glad you joined WS!!!

(I'm borrowing my son's laptop for a computer is still on the fritz)
not sure if this has been brought up here yet:
The public can attend a Nov. 18 certification hearing for a 15-year-old charged with first-degree murder in last week's killing of Elizabeth Olten, 9, near her home in St. Martins.

My gut tells me that she will be tried as a adult or why would they let public attend?? Isn't juvi things kept confidential?
My gut tells me that she will be tried as a adult or why would they let public attend?? Isn't juvi things kept confidential?[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER][/QUOTE]

I think you are right, why would the public be invited/allowed unless the juvie angle will no longer be a factor? The pulbic would only be allowed access in the event she is being charged as an adult.
sorry, that last quote was from Aimee. Still learning how to manuaver around on this thread.
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