MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024

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Looking at those photos, I can genuinely see if you didn’t leave your house you might not notice cars in the driveway that shouldn’t be there. You could easily tuck 3 cars around in front of that garage and they wouldn’t be visible unless you looked out the windows on the top floor (a bedroom and bathroom?). Obviously, it’s still weird to not notice people trying to get in touch, banging on your door. But I can see that someone who is still drunk/high or on a comedown who is used to ignoring calls (employer wondering where the hell you are, debt collectors, your dealer wanting to be paid) just not dealing with any of it. JMO
Great OBs…never thought about secreting cars in front of the garage and no one would even notice. Excellent post. Thank you.
You’re saying you wouldn’t check out your property first? They were guests at your home, and they disappeared. Yet they didn’t. They were there all along.
Whatever, but I can tell you one thing ,if it had been in my state and my county, the dude would have been arrested and held for questioning, at least, considering such questionable circumstances.
And IMO, he should have been. JMO
ETA: Apologies. for some reason this case is getting under my skin.
Not at all! I always walk my guests out!

I don’t believe it happened this way, but it’s possible there is some mundane reason the guy living in the house didn’t see the victims leave. We don’t know how many people he had over, do we? He could have had a big group, etc. Two days go by with frantic messages from the family members (supposedly his read receipt was on) and he does nothing. I don’t believe that he didn’t know they were missing. The only reason to avoid the families is if you feel like you have some culpability. There are too many red flags here.

No need to apologize. I understand your frustration. I hope the families get some answers.
I’m wondering how good of friends he was with the victims. How often did they socialize together? Was this one of many times, or the only time?
What was the real relationship between them?
A lot of questions.
Me too. It may evolve to expose that old saying: “keep your enemies close, and your FRIENDS closer.”
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Yes, it certainly does seem that way.

I’m not sure how they conduct those tests or what the hold up is (it seems to have gone from MSM saying medical examiner would rule “within a week” to Willis’ attorney saying “a couple of weeks” ) but it really would be nice to have some real information at this point.
For anyone interested in the variety of toxicology tests done to determine manner of death and the whether the presence of drugs in the body are recent or effects of long term use.

Well this is very confusing, what to believe as far as if JW didn't or did see his "close friends" leave the house?

"Picerno said Willis does not know the timing, manner of their deaths, or when they left his house."
"According to Picerno, the last time Willis saw the three men was when they left the house and he went to bed."

I've seen quite a few images of the snowfall that blanketed the Kansas City area on Jan 8 and 9. A good 10 inches in some places covering vehicles, downing trees and causing mayhem on the streets. It was the most significant snowfall since Feb 22. So I suppose if JW or his neighbours had looked out the window into the back yard they may not have noticed the deceased there. It's also possible the vehicles parked on the street were covered in snow making it difficult to identify them as belonging to his friends.
I've seen quite a few images of the snowfall that blanketed the Kansas City area on Jan 8 and 9. A good 10 inches in some places covering vehicles, downing trees and causing mayhem on the streets. It was the most significant snowfall since Feb 22. So I suppose if JW or his neighbours had looked out the window into the back yard they may not have noticed the deceased there. It's also possible the vehicles parked on the street were covered in snow making it difficult to identify them as belonging to his friends.

Honestly? I think he did not look out of the window. Maybe he got drunk, passed out on the sofa, woke up with a headache and drank more. If he works from home, it makes him less eager to get out of the house, nor more. I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered food delivery and didn't even get outside on the day of the game. Dogs, yes...but maybe he foresaw getting plastered with his buddies, so he brought the dogs to his relative for a couple of days.
For anyone interested in the variety of toxicology tests done to determine manner of death and the whether the presence of drugs in the body are recent or effects of long term use.
@branmuffin. Thanks for your post w toxicology info, esp'ly
"Table 2. Drugs included in routine post-mortem toxicology."
"Table 3. Drugs not routinely included in death investigation toxicology screens."

Off to read again. :)
Honestly? I think he did not look out of the window. Maybe he got drunk, passed out on the sofa, woke up with a headache and drank more. If he works from home, it makes him less eager to get out of the house, nor more. I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered food delivery and didn't even get outside on the day of the game. Dogs, yes...but maybe he foresaw getting plastered with his buddies, so he brought the dogs to his relative for a couple of days.
Didn't his lawyer say his client left the house a couple times during the time period in question?

I found it. His lawyer, in an interview on NewsNation, answering to the query from Dan Abrams of people saying they called and went over to the house said, "he [JW] was home sporadically" time stamp 2:45 within the embedded NewsNation video on linked article.

That "he was home sporadically" sounds to me like he left the house and came back to it more than once in the time period in question?

I think they all 4 OD’d on bad coke and passed out. The only difference is the 3 dead went outside to smoke right after taking a bump, passed out and died of exposure; While the home owner passed out inside and survived. Had a two day, near death hangover; then the cops knock on the door.
I quoted your post that I was replying to
you said he had two big dogs
I asked where that info came from
In that NewsNation video I linked in an article just recently, right after JW's lawyer talked about him being at the house sporadically at around the 2:45 time stamp, the lawyer mentions that JW's dogs were staying at his fathers house so not present at the house the deaths occured.
A couple other random thoughts:

- I get the impression these guys got together semi regularly to watch games. Being in their mid to late 30s, I doubt they were strangers to alcohol. I don't mean alcoholics, but I'd imagine they had a decent idea of their tolerance levels (unlike, say, high-schoolers at a party). While they might still get drunk, I still see it as unlikely that all three would get stuck in the backyard due to alcohol alone.

On that note, when snow accumulates, gates need to be shoveled around or they might not open because they'll be blocked by the snow. Particularly if there is hardened and crusted/iced older snowfall. So the gate(s) may have been stuck, but again I don't see this being the be-all end-all here unless the men were near instantly and severely incapacitated (like with fentanyl).

Re: "read" notice on messages. Yes, it's definitely unreliable. But as demonstrated, you can generally preview a portion of the message without opening it. I've been there, where I'm trying to sleep and don't want to strike up a conversation, or feeling anti-social, but I'm alarmed by the message preview and open it up to see what's going on. Many people sleep with their phones next to them and even use them for alarm clocks. And from his lawyer mentioning that he did leave the house, I can't imagine he didn't see *anything* concerning on his phone even if didn't open up the messages.
Well this article says a lot! I'm paraphrasing, saw the three men leave his house, didn't see/hear any texts or phone calls, didn't hear any knocking, banging, door bell or whatever because he sleeps with headphones and has a fan on and saw the cars there but didn't think anything of it.

Very interesting. I actually do the same, I have a fan on and then headphones on with more white noise. I almost always have my phone on silent. I tend to "cocoon" to recharge, especially after social interaction. But I still would see frantic text messages and calls because I glance at my phone to check the time, etc. Even if I don't unlock my phone, I can see all the notification icons. Also, my phone vibrates a bit when I touch it after a missed call. Yes, it depends on his phone settings, but I'm gonna be real surprised if a 30-something didn't glance at his phone for 3 days, especially if he has even left the house per his lawyer. All those alerts plus seeing the cars would definitely make me go "hmmm."
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