MO - Furious Friends Demand Answers After 3 Men Found Dead at Kansas City Home Days After Watching Football Game, January 2024

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Most fenced backyards have a side gate so that you can bring lawnmower/garden supplies from garage to backyard. Did this backyard have a gate? If not, then possible they were "trapped" in backyard? Did any neighbors hear any screaming from the victims calling for help? Did any of the victims text any of their loved ones while in backyard? Most people do not walk around, let alone leave a house, without a phone in hand, let alone three. I wonder if the three were smokers and they just stepped out to backyard to smoke, but they were already laced up with fentanyl from some drugs they took earlier, so it hit all three of them at same time while smoking in backyard? This case is sooo bizarre. I can totally understand if the guy who lives there is wearing headphones and has a fan on if his loud friends are still there playing games; however, two days after? No checking his phone?
I believe the pictures of the home coupled with Google maps shows that there is a gate on both sides of the house that go from the front to the back yard. One by the driveway and one of the opposite side.
The pictures of the house show one of them wide open. So there was definitely a gate at some point, and I believe there was 2.
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The passing of Ricky Johnson, David Harrington and Clayton McGeeney is a tragic event that is sad and hurtful to their families. Condolences.

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Jordan Willis appears to be a <modsnip> reasonable man. Jordan Willis has not been arrested or charged with a crime. The police made a statement that they are pursuing “death investigations”, which are not homicide investigations. <modsnip: no source link> Therefore, I would not cast stone or make insinuation or doubt of his innocence. In some sense, Jordan Willis is also a victim of the circumstance because 2 of the dead men were his life long friends.

I dislike the communication of John Picerno, Esq. Whoever hired John Picerno, Jordan Willis himself or his parents who live in Kansas City, made a mistake. He has made too many hasty statements and speculations instead of sticking to facts. It is my hope Jordan Willis will make the sensible decision of disassociation with John Picerno.

Now, the following are speculations, IMHO:
1. Drug is involved. Knowingly or unknowingly, IMHO Ricky Johnson, David Harrington and Clayton McGeeney ingested fentanyl. <modsnip>
2. Ricky Johnson, David Harrington and Clayton McGeeney are grown men with women and children in their home. I recall when I lived alone in a two bedroom apartment in Mississippi in the old days, somehow my apartment became the de facto lounge for my male and female friends and acquaintances. Some just came in with beers and pizza and girlfriends to play poker and socialize. Evidently, such could not be accommodated at the home of some of those married with young children. IMHO, there is a possibility that Jordan Willis’ friends could just come by his home as “after party” place doing things they would not do in their own home because of danger to children as a small amount of fentanyl can be deadly.
3. I could be in front of my computers 16 hours per day, just eating delivered foods or whatever leftovers decent I have in the fridge. I do not set foot in my backyard during the winter because … “what for?” When I am focused working, I play classical music very loudly but I do not listen to it. The music plays there day and night, in repeating cycles. The only time this will stop is when someone else is at home with me. The music is just there to shield me from the distractions of life such as someone knocking at my door for reason of their interests. I do not believe Jordan Willis slept two days. There must be some simple explanations why he did not open the door when April and/or others went there. If he was asleep while April was inside, that is fortunate. God forbid what could I do if I awake and someone is in my house unexpectedly, given that I live now in a State where the 2nd amendment is well respected!
4. IMHO, it is reasonable if Jordan Willis were working 16 hours per day, just eating delivered foods or whatever leftovers, not setting foot in his back yard, not knowing that there were 3 cadavers there. <modsnip: sleuthing non POI> But, IMHO, he may have accommodated his friends to come by to do their things since he lives alone in such a large house.

I spent time writing this long post to convince people to stop speculating about Jordan Willis guilt for some unspecified crime. Again, the police made a statement that they are pursuing “death investigations”, which are not homicide investigations. No one died from gun shot or stabbing. IMHO, these 3 grown men did not die from winter temperature of 20 degrees or higher. IMHO, <modsnip> Wait to see the coroner and police reports! Amen!
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I dislike the communication of John Picerno, Esq. Whoever hired John Picerno, Jordan Willis himself or his parents who live in Kansas City, made a mistake. He has made too many hasty statements and speculations instead of sticking to facts. It is my hope Jordan Willis will make the sensible decision of disassociation with John Picerno.
It floors me that Picerno referenced the guys watching a game from Jan.7 of last year that ended at a different time and involved a different opponent (as I posted earlier). If he can’t be bothered to get that detail right, what else has he overlooked and/or misspoken about? The list appears to be long. JW needs a new attorney who pays attention to details.

I'm just catching up and there may be others just catching up. Just sharing articles that are probably already posted here, but are of interest.


Mystery as three men found dead in friend’s backyard

two days after they watched Kansas City Chiefs game

According to Mr. Picerno, "Mr. Willis was unaware that loved ones had been trying to locate his three missing friends. Although two cars that belonged to his friends were parked in his street, Mr. Willis didn’t notice the cars because they were not parked in his driveway."

“Two people came to his house; however, he did not hear them as he sleeps with earbuds and loud fan,” Mr. Picerno added.

BBM / added punctuation
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Some of the lawyers' statements seem contradictory.
Possibly his client’s statements to him have changed over time. Victim
CM ‘s uncle sure thinks he knows what happened and goes as far to say it’s a “cover up”.
Just repeating what was reported in the Fox4 report.

Hopefully there will be some answers soon.
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I dunno. I'm a college football fan since I'm 11 years old, grew up with multiple fellow rabid fans, went to a football college, married a pro football fan, now work with a LOT of rabid pro fans, and I have never heard of fans going from place to place to watch one game.

You go where you're going to watch it and stay there until it's over, unless it's obvious what they outcome will be and you are not one of those diehard fans who watches every second of the game, so you leave.

So I'm skeptical that they were watching the game in several different places, unless that means that each of them watched the game in a different place and they all met up afterward at JW's house from their respective game-watching venues.

But I highly doubt they were together and moving around from place to place watching the game.
Another football fan here (though maybe not as rabid as your crowd). I can't recall EVER watching a game in more than one location; why would I miss a quarter or more driving from TV set to TV set?

Like you, I think that sentence was just bad writing, and meant that the five men at JW's house hadn't all watched the game in the same room. I.e., the five watched the game "in several different places": 2 at one house, 2 at another, the 5th somewhere else.

(BTW, long time no see, Izzy. I hope you have been well!)
I'll let the investigation provide answers and determine if anyone was involved in any foul play. MOO, it was probably most likely fentanyl. It can kill so fast.

JMO, to me it's dangerous to block out that much noise with ear buds and fans blowing. I am very sensitive to noises and sometimes it turns out to be something I should be aware of. Drip, drip, drip... you have a leak. It was a big house so I guess a woman breaking in and screaming loud got blocked out, but it's hard for me to imagine not being more vigilant even in your home, and for days. It's just MOO though, lots of people are different.

<modsnip: quoted post was removed> From a little cursory on line investigation, Fentanyl is not usually mixed with pot. It is a powder that is mixed with street drugs and converted into pill form such as oxycodone or methamphetamines. If it is smoked, it would be in crack cocaine. (Also, there is zero chance of someone dying from breathing exhaled smoke from a user.) So, it is not typically "sprayed" on pot.

These 3 guys would not have been going around to friends houses to smoke a joint. They would have been there to get hard drugs. Feel free to correct me. Thank you.
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From a little cursory on line investigation, Fentanyl is not usually mixed with pot. It is a powder that is mixed with street drugs and converted into pill form such as oxycodone or methamphetamines. If it is smoked, it would be in crack cocaine. (Also, there is zero chance of someone dying from breathing exhaled smoke from a user.) So, it is not typically "sprayed" on pot.

These 3 guys would not have been going around to friends houses to smoke a joint. They would have been there to get hard drugs. Feel free to correct me. Thank you.
Second, the attorney for Willis, the renter of the home, who seems to acknowledge that drugs may have been there, and a father of one of the deceased has "casually" mentioned that drugs have been a part of his son's life (as in "He may have used drugs in the past".) So, these two are saying they would not be suprised if hard drugs were involved.
Rickie Johnson Sr. - the father of one of the deceased - said his son may have done drugs in the past, but didn't believe all three friends took drugs and 'fell over dead in the backyard.'

I think the families just do not want to accept that their loved ones do drugs and would rather place blame on anyone other than the users. We know so little of the dead men. What did they do for a living? What is their educational background? What was their living situation?

This KC FOX 4 news story talked exclusively with the reported 5th friend and his attorney. I highlighted a detail from the interview below which contradicts what JW's attorney has said during interviews that he (JW) escorted the three deceased men to the door and said goodbye to them before going to bed.

The 5th friend says he arrived at the home at 7pm and left just after Midnight. When he left, JW and all 3 deceased men were still up watching tv.

Wow so it seems like this 5th person that was there that night was good enough friends with two of the deceased that the Mom of one and the fiancee of the another knew or were able to get his phone number to call him the next day. This 5th person supposedly left around 12 midnight putting the 3 men and JW watching Jeopardy on tv. That sound pretty mundane and just chilling, seeing who gets the questions right. I've done this with a group of friends or family. I can tell you personally it was good-natured fun and maybe some light competition. Sounds a lot calmer past time than playing most video games. What in world went wrong that night?
his lawyer says he did not leave the residence between the 7th and the 9th
for any reason
Yes but he said previous to that, he was home sporadically.

At first the attorney said, he didn't see them exit the house, now he walked them to the front door when they exited.

And those are just a couple of changes in the story. Why would an attorney's story of things change with so many contradictions?
Strictly a rhetorical question.
This 5th person supposedly left around 12 midnight putting the 3 men and JW watching Jeopardy on tv.

Watching Jeopardy? I thought of an idea - but I don't know if this realistically happens. What if a group of people are playing a drinking game, and someone unknowingly opens a bottle of counterfeit-something. Shots are poured, and everyone does the shot(s) at the same time?
Possible or nah?
According to this news item, Clayton McGeeney was found sitting up in a chair on the patio. So at least he wasn't lying down on the ground. Don't know about the other two deceased. That suggests to me that CM being outside was a voluntary action on his part.
According to this news item, Clayton McGeeney was found sitting up in a chair on the patio. So at least he wasn't lying down on the ground. Don't know about the other two deceased. That suggests to me that CM being outside was a voluntary action on his part.

Respectfully, I don't see that from the article. The relative says only that he was "sitting there." No chair is mentioned. In that region of the country, "sitting there" often just means that the person was there, not necessarily literally sitting.
Misc thoughts:

If the Police thought that fentanyl-laced cannabis was a factor in these deaths I am sure they would have issued a warning to the residents of that city. Within days they would have had the phone records of all involved so by now know exactly how these drugs were obtained. That is if there were drugs involved. The fact that the police have stated that it is 100% not a criminal investigation leads me to believe they know exactly what happened and can prove it.

<modsnip: no source links>
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If the Police thought that fentanyl-laced cannabis was a factor in these deaths I am sure they would have issued a warning to the residents of that city. Within days they would have had the phone records of all involved so by now know exactly how these drugs were obtained. That is if there were drugs involved. The fact that the police have stated that it is 100% not a criminal investigation leads me to believe they know exactly what happened and can prove it.
Good observation. I wish we could finally just know.
Respectfully, I don't see that from the article. The relative says only that he was "sitting there." No chair is mentioned. In that region of the country, "sitting there" often just means that the person was there, not necessarily literally sitting.

Instead, the source in the article explicitly states that his cousin "was frozen to the dirt" for two days.

There is nothing about a chair anywhere in that article that I could find and I searched.

It would make a huge difference to an analysis of what happened.

I can't find it, but in another of these newer articles, a relative of one of the deceased says he was found without his jacket. If anyone remembers which article that was, TIA for pointing us to it. If no one remembers that, please correct me!

Respectfully, I don't see that from the article. The relative says only that he was "sitting there." No chair is mentioned. In that region of the country, "sitting there" often just means that the person was there, not necessarily literally sitting.
True. But without more information we can’t know for sure. It’s entirely possible to die sitting in a chair.
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