MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #11

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I have stated from the start I don't know if OW is quilty of a crime. Some posters have cited statutes giving le authority to shoot @ fleeing felons. Heres what I am having trouble with. If OW did nothing wrong in shooting at MB as he fled, was there a way for MB to surrender in a way that it would not be ok for OW to shoot him? Any thoughts?
If MB would have listened to OW when he told him to get out of the middle of the street...MB would be alive today.
Maybe the protestors should change their strategy and do public fundraising for implementing the cameras in all patrol cars and body cams.

Ellisville, in St. Louis County, just ordered body cams for their entire force. Mayor said $250 for each unit for a total cost of about $7,000. My kid's mouse race fundraiser brought in that much money for a baseball team. I'm not putting the brunt of that on protesters on either side, but I'd think that most people in most communities would be willing to attend a fundraiser if the monies were earmarked solely for body cams. I know I would. What I don't want to do is blindly give more money so they can continue building palaces for police stations and municipal courthouses.
Can someone PLEASE help me out. I'm looking for a link of any kind that says MB was embalmed before Michael Baden did his autopsy. I know it's true but I can't find a link to back it up. And yes---I've looked through the Media thread but still no luck. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Holding my breath---please don't make me turn blue. Tia and more thanks to come.

"Another complicating factor is embalming. Brown's body was embalmed after the first autopsy, which may limit the information discernable from the gunshot wounds, as the colour and texture of the body is altered."
I have said prayers for all involved, I just don't think today was particularly about Michael Brown, at least in terms of the pageantry and sensationalism of his funeral. :(

Nevertheless, yes, I will say a prayer for him, and for his bereaved family.
OT but General Harold Greene was also buried today. He was killed in combat in Afghanistan. The White House did not send any delegates to his funeral and there hasn't been much coverage.


Twitter, Obama and the Gen. Harold Greene funeral hoax

Major General Harold Greene, the first U.S. general to die in combat since Vietnam, was buried in Arlington National Cemetery on Aug. 14. At the time of the funeral, President Obama was on the course at the Vineyard Golf Club in Edgartown, Mass. As the president vacationed, the question of whether he should have attended the funeral set off an occasionally ugly, and certainly instructive, series of events on the Internet.


I was wrong. It turns out Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel did, in fact, attend the Greene funeral, a fact I should have known. Before sending out the tweet, I made a couple of perfunctory checks to see whether Hagel had attended, didn't see him in the news coverage I read and passed on the information without further checking. If I had looked into it just a bit more, I would have seen, for example, a Stars & Stripes article that specifically mentioned Hagel's presence. Once I saw that, I sent out two tweets correcting the mistake. (As for Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, it was true that neither had attended.)
IMO, y'all are saying the same thing.

I agree that Mike probably thought he was home free until OW started backing up.........

Then MB wigged out and although we know the end result, the specifics are still foggy. (MOO)

I wish we had more than dodgy eyewitness accounts to go on. And as far as MSM; geez Louise, one day it's this, the next it's that. (MOO)

BTW, I read a post up thread that OW is in PRISON? How is that possible? He has not been charged with anything, has he? Why would he be in prison?

Sorry if I missed anything, I had a lot of catching up to do.

I read that too, and thought it was a stretch, "prison" "incarcerated", etc but I let it go, because apparently it didn't ruffle any feathers. I believe that he is in hiding and don't know if the girlfriend is too. But I doubt that he is in a "prison". JMHO
And... It begins. Clearly this case is falling apart. I also heard that OW is talking now after his silence
I didn't realize he never filled a report!

"Investigators are grappling with witness statements that include shifting and contradictory stories, and some who appear to be reciting accounts of what they've seen in the media, two law enforcement sources told CNN."

All posts are MOO
Has it occurred to anyone posting today to post a prayer for the deceased Michael Brown? Have some respect please. His family laid a 17 year old son to rest.
I ask for a moment of silence for the repose of his soul.


my humble opinion

I don't think you know whether anyone has or hasn't done so. :rose: Prayer is a personal thing. And i don't think it is disrespectful to continue posting here. We are not out protesting which is what the father asked others not to do tonight.
And... It begins. Clearly this case is falling apart. I also heard that OW is talking now after his silence
I didn't realize he never filled a report!

"Investigators are grappling with witness statements that include shifting and contradictory stories, and some who appear to be reciting accounts of what they've seen in the media, two law enforcement sources told CNN."

All posts are MOO

I bet he was advised NOT to file his report until he spoke with an attorney. That is pretty routine in a police shooting if it is a controversial one.
Supposedly they had some of that new cam equipment but it was till sitting in boxes in the storeroom. :doh:


Dashboard cam videos like this one have often played a role in documenting interactions between law enforcement and citizens. When those interactions go terribly wrong, as was the case in the shooting death of Ferguson, Missouri, teenager Michael Brown, it seems logical to ask: Where is the video?
There is none, Ferguson's police chief said.
Thomas Jackson says his department has 18 patrol cars. This spring, the department purchased two dashboard cameras and two wearable body cameras, but the equipment hasn't been installed because the department doesn't have the money to cover that cost, he said.
A dashcam and installation runs about $3,000, he told CNN
Other than watching the news conference and listening closely to what Chief Belmar said at the time, there's the "fact" that no msm news outlet has quoted Belmar as saying, "The only person to fire the gun was Wilson," including the WaPo article (which iirc you provided at the end of the previous thread as proof of this assertion) who only alluded to his making that claim. Please correct me if I'm mistaken though, as I often am.

WaPo said: There was a struggle over Wilson’s gun, which was fired once inside the car, Belmar said. The only person to fire the gun was Wilson, he said.

WaPo didn't say: "There was a struggle over Wilson's gun, which was fired once inside the car," Belmar said. "The only person to fire the gun was Wilson," he said.

I am not sure if I agree with your conclusion, but good catch. It could be sloppy reporting.
Ellisville, in St. Louis County, just ordered body cams for their entire force. Mayor said $250 for each unit for a total cost of about $7,000. My kid's mouse race fundraiser brought in that much money for a baseball team. I'm not putting the brunt of that on protesters on either side, but I'd think that most people in most communities would be willing to attend a fundraiser if the monies were earmarked solely for body cams. I know I would. What I don't want to do is blindly give more money so they can continue building palaces for police stations and municipal courthouses.

I agree. We had a small local fundraiser here for bulletproof vests for the K-9's. They needed 14k and got it in about 2 days time. I think they could raise that money for Fertguson rather quickly, given the high profile turnout today.
I just saw him on Wolf blitzer tonight. Wolf asked him about the robbery and he said that had nothing to do with his murder. Wolf should have asked about the struggle in the car, but didn't of course.

Then Parks talked about how this officer put no value upon MB's life. Well, how much value did MB put on the officers life?

Hmmm. Wondering how much value MB put on his own life? [Personally, one reason I keep on the right side of the law is I have a healthy love of life and freedom.]

Private Autopsy; Restoring The Peace In Ferguson, Missouri; Two Shot In Ferguson Chaos Overnight

Aired August 18, 2014 - 12:00 ET


I now want to bring in Dr. Jen Garavaglia from Discovery Health Dr. G Medical Examiner program. She's live in Orlando. And also here with me live in New York, criminal defense attorney Midwin Charles and CNN legal analyst Mark O'Mara.

Dr. G, I'd like to beginning with you, if I can. We've just all been learning at the same time what this independent autopsy from Dr. Michael Baden shows us and perhaps doesn't show us. And from your trained eye, I'd like to get your perspective and your thoughts about what information we now know that we didn't know before from what they've given us.

DR. JAN GARAVAGLIA, MEDICAL EXAMINER IN ORANGE-OSCEOLA, FLORIDA: Ooh, from my trained eye, we don't have very -- still don't have very much information, and neither does Dr. Baden. We don't have the pictures. I can't analyze how he's interpreting this wound. He has not seen the x- rays. He's not seen the clothing. He has not seen - oh, the car. So you really can't even start to try to reconstruct this shooting.

You know, justice takes a long time. The medical examiner's independent and the original one that did the autopsy. And I would much rather wait for that independent autopsy with pictures that we can evaluate than I would go on a second autopsy, which is probably why they're doing a third autopsy.

BANFIELD: And I just want to be very clear on what Dr. Baden said if his live news conference because so much depends on what happened in that initial struggle. Dr. Baden said there's no forensic evidence to suggest a struggle occurred, but does that also mean there's no forensic evidence to suggest a struggle didn't occur?

GARAVAGLIA: Right. Most of the time with a struggle, you will see some evidence of close-range firing. But not all the time. And you certainly would need to look at the clothes. You want to make sure that those wounds didn't go through something first that would stop any evidence of close-range firing. And, keep in mind, the body's already been washed and manipulated by the time Dr. Baden has gotten it.

BANFIELD: Actually that was another question I had for you. We're talking about a second autopsy. And there is still to be a third for the federal authorities. How much does a body - and I hate to speak in these terms, but it is critical -- how much does a body get compromised each time an investigator like yourself finishes his or her work?

GARAVAGLIA: Right. The first autopsy is going to be the most critical one to look at, to look at their pictures and to look at the x-ray, because once that -- organs are taken out during the autopsy, it's very difficult to follow the path. The body is washed and then made ready for the funeral. And then Dr. Baden looks at it. So he's got to relook at what the wounds look like originally before he can really make a determination.

If you notice very closely when they stated that there was a federal autopsy would rely on some of the findings of the first autopsy, that's critical. That's what should be done. These take a long time to sort out.


Dr. G made some excellent comments which explains some important points. I highlighted the once which I found the most interesting.

I'm also under the impression that whoever hires an expert like Dr. Baden, that Dr. Baden will then "interpret" his findings in favor of the party who hired him. IMO, certain findings can be interpreted in one way - or the other.
I just saw him on Wolf blitzer tonight. Wolf asked him about the robbery and he said that had nothing to do with his murder. Wolf should have asked about the struggle in the car, but didn't of course.

Then Parks talked about how this officer put no value upon MB's life. Well, how much value did MB put on the officers life?

Or his own.

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