MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #12

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We don't speak ill of the dead. Besides, didn't you know that MB was a gentle giant that was all about Jesus and doing good?!?

It irritates me when people refuse to tell the truth about someone that has died. MB behaved like a (IMO) the day he died. I find it very difficult to believe that that was the first time, the only time, that he ever behaved like a .


We have the video that shows the gentle giant leaving the store, after 'forgetting' to pay for his items, then taking the time to return and help the store owner 'straighten' out his shirt. Perhaps people just don't understand gentle giants.
My understanding is the Black Lawyers for Justice or something like that, filed the 200mil lawsuit against STL r/l the use of tear gas, rubber bullets etc jmo

"We are representing the injured and arrested demonstrators involved in the Michael Brown Case," BLFJ said.

The release said the lawsuit is against St. Louis County, Ferguson Police and the mayor of Ferguson.
I agree. Something to consider is CNN was in possession of this video for a week before it released it to the public (according to reports) which means that the FBI was aware of it for just as long if not longer, i.e. the FBI has had more than enough time to verify if the recording is authentic.

There is no need for an extensive analysis of the recording. It is reported that the recording was captured using a smart phone app called "Glide" which stores the video clips "to the cloud" i.e. a server operated by "Glide". The server logs will have an accurate time stamp showing when the recording was made. If this time stamp aligns with the time of the shooting there can be no doubt about the authenticity of this recording.

If in fact this is a fake recording the FBI would have determined this by now - IMO - and they would have arrested the person who made the recording (and I don't think they would be shy about announcing such an arrest - we would have heard about it by now).


Catching up from last night...

BBM, I haven't heard this?
My understanding is the Black Lawyers for Justice or something like that, filed the 200mil lawsuit against STL r/l the use of tear gas, rubber bullets etc jmo

"We are representing the injured and arrested demonstrators involved in the Michael Brown Case," BLFJ said.

The release said the lawsuit is against St. Louis County, Ferguson Police and the mayor of Ferguson.

Any word on who's filing a class action law suit against the protesters for the property and businesses they destroyed or for the cost of enforcement to babysit them because of their violent behavior?
I'm about 10 pages back so I don't know if this has been touched on, but one of the probs with the legalization and/or decriminalization of pot is that it or its metabolites remain in the system for so long. making it difficult to determine whether one is currently under the influence or recently under the influence. and there are so many different varieties and strengths available which make accurate testing very difficult. like, did you smoke Maui Wowee 10 days ago or some skunk night before last or some home grown this morning? the levels can't be positively linked to a particular ingestion. you can partake every day for, let's say, a year and then quit and still test positive for at least 30 days, or maybe longer

so, testing positive does not necessarily mean that MB was buzzed at the time of the event

I had wondered about that b/c I'm aware that unlike most other drugs it stays in your system much longer. (Your Maui woowee reference :lol:)

In this case I'm thinking they may pick up on the other substances that kids combine with pot, because local investigators would be aware of how prevalent those other substances are in the community. idk possible? And if they do it probably helps to "time stamp" the ingestion of the pot.

Just thinking out loud :)
I'm wondering about that audio tape. Why were the Brown attorneys so eager to talk to CNN about it's release to the media. They were interviewed as this was a huge case solver. Now, the next day they're all backpedaling, including CNN saying that it might be a hoax. Even DJ said he didn't believe it's real. What happened that changed their minds?

Wait, what??? Another thing I didn't hear even though I'm reading from where I left off last night :confused:
Lopa Blumenthal, attorney who provided audio tape of shots to CNN, is now demanding "redress" for yesterday's show w/experts suggesting it might be a "hoax"....

"“I’m not going to sit back and take this,” she says. “This is affecting my community — people are discussing it. My business exists on the work that I do, which means nothing if people think that I have no integrity.”

Isn't she the legal eagle who said the person recording didn't realize the 'import' (guess her fancy way of saying of critical importance) of the audio until weeks after?
I feel like this is Scooby Doo and this Lopa will pull off a mask with Jose Baez underneath.
I 100% agree. No juvie record=no lawsuit. So, imo, there must be a juvie record, and I think there might be some substantial charges in that record.

Hi there my friend!

It sure will be interesting if the juvenile records are released especially since MBs mom said he had no juvenile record at all. But then we were also told MB was just a gentle giant too.:)
Thanks cady, I understand :)

I'm still curious as to why this audio tape was so HUGE that the Brown attorneys were all over it like it was the answer to their prayers? As if this audio was going to prove OW's guilt. I watched them on tv when this breaking news came out on CNN and they were almost foaming at the mouth with excitement. THEN, all of a sudden a complete 180??

Why aren't the Brown attorneys still happy about this audio tape? I watched, I think it was Parks? and DJ, on a talk show stating that they think that this audio doesn't mean much. CNN stating it might be a hoax.

I dunno, I think it's really really strange.

I can't know what is in Parks' mind, but he has belted out" excited utterances" throughout this ordeal! I really doubt that the FBI has allowed him to listen to the whole he hasn't heard any more than we have. Maybe he is worried that it is a hoax for the same reason as the CNN experts stated.........and because FBI has neither confirmed nor denied it's authenticity. He is not a prosecutor in this case and he is not privy to GJ evidence. ???? Just a guess. JMO
I wish someone would ask her why she didn't just turn over the tape to the FBI. What was her purpose in giving it to CNN in the first place? Just curious---did CNN pay her for the tape?

B/c " “...people are discussing it. My business exists on the work that I do, which means nothing if people think that I have no integrity.”

Translation, "I want to help add to the outrage people feel, and getting in on the bucks that can be made"

Lopa Blumenthal, attorney who provided audio tape of shots to CNN, is now demanding "redress" for yesterday's show w/experts suggesting it might be a "hoax"....

"“I’m not going to sit back and take this,” she says. “This is affecting my community — people are discussing it. My business exists on the work that I do, which means nothing if people think that I have no integrity.”

What in the world did she expect might happen? She should have been smart enough to know that turning it over to the media would cause it to be discussed, and not necessarily favorably.
I think this comes from you being a compassionate person and trying to empathize with those you see as different from yourself, and we need more people in our country willing to look at the experiences of others and not just assume they know what those experiences are.

I do want to point out that sometimes (not saying you to be clear) but I have experienced that white people who grew up in affluent or middle class families have a very different view of what it is like to be white, and they tend to assume that the way they experienced whiteness is THE white experience. In 1969, my parents became the first generation in our family to attend high school. They actually graduated, but just attending was a step up. My mom grew up in projects, condemned buildings, and sometimes homeless. If her younger siblings went too long without food, she stole it. She's not proud of that, but has no regrets either. Her mom worked, but with no education there wasn't a whole lot of money to be made for a woman in those days, let alone now. Her dad was sometimes in jail or prison or mental institutions, it was a lot better when he wasn't around beating people up. My aunts and uncles more or less raised each other. My mom never went to a store and bought shoes or a shirt new. She'd never had a pizza. When she got her first job there were a lot of things she had to learn about how people lived in the "normal" world.

Not all of our dads painted the line. Some of our parents were just as invisible to the line-painters as black or brown people, and obviously still are. My family's experiences with education and poverty and abuse and addiction and everything else definitely influence my perceptions. My aunts and uncles found their way out of poverty. The ones who were older and/or stronger pulled up the younger and weaker ones. They taught each other skills that they learned in the "normal" world. I want that for everyone. So while I acknowledge that the mistrust exists, I also think that real solutions for people living in communities awash in poverty and violence have to include using education to make sure that mistrust doesn't fester into inwardly-directed hatred (hopelessness, despair, addiction, etc.), or outwardly directed hatred (racism, violence, etc.). Yet, the opposite seems to be going on here. People are using this existing "mistrust" for their own benefit, and to the detriment of all the MB's in Ferguson and elsewhere. For money, for ratings, for votes, for venting personal prejudices, for advancing careers and political causes. It's sickening.

:goodpost::cheers::loveyou: BEST POST EVER!!!
I'm going to alert on my own post, just fyi y'all...

I can't remember if it was Crump or Parks who used weird phrasing that made it seem like MB may have been in some trouble as a youth. Anyone remember the quote I'm talking about? The same day I saw that quote I read a NYT article where MB's mom said he was never in trouble with the police as a youth. I'm not sure if those are her exact words, but it sounded like a pretty definite statement and seemed to contradict CrumpOrParks. I didn't look to see if one was from an earlier day than the other but the conflict seemed odd.

I have no problem talking about how their two statements conflict. I'm just wondering about this other stuff. Right now this guy is suing to get records that may or may not exist. I think if we find that they exist they should be fair game. I think however that until then, I'm not sure how far we can go to speculate or if we even should KWIM? So I'm going to ask our mods for some guidance here if y'all don't mind.

I am not a lawyer but I think that the juvie records are not an issue for the GJ to sort out. If this goes to trial, the prosecution will be State vs DW. The State would not introduce priors of MB. If the State introduced CHARACTER evidence of DW, the door would be open for the Defense (of DW) to bring in character evidence of MB. I believe that's how it works, as to admissible evidence. Any lawyers here? JMO
(Unrelated )MO arrest citation last month uses updated use of force language:

Hindsight is 20/20. It's not how reasonable/unreasonable we find Ofc. Wilson's actions. It's whether it's reasonable to believe he felt he had to shoot as he did. jmo

The fact that Renhquist specifically states that an incident can't be judged with 20/20 hindsight is a key component of his ruling, and something a whole heck of a lotta people want to sweep under the rug. JMO
Unfortunately those soapbox posts lead to political discussions and in some cases are considered such. Please stay on topic and discuss this case only.

There are other venues for political discussions.
B/c " “...people are discussing it. My business exists on the work that I do, which means nothing if people think that I have no integrity.”

Translation, "I want to help add to the outrage people feel, and getting in on the bucks that can be made"


:gasp: Say it ain't so!
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