MO - Grief & protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #4

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What the heck is that thing??? That looks nothing like the autopsy diagram that was released.

Where did this fake thing come from?

It hasn't even been 24 hours and already someone has produced a fake.

Don't the TRUE FACTS matter to people anymore? SMH

y'all make such a big stink, that image from photobucket is just showing the possibility of those shots in his arms/head/eye socket could have come as Mike Browns hands were raised.

Just showing a different side. you don't have to use that as a reference, you don't even have to look at it..but there is a distinct possibility it went that way, that also is what the Baden and his assistant mentions as well..quite possible...
What the heck is that thing??? That looks nothing like the autopsy diagram that was released.

Where did this fake thing come from?

It hasn't even been 24 hours and already someone has produced a fake.

Don't the TRUE FACTS matter to people anymore? SMH

While it is not a real redition it is showing the bullet holes and how they would align if the hands were up.. I don't know if that is absolutely correct but it does go with what Baden said this morning along with another ME that was on the news this morning.
What the heck is that thing??? That looks nothing like the autopsy diagram that was released.

Where did this fake thing come from?

It hasn't even been 24 hours and already someone has produced a fake.

Don't the TRUE FACTS matter to people anymore? SMH

All it does is show the arms in a different anatomical position and it is an arm position that is possible. Agree it is not the autopsy diagram, because anatomical position in universal on those diagrams. I wouldn't say the repositioning of the arms is a fake.
St. Louis County PD ‏@stlcountypd 3m
The Affton Southwest Precinct would like to say thank you to all the local businesses and residents we serve. The...

The Affton Southwest Precinct would like to say thank you to all the local businesses and residents we serve. The tremendous outpouring of support for the St. Louis County Police Department and specifically the men and women of the Affton Southwest Precinct during this time is invaluable to the moral of the officers. All the officers have been working 12 hour shifts, and sometimes more, with no days off since the Ferguson incident. These acts of gratitude do not go unnoticed. They bolster the officers morale and remind them why we chose this profession, to help serve the upstanding citizens of the community in which we serve. Thank You!!!!
That is NOT what was said. It's said it "could have". However, the totality of the evidence shows that is not the case.

it shows no such thing, it cannot be definitively said from the evidence at this time whether that shot came from the front or the back.

we can all have our opinions, but it cannot be proven at this time. if ever.
I finally found the post I mentioned earlier. Post #430 at 5:21 PM Sunday 8-17-2014 Grief and protests follow shooting of teen Michael Brown #3
It my opinion, the MB family attorney was trying to prepare the protestors for the autopsy report. Just my opinion.


Yes he did, and I heard him (or a different atty there in Ferguson- not sure) say the same thing yesterday too. Made me stop and take notice when I heard it, but I heard Crump say that today too. There must be something either in his past they know is coming out or something in toxicology or autopsy like you said, imo. They are gearing up for something seems like. But really, the only thing that matters is what happened during the shooting imo. That info isn't out yet but already many have tried and convicted Wilson of murder. To many, there's no need for all the details, that's sad.

Quote Originally Posted by katydid23 View Post
I just heard Mr Crump say something VERY interesting to the crowd, while standing with MB's parents at the rally.

I'd like to see it gain, but he said, almost in a warning tone, to the crowd:

" Now YOU all are going to hear some talk about young Michael Brown in the next few days...and do not let it distract us from the truth/...."

I am paraphrasing, but that is the essence. It sounded to me like he was warning folks about another shoe about to be dropped. Maybe the tox results or the autopsy?
Can't watch right now, but STILL no mention of the tox screen?

Am I correct that not a single word has been spoken about the prelim tox results?

If so, that speaks volumes, IMO. If it was negative, they would say so. At a minimum, there are blood alcohol results. As well as stomach contents.

If you watch the presser this morning with Dr, he starts to speak hypothetically about cocaine & tox everyone behind him. Their body language and desire to wrap it up was odd. IMO

Have you ever seen lawyers chose mbers of the press to answer the questions for an expert before?


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Anyone have a link to Black Canseco's audio/video? Thanks
Did the feds know it was going to be released? I thought the feds said it after it was done that they didn't approve and wouldn't have.
That makes no sense if it's a downward projectory...

I think what she's trying to say is that the wounds, and the estimated distance make it nearly impossible that Wilson shot him when he was down. A downward trajectory requires close proximity, and it doesn't appear to have been the case. The Prof. Says "at least 2 feet," while Baden stated, "could have been up to 30 feet."
This may be slightly off topic but I believe it was Winston Churchill who said "to jaw-jaw is better to war-war", it just saddens me at such a point in our society we still war-war. Words are mightier than any other tool we have, and the violence that still shows it self shows a lack of forward movement for us as people. (I don't want anyone to take this as me saying the cop was wrong, as of right now I feel he was very justified, and I feel anyone who defends themselves is justified). It just breaks my heart that when chit hits the fan, we as a collective group of people on this planet, cannot seem to reach for our best weapon. Also, I know nothing of Winston Churchill as a political figure, I'm a science geek and history has always been the lagging portion of my education.
y'all make such a big stink, that image from photobucket is just showing the possibility of those shots in his arms/head/eye socket could have come as Mike Browns hands were raised.

Just showing a different side. you don't have to use that as a reference, you don't even have to look at it..but there is a distinct possibility it went that way, that also is what the Baden and his assistant mentions as well..quite possible...

We don't like to bring 'fake' autopsy diagrams over here because it easily causes misunderstandings. I looked at these briefly and thought they were the official ones and was confused cuz they didnt look as I had remembered them at all.
All it does is show the arms in a different anatomical position and it is an arm position that is possible. Agree it is not the autopsy diagram, because anatomical position in universal on those diagrams. I wouldn't say the repositioning of the arms is a fake.
Umm then it is not in the anatomical position.
BBM- I believe it does. Had officer Wilson wanted to kill Brown, he could have delivered the fatal blow during the first or second shot. The gun shots in the arm area prove to me, Wilson did attempt to try and stop Brown without fatally injuring him. The gun shots to the head tell a story as well. IMO

I disagree.
I think he simply missed center mass target.


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I have to respectfully disagree Scarlett...I saw the same broadcast with Dr. Baden that you did but I heard and saw it differently....always interesting that we can all see and hear something but see and hear it differently,lol.
The supposed witness Piaget (sp?) was just interviewed on CNN. She's a little miffed Chief Jackson didn't release her video right away. She wanted us to know Officer Wilson was pacing back and forth and what he was thinking. Yet, he was standing right there with another officer, not pacing. She claims she saw Wilson and Brown struggle at the car at the start of the confrontation, went to get her camera and that took 30 seconds. Clearly, she really saw nuthin go down. All her video was just of a body in the street. She reminds me of the witness in the Cooper Harris case who editorialized in his testimony at a hearing about what Ross Harris did and felt and the Judge told him to knock it off.

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